book reviews

My Review of Practical FLR: Lessons For a Female Led Relationship by J.M. Scott

I review male chastity devices on this site, not books. But recently I picked up the book, Practical FLR: Lessons For a Female Led Relationship by J.M. Scott and found it so full of useful information I decided to post a book review here. This book answers many of the questions both men and women have about FLRs. But much of the information the author shares is just as applicable to relationships that include male chastity, whether or not the relationships are formal FLRs.

Practical FLR

Lessons For A Female Led Relationship


Note: The above is the Amazon link, but you can also get this book from most other booksellers. Available in print and as an eBook.

A sharp, engaging look at female led relationships – what they are, how they work, how to start one, and why they work better than the traditional patriarchal model.



Author J.M. Scott takes readers on an exploration of female led relationships using 35 practical lessons that introduce even total beginners to this alternative relationship dynamic and how an FLR can fan the sparks of any relationship into flames burning with greater intimacy and passion.

Many of the books I’ve read about female led relationships are all written almost exclusively from the female point of view. But Scott’s practical approach applies equally to both women and men. Whether you are a woman looking to better understand submissive men and to learn how to be more assertive in your relationship, or a submissive guy who can’t figure out how to tell your partner about your submissive desires, J.M. Scott has it all covered.

I think this is a groundbreaking booking for many reasons. It wipes away many of the taboos and misconceptions people have about female led relationships, allowing the reader to views FLRs in a completely new light. Had I known ten years ago what I learned from reading this book, I’m sure I could have avoided many unhappy relationships that ended in failure and might today be part of a loving, female led relationship.

While this is the most comprehensive look at female led relationships I’ve read, Scott breaks it all down into concise, easily understood, useful lessons that will help women and men understand how an FLR can transform both new and existing relationships into the best relationships they can be.

What I liked best about this book is that everything J.M. Scott tells the reader about female led relationships is just as applicable to couples who practice male chastity in their relationships but who aren’t in formal FLRs. “The Submissive Male” lesson is one example. Just as a guy who desires chastity often finds it difficult to talk to his partner about it, a submissive man finds it hard to express his submissive desires to his partner out of fear she will misunderstand and think him weak or that he wants to be a sissy who wears women’s clothes. The advice Scott offers to women and men in this lesson on how to dismiss preconceptions and have an intelligent, thoughtful discussion about male submission equally applies to conversations about male chastity.

Another thing I liked about the book is that the author notes female led relationships work just as well for vanilla folks as kinky folks. They can involve D/s, but they don’t have to unless that’s what the partners want. A woman needn’t be naturally dominant to take the leadership role in the relationship, just willing and assertive enough to take control in the areas she is interested in taking charge of. Also, a man needn’t be submissive to enjoy and find value in following his partner’s lead.

I think every man should read this book, especially submissive men. Even if you don’t feel any interest in being part of a female led relationship, this book might just change your mind and motivate you to pass this book on to your partner. Also, I believe all women would benefit from reading this book. Many women might discover a core of dominance they didn’t even know they have. This is literally the most informative and potentially transformative book I’ve read about female led relationships.

J.M. Scott. Independently Published, $16.95.  (160p) ISBN 978-1-999-52300-8

Disclaimer: I purchased this book with my own money. This review contains my own, honest opinions and I have no affiliation with the author.