Oxy Shop Monthly Keyholder Service Update

I’ve completed the second week of the Oxy Shop Monthly Keyholder Service trial, and here are some early impressions.

After completing the second week of the Oxy Shop Monthly Keyholder Service, the jury is still out until I have benefited from the full month. But here are a few early impressions.

First, I believe this service fills a valuable niche, as I know there are many guys out there who don’t have anyone to act as their keyholder and want an inexpensive remote keyholding service option. So, I hope I’ll be able to give the service a positive review at the end of the month and feel I can recommend it without reservations. But expect an honest review, just like those I do for chastity devices. So far, there are things about the service I’ve liked and haven’t.

Proof of Lock System

One thing I don’t particularly like about the service is the proof of lock system Oxy Shop keyholder service employs. I mentioned a little about how it works in the previous post. But I’ll restate it here. Clients must send a proof of lock photo daily and proof of lock video every other day. So, fourteen days into it, I have sent heaps of photos and videos.

In and of itself, that may not sound completely unreasonable. And I’ve started to have a little fun with it by getting more creative with the videos and photos hoping it amuses the keyholder. But what I like least about the requirement is the keyholder provides no acknowledgment she has received any of the photos or the videos. So, pretty quickly, it can feel you’re only emailing stuff into a black hole, and no one looks at any of it. That’s not very motivating. In fact, it can feel quite like a “lock and forget” system, a very unsatisfying keyholding arrangement, to say the least.

Of course, I understand a $35 per month service isn’t going to offer daily interaction with the keyholder. But I’ve never had a remote keyholder who didn’t acknowledge receipt of required proof of lock photos.

The more I’ve thought about it, the more I’ve come to believe the photo and video requirement isn’t about preventing cheating. I think it’s about giving chastity clients something to do every day to keep them engaged and to distract them from the lack of any real interaction with the keyholder. And there isn’t much of that. So far, I’ve received three emails from the keyholder. One was a task assignment, and the other two were instructional.

Let’s face it. Give me or any guy a remote keyholding system designed to prevent cheating, and we can think up at least a half dozen ways to defeat it without evening thinking that hard. To be fair, I can’t imagine why anyone would pay for a keyholding service and then cheat, but I’m sure some people do. Maybe it’s only a lack of willpower. Regardless, I don’t see a requirement for seven proof of lock photos and four videos a week being any more effective than a requirement for one photo per week. Does the keyholder need to know immediately if a guy cheated? I don’t think so. So, if she doesn’t find out until a week after the fact, I don’t see that as a big deal. The guy is the one who wasted the opportunity and his money when he cheats. It doesn’t really affect the keyholder, especially with this type of service that’s frankly, quite impersonal.

The Missing Personal Touch

To be fair, I wasn’t expecting loads of contact with the Mistress since the very nominal charge for the service is only $35 per month. And just acknowledging receipt of the photos and videos would require a lot of emails. And as I understand it, the Oxy-Shop has only one Pro-Domme supervising every guy who signs up for their keyholding service. And who knows how many guys that it is. Even if it is only fifty locked guys at any given time, that’s too many for one woman to give personal attention to.

What makes the service feel less than satisfactory is that I have engaged several Pro Dommes as keyholders, and while I’ve paid considerably more for their services than $35 per month, I’m accustomed to a more personalized experience. Someone who hasn’t had a professional as a keyholder previously might find the lack of the personal touch far less problematic.

The Positive

My purpose isn’t to throw shade on the Oxy Shop service but only to share my objective opinions about my experience with it. I’ve told you what I haven’t liked about it, but now I want to shift to the positive.

First, as with every time I’ve ever engaged a pay-to-play keyholder service, the Oxy Shop service accomplishes one thing very well. It has elevated my libido. As accustomed as I’ve grown to self-locking, it never compares to chastity under the control of a keyholder. I’ve only had remote keyholders, so that’s the limit of my experience. But even that is a game-changer.

Something you tend to forget when self-locking is like with any form of chastity, your arousal level remains consistently above whatever may have been your normal baseline before exploring chastity. But that soon becomes your new baseline, and you don’t really notice it. At least, that’s been my experience. So with time, chastity becomes easier because you grow so accustomed to continuously elevated arousal. But once it peaks, the curve flattens, and elevated arousal is just your normal state, and you don’t think about it.

But once you find yourself under the control of a keyholder, that all changes, and you become acutely aware of your arousal. I think it’s because suddenly unlocking if you wanted to is no longer an option. Instead, someone else decides when you can unlock, when you can touch yourself, and when or if you get to orgasm. The Oxy-Shop service accomplishes this as well as any remote keyholding service I’ve used in the past.


All in all, the Oxy-Shop Monthly Keyholder Service doesn’t suck, and the price is very reasonable. There are other services out there where you can send your keys in or buy a lock where they keep the keys for an agreed length of time, pay a keyholding fee, and surrender control of your keys that way. This service definitely beats that kind of an arrangement, hands down. And as said, if you’ve never engaged a Pro-Domme and received a more personal touch, you might find the Oxy-Shop service meets your needs for a keyholding service without breaking the bank.

Update: badassworkroom

Attempts to contact badassworkroom through the company’s website continue to go unanswered. I’d love to order another device from them, but I won’t place an order until they are back online. You probably shouldn’t either.

Badassworkroom Custom Chastity Device Maker Has Gone Dark?

After the stellar customer service I received from badassworkroom with my first order, the company has inexplicably gone dark and is not replying to customer inquiries.

Thumper believes for a couple of reasons, badassworkroom is located in Hong Kong rather than mainland China (As explained in his review of the BA-31P). However, a recent experience makes me believe that is not the case. With my previous dealings with the company, I was super impressed with the customer service experience. The company hosts a chat client on the website I used to ask questions about the BA-12. Previously, when I posed a question, a representative replied within minutes, if not immediately. Not so much at the moment. I was so impressed with my BA-12, I decided to order a second device from the badassworkroom, the BA-05. But I wanted a minor modification, specifically adding two horizontal bars on the nose to prevent any possibility of the glans of my penis slipping between the two vertical bars. And yes, I have experienced this with another device while sleeping and it wasn’t a pleasant sensation. But after three attempts using both the chat client and emailing, I have received no response to my question about getting the modification after a full week. The company seems to have gone dark. For that reason, I have shelved my plan to order the BA-05 for now.

I can’t believe the company suddenly discontinued their stellar customer service, which leads to an obvious conclusion. It must be located in one of the 225 cities in China where the government has imposed their Draconian “zero COVID” policy lockdowns. Stringent COVID lockdowns hit both Hong Kong and neighboring Shenzhen in early March, but according to media reports, those restrictions have long since been lifted. So if the badassworkroom is located in either of those places, why are they not responding to customer inquiries? That seems to show it is a mainland China located business.

Since I suspect there are probably voluminous unanswered customer inquiries by this point, I’m not confident of ever getting a response to my three inquiries. So I suppose I’ll wait until the media reports that the government of China has eased the lockdowns before attempting to contact them again. None of this bodes well for badassworkroom, though. If they are in a lock downed city, chances are the manufacturing backlog is as great as the backlog of unanswered customer inquiries, which means it’s unlikely their enviable past rapid delivery performance will continue at least for the foreseeable future. So, if Thumper’s review of the BA-31P or my review of the BA-12 piqued your interest in badassworkroom chastity devices, you might take a step back and reconsider ordering from them at present. I suspect the automated system will accept your order and payment, but who knows when you could ever expect to receive your device?

In the greater scheme, maybe the access to affordable, quality made custom chastity devices delivered at unheard of speed isn’t a big deal. But this certainly casts doubt on Chinese companies as a whole as dependable retail partners, as long as the nation’s government persists in pursuing its unrealistic and unobtainable zero COVID policy. All I know is I’m not ordering from the badassworkroom again as long as the radio silence persists.

Despite what I’ve shared here, I still consider myself a satisfied badassworkroom customer, as far as my first device purchase. And I believe they have earned the benefit of the doubt, so I’ll say here I assume the current disappointing situation results from something beyond the company’s control. However, after raving about the company’s customer service in my positive recent review, fairness dictated alerting readers to the current circumstances. And, if things change, I’ll certainly report it.

Mail Call: A Question About Chastity Cage Inner Diameter

In this edition of Mail Call, I answer a question about chastity cage inner diameter.

Mail call! I dug deep into my spam folder for this one, so apologies for my untimely reply to the guy who asked the question. I still haven’t figured out how to get Gmail to play nice with my contact form. More often than not, the messages go to spam. I try to remember to check regularly, but I’ve had a lot of projects going on lately. So, sorry about that. If you have Twitter, you can always DM me there with your questions or comments.

Anyway, to the question. Brandon writes:


“Hey there I’m new to chastity and have bought 3 cages for myself. One is still on its way. The 2 I have are a CB6000S and a Ternence ‘window of opportunity’ 1.97 inch. The tube diameter is too small for the penis. I was able to fit into the Ternence with lots of lube. I realized I have alot of foreskin below the head (circumcised) that get in the way of the penis fitting in the tube. Also getting totally flaccid isn’t easy but it isn’t fully erect either. What’s the problem and where do I go from here?”


Hi Brandon, 

My first question would be, did you take the time to accurately measure your peen before ordering the cages you mentioned? Sometimes,depending on the design of the device, guys have to use the “stocking method” to coax their penises all the way into a cage or tube. However, it should never be necessary to use any lube, much less lots, to accomplish that. That’s a good sign that the cages you mentioned are too tight. Even if you manage to get into it, it could be the cage is exerting continuous compression on your penis, even when it’s flaccid. You don’t want that. You don’t want a lot of extra space inside a cage (inner diameter or length) but it shouldn’t feel tight as soon as you put it on, or try.

The thing is, mass-produced chastity devices, including the two you’ve bought, are designed for guys with average size penises. Average penis flaccid diameter (circumference divided by pi) is a few decimal places over 1.20 inches (about 31mm). The Ternence you mentioned has an inner diameter of about 32mm (1.25 inches). The CB6000S has an inner diameter of about 35mm (1-3/8 or 1.375 inches). So both are well within the range that works for guys with average size penises. Since that doesn’t seem to be the case with you, you’re probably looking at buying a custom-made cage that fits your actual measurements. Happily, today there are many affordable custom-made cages available. And I suspect you’ve already spent at least half the cost of a customized cage on the three cages you’ve already bought. Why keep throwing good money after bad?

As far as the excess foreskin, I have the same thing and have never found it a problem with a well-fitted cage. I’m average and a 1-3/8 inches inner diameter cage or tube fits me perfectly. I can get into a 1.25 inches cage, but it feels tighter than I like.

Yes, for some guys, a chastity device can be something of a fetish object, which might explain why you get hard while trying to put one on and that makes things difficult. The obvious answer is to ejaculate before you put a cage on, and problem solved. Otherwise, a cold shower or holding a bag of frozen peas against your unruly member for a couple of minutes will probably do the trick.

So, in summary. My advice is to measure your penis before ordering another cage that doesn’t work for you. I suggest measuring your flaccid peen three times a day over three days. Then either take an average, or do what I do and go with the smallest measurement you get. You can use a short length of string (the string method) or a shoelace. Wrap it around your soft shaft and then use a ruler or tape measure to measure the length of the string used. Or, even easier, use a soft tailor’s tape and save a step. Remember, the result will be the circumference of your flaccid penis, so divide that by pi (3.14) to get diameter. That’s the measurement that corresponds to the inner diameter of a chastity cage or tube.

Hope that helps and good luck, bud. Thanks for the question.

OXY Shop Monthly Keyholder Service Try Out

My one-month Oxy Shop monthly Keyholder service try out has begun...

Did you think I forgot my promise to try out the Oxy Shop Monthly Keyholder Service? Well, if anyone did, I can’t blame you. I purchased one month of the service back in February and had planned to start the trial on March 1. But stuff got in the way. First, I had several chastity devices to wear-test and review. Then, my annual check-up with my doctor came in April. She is a super nice, insanely attractive woman who I like very much and wouldn’t dream of springing the surprise of my male chastity lifestyle on unannounced when it comes time to drop your pants, turn your head, and cough. So, I always unlock for the hour or so I spend at her office. Then I procrastinated a few more days after that, and finally, I emailed the Oxy Shop on May 2 and told them I was ready to start.

Impressive Customer Service from Oxy Shop

I’m trying this remote keyholder partly to satisfy my curiosity about how well it works but also as a service to readers who don’t have a keyholder and might be interested in a month-to-month remote service. Once I complete the month, I’ll post a full review of the service with my honest opinions. But I’ll provide updates as the month progresses when I feel it’s warranted.

Things got off to a great start with my future review in mind when I received a quick response to my emailed request to begin. I emailed Oxy Shop in the late evening on May 2 and received an email from the supervising Mistress on the morning of May 3. I always appreciate good customer service.

How the Oxy Shop Monthly Keyholder Service Begins

In the past, when I’ve used remote keyholder services provided by Pro-Dommes, I’ve always used the plastic numbered locks and sent “proof of lock” images. Some require you to hold up a newspaper to verify the date in the photo. Then, they make unannounced checks by requiring you to send another proof of lock photo from time to time to keep you honest. The Oxy Shop service uses a slightly different system which I’ll explain later.

Frankly, I’m not too fond of the numbered plastic locks. Most of my stainless devices tend to rotate excessively when not secured with the lock provided with them by the manufacturer. And you can’t use them with most devices that use a MagicLock. Something that impressed me immediately about the Oxy Shop service is they give you a free stainless steel key safe and a supply of numbered plastic tags when you sign up for your first month. You insert your key into the safe and secure that with the plastic numbered lock, which leaves you free to use your usual lock on the chastity device.

Now, back to the system, the Oxy Shop Mistress uses for lock verification purposes. In the email I received from the Mistress, she required several things as proof of lock.

  • The expected image with the chastity device locked on. And she required I write a phrase on a sheet of paper and hold it up while taking the photo. Also, I had to hold up the key safe in the photo, showing the key inside was secured with a plastic numbered lock.
  • The Mistress also required me to send a video of me locking up. This is the first time I’ve ever had a pro keyholder who required that.


So, the keyholder at Oxy Shop requires a little more at the start than the other professionals I’ve used, but I didn’t find the requirements unreasonable. The only problem was I rarely make videos. While I know how to shoot videos with my iPhone, they are very large files, usually too large to attach to an email. And my simple one-minute video was far too large. So, I had to quickly learn about video compression and source an app to do it with. But, again, I didn’t find it particularly burdensome to make the video and then compress the file so I could attach it to an email reply. But wait, the periodic checks aimed at keeping you from cheating are also different from anything any Pro-Domme has ever required me to do before.

The Periodic Checks

Daily I must submit proof of lock photos while holding up a sheet of paper I’ve written other required phrases on (different each day) along with the key safe to show I haven’t tampered with the plastic numbered lock. And, every other day, I have to submit another video showing I’m still locked securely and that I haven’t tampered with the plastic numbered lock. Okay, it’s not particularly onerous, but that’s a lot of verification. During my thirty days of enforced chastity in February, my Mistress only required one image per week, proving I was still locked securely. And she required no videos.

So, if you consider using the Oxy Shop Monthly Keyholder Service, know that they are serious about preventing any cheating.
They also want control of both keys. But I found only one key fits inside the key safe they supplied. The instruction email from the Mistress said to secure both keys in the safe. So, I broke my spare key in half to render it unusable and included that in the video and the photo and hope that meets the requirement. It should since now the only key I have that opens the lock is secured inside the key safe with a numbered plastic lock.

The Mistress also explained in the instruction email that she “may ask” me for additional evidence I’m still securely locked at any time to prevent cheating.  So, yes, they are serious. But I’m okay with all of it since it only serves to make the experience more interesting and I never cheat when locked for a Mistress, anyway.

More Fun Stuff

In addition to the keyholding, the Mistress ended the email by promising “a few” tasks during the month to keep things interesting. I’m curious to see what’s in store and how many teasing tasks she provides. I was under the impression the keyholder only offered one teasing task per month, but “a few” obviously means more than one.

I know I’ve been a little vague on a few points, which was intentional. I don’t feel it’s ethical to share any of the Oxy Shop or the keyholder’s proprietary information related to the keyholder service even when I write the full review. And I know from past experience with Pro-Dommes, that they don’t want you sharing specifics about how they do their business. That’s understandable because they don’t want Betty Lou setting up a pro keyholder service, copying their specific system, and maybe charging less for it. So I intend to respect the rights of Oxy Shop and the Mistress to their proprietary work product by painting with a broad brush rather than publishing detailed instructions I receive. But I will give readers enough broad information to make an informed decision about the service’s usefulness and whether I think it’s worth the cost.

If getting a professional remote keyholder at a very reasonable price is something that interests you, stay tuned for future updates and expect a full review of the Oxy Shop Monthly Keyholder Service the first week of June.

BA-12 Custom-Made Stainless Steel Chastity Device Review

The BA-12 stainless steel chastity device from badassworkroom is bad ass.

After a thirty-day wear test of the BA-12 stainless steel chastity device from badassworkroom, I came away impressed with both the device and basassworkroom’s quality workmanship. After discovering the Red Chili Sissy Cage with its dramatic ninety-degree curve, I was dying to try one. But, after trying to order one three times and learning the company wasn’t taking orders because of their backlog, I gave up. Then I learned badassworkroom manufacturers a reasonable substitute in the BA-12.

No, the design isn’t as artistic as the Red Chili device. No surprise there as Red Chili alone stands at the pinnacle of the “chastity devices as art” niche. But when the BA-12 hit my mailbox, it immediately impressed me. Not only did the BA-12 mimic the dramatic downward angle I love so much about the Red Chili Sissy Cage, it is one beautiful, well-made chastity device.

While badassworkroom is a Chinese company, I’ve never seen this level of quality workmanship in a made in China chastity device. But, of course, badassworkroom is a maker of custom-made devices, not the one-size-fits-all mass-produced devices you find on Amazon, eBay, and other discount retailers. And the BA-12 is every bit as good as any custom-made device I own.

The image above reflects the specs of the BA-12 I ordered and the dimensions correspond with my personal measurements. And I’m happy to say, the device fits me like a glove. Of course, should you be interested in ordering one, badassworkroom can tailor all three dimensions to your specific needs. So you provide measurements for the chastity cage overall length, penis tube inner diameter, and base ring inner diameter when ordering to ensure the perfect fit.

The only measurement you must pay particular attention to is the chastity cage’s overall length. Since I have an average size peen, I planned to order a slightly shorter cage. But before placing the order, I chatted with a representative at badassworkroom and learned a thing or two about cages with a ninety-degree curve.

As he explained, if you want the full ninety-degree angle, there isn’t much flexibility in overall length. If you go too short on the length, they can’t build you a cage that has exactly a ninety-degree angle. That’s not something the manufacturer can control since it’s purely the product of a complicated mathematical formula. There is a minimum length required in order for them to fabricate a cage with a true right angle. So if you order a cage length shorter than the minimum, then the angle will be less than a full ninety degrees.

The rep calculated several length options for me, based on the cage length I had intended ordering and we agreed 82mm was as short as we could go and still get close to the right angle I wanted. That was acceptable since I’d planned to order a cage length of 80mm, anyway. And at 82mm, only 2mm longer, the company could deliver me a cage that has about an eighty-eight degree curve. So, as far as the look and feel, you can’t tell it isn’t a true right angle.

BA-12 Stainless Steel Chastity Device Physical Details

The manufacturer builds the device from Grade 316L surgical stainless steel. They buff the surface before shipping and the appearance of the BA-12 compares most favorably to that of the stainless steel devices I’ve ordered from other custom chastity device custom manufacturers.

The base ring is the standard circular type, though the stock they used to fabricate the base ring isn’t quite as thick as that used for most made in China devices. That is a plus since it reduces overall weight slightly and provides a comfortable fit.

The “MagicLock” supplied with the BA-12, that they refer to as a “stealth lock,” is unique. It’s different from those usually supplied with chastity devices. First, instead of brass, the lock is manufactured from the same stainless steel as the device. I don’t know if badassworkroom builds the locks or sources them elsewhere since I didn’t think to ask. Also, the lock is slightly longer than the “MagicLock” you usually see. So you can’t substitute an ordinary brass “MagicLock” you got with some other device for the one supplied with the BA-12 because it will be too short and won’t work.

The supplied stealth lock works smoothly and since it’s stainless steel, it has the similar anti-corrosion properties as a brass lock. The downside is if you ever need a replacement, you’ll have to go back to badassworkroom to source a new one. Or, when ordering a BA-12, you can opt for one of the other lock alternatives. Besides the concealed “MagicLock” I ordered, the company also offers a padlock, proprietary security screw, or either of those, plus a “permanent lock” option. If you chose that option, you will have to destroy the device to remove it if you ever decide you don’t wish to wear it permanently after all.

BA-12 Stainless Steel Chastity Device Use

The BA-12 is a standard ball-trapping device. You insert your testicles and scrotum into the base ring, slide the penis cage on, mate the two components, and lock up. The BA-12 feels very secure, but by now I’m sure you’ve already heard my standard ball-trapping device disclaimer. Complete security with any of these devices is only illusionary unless you combine a PA piercing with the device to eliminate the possibility of escape. That brings me to the next point.

Like similarly designed open-cage type chastity devices, there is no option offered for PA wearers. I’ve known pierced guys who had come up with some ingenious do-it-yourself ways to incorporate their PA for added security. But the fact remains, this device isn’t designed with any PA option in mind. Still, with the appropriate degree of suspension of belief, I rate the BA-12 as secure as any other stainless steel device I’ve tried. I had no ball slippage issues with the device, which means the standard factory set gap works great for me and probably will for ninety percent of the other guys out there.

Precautions to Consider While Wearing the BA-12

As with any ball-trapping male chastity device, choosing the proper size base ring is important. The worst that can happen if you choose a ring that’s too large is the locked device might come off or be too easily escaped. However, choosing a ring that is too small can cause significant problems, including compromising your circulation. As a rule of thumb, skin discoloration or skin temperature of the scrotum that feels cooler than normal body temperature are indications of reduced circulation. Wearing a base ring that interferes with circulation is asking for a serious medical issue. When wearing a male chastity device, you should always be able to insert a fingertip between the base ring and your skin. If you can’t, the ring is too small and may impair circulation.

Comfort and Feel of Wearing the BA-12

Oh my God, I love, love, love the look and feel of this ninety-degree device. It’s everything I had imagined when I first set my heart on getting a right angle cage. Here are a two images of the device doing its thing, one a side view where you can see the dramatic downward curve.

The device is very comfortable to wear, which might seem counterintuitive since it puts your peen at such a dramatic downward angle. But I haven’t found it feels any different from any other device I’ve worn as far as comfort goes. And my flaccid peen stays in the proper position. It doesn’t, for example, get stuck higher in the cage when it contracts. Once it expands again, the tip returns right back to the bottom of the cage. I’m more than satisfied with my purchase and feel the device is worth every penny.

Hygiene Concerns When Wearing the BA-12

Hygiene concerns when wearing the BA-12? There are none. The open-style design makes keeping the cage and contents clean a snap with a handheld shower head. It isn’t necessary to remove the device for cleaning unless you wish to do so. I wore it for thirty straight days, noticing no unpleasant odors or any skin issues the day I removed it. Ease in maintaining good hygiene is why I prefer open-style cage devices over those that have closed tubes.

Because of the right angle, I didn’t even experiment with trying to urinate while standing. To avoid the chance of a mess, I sat on the toilet to do my business with this device.

Final Thoughts

I can’t say enough about the quality of the workmanship badassworkroom puts into its devices. The quality is every bit as good as that of the two Mature Metal devices I currently own. The company has many interesting designs and I know already this will not be my last chastity device purchase from badassworkroom. Also, their customer service is second to none. I received several emails with updates on my order, and I received the device within three weeks’ time, even though the national Chinese New Year celebration when all businesses in the country shut down for the holiday took place while the company was filling my order.

I paid $230 for my BA-12, but noticed the price has since increased to $250. But even with the increase, compare that with the base cost of a Mature Metal Bird, currently $330 at the time I published this review, and I think you’ll agree that’s quite reasonable for a custom-fitted, high-quality chastity device.

Coming Soon

By intent, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity is a comprehensive look at male chastity from all the major aspects. But for a while now, I’ve wanted to offer a companion book for those who don’t care so much about the what, when, and why behind male chastity, but only want a concise how-to book that will take them from choosing a properly fitted chastity device to putting it on for the first time to adjusting to wearing it for gradually longer periods.

I’ve finally written that book. Male Chasity Training isn’t a rehash of the information in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity. It’s original writing that focuses only on the basics of taking a guy from beginner to doing male chastity like a boss in four short weeks. This book, a quick start guide to male chastity training, will be a helpful resource both for guys who want to try male chastity and for inexperienced first-time keyholders looking to learn how to safely and effectively supervise their man’s chastity.

At least for now, I’m making the eBook version available only on Amazon because so many Kindle Unlimited subscribers choose to read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity. So I thought, why not make the book available to read free by KU subscribers too? I will also offer the book in paperback for those who prefer to read actual printed books.

If this is a book that interests you, watch for the announcement when the book becomes available soon.   

Bridge-01 Stainless Steel Male PA Lock Chastity Device Review

The Bridge-01 Stainless Steel Male PA Lock Chastity Device, a made in China imitation of Rigid Chastity’s Modular Chastity Device – model 01, may perform about as well as the original at a fraction of the cost.

After a fifteen-day wear test of the Bridge-01 Stainless Steel Male PA Lock Chastity Device, I came away impressed with both the quality and fit. It also looks darn close to the genuine article. It isn’t custom-fitted like the device Rigid offers for $315. The overall quality isn’t quite up to Rigid’s standards and the finish isn’t nearly as shiny. But a guy with a PA piercing looking for a comfortable, inexpensive device, could do a lot worse than the Bridge-01.

The inside diameter of the spacer ring that the PA s-hook is attached to is 35mm (1.37795 inches), the same as the cage opening. The diameter of the s-hook is your choice of 6mm or 8mm. That’s the only sizing option offered besides your choice of base ring size – 40mm, 45mm, or 50mm. The overall length of the device measured from the back of of the base ring to the tip of the nose is 63mm ( 2.48031 inches). This device should work for most men with average size penises.

Bridge-01 Stainless Steel Male PA Lock Chastity Device Physical Details

The Bridge-01 manufacturer claims they fabricate the device from Grade 316L stainless steel, considered surgical or medical-grade stainless that is resistant to general corrosion and pitting. And it does look like 316L stainless to me. When I received it, the fabricator had buffed the device to a shiny luster, but nowhere near the bright luster depicted in the images on the eBay sales page. That makes me believe those images are actual Rigid devices scraped from the Rigid Chastity website. Still the luster is brighter than the usual dull nickel finishes I’ve seen on other made in China stainless steel devices.

Rigid refers to their Model 01, the model the Bridge-01 imitates, as a “modular chastity device” because it includes the s-hook component used to secure a PA piercing ring for better security. The Rigid custom-made device can be ordered without the PA attachment component, but that isn’t an option with the Bridge-01. I didn’t find that presented any problems even though I don’t have a PA piercing and didn’t need the component. Because of the design of the device, the PA attachment component must be used whether needed or not because otherwise the cage and base ring cannot be mated together.

The base ring is the standard circular type, though the stock used to fabricate the base ring isn’t quite as thick as that used for most made in China devices. That is a plus for me since it reduces overall weight slightly. The eBay seller offers the device with three choices of base ring inside diameters—40mm, 45mm, or 50mm. My exact base ring size, the size I order with custom-made devices is 42mm, so I chose the 45mm ring and it worked well enough.

Bridge-01 Stainless Steel Male PA Lock Chastity Device Use

The Bridge-01, like the Rigid device it imitates, is a standard ball-trapping device with the addition of a PA piercing accommodation. The wearer first inserts his scrotum and testicles into the base ring. It’s then easiest, at least for guys without a piercing, to mate the PA component to the cage and then to slide the two components over the flaccid penis as a single unit. That’s because first mating the PA component to the base ring and then trying to put the cage on makes it more difficult to line up the s-hook. By design, the tip of the hook passes all the way through the cage and slightly out the hole drilled in the center of the cage cap. Once the wearer’s flaccid penis is inside the cage, he mates the the two primary components together and then secures the device with the provided MagicLocker that comes with two keys.

Even without a PA, I found the device felt secure. But as with all ball-trapping devices, I’m sure someone motivated to escape the locked device could find a way out of it. Still, I rate it as secure as any other stainless steel device I’ve tried. I had no ball slippage issues with the device, which means the gap worked for me.

I think guys with a PA piercing locked in this device would find it extremely difficult to escape from. There seems no easy way to access and disconnect a PA ring from the s-hook once the device is locked on.

Precautions to Consider While Wearing the Bridge-01

As with any ball-trapping male chastity device, choosing the proper size base ring is important. The worst that can happen if you choose a ring that’s too large is the locked device might come off or be too easily escaped. However, choosing a ring that is too small can cause significant problems, including compromising your circulation. As a rule of thumb, skin discoloration or skin temperature of the scrotum that feels cooler than normal body temperature are indications of reduced circulation. Wearing a base ring that interferes with circulation is asking for a serious medical issue. When wearing a male chastity device, you should always be able to insert a fingertip between the base ring and your skin. If you can’t, the ring is too small.

Comfort and Feel of Wearing the Bridge-01

After wearing the Bridge-01 for fifteen days, I felt pleased with the fit and how comfortable it is. It’s a little heavier than my other stainless steel devices, which is understandable since it has the extra PA component. But the weight isn’t onerous. It feels solid and secure, even though I don’t have a PA. The PA attachment and s-hook weren’t a factor in my experience. I was barely aware the hook was there.

I like the looks of this device when wearing it, and it satisfied my curiosity about whether a modular chastity device works for those of us who don’t have a PA.

The Bridge-01 isn’t exactly stealthy since there is only a slight downward curve from the base ring to the cage tip. So, it does produce a noticeable bump. This isn’t something I’m self-conscious about and I had no problem with wearing it out and about.

The device is about one half-inch longer than I need, but the internal diameter is just about perfect.

Hygiene Concerns When Wearing the Bridge-01

The open-style of the Bridge-01 makes it a snap to keep the inside of the cage and the contents clean with a handheld shower head. It isn’t necessary to remove it unless you wish to do so. I wore it for fifteen straight days without noticing any unpleasant odors the day I removed it. Ease in maintaining good hygiene is why I prefer open-style cage devices over those that have closed tubes.

Because of the drilled-cap design of the nose, I didn’t even bother trying to urinate while standing. I have other devices with a similar type nose design and I know trying to pee while standing when wearing a device with that design invariably results in huge mess. So, my recommendation is to sit on the toilet to do your business with this one. The s-hook protruding slightly through the center hole in the nose means there is no way you can line your urethral opening with a urine outlet.

Final Thoughts

I will say that this is probably the highest quality made in China knock-off I’ve worn. No, the quality is not on par with Rigid’s original, but it is still very good. The manufacturer did a good job copying the Rigid design. While I haven’t tried Rigid’s device, I think this device probably performs just as well as the original. I paid the eBay seller (alpskimini) I bought the device from $34, and received free shipping. That’s a $280 savings over the Rigid original, although this less expensive imitation isn’t custom-made. I did a quick search on eBay and found there are several sellers offering this device at prices ranging from $34 to $42. The search term “pa-6mm chastity device” will show results for most of the sellers. The devices look identical so I assume they are all made by the same manufacturer.

Anyone considering buying the Rigid Chastity Model 01, especially those looking for a device with a PA attachment, would probably find this to be a great bargain alternative that performs just as well.

I have an average size penis that I expect hits right about the center of the bell curve and that is a little on the chubby side when flaccid. The Bridge-01 fits me almost perfectly. But the internal diameter of the cage and the length might not work for guys who are on the larger end of the scale. Like all mass-produced chastity devices, it’s obvious this one is aimed at average-size penis owners.

Are You Struggling to Find a Remote Chastity Keyholder? This Might Be Your Solution

I’ve often wondered why some chastity device manufacturer or retailer hasn’t launched a simple, inexpensive remote chastity keyholder service. With growing numbers of single guys sliding into male chastity, it seems a no-brainer way of driving device sales. But, wait. It looks like one company has done just that.

The problem for many single guys interested in practicing male chastity is the difficulty of finding a chastity keyholder. Finding a remote chastity keyholder to enforce your chastity via the internet is an option. But that isn’t always exactly easy to arrange either. And it can be expensive. But one BDSM/sex toy company, Oxy Shop, has stepped up to the plate and now offers a simple, inexpensive chastity keyholding service like the one I’ve always envisioned. Are you struggling to find a remote chastity keyholder? This might be your solution.

Sure You Can Practice Self-Locking Chastity, But...

I’ve spent far more time self-locked than time in chastity with a keyholder. This works for me because the mental and psychological benefits of the male chastity lifestyle are what I find most appealing. And you can gain those benefits just as readily when you self-lock as you do having a keyholder enforcing your chastity. But I know from experience that chastity is far more intense and meaningful on so many levels when someone else holds the key to your locked device.

One reason is that having a keyholder is the only way to experience the control aspect of chastity that so many of us crave. So, whenever I’ve felt my motivation lagging, as a single guy, I’ve always turned to a Pro Domme for keyholding services for a month or three to help get me back on track.

I’ve always believed that having a partner you’re in an intimate relationship with as your keyholder is the best way to get all that male chastity offers. Yet having a pro as a remote chastity keyholder is a close second for men who don’t have a partner. I’ve always been very pleased with the professionals I’ve used. The woman who remotely enforced my chastity during the 2022 month-long version of International Male Chastity Day was one of the best keyholders I’ve had thus far.

The downside of engaging a Pro Domme for keyholding is that their services don’t come cheap. And I’m not arguing that they should. These women are knowledgeable professionals with a set of specialized skills. It must also be said that the services of Pro Dommes are a luxury, and luxuries are typically expensive. So, while I’ve never begrudged paying a professional for her services, not every single chaste male can afford to pay for professional keyholding.

I know Professional Dommes that charge as much as $450 per month for keyholding. But I’ve never paid anything near that amount. With a little homework, you can find professionals willing to hold your keys for $100 per month, and sometimes for less than that. But here we’re talking basic services. No teasing activities are usually involved. They lock you, require periodic proof that you’re staying locked until you complete the agreed-upon period, and that’s it. Yet even $100 per month for basic keyholding might not be in the budget of every guy who wants a keyholder. But what if you could find a Mistress willing to hold your keys for only $35 per month, $95 for three months, or only $200 for six full months? Oxy Shop, a BDSM/sex toy retailer that does business worldwide, offers such a service. It’s done remotely via the internet, and Mistress Elena manages chastity enforcement, a Professional Domme the company has engaged to manage the service.

The Oxy Shop Chastity Keyholder Service

Before delving into the actual service they offer, it bears mentioning why Oxy Shop seems perfectly positioned to offer an online remote chastity keyholder service. As the company says on the website, most adult toy retailers primarily market their products to women. I suppose this makes sense since I’ve seen many surveys that say women are more likely to use sex toys than men. But Oxy Shop is not your average sex toy retailer. According to the website, they focus on products for submissive males—from chastity cages to the most extreme CBT devices. And the company offers a wide range of other products for men beyond that.

I discovered Oxy Shop while looking for a chastity key safe secured with a plastic lock. I’ve acquired several devices that have integral locks instead of padlocks. Unfortunately, they don’t work with plastic locks for remote keyholding, so I needed a way to secure the keys instead so a remote keyholder can feel confident I can’t remove a chastity cage without her knowledge. That’s when I stumbled upon the company’s remote chastity keyholder service.

Using the service is simple. First, you purchase the service here at https://oxy-shop.com/products/monthly-chastity-keyholder-service after selecting your preferred period—one, three, or six months. Next, Oxy Shop posts their chastity keyholder service set to you, including twenty numbered plastic locks and a key container to use with the locks. The set is free with your first paid month of the keyholding service. The key container and plastic locks allow you to use either a device that has an integral lock or a padlock.

Once you receive the chastity keyholder service set, you must email the company at tasks@oxy-shop.com once you are ready to start. Then Mistress Elena enforces and monitors your chastity. She will inform you when to lock yourself and later when to unlock. Mistress Elena will require “proof of lock” images periodically. As a bonus, she will send you a monthly kinky task to perform. All communication is by email.

With only one task per month, there isn’t a lot of teasing provided with the service. But you will experience the control and enjoy the uncertainty of not knowing when your keyholder will set you free or allow you release.

It sounds like a bargain to me. So much so that I’ve already purchased a trial month of the keyholding service for a test drive. I’m waiting for the keyholder service set to arrive and hopefully will be ready to start March 1. At the end of the month, I’ll post a review with the details of my experience.


I am not an Oxy Shop affiliate and have no connection with the company beyond being a paying customer. Since I haven’t yet tried the online keyholding service, this post is not an endorsement of the service or any recommendation to try it. Once I have tried the service, I’ll post a complete review, including my opinions and recommendations. Like all the chastity devices I review, I purchased the service using my own funds so that readers can feel confident the forthcoming review will represent my honest, unbiased opinions.

Have you already tried the Oxy Shop online remote chastity keyholder service? If so, feel free to post your experience with the service in a comment for the benefit of other readers.

International Male Chastity Day 30-day Adventures

Today, February 14, marks the end of the 30-day version of International Male Chastity Day. How did you do?

Yes, the actual International Male Chastity Day is tomorrow, February 15. But if like me, you agreed to do the International Male Chastity Day 30-day extended cut that began January 14, we have finally reached Valentine’s Day. My keyholder released me this morning, but as Mistresses are prone to do, allowed only a ruined orgasm. But I’m okay with it. A normal one would have dissipated all that hard-won sexual tension and frustration. So, I’m not starting over at ground zero.

While I’ve spent far longer than thirty days locked in the past, my habit is to remove my device for a few minutes once a week for proper cleaning. So, this International Male Chastity Day adventure was my first experience with being locked continuously for a full month. It was an interesting experience, and my keyholder ensured it was meaningful.

Back to Self-Locked

After about a two-hour respite, I’m locked again in a different device. Today, I am beginning my wear test of the Rigid Modular Chastity Device Model 01 knock-off I ordered from an eBay seller. It showed up in my mailbox last week. Expect a review in a couple of weeks. But here are my initial impressions.

It came as no surprise that the knock-off device doesn’t have the same brilliant shine as the original Rigid device. That confirms my suspicions that the knock-off manufacturer scraped the images used on eBay from the Rigid website. But the luster is shinier than expected and definitely not the dull finish of most stainless steel devices made in China. I’m also impressed with the quality of workmanship. While not up to Rigid Chastity standards, the quality is surprisingly good for the price. The knock-off is also a dead ringer for the original article as far as appearance.

The device feels comfortable and not overly heavy as far as stainless steel devices go. It fits well, although the length of the cage is about a half-inch longer than I need. Unlike Rigid and their original device, the knock-off manufacturer doesn’t offer this modular device without the PA hook. And the design doesn’t allow for using the device without the s-hook component. I was curious how wearing a device with an s-hook inside the cage would feel since I have no PA and have never worn a device with an internal hook. But it’s a non-issue. I can’t feel the hook at all.

I’ll post a full review after completing the wear test. In other news, I also received two other devices during the past month I ordered. So, more tests and more reviews to follow.

The Device

Model 01 Modular Device Knock-Off
Four Components
Device Doing Its Thing

Have You Seen This $30 Modular Chastity Device?

A modular chastity device, with an integral S-hook, is designed for men with a PA (Prince Albert) piercing. Some can be modified for use by men with a frenum piercing.

From a simple aesthetic point of view, I’ve always liked the design of the Rigid Chastity Model 01 modular chastity device. But because of several reasons, my appreciation of the design has not tempted me to spend the $315 required to buy one.

First, the Model 01 is a modular chastity device designed for men with a PA (Prince Albert) piercing, or a frenum piercing, with a slight modification. I have neither and no plans to get pierced. Also, even though you can order the Model 01 without the S-hook, I’ve been unsure that a modular chastity device would work well for a guy without a piercing. Finally, Rigid has a reputation for long lead times between ordering and delivery and I’ve seen too many complaints they don’t do a good job of communicating with their customers when promised delivery dates go unmet.

But what if I could try the Model 01, or at least a device copying it, for one-tenth the price and without waiting months to get it? I’d be all in, and I am. I like to troll eBay for the latest chastity devices available from China. Eventually, it seems, every popular chastity device gets copied and shows up on eBay. So, it delighted me to find a stainless steel device that looks like an exact replica of the Rigid Model 01 for only thirty bucks. So, I ordered it.

Here are the seller’s images.

Yeah, But is the Copy a High Quality Modular Chastity Device?

Am I expecting this $30 copy to have the quality of the original? After all, despite the shortcomings mentioned, Rigid Chastity has an enviable reputation for producing high-quality chastity devices. Besides the quality workmanship, they also produce the shiniest stainless steel devices I’ve ever seen and people who own them say the gleam never goes away. To answer the question, no, I’m not expecting the quality of the original for two reasons.

I suspect the eBay seller not only copied Rigid Chastity’s design, but also scraped the above images from the Rigid website. While you can’t see it clearly in the first image above, when you look at that image on the seller’s eBay page, you can see the reflection of the person taking the photo on the nose of the device. Then, if you go to the Rigid website and look at a similar image, you see the identical reflection. Coincidence? Probably not. So when I receive the device, if the copy has the same brilliant shine as the Rigid original, it will surprise me. That is unless the manufacturer has chromed the metal. Actually, I expect it to have the nickel-like finish you get with most made in China stainless steel devices.

Also, like with most everything else, you typically get what you pay for with chastity devices. So, a reasonable person doesn’t expect to get the same thing for $30 that the original manufacturer sells for $315. Still, I’ve had good luck with most made in China devices I’ve tried. So, I’ll withhold judgement until the device hits my mailbox in a couple of weeks and wear test it.

And who knows? It may turn out a perfectly acceptable device that someone interested in the design but who can’t afford the Rigid original or doesn’t want to invest three hundred bucks in a chastity device might find acceptable. At worst, for very little money, I’ll probably satisfy my curiosity about whether a modular chastity device works for a guy without a penis piercing. So, I’m not taking much of a risk.

If you find reviews of inexpensive chastity devices copied from popular originals useful, stay tuned. I’ve already received one interesting device I’ll be wear testing and reviewing after February 14, and I expect this one to arrive by then too.

Answered: Your Most Burning Questions About Chastity Cage Safety

The most frequently asked questions about wearing a chastity cage concern whether locking your penis in a device long-term causes any permanent damage. Will it shrink my penis? Will it cause erectile dysfunction (ED)? We answer your most burning questions about chastity cage safety in today’s post.

Myths, misinformation, and downright lies associated with long-term male chastity abound on the internet. That comes as no surprise. Anyone can say anything on the web, which is why you should take everything you read on the internet with a grain of salt. Provided you choose a properly fitting device, and follow some common sense safety and hygiene recommendations, wearing a chastity cage is safe. Very safe.

No medical evidence or scientific studies exist suggesting that wearing a chastity device is unhealthy or unsafe in the short or long term. Factually, no one has done any research about the impact of wearing chastity devices on penis health, but we can infer much from general penis health research, and there is a much of that. First, we will look at the two biggest myths associated with wearing chastity cages, and then we’ll review the common sense safety and hygienic precautions I mentioned.

Does Wearing a Chastity Device Shrink the Penis?

I’ve read plenty of claims on chastity websites and other forums where men claim wearing a chastity device long-term shrank their penises substantially. Here is what a guy posted on one forum I found.

“I’ve been in permanent chastity for several years now. My wife unlocks me every couple of weeks for a deep clean. In my case, I can definitely state that my penis has shrunk considerably, and maintaining an erection is impossible.”

In another post on a chastity forums website, I read a post by a guy who claimed his peen had shrunk by three full inches from wearing a chastity cage.

Sorry, but none of those anecdotal claims are true. Wearing a chastity cage will not reduce the length of a penis, not even wearing a cage that is considerably shorter than flaccid length. Almost always, when you read claims from men that wearing a chastity device cost them length, they will reveal at the end that they are into small penis humiliation (SPH) or being cuckolded. So they want their penises to shrink and convince themselves it happened.

We all know many guys not hung like a porn star have insecurities about the size of their dicks. I read a study where men with average size penises reported believing their penises were shorter than average. Guys like that who believe they have small dicks are the ones who typically embrace small penis fetishes. The facts are 95 percent of men have an average size penis. The remaining 5 percent have larger than average or smaller than average. So, if you’re reading this and feel your peen is smaller than average, it’s probably average.


According to one study published in the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI) Trusted Source, the average length of a flaccid penis is 3.61 inches, while the average length of an erect penis is 5.16 inches. So grab a measuring tape and prove it to yourself. You’re probably within the bell curve.

The penis shortens with age because of a loss of elasticity, usually between one-half inch to an inch. Prostate surgery can also cause a loss of length. If you put on a lot of weight or you have a thick bush of public hair, your penis will look shorter even though it isn’t. Men who lose length, or think they have and who wear chastity cages for long periods may attribute it wearing the devices when the explanation lies elsewhere.

Does Wearing a Chastity Device Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Chasity device wear causing erectile dysfunction (ED) is another claim you find frequently on the internet, but it is all anecdotal. There is no medical literature that backs up these claims. Not to say there aren’t men in long-term chastity who suffer from ED, but it’s unlikely caused by wearing a chastity device.

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. Male sexual arousal is a complex process that involves the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction can result from a problem with any of these. Likewise, stress and mental health concerns can cause or worsen erectile dysfunction.

Here are some leading causes of ED, according to the Mayo Clinic. Heart disease, clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, certain prescription medications, tobacco use, alcohol and other forms of substance abuse, sleep disorders, and low testosterone. One or more of those is probably behind ED reported by chastity cage wearers.

Chastity Device Wear and Nocturnal Penile Tumescence

I have read articles by two different urologists that had concerns about chastity device wear. Their concern was that the restrictions that cages put on nocturnal penile tumescence (nighttime erections) could be harmful. Men typically have 3–5 erections per 8 hours of sleep.

The parasympathetic nervous system, part of the nervous system that controls many of the things that happen in our bodies without us having to think about it, like digestion, urination, and sexual arousal, causes nocturnal penile tumescence. The latest research suggests that the penis needs a fresh supply of oxygenated blood from time to time and that’s why nighttime erections happen. There are other theories too, but what’s important is they happen for a reason and are necessary.

So, I can understand why these doctors feel we shouldn’t stifle nighttime erections by locking our penises in a restrictive cage. However, chastity devices don’t prevent erections completely. The penis still becomes engorged with blood, they just can’t grow into full-sized, normal length, or sometimes girth. While I’m not a doctor, common sense suggests we still probably get most of the benefits from nocturnal penile tumescence even while caged.

I see no reason to believe long-term wear of a chastity device causes ED. I’ve never suffered from ED as an ongoing issue, but like most men, I’ve had erection trouble from time to time. And, as I got older, my erections weren’t always as firm or long lasting as when I was younger. But, while also anecdotal, my experience since I started male chastity has been the opposite of ED. When I’m not wearing a chastity device, my erections are reliably firmer and last longer than I had experienced in a long while before I started wearing chastity devices. So, I have no concerns at all that chastity may cause ED.

Your Love Muscle isn't a Muscle Actually

Contrary to popular belief, your love muscle isn’t a muscle. A penis is an organ and there are no muscles in it. Organs don’t atrophy like muscles from disuse, but only in cases of some wasting disease or malnutrition. That’s why none of the penis exercise stuff you see on the internet will make your penis bigger. Your penis is the size it has been since your teenage years. There is nothing short of surgery that will make your penis larger or smaller.  

Common Sense Penis Care Measures for Men Wearing Chastity Devices

Proper Fit

Size matters when it comes to a properly fitted chastity device. You want a device that is not too tight or snug, and doesn’t rub or pinch any part of your peen. For best results, carefully measure your penis and use the dimensions in choosing the cock cage that fits you perfectly. This is especially critical when it comes to choosing a proper size base ring. It is common to see men go for a base ring size that is too small. Perhaps, they believe that a tighter fit makes the device more secure. But a base ring that is too small comes with serious health dangers to the penis. A ring that is too tight can restrict normal blood circulation and damage nerves. Also, when the ring is too tight, the skin of the penis and scrotum can be bruised, chafed, or broken, leaving behind patches of raw, sensitive, and irritated skin. With time, these sites can attract infections.


The next thing is to keep your penis and cage clean at all times. A clean cage comes with a couple of advantages, the absence of bad odor and skin irritation. A man wearing a cock cage should shower or bathe daily. If the cage is an open-type with sufficient slits, holes, and breathable spaces that facilitate cleaning without removing it, a handheld shower head is usually all that’s needed.

Never wear a solid cage that fully encloses the penis for more than four days without removing it to give both the cage and your penis a deep cleaning. This helps you avoid skin rashes, bad odors, and infections.

Regular Inspections

Examine your penis and testicles regularly to ensure that there is no discoloration, bruises, cuts, chaffing, or irritated skin of any form.


It’s a good practice to allow yourself to have a normal erection whenever you remove your chastity device for a deep cleaning. This can give you added peace of mind.


Lubrication is important when you are new to wearing a chastity device. A little lube around the base ring can prevent chafing, irritated skin, and rashes. Once your skin acclimates to the device and toughens up, lube shouldn’t be necessary if you have a properly fitted device. There are different lubes you can use from baby to water-based or silicone-based personal lubricants.

Contrary to anecdotal accounts you may read on the internet, there is no evidence that wearing the cock cage makes the testicles or penis shrink, or causes ED.