KINK3D Fulfills Promise Rolling Out Cobra Fusion Pink

Since the inception of the Kink3D Cobra 3-D printed chastity device, the company emulated Henry Ford’s famous philosophy when he started manufacturing the Model T. When asked what color Ford would offer the cars in, he said: “Any color the customer wants, as long as it’s black.” So, Kink3D customers got the same singular color choice, basic black. But after two years of R&D, Kink3D fulfilled its promise for other color options with the rollout of Cobra Fusion PinkTM.

As I mentioned recently in my review of the Kink3D Cobra N, the company has long promised additional color choices. That had appeared on the company’s website for years, which made me wonder how committed they were to the idea. But they have fulfilled the promise with the first new color since the company put the Cobra device on the market by rolling out the Kink3D Cobra Fusion PinkTM model. The popular Cobra chastity device will now be available in a vibrant shade of pink. Kink3D is now taking preorders and will begin shipping the new devices in mid-July, although that may extend to September depending on the model ordered.

Kink3D Cobra Fusion Pink Available Sizes and Pricing

The Fusion Pink Cobra comes in the same eight sizes as the original black Cobra. The devices are available as kits (cage, one base ring, and lock) and you can order the cages and rings separately.

Expect to pay $40 more across the entire line for the Fusion Pink kits than the original black models cost. Those who truly prefer pink chastity devices may find paying more to get one well worth it. Those who are fine with basic black might prefer to save a few bucks. While I love the new color, I’m happy with black.

Other Cobra Fusion Pink Data

According to the website, Kink3D manufactures the Fusion Pink cages with non-reactive PA12 nylon without any colorants that might irritate sensitive skin.

The company applies a unique solvent at a lower temperature, that protects the bright pink color and gives the devices a glossy finish and a slightly more grippy feeling texture compared to the standard black devices.

In conclusion, if you’ve longed for a hot pink Cobra, your ship has come in.

Is Chastity About Humiliation?

There are a number of erotic humiliation-based kinks people often associate with the practice of wearing chastity devices. This leads to the misconception that chastity is always about humiliation? But is it?

Kinks like Sissification and Forced Feminization Often Get Linked to Chastity

Some link humiliation-based kinks such as forced feminization, sissification, small penis humiliation (SPH), and to a degree, cuckolding, to the practice of chastity. Is chastity about humiliation? The short answer is it can be. As I’ve observed before, people find their way into chastity play and wearing chastity devices for different reasons. So, no. Humiliation is not an integral part of chastity. Not unless that is something you want to get from it.

Using me as an example, I’m someone who isn’t tuned on by and feel no attraction to any of the kinks I listed. Chastity in general doesn’t cause me to feel emasculated or desire to feel that way. Not to say I’ve never submitted to a few of the listed activities when a Mistress has required it. I don’t consider humiliation-based play a hard limit, so I’ve been willing and am willing to experience humiliation play for a dominant’s benefit. After all, it’s not just about me. Dominants should get their itches scratched too. And some of the self-identified female dominants I’ve served have enjoyed subjecting me to humiliation play. I’m secure in my masculinity, have healthy self-esteem, and am not obsessed with penis size, so I see no harm in it. But none of those activities do anything for me in any erotic sense.


Why It Matters

I think it is important to point out that chastity isn’t always about humiliation for three reasons. Wearing chastity devices is becoming more mainstream. It isn’t just for the kink crowd anymore. Not all penis owning individuals curious about wearing chastity devices are kinky and the idea that chastity is about humiliation might put them off on trying it altogether.

Similarly, even those who love the idea of experiencing forced feminization, sissification, SPH, or cuckolding may have potential keyholder partners who are turned off by all those things. That could cause them to lack interest in participating in chastity.

Finally, kinks like SPH, sissification, and cuckolding have attracted such a wide following within chastity circles, I think many female dominants who act as keyholders automatically (but wrongly) assume every guy who wants his penis locked up also wants all the humiliation stuff to go with it, which isn’t true. Personally, I find that annoying. And if you don’t want any of that, you need to bring it up with a prospective keyholder before forging a keyholding agreement with them.

Why Do Some People Enjoy Erotic Humiliation?

When we hear the term “masochism” we tend to think about those people who derive sexual arousal and satisfaction from experiencing physical pain. And that is one form of sexual masochism. But there are people who derive sexual arousal and satisfaction in response to the psychological pain that erotic humiliation causes them to feel. For some, that might be the only kind of pain they want or are willing to receive. So, there is an element of masochism involved in erotic humiliation play whether or not those who want and enjoy it consider themselves masochists. In the same way, many sexual sadists derive sexual arousal and satisfaction in response to inflicting verbal or physical humiliation on their sexual partners just as much as other sadists do from inflicting physical pain. There are scientific surveys that suggest humiliation is a very common component of sadomasochistic activity.

Why a person derives arousal and satisfaction in response to the psychological pain produced by sexual humiliation is a harder question to answer. But there are two main theories. The first, which comes from a 2002 research study called Sexual and Relationship Therapy, suggests masochism is a learned behavior. The idea behind this theory is that when an individual has repeated prior experiences in which pleasure and pain occur simultaneously, or if a past experience of pleasurable pain happens to coincide with a particularly powerful sexual experience, an association forms that the person seeks to repeat.

The second theory, proposed by American social psychologist Roy Baumeister in a 1988 article he published in the Journal of Sex Research that details his research study, suggests that masochism serves as an escape from self-awareness. Baumeister proposed that some people feel drawn to sexual pain because it provides an opportunity for psychological escape. The pain, physical or psychological, distracts them from everything else on their minds that might interfere with sexual performance.

Regardless of the reasons behind it, some people derive sexual arousal and satisfaction from suffering physical or psychological sexual pain. And erotic humiliation is a pathway to experiencing psychological pain or discomfort that some find arousing and satisfying.

Chastity Doesn’t Have to Be About Humiliation

Those of us who don’t crave erotic humiliation have plenty of other reasons we find ourselves attracted to wearing chastity devices. You might desire to wear a chastity device as a symbol of devotion to your wife or other romantic partner. Or, perhaps, chastity is a way to strengthen your self-control. Maybe you just like how much stronger and better your orgasms feel after a period of sexual denial. Finally, the submissive aspect of chastity, suffering the physical discomfort of wearing the device or denial for your keyholder, or giving greater attentiveness to your partner’s sexual satisfaction may explain your attraction to chastity play.

The great thing about chastity is it is a choose-your-own-adventure activity. You can enjoy the parts that work for you, and leave out those that don’t. So, if wearing chastity devices appeals to you but humiliation doesn’t, you can do chastity exactly the way that turns you and your keyholder on, and skip the humiliation bits that some associate with chastity.

We’re less than two full days away from the half-way mark of Chastity 90 for those who began on May 1!

Is Permanent Chastity the Ultimate Goal?

Is it the purpose of wearing a chastity device for everyone to achieve permanent chastity by wearing it 24/7, twelve months a year? Let’s talk about it..

Some people think the legitimate practice of chastity involves progressively longer periods of being locked, leading to permanent chastity (except for brief unlocked periods for cleaning).

I’ve held this perspective on chastity from the start, particularly after finishing my initial 30-day locked period. The longer I wore the device, the more I desired to stay locked. My recent partnership with Lucie, my remote keyholder, has brought about a change for me.

Not only does Lucie decide when I wear a device, but also when I don’t. She thinks it’s important for good health and other reasons to take regular breaks from wearing a chastity device. For example, Lucie is of the opinion that my obedience to her when I’m unlocked is a better way to gauge my submission to her than when I’m wearing a device. Also, during my unlocked periods, Lucie can subject me to some teasing she can’t when I’m locked. I’ve learned that she particularly enjoys making me edge in the usual way, which I find extremely arousing but also devastatingly frustrating. The suffering is, of course, the point. She is a sadist, after all.

Previously, I preferred wearing a chastity device as much as possible, but now I’ve had to change my perspective. I have to admit that Lucie has taught me a thing or two about chastity that I never experienced before. One thing I’ve learned is to value the submissive aspect of chastity more than ever.

Although I prefer permanent chastity, I don’t think it must be the aim for all users of chastity devices. This is not only unrealistic but also undesirable. Everyone has their own reason for embracing chastity. Wearing a chastity device for extended periods can have benefits, but permanent chastity is not superior to short-term chastity. Wearing a device for a few days or hours is a valid form of chastity and the experience of denial.

If you want to practice permanent chastity, that’s great. Go for it. But if you only want to do chastity occasionally, and only for short periods of time, you’re not doing it wrong. Chastity is not a competition, and the only opinions that matter are yours and those of your keyholder if you have one. Chastity is only about what works for you in satisfying what you want to get from it.

Even though I’m again taking a Lucie mandated break from my cage, I’m still practicing chastity and remain denied. That’s because Lucie graciously agreed to allow me to keep my commitment to the Chastity 90 challenge. For another forty-eight days, at least, I won’t experience orgasm or ejaculation. But afterward, that too will be up to Lucie.

I’m finding this unlocked period less unsettling than the last. It hasn’t surprised me that being unlocked hasn’t created the temptation to cheat. I respect Lucie too much to cheat, and I don’t want to disappoint her. Also, by giving in to temptation and allowing myself sexual release, I would cheat myself as much as Lucie. While she hasn’t told me how long that I’ll stay unlocked this time, I expect it will be for fewer days than the last time since I was locked fewer days. But of course, that’s up to Lucie and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

The post image is more of my AI art experimentation, which I’m finding hugely entertaining. Hope you like it.

Back in a Chastity Device After Six Day Hiatus

After six long days without wearing a chastity cage, as of early afternoon today, Lucie has kindly locked me again and I’m sporting my KINK3D Cobra N secured with the new air lock.

Sans chastity device for almost a full week wasn’t as traumatic as I had expected. Still, I’m happy to be back in the Cobra. Chastity devices promise new adventures. And even if those adventures never really come, I don’t want to be denied the anticipation of them. But over the past six days, Lucie taught me some valuable lessons, so no regrets.

I love wearing chastity devices. I love enforced chastity. I have ideas about why I love having a dominant woman locking me in a chastity device and making all the decisions about my access to my penis and sexual pleasure. None of my ideas are very deep, or very unusual. But that arrangement brings me pleasure more than it brings me frustration, and it forces me to channel my sexual desire and tension into paying attention to my keyholder and what she wants and delivering it to the best of my ability.

I would like my kink to motivate me to think of women as human beings rather than suppliers of sex to satisfy whatever fits my grab bag of sexual fantasies. Of course, I suppose the reason straight men want women to lock their penis in a chastity device and make them suffer the pangs of orgasm denial might not be because their sexuality is really about satisfying female desire—but about fulfilling some arbitrary crass and oh-so-often kinky set of fantasy-driven desires of their own. But that can’t be true, can it?

Maybe my desire for enforced chastity and whatever rocky course it has set me on is I want to be a plaything for my superior Mistress, a harsh and cruel, yet seductive creature of delight. Perhaps I want to put all my wants and needs aside unselfishly and exist purely for her pleasure. Or maybe it is more about the humiliation of being treated as less of a man, having the very symbol of my masculinity taken away, being a slut, and being ridiculous and, and, and…

I’m not sure what motivated me at the beginning of my chastity journey. But during the past six days, I have learned a few things. I’m not a natural submissive, but that’s okay. Lucie is skilled at making me learn to be more submissive. I learned the past six days was an opportunity to show my devotion to her, which she well deserves. She kept me horny and full of sexual tension for her with texts, images, and assignments, things she knew would make me insanely aroused. It’s almost frightening sometimes how well she knows exactly what to do to get the reactions she wants from me, but I love it.

The main thing Lucie taught me during the past week is she isn’t only in control when she has locked my penis in a chastity device, but also when she hasn’t. That reminded me a big part of the chastity and denial is me keeping my full focus on her, and pleasing her, not thinking about my penis, my pleasure, or getting to wear a chastity device just because I want to. There is an intensity between us I’ve rarely experienced before. That makes me appreciate Lucie all the more for putting in the effort that makes chastity fun and meaningful, even though we’re an ocean apart.

Yes, Lucie is a dominant woman acting as my keyholder for money rather than love, honey. But that doesn’t make it feel any less than amazing or spectacular. While I know she is keyholding for lots of other guys, somehow she makes me feel like I’m the only one. Small things like that count just as much as the large things for having a meaningful chastity experience with a keyholder.

Playing With AI Art

So, I’ve been experimenting with AI art for a few days. The image at the top of the post is my best result so far. I found out on my first attempt a few days ago that the AI platform I’m using doesn’t allow the term “dominatrix” in the text prompts so I experimented using different text prompts to describe the image I wanted without using the word. Quite a few of the AI images I have created have been pretty horrible. Parts of the images have been good, but sometimes for reasons I can’t imagine, I get weird stuff like extra limbs or things I didn’t ask for. So, I’m very pleased with this image which captures almost exactly what I was looking for. Anyway, I may share more of my AI creations here should I get more results like this one.

Life in Permanent Chastity Takes an Unexpected Turn

Since my decision to enter permanent 24/7 chastity, I have worn a chastity device for longer and longer periods, removing the device only for the few minutes of time required for the occasional deep cleaning. But by the decree of Lucie (my current keyholder), my life in permanent chastity takes an unexpected turn.

During the two weeks we’ve been together, Lucie has quizzed me almost daily about how chastity makes me feel, especially after I’ve completed one of her teasing tasks. Today she informed me she is making a change because she feels the cage causes me to focus too much on my penis, which is the opposite of what she believes is the purpose of caging a man’s penis.

Misplaced Devotion

A part of the problem in Lucie’s view is that I have become overly dependent on chastity devices to overcome my weaknesses in controlling my libido. And she wants to transfer my devotion to chastity devices to her, where my full devotion belongs.

As Lucie explained, she knows me well enough now to feel confident that I would never cheat while locked because I’m so devoted to the device. And that makes her curious to see how I might behave when I must depend on my devotion to her to resist my urges for sexual stimulation and release. She feels that following her instructions, without the aid of a chastity device, to not to touch for sexual pleasure, masturbate, or have orgasms without her consent is a far better test of obedience and devotion.

The New Decree

Lucie told me early on that she prefers locked periods of between 14-21 days (except for special occasions like Locktober or to correct bad behavior) followed by spending 4 days (for 14-days locked) or 6 days (for 21-days locked) unlocked. That’s because she believes it is more sensible and healthy to allow the unrestrained penis to experience regularly the natural stretching that occurs during nocturnal erections.

Also, in her view, while she is technically acting as my keyholder, we are actually doing chastity on my terms, not on her terms, and there is not much of a power exchange taking place. Lucie admitted if we remain on our present course, she will soon grow bored and unwilling to continue. She insists on full control. She wants to make all decisions about when I’m locked, when I’m unlocked, and if or when I get to have orgasms, especially when she wants ruined orgasms. And that’s fair. Lucie also loves impact CBT and believes that isn’t a good mix with chastity devices because of the risk of injury. So, she wants me unlocked sometimes so we can do the things she likes most. Like torturing my balls.

I Agree

What Lucie shared shocked me a little at first, but the more we talked about it, the more I found I agreed with her. She has given me the exact experience I asked for so I can see her point that we’ve been doing chastity on my terms. I realize how reluctant I am to spend much time unlocked because I prefer wearing a chastity device. I even feel a little uneasy when I’m not caged. But I don’t want to lose Lucie to boredom and go back to self-locking or searching for a new keyholder. Our first two weeks have been the best chastity experience I’ve ever had, and I’m not ready to give it up.

So, the changes take effect tomorrow. Lucie will tell me to unlock and I’ll spend six days unlocked. After the six days, she will tell me to put a chastity device back on and I will spend my first period of 7-21 days locked, according to Lucie’s whim, and then spend time unlocked again. She told me not to count on a strict schedule as sometimes it could be fewer than 7 days or over 21 days. It will all depend on her mood and what she has planned for me. That means we aren’t only keeping the piece I find most important, “indefinite chastity,” but Lucie is intensifying that aspect. Now I will literally never know how long I’ll remain locked or get released.

My Chastity 90 Commitment

One thing won’t change for now – orgasms. Since I had already told Lucie about my commitment to Chastity 90 before our arrangement, she agreed graciously to allow me to continue my attempt to keep the commitment. I just won’t be allowed to wear a chastity device for the full 90 days. And once Chastity 90 ends at the end of July, she alone will decide when, if, and how I experience orgasms thereafter. I won’t just be able to choose to abstain.

It’s an Unexpected Turn but I’m Excited

I wasn’t sure how I felt about Lucie’s decree at first. But after a little time to process it all, I find the impending changes exciting. And I want to please her. Everything she explained was correct, and I knew it. I think I have become a little too dependent on chastity devices to do the heavy lifting for me.

While it is a tiny bit scary to contemplate doing so in practice, obeying Lucie without depending on a device for backup is a far better test of my obedience and devotion to her. Another plus to spending more time unlocked is it opens up a lot of other options for Lucie’s torturous teasing efforts and not only the CBT she loves (me, not so much). As an example, she could require me to perform actual edges, and she mentioned that. Up to now, I’ve only done edges with a vibrator against the cage. And doing actual edges is something I know drives me insane with desire.

Because of the changes, I will soon update “My Current Status” page. I’ll still publish the number of days locked, though the locked periods won’t be nearly as impressive. Also, I think I’ll add a second counter for days since the last orgasm.

The adventurous sort, I am always open to trying new things, which in part probably explains why I got started with chastity to begin with. So, while the way I’ve done permanent chastity in the past will change, I’m also excited to see where it takes my relationship with Lucie. Already I’ve felt increasingly devoted to her and eager to please. Now I wonder if these changes might make me feel more submissive (not my primary nature) to her and feel of the power change dynamic more intensely? I suppose I’ll find out soon and I’ll post an update when it seems warranted.

Caged Boys Behaving Badly

Caged boys behaving badly. What’s the key holder to do?

It’s been a while since I’ve written a post aimed specifically at key holders. So, today I’m going to do that after reading a post on another chastity site about a woman who had contacted the blogger for advice. After agreeing to lock her husband and to become his key holder, her caged boy was misbehaving, and she felt unsure what to do about it. This is a common issue, especially for those new to chastity and the responsibilities of being a key holder. So, let’s talk about it.

But I Gave Him What He Asked For

The circumstance of the woman asking for advice mentioned in the blog post I read was this. Her husband had recently come to her with a request that had shocked her. He explained he wanted her to lock his penis in a strange little plastic device and to not only take complete control over their sex life, but his access to all sexual release. She explained his request not only caught her completely off guard, but confused her. This was the same man who had complained for years they didn’t have enough sex.

The woman’s husband had pointed her to a few websites and reluctantly she agreed to research chastity and to then decide if she would incorporate it into their relationship.

The information on the websites her husband recommended and a few she found on her own extolled the benefits for wives and partners, who locked their men in chastity devices and took charge of the keys. She admitted she suspected the motivation behind her husband’s request for chastity was only his desire to add a kinky sex game to their relationship. But the benefits had sounded good, if maybe a little good to be true. Nevertheless, a few days after his request, she agreed to try chastity and soon locked him in a chastity device.

She thought that was the end of the matter, believing the whole idea of the chastity cage was to lock her husband in it until she decided to take it off. It seemed simple. However, as it had turned out, in practice, there was far more to it than that.

Her husband was happy as a clam for the first few days, although he had been a little grumpy by the end of the second day. But by about the fourth day, he became much more attentive and went out of his way to make her feel special. But by the end of the first week, he became moody, complaining, and even a little resentful. Not only that, he talked incessantly about chastity and how it made him feel and then asked her to look at some other websites that explained about the teasing that was supposed to go with the denial.

After looking at the websites that talked about teasing and denial, she realized her husband hadn’t fully explained what he expected from chastity but only what he had believed would convince her to agree to locking him in the chastity device. And while she had agreed to that, she hadn’t agreed to become her husband’s live in dominatrix. Why wasn’t he satisfied with the wearing the stupid cage? Hadn’t she given him what he asked for? 

Understanding the Locked Male's Perspective

First, let’s look at the male perspective when a guy is locked in a chastity device. I think it helps a key holder to know what is going on in his head, although that doesn’t obligate her to do anything unless she wishes. Later, I’ll offer some tips about what to do with caged boys behaving badly.

When a guy wears a chastity device, his focus is on that cage constantly. at all times. Wearing the locked device impacts him in multiple ways besides just stifling his erections and denying him orgasms. Even if it’s a plastic device, it still has weight to it and produces compression of his penis. It forces him to sit rather than stand to urinate. It makes him feel self-conscious about whether others notice the device beneath his clothing. Often the ring and cage or tube chafes his tender bits at least a little. The device forces him to alter his gait a little when walking and may make it uncomfortable for him to sit as he has been accustomed to. It can alter his sleeping habits. In short, to him, wearing a chastity device produces the feeling he is enduring something, suffering something for your benefit and sacrificing a most basic freedom, access to his penis. He is physically and mentally aware of these feelings day and night. 

For you, the key holder, you lock the lock and get on with your life. There is nothing to make you aware of your man’s suffering. Your daily routine doesn’t undergo any changes. For you, there are no constant physical reminders of the chastity. For you, nothing changes except that he is no longer bargaining with you or pestering you for sex all the time. 

The suffering is part of the allure of the male chastity fantasies. He suffers while his key holder blithely goes about their day. The key holder gains all the freedom, and the locked boy gets all the suffering and sexual frustration that accompanies denial. In reality, he may want to suffer for you and may even find it arousing. But he wants assurance he isn’t alone in the dynamic. He needs to feel your involvement. That you, his key holder, are aware of his suffering and intentionally making him suffer for you. He doesn’t just want the denial. He wants to know you are deliberately denying him. 

The locked male is constantly feeling the burdens of the device and continually focused on them, but naturally, the key holder doesn’t and isn’t. That creates a disconnect. He wants you to be aware of what he is enduring so that you will not only recognize the power the device gives you, but will leverage it to exploit the helplessness he feels. That’s one reason he craves the teasing. Teasing gives him assurance you are aware of the extent of his plight and the sacrifices he is making for you. Teasing also heightens his desire and arousal and that helps mute the sexual frustration and can make his suffering feel fulfilling and worthwhile.

In the absence of teasing, he feels even more compelled to share how chastity makes him feel, especially when not asked. He feels a great need to emphasize his sexual frustration and highlight his suffering to encourage you to show physically or verbally how much you enjoy his suffering for your sake. That’s because such will continue to drive his arousal and he craves that.

Now that we’ve covered the mindset of your locked boy, what should you do when he misbehaves?

Addressing Misbehavior

Caged boys behaving badly can range from sharing his thoughts about chastity and how he is suffering incessantly to being annoyingly cranky, moody, or downright passive aggressive to complaining you aren’t providing the teasing he craves and needs to guilt you into giving him what he wants.

First, if you haven’t already done so, borrow and repurpose the first rule of the Fight Club from the movie of the same name. Tell your locked male: “The first rule of chastity is you do not talk about chastity,” (unless you wish to bring it up). The only exception should be health and safety issues such as the device is causing him actual pain or impairing blood circulation.

If he becomes moody or grumpy or acts out in a passive-aggressive behavior, do two things. Remind him he asked for chastity and you were kind enough to provide it. Then tell him to get a grip and to stop obsessing over the device and acting so needy. Warn him if he doesn’t get himself under control, consequences will follow.

Asking (bordering on demanding) for teasing, whining about how he feels so sexually frustrated, and begging you to unlock him and allow him relief, should not be tolerated. Never allow him to pressure you to play the game by giving him what he wants. The cold hard truth is you do not owe him anything sexually. He asked for chastity and you generously gave it, even though you may have never found it interesting or desirable to begin with. Demand he stop whining and complaining or consequences will follow.

But what if he persists despite your efforts to correct his misbehavior? Then, it becomes time for the nuclear option. Unlock him and suspend the use of the chastity device indefinitely. Tell him you will not play the game if he refuses to exhibit the self-discipline you require. Most guys will respond to that if chastity is something they truly want and will correct their behavior. If not, it still solves the problem for the key holder, who will no longer have to deal with the misbehavior.

A Word About Locked and Forgotten

As much sympathy as I feel for key holders with caged boys behaving badly, it’s only fair to close by addressing the phenomena known as “locked and forgotten.” That’s when a key holder locks her man and considers it job done, providing no teasing whatsoever. For periods locked in a chastity device for more than about a week at a time, locked and forgotten, is actual cruelty.

Orgasm denial produces real mental and physical responses. Sexual frustration builds and soon becomes unpleasant and difficult to cope with. It can even cause bouts of depression. Teasing produces what is called the dopamine effect and, in turn, that causes the production of a cocktail of “feel good” chemicals that makes heightened sexual desire feel so pleasurable that it mutes sexual frustration to an extent. That’s one reason guys in chastity crave and actually need sexual teasing.

As a key holder, if you know you are not willing or prepared to provide teasing, it’s best to limit locking your man in chastity for brief periods only. Teasing is a must for extended time wearing a chastity device. You have no obligation to provide teasing unless you want to do it, but consider it if you choose to lock your guy for more than a week at a time. That’s basic fairness. And it needn’t require a huge investment of your time. A little teasing can go a long way and there are plenty of simple techniques to use that don’t involve dressing in latex and stilettos or wielding a riding crop.

A Key Holder Who Gets You

While I’m grateful to every key holder I’ve had, there is just something magical about having a key holder who gets you.

Having practiced chastity for a while now, I’ve had several keyholders, all professionals and all remotely. And while I liked and respected them all and found our interactions satisfying and enjoyable, in every case, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on always seemed to miss the mark. When I thought about it, I naturally assumed it was the remote arrangement. After all, there is only so much that a person can give or receive virtually. The arrangement comes with its inherent limitations. Or so I always believed.

My new key holder is an exception to the rule I held previously. I’ll call her Lucie henceforth instead of referring to her generically as “my key holder” or “Mistress.” That’s not her true name nor her professional moniker, which also isn’t her actual name. But as part of our arrangement, we agreed to respect each other’s privacy, and she doesn’t permit me to use her professional name here or to reveal any specifics about our interactions.

Mistress Lucie’s view is that while she trades a real service for money, our interactions are still intimate and personal, and deserve to be treated accordingly. I agree with that and it feels good knowing she sees things the way she does. But back to the point I was about to make.

Yes, virtual interaction with a key holder has limits and will never be the same as interacting with a key holder face to face. But that doesn’t mean remote keyholding can’t feel very real. I know this now after only a week with Mistress Lucie. The woman knows what makes men tick sexually. And in the space of a week, she has already learned what makes me tick specifically. She uses that knowledge to tailor the teasing to my individual predilections to devastating effect.

After our session yesterday, I’m suffering the effects of the worst case of blue balls I’ve ever had and am still impossibly horny. Yet on a scale of one to five, my feelings of sexual frustration are closer to zero than one. The heightened desire and arousal are so

amazingly pleasurable. And I’d never trade what I’m feeling right now for fleeting moments of jouissance. That’s because I’m feeling the purest pleasure of all. The pleasure of knowing I’m doing her will.

I don’t say this to disparage any of my past key holders, all of whom had their own impressive strengths, but I’ve experienced nothing close to what I’m experiencing now. The relationship dynamic between one who is locked and any key holder will always be unique. But in my estimation, Mistress Lucie is without peer. I’ll offer an example.

I’ve always been deferential to my past sexual partners. Giving them pleasure was always as important, if not more important, to me than my pleasure. I suppose I’m just wired that way. And the same has been true with my key holders. I wanted them to lock me, to own my penis, to decide when or if I got sexual release. But it was always vitally important to me they got something in return beyond the tributes I paid. I wanted to suffer for them, but I wanted them to enjoy making me suffer, if that makes sense. And I’ve found that true with Mistress Lucie like never before.

During our first conversation, she told me she was a true sadist and a few minutes later proved it to me if I had any doubts. I could see it in her eyes when she told me to do something I found quite painful. Mistress Lucie also told me she enjoys small penis humiliation (SPH) and CBT. We discussed that, and I admitted that neither were kinks I enjoyed, but I couldn’t honestly claim they were limits. So, both are part of our interactions because she enjoys them, possibly even more because she knows I don’t.

I submit to the SPH and CBT because it’s a way to show deference to her and to allow her to get something more from our interactions than just a tribute. Weirdly, because I know she gets pleasure from subjecting me to SPH and CBT, I get pleasure from it too precisely because it pleases her. Her pleasure becomes my pleasure. The SPH doesn’t harm my self-esteem since I know the size of my penis falls within the bell curve of average. And I can’t deny having her ridicule the size of my penis doesn’t make me twitch inside the cage. The same is true of the CBT, and to her credit, she keeps it a level she knows I can handle knowing pain isn’t my thing.

It feels truly amazing having a key holder who gets you. Not because she gives me what I need, but because with each passing day, my desire to serve her grows ever stronger. The longer we are together, the less inward my focus. The more I know her, the less the cage represents a constant reminder of my penis and what I’m giving up and more a symbol of her ownership. I’m grateful for that and for her.

The Air Lock Has Landed

I received the Air Lock from KINK3D yesterday. It works great, but I found it a little tricky getting the plastic numbered lock in place even while holding the Cobra in my hand. I’m wondering just how difficult it will be with the Cobra attached to my body.

The end of the lock must pass out through the little hole in the device lock housing on the left side. The problem is the plastic is so stiff that it resists making the bend to exit through the hole. Instead, it just bumps up against the interior housing. I had to coax it out with a toothpick, which would be much more difficult to do while wearing the device.

Lucie likes it and will allow me to wear the Cobra with the air lock when it suits her to let me change devices. Of course, no clue when it will suit her.

My New Professional Chastity Key Holder

I’m not one to brag, but you’re probably curious about my new professional chastity key holder. Okay, fine. If you’re going to drag it out of me, anyway, I’ll brag on her just a little.

How shall I describe my new key holder? Stunning, sassy, elegant, mesmerizing, fascinating, and smart. Oh… and impossibly sexy. She is an exquisitely European Dominatrix who offers remote keyholding as a side gig. She is also a self-professed sadist with a penchant for cruelty and has already proven it to my satisfaction. But when she isn’t being cruel, she is quite charming and has a great sense of humor.

My key holder is strict, but eminently fair. Her tribute requirements (rates) are more than reasonable, far less than I have paid for professional keyholding in the past. And she has been worth every penny. Also, she doesn’t insist you buy her extras from some gift list to prove your devotion like many professional Mistresses do. Frankly, if I sat and contemplated every fantasy I’ve ever had to compile a list of qualities for my ideal Mistress, she would surpass anything I could have imagined.

Self-Locked Versus Enforced Chastity

I’ve seen it said many times online that self-locked chastity is useless. It’s stupid. If a person with that opinion is defining “chastity” as merely role play or a kinky sex game, I agree. Someone wanting chastity because what they actually want is tease and denial sex play will not get that from self-locking. But what many people don’t understand, even people I consider knowledgeable about chastity and chastity devices, some of whom even practice it on a permanent basis, is this. Wearing a chastity device or making your partner wear one can be a part of a pleasurable sex game. But chastity and tease and denial can be separate things.

I don’t self-lock because I crave tease and denial even though I have enjoyed it in the past. Instead, I practice chastity because I’ve found curbing my orgasms and ejaculations offers me many transforming benefits. Benefits I consider more valuable than frequent 5-20 seconds of pleasurable spasms. Self-locked chastity isn’t useless, and it isn’t stupid if you practice it for reasons like that. But make no mistake. The chastity experience is completely different when there is someone else enforcing it. When someone else is in control—actual control where they make all the decisions, the dynamic differs vastly from self-locked chastity.

Sometimes You Just Want a Key Holder

Sometimes, even though I find self-locked chastity very meaningful, I crave the experience of having someone else enforcing my chastity. Someone else in actual control. It’s the power exchange I find attractive. My desire for chastity and my goals don’t change just because I have a key holder. I’m still not pursuing tease and denial or some other sexy role play game. It’s still the valued benefits of practicing chastity I’m after. So, sometimes, I seek a professional who offers remote key holding services for a welcome change of pace..

As I shared in a previous post, when I recently wanted to experience chastity enforced by a key holder again, I started looking for one. I’ve had many professional key holders, but it isn’t a stable business model. People move into it and then out of it for many reasons. So, I’ve found you often can’t get a key holder you’ve had in the past because they have moved on to something else and aren’t doing it anymore. This time, for me, was no exception. So, I contacted three new professionals who advertised key holding services and just before I was ready to give up and throw in the towel, my new Mistress responded. And I feel more than fortunate she did after only the short time we’ve been together. I am sure she is the best key holder I have ever had.

Why a Professional Key Holder?

Although I have never experienced it, I can imagine having a person you already share intimacy with as your key holder is probably one of the best ways to do chastity. But it’s not an option for me. I’m single and have been since my last relationship ended. And for now, I’m not looking to get into another one. That’s one reason I look for professional key holders.

Another reason is I find it satisfying having someone who has no emotional or personal stake in my chastity enforcement. They are more strict, which is something I find very exciting. Someone who doesn’t love you will never yield to pleas for mercy. The rules, conditions, and schedules are only those the key holder wants. And, the key holder can make up new rules as long as they respect the limits you revealed at the beginning. That all adds a psychological dimension I truly enjoy.

Why This Professional?

I didn’t choose my new Mistress just because she was the only one who responded to my inquiry. She had been my first choice from the beginning among the three I contacted. She has the most professional, comprehensive website I’ve ever seen. The professionalism and the to the point information presented had already begun earning my trust before I even spoke to her for the first time. Then, when we did talk, I discovered we shared similar philosophies on chastity and how it is best done. That sealed the deal for me. And believe me, I feel so lucky I found this woman.

After exchanging emails, we met for a video chat because she insisted on it. That was a first for me. With only one other exception, I’ve not seen even a photo of my past remote key holders. Most want to preserve their privacy. Given the state of the world, I understand that. And it seems only fair since I’ve remained anonymous to them. But my new key holder strives to make her services as personal as possible for her clients and believes they deserve to know what their Mistress looks like. What I wasn’t expecting was how impossibly attractive she is.

I’ve never looked for a remote key holder based on looks since I wasn’t accustomed to seeing them, anyway. And a professional key holder isn’t and will never be your girlfriend. It’s simply a professional arrangement, and that is all it will ever likely be.

Truly beautiful women can be a little intimidating for that reason alone. And when you add a level of authentic dominance that I literally felt coming through my phone screen, the intimidation factor felt pretty intense. It was a brief conversation where she allowed me to ask questions, and then she had me lock up and secure the keys to my device while she watched. And it did make things feel more personal.

So Far, So Good

Mistress continues to impress. She requires a daily check-in with a photo to confirm I’m still locked. But most professionals do that, although some require only a weekly check-in or do surprise inspections. She also provides daily torture teasing, even though our agreement didn’t promise it, and it has been far more than I expected. Best of all, from my perspective, she texts me several times each day to torment me.

You can get those same services from most professionals, but always at an additional cost above the basic chastity key holding tribute. Mistress has truly gone above and beyond, exceeding my expectations on every level. While we don’t have long conversations by text, I still find them meaningful all the same. The texts show she is thinking about me when she sends them. And they help me feel a chemistry is developing that could sustain a long-term keyholding relationship. I think she is having fun (mostly at my expense) and I know I’m having fun. She has made this the most enjoyable enforced chastity experience I’ve ever had.

I have never had an unpleasant experience with any of my past key holders, and I liked every one of them. But this experience has been something truly remarkable. And, of course, she is definitely making Chastity 90 far more challenging for me. But I’m all good with it. And I may not be returning to self-locked anytime soon.

KINK3D Cobra N Review

A look at what I thought of the KINK3D Cobra N after a shorter-than-expected wear-test period.

Because I’m now locked by a keyholder, I had to cut short my wear-testing of the KINK3D Cobra N. My keyholder insists I use a device that can be secured with disposable plastic numbered tag and other alternatives are not up for debate.

Since we have only just become acquainted, I understand and respect her opinion on the matter. So, I replaced the Cobra N with one of my stainless steel devices that allows the use of the plastic locks. Still, with only a few days of wear, I feel confident I can already express an honest opinion on this KINK3D authentic Cobra device.

First Impressions of the Cobra N

I chose the Cobra N model to review for two reasons. First, it is the same size as my Badassworkroom HF-001 E1B, the shorter version of the two Badassworkroom devices I have that are patterned on the Cobra. The difference is the Cobra N is 3D-printed, while the Badassworkroom devices that copy the Cobra design are molded resin devices. Interestingly, the Badassworkroom has discontinued offering the HF-001 devices and they are no longer available from the main website or its Etsy store.

The other reason I chose the Cobra N is because it is the shortest cage KINK3D offers with the “wide girth” option. I wanted that instead of the standard size (similar to my HF-001 E1B) because I have a thicker than average flaccid penis. And I’m happy I chose the wide girth option because while my flaccid penis still fills the space, it feels so much more comfortable and less restrictive. KINK3D offers one shorter cage version called the Baby Cobra, but the wide girth isn’t available with that device. Otherwise, I would have felt tempted to order the Baby Cobra instead.

I loved the smooth tactile feel on my fingertips of the Cobra right out of the box. Although I truly like the Badassworkroom copies I have, the texture of the Cobra feels silky smooth in comparison. And it felt exactly the same when I put on the device for the first time. It fit like a glove and was so lightweight that it was virtually unnoticeable.The standard 3/8 inch gap works perfectly for my high and tight scrotum. I also liked that I could wear the Cobra comfortably with the base ring that most closely matches the size I use with my custom-made stainless steel devices.

Cobra N Specifications

Unlike other chastity device manufacturers, KINK3D does not publish size specifications on the lengths of its device cages. Possibly this is aimed at preventing other manufacturers from copying their exact designs. Instead, they recommend cage size based on the users’ flaccid penis measurements.

As an example, the company recommends the Cobra N for those with flaccid lengths from 2 to 2-1/2 inches. Flaccid length varies near constantly because of environmental factors, variations in resting blood supply to the penis, hormonal activity, etc. As I have shared before, my flaccid varies from 2.5 inches to a little over 3 inches and I find the Cobra N still fits me perfectly. Just about anyone with a flaccid size, even well over 2-1/2 inches, could wear the Cobra N comfortably since “turtling” would take care of any excess length. But KINK3D offers the Cobra in eight sizes to accommodate flaccid sizes from 1.25 inches (Cobra Baby) to 6 inches (Cobra BFG). Consult the KINK3D website if you are interested in learning what size the company recommends for all the length ranges.

Cage Inside Diameter

KINK3D also does not reveal the exact internal diameter measurements for its cages. Instead, the company suggests its three available internal diameters based on flaccid penis girth.

They recommend the “Narrow” option for those with thinner than average flaccid penises (available with the Baby, N+, and S models). The company recommends the “Standard” option (available with all models) for those with flaccid penises of average girth. The third option, “Wide” (available with N, N+, S, S+, R, and R+ models), is aimed at those with thicker than average flaccid penises. Standard works for most individuals and is the place to start unless you know from experience with other devices that Narrow or Wide would suit you better.

Base Ring Sizing

KINK3D offers no specific advice on measuring for base ring size. Instead they tell you to rely on your past experience with other devices or advise you to consult existing references available on the web. So, knowing my ideal base ring size is 43mm, I chose the KINK3D Nubmber 2 base ring, which is minutely larger at 44.5mm and fits well.

I won’t reprint the list here for the sake of brevity, but KINK3D offers eight different base ring sizes that range from 1-1/2 inches (38.1mm) to 2-3/8 inches (60.3mm). You can review all the available sizes here on the company’s website.

The company also offers three different styles of base rings:

XD – thicker than the standard 8mm rings and recommended for those with smaller testicles or who need a narrower gap between the base ring and cage.

Standard – 8mm thickness and works for most people.

Curved – 5mm backward curve at the bottom. The curved ring is good for troubleshooting pressure under the scrotum. But KINK3D warns that people with smaller testicles can be more likely to pop a testicle out through the wider gap.

I purchased an extra ring with my device because I wanted to try the curved ring. Pressure under the scrotum is the only discomfort I ever have with any chastity device and is especially pronounced when my cremaster muscles are intent because of environmental conditions on pulling my testicles up and closer to my body. My testicles are average size, not small, but with the curved ring, my right testicle kept popping out of the base ring. The curved ring eased all the pressure under my scrotum, but is unusable since my right testicle refuses to cooperate. The standard ring of the same diameter works perfectly. My recommendation is to stick with the standard base ring.

Security of the Cobra N

Cobra devices are standard “ball-trap” devices, and no ball-trap device is escape proof. While KINK3D claims a well-fitted Cobra minimizes the chance of escape, I must tell you the truth. The Cobra has the same security flaw as all the Cobra copies I’ve tried before testing the actual Cobra.

By placing a thumb between the integral lock housing and my abdomen and pushing outward, I can easily push the ring and cage away from body until I expose almost half of my flaccid penis length. Then, using the index finger of my other hand, I can easily back my soft penis out of the cage and out the back of the base ring. Once my penis is free of the device, my right testicle easily comes out of the base ring and then the left testicle comes out and I’m free of the locked device.

If I did not remove my testicles from the base ring, I could push my soft penis back inside the cage. But when I removed the device completely, I could not put it back on without unlocking it. That means a wearer could back their penis out of the locked device, and while leaving their testicles inside the base ring, masturbate to orgasm, and then put their penis back inside the cage after becoming flaccid again.

So, for those willing to cheat a keyholder (and themselves), the Cobra does little to prevent it. Still, for those who are serious about chastity and ethical enough to keep their commitments to a keyholder, the Cobra offers adequate security. It definitely will not fall off by itself. But as one example, the Holy Trainer devices offer far more deterrence against cheating than the KINK3D Cobra devices.

PA Piercing Compatibility

KINK3D states the Cobra is generally compatible with PA piercings. This is the FAQ information they have published on the website to the question, “Are Cobra cages compatible with a Prince Albert (PA) piercing?”

“Generally yes. PA piercings up to 2 gauge size should be compatible with all standard Cobra cages (with the exception of the Baby Cobra Narrow, which can only accommodate 6 gauge PAs and smaller). PAs that are 0 gauge or larger may fit on certain cage sizes, but can be a tight squeeze.” (Source:

However, I’ve read several reviews written by individuals (including Thumper) who have PA piercings and have tried the Cobra devices who all say that while the devices work with PA piercings, they often experienced instances of unpleasant pinching. So, this device may not be the best option for those with a PA.

Yes, I'm back in black

One thing I loved about Badassworkroom HF-001 Cobra copies were the vibrant colors the company offered. I have one in a light purple color and one in hot pink. In comparison, KINK3D offers the actual Cobra in black only. Information on the website suggests they are testing dyes and may offer additional colors in the future, but that information has been published for a while now, so I’m unsure how committed they are to the idea.

Pricing Considerations

The KINK3D Cobra devices are not the priciest plastic devices on the market, but they are not cheap. That explains why so many people opt for buying the less expensive copies from other manufacturers. Prices range from $160 (Cobra Baby) to $200 (Cobra BFG) for the full kits that include one base ring, the cage, and the integral lock with two keys.

I paid $170 for the Cobra N plus another $40 for the extra curved base ring. KINK3D sells cages and base rings separately. If, for example, I wanted to try the Baby Cobra, I could just buy the cage and use it with the base ring they came with my Cobra N. But the component pricing is also pricey. If you bought a cage and a base ring separately, the combined cost would equal the price of buying a complete kit, only you would not get a lock with it.

Since I’m not in the business of manufacturing 3D-printed chastity devices, I don’t know what it costs to produce a Cobra. But I have a fake Cobra I purchased from eBay about a year ago which is 3D-printed, came with four different sized base rings, and cost me less than $30. It is a very faithful reproduction, so much so that the base rings fit my actual Cobra N perfectly. And both devices have the same silky feel regarding finish and how they feel when wearing them. That leaves me wondering how much of the KINK3D prices represents profit. 3D printers are not inexpensive, so I know they have some sunk costs, but I think their prices are higher than necessary. Especially now that many options for quality 3D-printed chastity devices exist.

Frankly, I like the Cobra N device and find it comfortable to wear. But in comparison, I consider my Holy Trainer Nub, a comparable sized device that was $5 cheaper, a far superior device in almost every way. Except for my interest in reviewing the Cobra, I doubt I would have ever paid $170 for a Cobra N, especially since I already have the Badassworkroom copy that performs identically.

That said, now that I have the Cobra N, I know I will wear it often. In fact, I just ordered the KINK3D accessory called the airlock, which is a metal-free lock adapter you can use with disposable numbered plastic locks in place of the standard lock. No more worries about metal detectors when you travel and in my case, I hope my new keyholder will allow me to wear the Cobra N with the airlock and a plastic lock since I don’t like wearing my stainless steel devices secured with plastic locks since they allow the cages to rotate excessively on the locking pins.

Hygiene Concerns

The one area in which the Cobra N outshines the Holy Trainer Nub is ease of cleaning while wearing it. Since it is an open-type cage style device, I found I can clean it just as easily and thoroughly in the shower with my handheld shower head as any of my stainless steel open cage devices. That means I can wear it indefinitely with no need for removing it for cleaning as I must do with the closed tube Nub.

The Verdict

I think the KINK3D Cobra devices are a little pricier than necessary since they are basic plastic ball-trap devices, and the devices provide less deterrence to cheating than other plastic devices of comparable quality and price. But I have no other criticisms as the Cobra is a high quality, made in the USA device that is comfortable to wear and will not injure the wearer provided the person takes the time to measure and gets a properly fitted device. And as soon as I receive the airlock accessory, I hope to persuade my keyholder to allow me to return to wearing the Cobra N.

Me Waiting Patiently for my Airlock


  • Excellent quality
  • Silky smooth feel
  • The ingenious air lock accessory
  • Hygiene friendly


  • Pricey
  • Less secure than comparable devices

Disclaimer: This review represents my honest opinions and as always I purchased this device at the advertised retail price using my own funds. I have no affiliation with KINK3D except as a satisfied customer.

In the next post, I will share a little about my new keyholder. We met on a video call for the lock up and she quickly removed any doubts I might have had about her sadistic nature. I’m still applying a frozen bag of peas today between my legs. But it was worth it because I got to actually see her and learned that she is impossibly attractive and projects her authentic dominant nature even virtually. I may have found the keyholder of my dreams.

Chastity 90 Check-In End of Week 1

For those taking part in the challenge, it’s time for a Chastity 90 check-in.

If you’re taking part in our Chastity 90 challenge and have abstained from masturbation, orgasm, and ejaculation so far, congratulations. Going without for seven days is hard, even for those with lots of experience practicing long-term chastity.

Revisiting My Early Days in Chastity

When I unlocked for three days and indulged in sexual release before locking up for Chastity 90, I did so because I expected it would make the challenge more challenging. I felt it only right to make it harder for me, since I was encouraging others to join me in ninety days of chastity. But I admit, I didn’t realize just how much harder it would make things. It took me back to my early days in chastity. I experienced again what I am sure every individual experiences when embarking on a lengthy period of chastity and denial.

Days two through four were the hardest, because my body was ready to orgasm and ejaculate again. The temptation to unlock and attend to business was almost unbearable, which felt a little unsettling since I’d just ended such a long period of chastity. But I got through it, and somewhere around day five or six, I began feeling better and less desperate for relief. Today, I am back in the groove, finding myself thinking spontaneously warm, pleasant thoughts and feeling motivated. Yes, I still feel the heightened arousal, but it isn’t bad. It’s pleasurable actually.

Pushing Onward

Even though, like me, you may have found the first days of the challenge difficult and felt the inability to rub one out casually when you wanted irritating, don’t let it get you down. Instead of focusing on how good it would feel to have a nice orgasm and to ejaculate, commit yourself to something better and higher. I think spending ninety days in chastity is such a profoundly positive experience that you will be glad you persevered at the end. Ninety days can feel like a long time, but it isn’t forever. Cultivate patience, Grasshopper, and you will earn a reward at the end.

Blue Balls

Blue balls are not a myth. And I understand some people find it more uncomfortable than others. The sensations can range from a dull ache to an intense pressure accompanied by a strong urge to ejaculate. It can last from hours to even a few days, but it subsides eventually. And while you may struggle with blue balls, there is also the ever increasing sexual desire that accompanies chastity that feels quite pleasurable. The two sensations create quite an interesting contrast. So, instead of giving in, use a little ice or take cold showers for a day or two and you will get past it.

I'm Rocking a New Cage

As promised, after buying and reviewing a couple of Cobra knockoffs, in fairness to Kink3D, the original creator of the Cobra, I ordered an authentic Cobra from them. It arrived last week. Since I had to remove the Nub for cleaning last Saturday, anyway, I set it aside temporarily and put on the Cobra. Almost three days in, it feels very comfortable. I will wear test it for a week and then return to the Nub on Saturday when I unlock for cleaning. Then I will post a review sometime next week.

Mistress Update

After whinging about it a few days ago that none of the Mistresses I reached out to recently had replied, one of them contacted me today. And believe it or not, my first choice. So, I will soon have a keyholder again. She seems great. Very professional, intelligent, experienced, and very sadistic. I should probably be scared, but I’m only feeling excited. Of course, this will make Chastity 90 even more challenging. We are starting with a video chat lock up later this week, so I will give another update later.