Cobra Chastity Device Review Coming Soon

After seeing so many guys on social media wearing the KINK3D Cobra 3D-printed male chastity device and reading an excellent review, I ordered a copycat device for a wear test.


This device has been tested and reviewed. Click the link to read the review: 

Judging from what I’ve seen on Twitter lately, the KINK3D Cobra 3D-printed Chastity is one of the most popular chastity cages going. Thumper wrote an excellent review of the Cobra Chastity this past November. Intrigued by the review, I immediately wanted to take one for a spin. But then I had an idea.

Here at Cut To The Chaste, I like reviewing original devices, but I also try to include reviews on less expensive cages for the benefit of guys who aren’t yet ready to invest in higher priced models. Since I’d also seen a lot of Cobra copycats on social media, I went looking for one of those instead. After all, Thumper has already covered the original Cobra so why not wear test and review a less expensive knock-off model?

After some searching, I found what I was looking for on eBay, Cobra Male Chasity Cage Lock for under $30.

While this isn’t an original KINK3D Cobra Chastity, it is a nylon 3D-printed device that seems a very close approximation. When it arrived in my mailbox today, out of the box I found it to be of good quality. To the touch, everything feels smooth with no rough edges. The base ring has a very smooth surface, which is nothing like the eggshell-like surface of the base ring that came with the first 3D-printed device I tried.

Having never tried the KINK3D original, I won’t be able to draw any comparisons, so my review will instead focus on this copycat device and how well I find it performs in all the usual areas. At more than $125 less than the original Cobra Chastity, I’m interested to learn whether this might be a good option for guys who like the style but don’t want to shell out the $155-$175 required to get the actual KINK3D version.

It will be a few weeks before I’ll have the chance to wear test and review this device since I’m participating in International Male Chastity Day until February 14. I have a key holder and can’t unlock and switch chastity devices until I’ve finished the month. So, look for a review before the end of February if you’re interested.

Male Chastity and the Goldilocks Principle Have More in Common Than You Think

If you are locked in a chastity device, observing International Male Chasity Day (the extended cut month-long version) for the first time, the worst is probably behind you. That’s because male chastity and the Goldilocks Principle have more in common than you think.

We are on Day 4 of the International Male Chastity Day extended cut version. If this is your first go at remaining locked in a chastity device for one full month, you may have already regretted not waiting until the real International Male Chastity Day on February 15. If you had, you would have only had to wear the device for an actual day instead of thirty of them.

Thinking about having twenty-seven more days to go until February 14 can be daunting. That’s especially true for guys who may have fantasized about being locked in a chastity cage, but they quickly unlocked after only a day or two when they have tried it in the past. But take heart. The worst of it is probably already behind you. There are three main phases you go through when you experience wearing a chastity device for an extended period.

Just fourteen more days to go in January, and then it’s on to February.

The Irritation Phase

The first day of wearing a chastity cage is often euphoric. It’s a new adventure you’ve embarked upon, for many the first time, and spirits are high. Success already seems easily within grasp. But that all changes usually on Day 2. Without a doubt, Days 2 and 3 are the toughest, just as they are when starting a diet or giving up tobacco and for the same reason. You are denying your body something it has been accustomed to getting when it wants it. It’s an uncomfortable change, and your body doesn’t like it. So, like everyone who has ever gone on a diet or tried to quit smoking, you feel frustrated and irritable.

Instead of distracting you from focusing on your penis, the cage is only a constant reminder of it and how badly you want to satisfy your urge for release. It can feel as though you have descended into one of Dante’s nine circles of hell. The more often you’ve been accustomed to having orgasms and ejaculating from sex or masturbation, the harder Days 2 and 3 are usually. But around Day 4, for most of us, things start to improve.

The Transitional Phase

The Transitional Phase starts for most men around Day 4. Your body slowly begins to realize that orgasm and ejaculation are not imminent, and it’s a waste of resources to keep expecting and demanding relief. Eventually, this realization transitions into acceptance, both mental and physical acceptance. Of course, you still suffer bouts of the intense need for release and frustration when you don’t get it, but they pass quickly.

The Goldilocks Phase

The Goldilocks principle is named by analogy to the children’s story “The Three Bears,” in which a young girl named Goldilocks tastes three different bowls of porridge and finds she prefers porridge that is neither too hot nor too cold but has just the right temperature. The concept of “just the right amount” is easily understood and can be applied to a wide range of disciplines, including developmental psychology, biology, astronomy, economics, and engineering. It also applies to orgasm denial when practicing male chastity. This is the phase where chastity is not too hard, not to easy, but just right.

Goldilocks Explained

Day 4

Desire, the first phase of the sexual response cycle, is driven by the desire for sexual gratification. The evolutionary basis for this stems from our need to reproduce. A need shared among all living things. Through reproduction, organisms pass on their genes and thus contribute to the perpetuation of their species.

During this phase, changes occur in the male body. For example, muscle tension increases, heart rate quickens, breathing gets faster, blood flow to the genitals increases, the testicles swell, the scrotum tightens, and men begin secreting a lubricating liquid (pre-ejaculate). In the image, note the redness of my genitals in comparison to the tone of the surrounding skin areas, the swollen testicles, and the tight scrotum. These are the desire phase changes I’ve described.

Chemical changes also occur during the desire phase. For example, dopamine, produced by the hypothalamus, a particularly well-publicized player in the brain’s reward pathway, is released when we grow aroused. Along with high dopamine levels, a related hormone, norepinephrine, is released. These chemicals make us feel giddy, energetic, and euphoric. After orgasm and ejaculation (the resolution phase of the sexual response cycle), the release of these natural chemicals stops. But when you’re locked in a chastity device and unable to orgasm and ejaculate, the release of these chemicals continues until the reward pathways are marinated in them. Then, your brain starts to realize that desire itself is pleasurable, and so orgasm denial becomes its own reward. It’s almost as if you’re floating on a blissful cloud of chaste pleasure, and that moves you past the constant need for release.

In the Goldilocks Phase, your expectations for impending release have been lowered enough that you stop fighting chastity, but not so low that you become depressed. Most men transition into Goldilocks by Day 14. In this phase, you are free to simply enjoy chastity, to experience the sensation of your ever-growing arousal and ever-intensifying desire. The desire itself becomes pleasure. Of course, this will be made a little bittersweet by occasional waves of overwhelming need. But don’t worry, they pass quickly.

The Goldilocks Phase lasts between about three to four weeks. During this phase, you will slowly grow more and more aroused and may experience submissive feelings toward your key holder and a greater desire to please them.

Spend Your Time in Chastity Well

It’s important to spend your time in chastity well. Time is a gift, and chastity grants you more of it by taking away that idle pastime of mindless masturbation and porn watching. So, please don’t waste it. Here are a few ideas to help you make the most of the gift and productively pass the next twenty-seven days.


  1. Read some books. If you haven’t finished a good book in years, now is the time. You should be able to read several before February 14 arrives.


  1. Learn a new skill. Have you ever thought about learning a foreign language? Now is your chance. Download an app like Babbel. With almost a penis-free month ahead of you, you could easily acquire a second language.


  1. Exercise. Start a new exercise program. There is literally no recreational exercise activity you can’t do while wearing a chastity cage. In a month, you could be fitter and have dropped a few extra pounds.


  1. Get started on spring cleaning early. Remember that closet or garage you’ve been planning to clean out and organize. Now you have the time to do it.


The point is, find something to distract you from thinking about your penis for a few more weeks and simply enjoy the blissful dopamine buzz.

The Critical Difference Between Chastity With a Key Holder and Self-Locking

As mentioned in the previous post, I engaged a Professional Dominatrix as my key holder for the observance of the longest day (month-long observance of International Male Chastity Day). Four days into it (I started a day early), the experience of having a key holder has reminded me once again of the critical difference between chastity with a key holder and self-locking. It’s the control.

I spent the entire year of 2021 self-locked and had to look back at my notes to see when I last had a key holder. It was June through November 2020. The benefits of wearing a male chastity device are so obvious that I willingly self-lock. That’s also why I recommend practicing solo male chastity to other single guys without hesitation. It’s still fun and meaningful. You still get many of the benefits. But we don’t get one element of chastity when we go it alone. We miss out on one of the most satisfying aspects of chastity, the experience of surrendering control to another person.

Surrendering Control is a Common Male Fantasy

Many men (if not most) fantasize about giving control of their sexual desires over to their wives, girlfriends, or partners. This dynamic, commonly known as power exchange, requires complete trust and open, honest communication. Many men enjoy being more of a passive player when it comes to sex, taking on a sexually submissive role. It runs contrary to the way they experience their lives outside the bedroom. So, they enjoy the idea of a partner locking up their penis, teasing, denying, and deciding when they can orgasm. It’s about feeling like you surrender control.

In the beginning, the novelty and excitement are heady and arousing, but once a little time passes, the frustration builds, and you must dig deep to find your own power and strength of resolve, as the temptation to beg and plead for release ramps up. It took only four days under the firm hand of my Mistress to remind me of all these things and how much I’ve missed it.

The Effects of Control

I’m not at the frustration stage yet, probably because I have acquired so much experience wearing a cock cage. But here is how the control of another person is making itself felt. Right now, I am super horny. That’s my preferred state, although it can be massively distracting. Sure, I get horny sometimes when I’m self-locked. But it never feels this intense.

The other thing I’ve noticed is attempted erections waking me during the night. I adjusted to the nocturnal erections a long while ago, and they rarely wake me anymore. But last night, attempted erections woke me three different times. That isn’t ordinary for me. All my custom cages are designed to fit tight with no extra space, so they all do an excellent job of stifling erection attempts quickly. Also, I woke up this morning with morning wood. Since my Jail Bird offers no extra space for the contents to grow, the boner pushed the base ring and cage a good distance away from my body until it subsided.

These are the things that make me aware of the control. Is this mental or physical? I think maybe a little of both. When you’re self-locked, even when you have no intention of unlocking, it’s always there in the back of your mind that you could unlock if you wanted. But it removes that option when you have surrendered control to a key holder. You can’t unlock and remove the cage without breaking the agreement and disappointing your key holder. Both are things I’d never do.

I have never experienced having an intimate partner I cared about and knew cared about me as a key holder. But I have no difficulty imagining that is the best possible way to experience chastity.

No matter how charming, dominant, or attractive a professional key holder might be or how over time, you sometimes develop feelings of affection for them on some level, you always understand it isn’t personal for them. It’s just a business transaction. They provide you a service for a fee you feel you need or want.

Nevertheless, the feeling of control it produces is still very real. And I love that feeling. It makes me feel comforted, cared for, and sexy. It makes the practice of chastity all the more profound. The feeling of the chastity device holding me tight and knowing another person has all the control is one of the best feelings in the world.

Why You Should Give Up and Observe International Male Chastity Day on the Wrong Date

Despite my tireless efforts to educate those who get the date of International Male Chastity Day wrong every year, I continue to find people on Twitter and Tumblr saying it’s on January 14. Living under the delusion that a DAY on Earth is 720 hours long, they insist on celebrating Male Chasity DAY for an entire MONTH from January 14 through Valentine’s Day!

If you want to know the actual date of the annual event, you can read this past post. But, honestly, what’s the use? I give up. So today, instead of railing against the heretics, I’m suggesting reasons why you should give up and observe International Male Chasity Day on the wrong date like everyone else. And, I’m taking my own advice.

It’s an Excuse to Celebrate Locktober Ten Months Early

The end of Locktober on October 31 each year always leaves me feeling a little wistful, knowing I must wait an entire year before it comes around again. I feel almost as sad about it as I felt every December 26 as a kid, knowing I had to wait an entire year until the next Christmas. So, it bizarrely makes a lot of sense just to ignore the reality that International Male Chasity Day is only a single day instead of an entire month. When you think about it, you realize it gives you a ready excuse to celebrate an extra thirty blissful days locked in your chastity device—sort of a Locktober ten months early. Locknuary!

If You’re in Chastity 24/7 Anyway What Difference Does it Make?

I worked every Christmas Day and often Thanksgiving Day in my past profession. It’s funny how they don’t seem like holidays when you must work on holidays. They seem pretty much like any other day. That’s kind of true when it comes to male chastity, and you’re a guy like me who practices it 24/7. Did the event happen if you’re already caged anyway, and people celebrate International Male Chastity Day? It’s sort of like the old “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

Extending the Month by a Day Covers All the Bases

If you’re a pious male chastity purist like me, you can observe the wrong-headed month-long version of International Male Chasity Day and just add an extra day. That way, you will be locked on February 15, the actual date, and you’re all good.

Locked and ready to go for International Male Chastity Day

So, I’m observing International Male Chastity Day on the wrong date this year, and so should you. I even have a new Mistress I haven’t played with before as my key holder. But, she is such a kind and gracious lady that she locked me today, a whole day early. Yes, a Dominatrix is just good that way. So, I guess I’m celebrating International Male Chastity Day three times this year—International Male Chastity Day Eve today, from January 14 through February 14, and then on the actual date, February 15. Awesome!

Happy International Male Chastity Day no matter when you choose to celebrate it!

Are Blue Balls an Actual Thing?

“Blue balls” is a slang term for testicles that ache after sexual arousal that does not result in orgasm or ejaculation. So are blue balls real or just a myth? Are blue balls an actual thing? Kind of, but probably not as bad as you think. But is experiencing blue balls a reason to avoid practicing male chastity?

Some guys contemplating male chastity may feel anxious at the prospect of suffering the dreaded scourge of blue balls. But is it something you should worry about?

What Are Blue Balls?

Doctors refer to “blue balls” and its symptom as epididymal hypertension. Epididymal hypertension isn’t dangerous. “It [blue balls] is typically not overly painful, but simply bothersome or unpleasant in nature,” says Dr. Turek, MD, a board-certified men’s health and fertility urologist.

So while unrequited arousal and unreleased orgasms can cause some mild discomfort, it’s nothing a guy can’t handle. You won’t end up writhing around on the ground in agony. Certainly, it’s no reason for you to avoid practicing male chastity.

Anecdotal symptoms of blue balls include—

  • discomfort or mild pain


  • heaviness


  • aching

Why Do Blue Balls Occur?

Because one symptom of blue balls is a feeling of heaviness in the testicles, many men believe they are filled with sperm or semen. That’s not true, actually. The testicles or testes are not tiny warehouses that store semen. Think of them instead as tiny factories that produce sperm and testosterone. Sperm only accounts for about two to five percent of the total volume of semen.

After the testes produce it, sperm travels through the male reproductive tract bathed in seminal fluids. These fluids are made and secreted by tubules and glands. The source of the heaviness and aching sensation down there results from excess blood remaining in the testicles from a wave of arousal not followed by ejaculation. During arousal, blood flows into the penis (erection), testicles, and surrounding areas. When a man achieves orgasm and ejaculates, the blood returns to the body. When he does not, some excess blood remains in the tissues causing the symptoms we call blue balls.

Are Blue Balls Harmful?

There doesn’t appear to be medical evidence that experiencing blue balls resulting from abstaining from orgasm/ejaculation poses any risk to physical or mental health. So if you feel good about practicing chastity, carry on. Like learning to adjust to sleeping while wearing a chastity device, blue balls is something else you grow accustomed to, and it becomes less bothersome.

Also, your balls won’t turn blue while you’re in chastity due to constant, unrequited arousal and semen retention. That’s not to say they won’t turn blue from chastity, but if they do, it’s probably because your base ring is too small and compromising your blood circulation. That is a risk to your physical health, so please remove it immediately.

Getting Rid of Blue Balls

Some people claim that applying ice or cold water (cold showers) can help relieve the pressure down there. Other suggestions include exercise, like light jogging, which may help by moving the excess blood away from your genitals to your muscles. Distracting yourself and even urinating helps, according to others. Sex or masturbation leading to orgasm also gets rid of blue balls. But you’ll have to take that up with your keyholder.

If you’ve suffered from blue balls while locked, do you have any favorite moves that have helped relieve the heaviness and aching?

Cut to the Chaste Mail Call January 2022

Answers to recent chastity questions submitted by readers in this edition of Cut to the Chaste Mail Call for January 2022.

I always enjoy getting questions and comments from Cut to the Chaste readers. While I try my best to read and answer every question, I’m aware there is a glitch in the matrix. For a reason I’ve yet to figure out, my email provider doesn’t seem to like emails generated by my contact form. So, I have to check my spam folder regularly to rescue them. I also often wonder if all reader submissions even get through since I suspect my email provider may reject some instead of dumping them to the spam folder. On one level, I understand this because for every legit question or comment sent through the contact form are about nine actual spam submissions, mostly phishing schemes. If you want to improve the odds of getting a reply when sending me questions, you can send them directly to my email account. The address is available on the About me page. And now to this month’s questions.

Male Chastity and Running

Good Morning Chaste,

Great website, my wife and I have been practicing MC since June and sites like yours are very helpful, thank you. I was reading your about page and notice you enjoy long distance running. I am a marathoner. I was curious if you run locked? If so, do you have a recommendation for a device? It has been the hardest part of being locked for me, thanks for any feedback.

P.S. great article on side-gig, my wife is pondering this, but wants more time and experience keeping me locked first. Happy Holidays.


Hello JR,

Thanks for the question. Yes, I do enjoy long distance running, and was once a marathoner too. I completed several full marathons and a few half-marathons years ago, but am now a fitness runner. I still do weekend long runs besides my daily shorter runs, but don’t rack up the mileage I did when training for marathons.

First, please accept my congratulations to you and your wife. I always enjoy hearing about couples who are sharing the MC lifestyle. And now, to your question.

Yes, I always run locked and have for quite a while now. While training for a 10K, I purchased a Cherry Keeper chastity device specifically for running. I have run in all of my custom fitted metal chastity cages with no issues. But the lighter weight Cherry Keeper felt great.

The only problem is that it’s a 3-D printed device and has an eggshell-like finish instead of a smooth one. While I experienced no real chaffing, that became uncomfortable on longer runs. So, I sanded the inside of the base ring with high grit sandpaper and that helped, although the surface still wasn’t completely smooth. Then, I tried Holy Trainer devices and now the HT Nub V4 is my go-to device for running.

I don’t always take time to change to the Nub for shorter runs, but I always wear it for weekend long runs. I find that good support is also a key to running comfortably while locked. In the past, I never wore underwear beneath my running shorts, but now I do. I have tight-fitting, moisture wicking underwear for running that gives the support I need to keep things from bouncing around. Wearing biking shorts, either alone or beneath running shorts is another way to get the needed support. Thanks for writing, and I hope you and your wife had great holidays too, and that 2022 is treating you well.

Issues With Third-Party Holy Trainer Device


I have a holy trainer V4 nano that I purchased from a 3rd party and wonder if you have noticed from your holy trainer that the sections at the top of the cage ring that holds the lock in place to the cage seems to slowly over time spread itself apart leading to either the lock not being accessible and also then the lock springing out and the cage breaking.


Hi PS,

No, I haven’t had the problems you described. As noted in my reviews of the Nano V4 and Nub V4, I purchased both devices directly from Holy Trainer. From the manufacturer, the devices retail at $165, so I understand why some guys choose to buy “Holy Trainer” devices from third party retailers because you can find them all over the internet for anywhere between $20 to $40. The problem is, those are knock-offs, not authentic Holy Trainer manufactured devices. As one of the most popular plastic chastity devices, Holy Trainer devices are also some of the most widely copied. As a result, quality of workmanship and materials is often lacking in the counterfeit models. I suspect that is where your problems lie. I don’t think you would have the issues described with a device purchased from Holy Trainer. Many third party retailers who sell the knock-offs blatantly advertise their devices as authentic Holy Trainer cages, so it is easy to get taken in by the false claims. Thank you for the question.

Do you have a question about male chastity or chastity devices? If so, please send it to Cut to the Chaste. I’ll answer it, or if I can’t, I’ll find the answer and then we’ll both know.

Top Solo Teasing Tips for Self-Locked Guys

All too often, guys new to chastity think that a chastity device is the magic, but it’s not. The magic is the euphoric high from constant arousal and frustration felt beginning after the first two or three days of having your penis locked in a cage, depending on the man’s level of chastity experience. That’s why teasing is important and these top solo teasing tips for self-locked guys might help.

Sustained enjoyment of the time spent wearing a cock cage depends on frequent teasing. The cage only forces you to redirect your sexual energy elsewhere instead of allowing it to escape the tip of your penis when having sex or wanking. If you want to ruin the experience of self-locking, ignore the teasing, and you will likely find it deeply unsatisfying.

One Disadvantage to Self-Enforced Male Chastity

One disadvantage to self-enforced male chastity is not having a keyholder to provide teasing. So, if your circumstances mean you must go solo and self-lock, you must also provide your own teasing if you want to have a meaningful, enjoyable experience. Guys who have self-locked for a while probably already know the importance of frequent self-teasing and what works for them. But for guys new to the lifestyle and self-locking, these tips can help.

One of the Best Things About the Male Chastity Journey

One of the best things about the male chastity journey is guys often learn, many for the first time, that the penis is not the only male erogenous zone—an area of the male body that has heightened sensitivity, the stimulation of which may generate a sexual response. For many men, focusing on the penis has always given them the pleasure they were looking for, so they haven’t bothered looking elsewhere. But losing access to the penis while wearing a cock cage is an opportunity to learn about other areas of your body that respond to stimulation and produce some satisfying sexual fun. Following are three suggestions for teasing activities that will help you do just that.

#1 Butt Play

Let’s start with one area of the body that offers effective and satisfying self-teasing, one of my personal favorites, butt play. The anus is full of sensitive nerve endings. Add this to its proximity to the prostate, and you have yourself a literal sexual teasing hot spot. Since some people still regard anal play as taboo, not everyone has explored it in a meaningful way. But from prostate massages to anal sex toys, rear entry can produce some very satisfactory results when self-teasing, no ifs, ands, or (pun intended) butts.

If you’re new to the world of anal pleasure, get ready to discover that the anal area can be an intensely pleasurable play zone. While many people are more than happy to just play around the entrance, adding penetration to your sexual playlist can add even more satisfying sensations. But first, a few basics.

In essence, the purpose of the anus is to expel waste. So while penetrating your anus can definitely be pleasurable, that’s sort of the opposite the anus is designed to do. Also, unlike a vagina that lubricates itself and helps ease the way, the anus has no self-lubricating properties. That’s why the mantra of anal play is to use lube, lube, and more lube. Without using the appropriate type and amount of lubrication, you run a genuine risk of damaging the anus’s extremely delicate tissues.

There are many types of lubricants available for butt play, but adequately covering lubrication would require an article all its own. So, I’ll leave it to you to do your own homework as information abounds on the internet about personal lubricants.

Anal Training

In addition to lubrication, if you’re new to anal play, stretching your butt hole is the other key component of pleasurable backdoor play. It isn’t nearly as scary as it sounds, and no, it isn’t permanent.

Technically, anal stretching is anything that gradually stretches the anus and allows you to insert things that you couldn’t comfortably accommodate in the past. This means that for absolute beginners who’ve never tried anal experiences before, it might mean working up gradually from a single finger to larger objects. Anal stretching, achieved through anal training, is surprisingly simple to do. Once you can comfortably insert a finger, all you need are anal toys, plenty of lubricants, and some time and patience.

Anal Training Kits

Adult toy manufacturers provide everything you need for anal training in a single kit. Anal training kits vary in price, but you can find a kit like this one on Amazon with four medical-grade silicone anal plugs for under twenty bucks. This kit also comes with an enema bulb that helps keep things clean and a tube of lubricant. Instead of regurgitating the information on anal training, here is a link to an excellent anal training guide on

How Often Should You Train

How often should you train to get the desired results? It comes down to your comfort level but aim to train once or twice a day, at least five days a week, for 5 to 10 minutes at a time. Stick with the smallest size for 1 to 2 weeks and gradually increase the time you keep the plug inserted before moving to the next size up. Once you feel no resistance or discomfort when inserting, then congrats. You’re ready to step up to the next size.

Incorporating Anal Play Into Your Teasing Routine

Incorporating anal play into your teasing routine is easy, and there are countless variations. But I’ll give you a few examples of how I do it to get you started.

I insert a butt plug most days and then go about my usual routine. Once you get accustomed to anal penetration with toys, there is nothing you can’t do with one inserted. I’ve gone to the gym, taken long walks, and ran for miles with them inserted. I’ve had them in at work and while out running errands. Variety, as it’s said, is the spice of life. So I often change it up. I might leave a plug inserted for several hours at a time some days, and others, I leave one in for a half-hour and then remove it. Then later in the day, I’ll put it back in for another half hour. Butt plugs are one of my go-to strategies for keeping my sexual arousal peaking throughout the day.

Besides anal plugs, I have an assortment of dildos, prostate massagers, and vibrating butt toys I regularly use for teasing. One of my favorites is a smooth, Pyrex glass dildo that functions well as a prostate stimulator. It’s the toy I used to discover the joys of prostate milking. Additionally, a dildo with a suction cup base can provide intense faux pegging sessions. So, the options for toys and play activities are almost limitless and will go a long way toward providing the teasing you need to stay enthralled with male chastity.

#2 Life on the Edge

Edging (also called surfing, peaking, teasing, and more) is the practice of stopping yourself from reaching orgasm right when you’re on the cusp—the metaphorical “edge” right before you fall off the cliff into sexual climax. It’s another go-to technique I use to maintain high arousal and do edging sessions twice each week.

Experimentation is essential in learning to edge without accidentally going past the point of no return where orgasm is inevitable. Only through practice do you learn to recognize the cues that you are close to orgasm and ejaculation. For guys in chastity, it’s better to stop the stimulation sooner rather than later. Then wait until the urge to orgasm subsides before continuing.

You can remove your chastity device temporarily and use good old-fashioned wanking to do an edging session, or if you have a vibrator, you can simply touch it to your cage and do edges that way. I use both techniques but find I have more control and am less prone to accidents when using the manual wanking method. Also, you can use websites designed to help you with edging. For example, this article on the Joi and Asmr website has links to three of the best edging websites on the internet.

If you’ve never tried edging, this article on is a good primer. It explains what edging is, its benefits, and ways to do it.

#3 Balls to the Wall Ball Sex

Guys give so much attention to their penises that we often ignore our testicles during solo play. But locking your penis in a cage is an opportunity to get more in touch with your balls. And ball sex can help keep you all hot and bothered while practicing solo male chastity.

Fondling, caressing, tugging, twisting, stretching, or even on occasion, slapping the testicles can be pleasurable. However, as opposed to the penis itself, which millions of years of evolution have made somewhat durable, the testicles predominantly aren’t and are generally very sensitive. So, it’s best to avoid excess tension, torsion, impacts, or squeezing as there’s a risk of injury, including the permanent variety. I find that giving my testicles, while tightly trapped in the base ring of a chastity device, an extended fondling and massage with massage oil is not only arousing but soothing.

Do any of these tips for self-teasing resonate with you?

Whatever you choose to do, don’t skip the teasing if you’re practicing self-enforced chastity. Make time for it. And don’t forget there are things like insert and forget anal plugs you can do that require no time at all away from your usual daily routine. Keeping your arousal peaking will make self-locking so much more enjoyable and meaningful since teasing coupled with denial is what gets those pleasure hormones and endorphins flowing.

So I Ordered My First Steelworxx Male Chastity Device

I've got a new chastity device on the way, a Steelworxx® model, or at least it's in the works. But unfortunately, I won't be getting it anytime soon.

Thunderstruck, thunderstruck—Yeah, yeah, yeah, thunderstruck—Ooh, thunderstruck, yeah (Song by AC/DC)

So I Ordered My First Steelworxx Male Chastity Device

I typically prefer open cock cages since it makes daily cleaning in the shower a breeze and reduces how often I must remove the chastity device for a thorough cleaning. But for a while, I’ve considered buying a closed tube device, and a Steelworxx® chastity device has always been my first choice for a closed cage.

The big attraction of a closed tube is that it allows no penis contact whatsoever, which I suspect can become maddening. And not allowed even a glimpse of your flesh-and-blood dick is probably an interesting mindfuck too. I imagine that the cock cage essentially becomes a part of you, and maybe in your mind, you come to see the steel shell as your actual penis.

Most people recognize this German custom manufacturer, maker of the classic Steelheart, one of the most popular male chastity devices available. I’ve heard only rave reviews by guys who have done business with them.

Well, the time has come for me to try a closed tube device. But since it seems you can find millions of Steelheart reviews, I’ve settled on a different model, the Steelworxx® Thunder.

As you can see from the image, the Thunder shares some similarities with the Steelheart. But instead of the rounded nose, the nose of the Thunder has been squared off. It also features a more generous urine outlet.

While I had planned to order this device in late January or early February, when I checked out the Steelworxx® website, I learned the projected delivery lead time was already six months out. That seems a common downside to ordering custom-fitted chastity devices from European manufacturers, especially the popular ones. It seemed best not to delay any longer, so I pulled the trigger on January 1. I’m looking forward to trying out this shiny, new piece of German engineering, but sadly, I won’t be sharing a review anytime soon.

The Specifications

For the gearheads, here are the specs I ordered:

Cock ring size: 42mm

Internal tube diameter: 35mm

Complete length: 60mm

Gap: Factory set

And in Other News

BA-31P Model

Always on the cutting edge of new male chastity devices, Denying Thumper announced on his Twitter feed on January 2 that he has this new device from Thumper calls it a cross between the Steelworxx Steelheart and the Rigid Halfshell.

Naturally, I’m eager to read Thumper’s review. Had I known about the device before placing my order with Steelworxx, I might have opted for one of these instead because of the long delivery lead time. But since I’ve ordered the Thunder, I probably won’t be in the market for the BA-31P. However, that doesn’t mean I’m not excited about another of the company’s models.

Since they offer both custom-made and semi-custom chastity cages, I expect badassworkroom to become a popular company in the chastity device market.

Here is the model that captured my interest. Meet the BA-12 from badassworkroom. I’m very eager to get my hands on this bad boy. Here’s why. Last year I wanted to order Red Chili’s Sissy Cage chastity device. My interest in that model was the dramatic downward angle of the cage. But, after trying to order one three times and learning the company wasn’t taking orders because of their backlog, I gave up.

As you can see from the comparison images below, the BA-12 has that similar downward angle I found intriguing when I first saw the Sissy Cage. But, of course, part of the attraction of Red Chili chastity devices is what the company advertises. Their devices are customized works of art. The design of the BA-12 is more utilitarian than artistic, but I still think it’s a good-looking device and could certainly provide the experience I was looking for from the Sissy Cage. I’ll be ordering one as soon as the company gets back to me with the answer to a question I asked about the gap set by the manufacturer.


The Four Stages of the Chastity Lifestyle

Understanding the four stages of the chastity lifestyle.

The way I see it, guys who wear male chastity devices are always in one of four stages of the chastity lifestyle. Let’s examine them.

Stage #1: Irrational Exuberance

Irrational exuberance is the honeymoon phase for the new chaste guy, the one where he is incredibly turned on by the sight, feel, and the physical act of being locked. He has toppled head-first down into the bottomless abyss of chastity bliss. If he has succeeded in persuading his significant other to act as his keyholder, his excitement at this stage is even more intense.

Guys in the stage relish the loss of control, one of the best aspects of wearing a cage. The feeling of knowing that there is nothing you can do to escape, the feeling of being conquered, the feeling of having no choice and no freedom. The inability to feel your cock or feel anything through your cock. You can grip that cage all day, and the sensation will never equal gripping your bare shaft. It’s almost like it’s not there. It’s simultaneously highly exciting but strangely reassuring.

They’re full of love for their new cage and the chaste lifestyle, believing they will love it more and more as time goes by—the adventure of a lifetime and a path to continuous sexual pleasure through denial. But the guy in this stage has yet to feel the angst, the frustration, the sheer helplessness, and desperation that come with actually losing access to his penis.

Male chastity for men at this stage is mostly the stuff of fantasies rather than reality actually lived. A guy in this stage has yet to see past his fantasies into the deepest corners of male chastity, where dark things lurk that he doesn’t yet fully comprehend. But, without warning, he awakens to the truth when he begins experiencing a healthy dose of extreme arousal without any ability to satisfy his unmet desires. And maybe his significant other isn’t going by the fantasy script he had in his imagination when he begged her to lock his cock. Caught unawares by his own weaknesses, instead of joy, chastity brings feelings of resentment, distrust, and even anger when reality becomes the opposite of what he expected when he asked his partner to lock him. Male chastity is often a huge mind fuck, and it’s capable of provoking some pretty intense emotions. For most guys new to chastity, this honeymoon phase typically lasts for about the first month.

Stage #2: Disillusion and Dread

Having begun coming to grips with the reality of denied access to his penis and the pleasures it has given him so often since puberty, the chaste male in this stage of his chastity journey feels deeply disillusioned and dismayed.

At first, everything played out just like the fantasy—his significant other caged him, she teased him, he whined, she teased him again, he whined more, she teased him more, he cried and begged for her to remove the cage. Rinse and repeat. The frustration that he first felt was so intense he actually got a euphoric high from all the frustration, desperation, and lack of control. That high made the game so much fun to play. That is how things were supposed to work. But as the weeks stretch into months and the months into more months, orgasm denial takes its toll.

A guy in this stage slips back into his former headspace. The reward and the goal of chastity aren’t any longer the highs that he felt from the continual teasing and denial. Instead, it’s the eventual release at the end of his lockup. He complains, tries to bargain with his significant order, and begs her to unlock him. He grows increasingly moody and passive-aggressive, disillusioned and anxious when she doesn’t. Chasity no longer focuses his attention on his significant other but himself and his miserable plight. At first, he believed she had given him a gift by agreeing to cage him, but now it feels like punishment. Suddenly he realizes that all along, he had viewed chastity and the denial only as a type of extended foreplay with the expectation of something leading to his sexual satisfaction. All his enthusiasm and desire had always been focused on that expectation. With those needs unmet, all he wants now is for her to unlock him and give him release.

Stage #3: Stubborn Determination

At this stage, guys decide that they’re tired of letting weakness and fear win and set out to kick male chastity’s ass through sheer grit and determination.

The phrase “I don’t love sexual release; I love denial and being controlled” becomes their mantra of choice as they take pride in pushing through doubts and fears to succeed—regardless of whether they find any joy in the process.

Stage #4: Joyful Acceptance

In this fourth stage, guys recognize that they can’t sustain the stubborn determination for long and set out to cultivate a healthier relationship with their chastity lifestyle. This requires accepting wearing a chastity device as their new reality.

Guys dig deep into their limiting beliefs, address their toxic conditioning, and learn how to harness chastity to honor their partners—all essential actions that pave the way for the reclamation of true joy and fulfillment in their chaste lives.

So tell me, do you see yourself in one of these four stages?

Bear in mind that these stages are by no means a linear path through the male chastity journey.

You may find yourself in one stage today and a different stage tomorrow while transitioning between stages or even devolving into old patterns of self-limiting thoughts and behavior. That can be true of all the stages except the first one I listed. The irrational exuberance or honeymoon stage is a one-and-done, sort of like losing your virginity. Guys rarely revisit that stage unless they go off chastity for an extended period and then take it up again later.

Regardless of the stage you’re currently in, make your mission in 2022, to be honest with yourself, to remove fantasy from practicality, and to think carefully about why you desire male chastity. Ask yourself questions like


  • What does chastity mean to me?
  • Why do I want to be locked?
  • Do I want my significant other to dominate me completely?
  • Am I, by nature, submissive?


Thinking carefully about questions like these, and allowing yourself time to fully and honestly answer them is a trustworthy guide on your journey toward joyful acceptance of the chaste life.

How Male Chastity Might Help Increase Testosterone Level in Men

A scientific research study found an intriguing relationship between ejaculation frequency and serum testosterone level in men.

Testosterone is the male sex hormone. Low testosterone—also known as hypogonadism or low T, can affect your overall health.

How Low Is Too Low?

Testosterone levels are measured through a blood test called a serum testosterone test. Most doctors agree that a “normal” reading falls anywhere between 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). However, about 40% of men over age 45 have levels below that range since as men age, their bodies produce less testosterone. Starting in middle age, it often drops below levels that doctors consider normal.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

While only a serum testosterone test can accurately identify low testosterone, there are recognized symptoms that may indicate a man has low T. Those symptoms include:

  • Lower sex drive or desire
  • Lower quality and frequency of erections
  • Lower bone density
  • Reduced muscle mass and strength
  • Low energy
  • Fatigue
  • Depressed feelings

How Male Chastity Might Help Increase Testosterone Level

The results of a research study on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men, published in the Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE, revealed that after seven days of ejaculation abstinence, a clear peak of serum testosterone appeared, reaching 145.7% of the baseline.

Interestingly, researchers found that the fluctuations of testosterone levels from the 2nd to 5th day of abstinence were minimal. Also, no regular fluctuation was observed following continuous abstinence after the seventh-day peak. Ejaculation seemed the precondition and beginning of the special periodic serum testosterone level variations, which would not occur without ejaculation. So, regarding an increase in testosterone levels, researchers observed no benefit from extending ejaculation abstinence past the seventh day. The study results showed that the effective time of abstinence for raising testosterone levels is seven days.

Incorporating Seven-Day Ejaculation Abstinence Into Full-Time Chastity

While I intend to continue full-time chastity (wearing a chastity device every day) this year, reading this study has motivated me to change things up a little. Last year, I observed almost complete ejaculation abstinence. But this year, I’m going to incorporate the study findings into my chastity program as my one-man scientific study. I’m curious to learn how observing a seven-day abstinence period between ejaculations affects my testosterone level and how it affects my overall satisfaction with the practice of male chastity. I’m pretty satisfied with chastity now, so should I learn more frequent ejaculation reduces my satisfaction, I’ll revert to the way I practiced chastity up until now. Look for updates in future posts on what I discover.