How Not to Explain Male Chastity to Your Wife or Girlfriend

And a Few Tips on How to Do it Right

Saying the Wrong Things Can Hurt Your Cause

I’ve come across a good many websites offering advice to a guy on how to explain male chastity to his wife or girlfriend when he feels the time is right to bring up the subject and ask his partner to lock his penis in a chastity device.

The thing is, these websites are invariably written by men who seem not to understand that women with their intuitive nature will see right through these flimsy, ill-conceived strategies to win them over. Using many of the suggestions I’ve seen could doom your conversation to fail. Rather than win your partner over to the idea of chastity, you might only provoke a heated argument. Let’s have a look at some of the suggestions you should avoid using.

1. Wearing a chastity device will make me more attentive to your needs.

Guess how 99.9% of women will respond to this. “Why must I lock your cock in a chastity cage for you be more attentive to my needs? Why aren’t you already more attentive to my needs?”

Having an inattentive partner who only gives them his full attention when he wants sex is one of the top complaints on most every woman’s list of her partner’s shortcomings. That makes this first suggestion a potential land mine and a very bad idea. You’re admitting you aren’t nearly attentive enough to her needs while telling her if she gives you something you want, then you will work on the deficiency. A woman will see this for what it is immediately, a quid pro quo offer where the something you’re offering is something she should already be getting.

Sure, it’s true. If she locks up your cock, you will very likley be far more attentive to her needs. But don’t even go there. This argument will not help your cause.

2. Wearing a chastity device will make me more affectionate and loving and I'll desire you even more.

Here again is a statement that is probably true. It is an expected effect of chastity and orgasm denial. But, again, we are firmly in the territory of something you realize you have been remiss about, but you will only be motivated to improve if your wife or girlfriend gives you something you want. Is it really a good idea to use this argument with your partner? No, it is not.

3. Wearing a chastity device will make me less likely to look at other women and less tempted to cheat.

Seriously? Is there a guy who would really say this to his wife or girlfriend? Would it really sway a woman towards the idea of putting her man in chastity if he tells her he would stop looking lustfully at other women and less likley to have an affair. I don’t think so. And, trust me on this. She knows you look lustfully at other women and it bothers her. It isn’t a topic you should bring up while trying to persuade to her to agree to something you want. Similarly, telling her a hunk of steel or plastic dangling between your legs is all that might prevent you from cheating on her one day isn’t a good strategy.

4. If you lock me in chastity, I'll be more helpful around the house.

The female response? “Why aren’t you already helping around the house? Why must I continually nag you every time I ask you to do the smallest chore?” Enough said.

5. I'll do things for you like giving you a massage, brushing your hair, and giving you the best oral sex ever.

Do you really want her to ask why you don’t already occasionally do some of those lovely things for her? Because she will if you use this argument.

Factually, all of the things listed above are benefits your wife can reasonably expect that chastity and orgasm denial will give her. The problem is, they are all benefits she already has every right to expect from you and is probably not seeing often enough to suit her. That’s what makes them all bad arguments to use.

Understanding the Perspective of Your Wife or Girlfriend

As men, I sometimes believe we don’t truly understand how big an ask it is when we tell our significant others we have chastity desires and request they enforce our chastity. What often happens when we bring up the subject is they respond with something like,” Well, I see how this is going to benefit you. But what about me? What do I get out of it?”

That’s a perfectly reasonable response and so it’s something you must be ready for. But you have to be smart about describing how you being in chastity is going to benefit her. To do that, you must put yourself in your wife or girlfriend’s shoes.

I’m not suggesting you try to con your partner or try to manipulate her into getting on board with your chastity idea. You should be honest, but should present the benefits in a way where she clearly sees how putting you in chastity will benefit her.

Quarter 2 Review Coming This April

Things to Say That Are More Aligned With Your Partner's Perspective

(1) Admit your shortcomings and explain that you want and need to learn how to serve your wife or girlfriend better in order to make her life easier and happier. Then explain you believe chastity can help you do that because it will remove the focus from your needs so you can learn to be the kind of husband or boyfriend she truly deserves.

(2) Admit that during sex in the past, you have come to understand you were too focused on getting the experience you wanted and not focusing enough on her needs and desires in the bedroom. Explain you want to learn how to better focus on what she wants to make her sex life more enjoyable and fulfilling. Add that wearing a chastity cage removes you from the equation which will help you learn to focus all your energy on her pleasure and desires during intimacy, and that her pleasure will become your pleasure.

(3) Admit that you have selfishly wasted too much energy on masturbation and wearing a chastity device will help you learn to reserve your energy for higher purposes, such as pleasing her.

(4) Tell her that having her enforce your chastity means you will receive guidance and constructive criticism from her about how to perform daily tasks and doing your fair share around the house which will reduce the burden of household chores for her. Tell her you welcome her assigning you chores she wants you to do.

These suggestions may seem similar to the five arguments listed previously that I advise against using. But here is the difference. What the first five strategies were really about was a man who wants something for him and his fetish and he’s disguising his desires and his needs as benefits for his wife. The last four suggestions are a more honest approach that clearly spell out the benefits the hoped for future keyholder can expect.

I can’t stress this enough. Once you have made the decision to share your chastity desires with your wife or partner, and have gathered the courage to initiate the conversation, honesty is the best policy. It’s perfectly fine to explain that you have been fascinated by the thought of wearing a chastity device for a while. You can even share some of your fantasies with her if you wish, as long as they aren’t fantasies she might find threatening or taboo. But mostly, you want to focus on how chastity will benefit her and the relationship.

Other Things to Avoid

One thing to keep in mind is your choice of words when raising the subject of your chastity desires. The words you choose to use will have a big impact on her receptiveness to the idea. Unless you and your significant other are already involved significantly in kink, avoid words like domination, submission, discipline, punishment, and slave. These are all terms that a woman who is largely in the vanilla camp when it comes to intimacy might find off-putting.

As you speak to her about chastity, don’t be forceful. Don’t push the idea of keyholding on her. And after you’ve said your piece, give her plenty of time to consider all you’ve said and to do her own research if she wants. Give her the opportunity to make up her own mind about your desires and the future of chastity in the relationship. That’s the only way she will ever develop a sense of ownership about her role as the keyholder.

Don’t tell her about your mental image of your ideal Dominatrix, or favorite submission scenario. She may not be able to relate such things to your relationship with her.

Don't Bring Up Other Kinky Fantasies Now

Sometimes guys have other sexual desires that they feel go hand in hand with chastity. One example is forced feminization. I’d recommend you don’t tell her you want to explore the sissy life when you first bring up the subject of enforced chastity because that is probably already going to be enough for your wife or partner to get her head around. The other things you may have in mind should wait until later. I’m all for honesty and transparency, but there is also such a thing as too much information.

Overall, agreeing to enforcing your chastity and acting as your keyholder must be your partner’s decision and not one she makes only to please you instead of something she really wants. That’s the only way chastity can be successfully introduced into your relationship.

In 2021, I am committed to posting more informative articles aimed at women whose husbands or boyfriends have brought up adding chastity to their relationships. That’s the focus of the next post.

Know Thyself Before Having the Chastity Talk With Your Partner

7 Questions You Should Ask Yourself and Answer Before Having the Chastity Talk With Your Partner

To Know Thyself is the Beginning of Wisdom

Before you can expect your wife or girlfriend to understand your chastity desires, you must first understand them yourself. This may seem obvious, but the truth is too many guys are drawn more to the fantasy of enforced chastity than to the reality of it. They spend little if any real time reflecting on and coming to grips with their desires before bringing up chastity with their partners and asking them to lock them up.

You should be able to articulate responses to questions like those I’ll suggest in a moment before bringing up your chastity desires with your significant other because she may pose questions just like them in an attempt to understand why you want her to lock up your cock.

Asking yourself the questions below can help you clearly define your own chastity desires and needs which will better prepare you for discussing chastity with your partner.

To get the real benefit from these question, you must be brutally honest with yourself and willing to separate fantasy from reality. Think carefully about each question and give yourself time to fully answer each one.

1. Why do I want to be locked in chastity?

The desire to be dominated by a woman is one of the most common male sexual fantasies. That’s one reason why the idea of male chastity resonates so strongly with so many of us. And that’s why it’s so important to understand the difference between your fantasy desires and the practical realities of chastity before discussing your desires with your partner.

There’s nothing wrong with having sexual fantasies, but understanding how much of your desire for chastity is based on sexual fantasy can help you understand whether your fantasies are realistic.

2. What do I expect chastity to do for me?

Once you’ve seperated fantasy from reality, think about your expectations for chastity. Do you expect chastity will make you a better husband or partner by making you more loving and attentive? Is chastity a means of curbing masturbation which seems to have grown excessive? Do you have a wandering eye and chastity seems a good way to ensure that you remain faithful in your relationship?

There are no wrong answers here. It’s just good to know what your expectations are.

3. What is the maximum length of time I want to be locked up at a stretch?

Is chastity only something new and very exciting you want to add to your sexual repertoire and extends only to the bedroom? Or do you want it to encompass every day situations outside the bedroom?

Don’t make the mistake of telling your wife or girlfriend you want her lock you up and throw away the key when all you really want is to spend a few hours during the weekend with your cock locked before sex to spice things up in the bedroom.

4. Do I want to be dominated and subservient to my keyholder?

Do you desire only to submit sexually to your partner or do you want her to actually dominate you? Or do you want her to take charge in other ways and become the primary decision maker in your relationship. Do you want to serve her in other ways beyond the sexual?

This is important because unless your wife or girlfriend has an inner dominatrix itching to get out, dominance may not be her nature. People often confuse assertiveness with dominance and they aren’t they same thing. Almost every woman I’ve been in relationships was assertive, some of them extremely so. But none were dominant.

If your partner isn’t dominant, you won’t be able to teach her to become dominant, and she won’t be able to learn to be dominant from reading books. You can’t make someone into something they aren’t, not to mention your partner may have no desire to be dominant in the first place. If you’re expecting that, you are probably setting yourself up for disappointment. That doesn’t mean a woman who isn’t dominant can’t be an effective keyholder. It only means she may not be able to meet your needs for dominance in other areas.

5. Do I have a submissive nature?

If your partner has a dominant nature or is intrigued with the idea of exploring dominance to find out if she has a dominant bent, you must ask yourself if you have a submissive nature. If not, after your fantasies have been sated you may grow increasingly resentful of your partner’s exercise of dominance over you.

Not every guy who wants his partner to lock up his cock is submissive. A guy who isn’t might like playing the dominant-submissive game for awhile, but may tire of it quickly once the rubber meets the road and his partner takes charge and starts saying no when he feels desperate for sexual release.

6. Do I want to use chastity to spice things up in the bedroom, or do I want it to become a way of life?

You should have some idea about the answer to this question at the start. It doesn’t mean a guy who only wants to be locked up for short periods of time at the beginning won’t discover later that he wants permanent chastity. But unless you’re sure permanent chastity is what you want, never tell your partner it is.

If your wife or girlfriend agrees to lock you in a chastity device, she will soon start to see positive changes in you that benefit her and the relationship. Imagine the crushing disappointment she will feel when just as she starts seeing and appreciating the benefits of male chastity you tell her you’ve discovered it isn’t what you want after all.

Unless you know for sure, permanent or at least long-term chastity is what you want, make sure you ask only for a trial period when you do have the chastity talk with your partner.

7. In what situations do I most want to be locked up? Are there occasions I won't want to be locked up?

Do you only want to wear a cock cage when at home or all the time? Are there times you won’t want to wear a cage like when on vacations, or when you go to the gym, as two examples? Some women take to male chastity quickly once they start seeing the benefits.

Once your partner agrees to lock you up, she may have different ideas about how often and when she wants you caged that differ from your ideas.

Who Needs Frustration and Disappointment?

This isn’t an exhaustive list of questions, but looking deep inside yourself and answering these seven basic questions will go a long way toward having male chastity meet your expectations. That can keep a dive into chastity from disappointing you or your partner.

Guys must understand something. Unless your partner has a sexually adventurous side or kink is already part of the relationship, when you first bring up the subject of male chastity and orgasm denial, your wife or girlfriend is going to be surprised. She might even be shocked when you tell her of your intense desires and willingness to turn your sexual fantasies into reality. She may even be disgusted by the whole idea. In the world of most vanilla women, male chastity is not “normal” and her mind will likely scream, “No! NOT interested!”

But after some thought, and a few persuasive tactics from you, she may agree, at least to a trial. She might put aside all of her preconceived notions about cock cages and orgasm denial, and give it the old college try. Then she starts noticing some positive improvements in your day-to-day behavior, not to mention a spiced up sex life. She actually starts seeing some serious potential in this male chastity thing. “Hey, this could be a lot of fun. He’s much more attentive and nice to be around when he’s craving an orgasm.” She quickly makes the connection between your behavior and how badly you want to orgasm. You are willing to do anything to please her. Thanks to chastity, you’ve become the most perfect partner a girl could ever dream of or want.

Then reality rears its ugly head. You realize that chastity and being unable to orgasm as often as you were accustomed to leaves you feeling deprived. You start thinking the whole chastity thing is not really what you thought it would be. When you communicate that to your partner, she is legitimately frustrated. You wanted to play this weird chastity game and she gave it an honest effort. Now, just when she was beginning to really like all of the benefits chastity was bringing to the relationship, you don’t want to play any more. Imagine her frustration.

In summary, be sure about what you want, need, and expect from chastity before you ever bring in up. Like Socrates famously said, “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” If you don’t answer questions like those I’ve proposed in advance, dipping your toe into male chastity can become an unmitigated disaster which may send shock waves throughout your entire relationship. In my experience, that situation is best avoided.

Next post, I’ll talk about what NOT to say when having the chastity talk with your significant other and asking your wife or girlfriend to lock up your cock.

Mature Metal Jail Bird Chastity Device Review

Meet the Jail Bird Mature Metal's Most Popular Cage

After over two weeks of wear, I’m ready to offer my Mature Metal Jail Bird Chastity Device review.

This is the first of the four promised chastity device reviews, one each quarter, during 2021.

Back when I ordered Mature Metal’s Watchful Mistress, my first custom-made cage, the Jail Bird was what I really wanted. However, my permanent keyholder at the time preferred the aesthetics of the Watchful Mistress, so that’s the device we ordered. Now, I’ve finally had the chance to the try the Jail Bird on for size and here is the verdict.

First Impressions

Right out of the box, the clean, simple lines of the Jail Bird impressed me and I found it another example of the quality craftsmanship I expect from Mature Metal.

Having a good deal more experience since ordering my first Mature Metal steel chastity device, I found the Jail Bird a perfect fit from the base ring to the cage length to the internal diameter.

Putting it on for the first time, I loved the sleek, polished stainless steel design that combines an impressive look with comfort and security.

Jail Bird Device Specs

Here are the design specifications for the Jail Bird I ordered.

Base Ring Diameter: 1-3/4 in.

Base Ring Shape: Round

Cage Length: 1-1/4 in.

Internal Diameter: 1-3/8 in.

Gap Setting: 3/8-in.

Color: Silver

Material: Polished surgical-grade stainless steel

Country of Origin: USA (Texas)

Locking Device: Abus padlock

Jail Bird Sizing Options

All Mature Metal chastity devices are custom-made to your exact specifications so options exist for every sizing specification I shared above. Here are the options.

Base Ring Diameter: 1-1/4 in. through 3 in. available at 1/8-in. increments.

Base Ring Shape: Round or Oval

Cage Length: 1-1/4 in. through 5 in. available at 1/4-in. increments.

Internal Diameter:  1-in. through 2-in. available at 1/8-inch increments.

Gap Setting: 1/4-in., 3/8-in., or 1/2-in.

Locking Device: Abus padlock or security screw.


Other Options

On longer cages (2-in. lengths and above), at an additional cost you can get one ($80) or two ($160) extra cage rings. Here is an image of the Jail Bird with one extra cage ring.

For an additional charge of $80 you can get a double base ring instead of the single base ring that comes with the cage.

If you aren’t sure of your exact base ring size, you can order additional single base rings for $55 each.

Finally, for those into punishment pins, Mature Metal has them available in sets of three in blunt, spike, and criss-cross designs for an additional cost of $80. You can get three of the same type or mix and match.

Color Options

None—It’s polished stainless steel, baby!

How Comfortable is the Jail Bird?

The Jail Bird is one of the most comfortable steel cages I’ve ever worn. It’s a little lighter in weight than my Mature Metal Watchful Mistress and a little heavier than my Amicus. As much as I love the feather-light Amicus, I like the tiny bit of extra heft of the Jail Bird and the cage is just as comfortable to wear.

The 1-3/8 in. ID cage fits my penis like a glove with skin and steel touching all around.  The 1-1/4 in. cage length I ordered is perfect and the tip of my peen always stays in contact with the bars at the end of the cage.

The stainless steel bars are very rigid and don’t flex or pinch.

Overall, the Jail Bird is super comfortable and feels solid and secure.

How Secure is the Jail Bird?

When it comes to security, you will always get my standard disclaimer. No ball-trap chastity device is inescapable unless combined with a PA piercing. If you want out of it bad enough, you can likely find a way to free yourself. That said, the Jail Bird is every bit as secure as any other well designed, quality made steel chastity cage. If you’re serious about male chastity you won’t be looking for ways to escape from this device and can be sure it isn’t going to fall off on its own.

How Discrete is the Jail Bird?

The Jail Bird is plenty discrete with a very low profile that is easy to hide under clothing. I had no noticeable chastity bump wearing it beneath any of the clothing I usually wear. It’s a device you can easily wear to work or about town without feeling self-conscious if you’re worried about someone noticing your cock is locked.

How Hygienic is the Nano?

The Jail Bird’s open-style cage design means it shines when it comes to the ease of keeping its contents clean. My handheld shower head does the job making it virtually unnecessary for me to ever take the device off simply for hygienic reasons.

As with most chastity devices, urination can be hit or miss. I generally sit to pee to err on the side of caution. But at home, I’ve found I can stand and pee without any issues as long as I first make sure that my urethral opening is properly lined up with the crossbars at the end of the cage.

Cost of the Jail Bird

The base price of the Jail Bird comes in at $320.00. If you choose to go with an Abus padlock, that adds $8.95 to the price. Those who prefer a security screw will add $65.00 to base price. For most of us that’s not cheap and purchasing a device like the Jail Bird represents an investment. That said, you’re getting a quality crafted, custom made device that will serve you well as long as you own it and I think the Jail Bird is worth every penny.

Actually the Jail Bird is one of the least expensive custom-fitted, steel chastity devices on the market. In addition, if you don’t get your measurements exactly right, like all Mature Metal devices, you can return it to them for adjustments which they will make at a reasonable price. The only thing they can’t adjust is the internal diameter of the cage so you must make sure you get that measurement right.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Without reservation, I recommend the Jail Bird to any guy looking for a well made, comfortable, and secure stainless steel chastity device. It’s nothing fancy, but gets the job done and is light years ahead of any off the shelf, mass manufactured steel device out there when it comes to quality, appearance, and comfort. The fact that year after year, the Jail Bird remains Mature Metal’s most popular chastity device says much about how satisfied their customers are with it. It’s as comfortable to wear as steel chastity devices get and available in sizes to fit most any guy who wants the heft and security of a steel cock cage.

Mature Metal Jail Bird Review Summary

Look for the next chastity device review that will be coming sometime between April and June.

February 2021 Chastity Question of the Month

From time to time, I receive questions from readers, especially about chastity device fitting issues. I thought I’d start answering questions in a post that might benefit others having similar issues. Here is the February 2021 Chastity Question of the Month.

The Question

“Hello! I’m on my 2nd cage. I’m between sizes (45 slips out, 40mm too tight and chafes), so I’ve got a 42mm 3d printed cage. Ring passes finger test, and cage is 3/4-in shorter than my measurements. However, the base ring still rubs a lot, and causes me to take it off after 3-5 days. I’ve tried Vaseline and aquaphor 4ish times a day, still seems to happen. Any advice on what could be causing it? I’ve got a 3D printed cage and I sanded down the base ring so it’s very smooth.”

Since I don’t know the specific cage the reader is wearing, I have to give an answer here that is pretty generic.

The Surface of 3D-Printed Cage Can be Abrasive

First, let’s talk about 3D-printed cages. Since I have one, I am familiar with a common issue. 3D-printed cages tend to have rough surfaces. It’s not quite like sandpaper, but the base rings can feel that way on your tender bits and will cause chafing and discomfort. In this case, the reader told me he was aware of that potential issue and sanded down the base ring until it was smooth. So, we can eliminate that as the cause of the chafing and discomfort that forces him to take the device off after 3-5 days of wear. Still, the need to sand down a 3D-printed base ring is something some guys may not know about it, so that’s why I covered it here.

Base Ring Considerations

Getting the base ring size right shouldn’t be that difficult. You take an accurate measurement of the distance around the base of your penis and behind your balls, and that’s the size you should get. But many guys, including me in my early days, have had problems choosing the right size base ring. Like many others, I did not trust the measurements when I first got into wearing chastity devices.

In my case, I had ball slippage issues with the first couple of cages I tried. Intuitively, it seemed going to a smaller base ring was the answer to the problem. But it wasn’t. Going smaller sometimes solved the ball slippage problem, but wearing a too-small ring invariably causes chafing and discomfort. It took a lot of trial and error for me to get that through my head.

Here, the reader says he feels he is “between sizes” and feels the 45mm ring is too large because he has the slippage issue. He tried a 40mm ring, which he found was too tight. Then he went to a 42mm with a 3D-printed cage. I have to wonder if 45mm was the size his measurements called for, but he abandoned it because of the slippage problem. My guess is the problem here is not a base ring sizing issue.

Again, through much trial and error, I discovered that it usually results from an incorrect gap when you have ball slippage problems. The gap is the distance between the base ring and the cage once you mate the two pieces together. I also learned that you could wear a base ring that’s too large without much of a problem as long as the gap is right.

The Pesky Gap

First, there is no way to measure your junk and to get an accurate gap measurement. Custom manufacturers will tell you that. If you choose an off-the-shelf device, it doesn’t matter anyway because the manufacturer sets the gap measurement, and it is what it is. That’s why you can sometimes wear one off the shelf, mass-manufactured cage, but another one won’t work.

I have tried a few inexpensive off the shelf steel devices where I could make a slight adjustment to the gap. But I’ve broken more than one device trying to do that.

Most custom cage manufacturers, including some of the 3D-printed cage manufacturers, can customize the gap for you. But since there is no way to measure the gap, it’s still largely a trial and error proposition. Still, with a custom device, at least with steel cages, you can send the cage back and have the gap adjusted later if needed.

Mature Metal recommends ordering a 3/8-inch gap because they say that works for ninety-percent of their customers. I agree and took their advice when I ordered my first Mature Metal cage and found 3/8-inch works for me. The gap measurement is determined by what type of scrotum you have. Guys with a high and tight scrotum might need to move up to a 1/2-inch gap. Those with loose scrotums where the testicles dangle might need to choose a 1/4-inch gap. But 3/8-inch is the average. With a 1/2-inch gap, I always have ball slippage issues. I tried a 1/4-inch gap once, and it felt like the base ring was ripping my balls off. Now let’s talk about how the gap comes into play.

Scrotums are Weird

You’ve probably noticed your scrotum and balls are in a constant state of flux. There is a reason for that. Sperm does best in an environment where the temperature is slightly less than our normal body temperature. That’s why our testicles hang outside the body in the fleshy sack called the scrotum.

Muscles in the scrotum move the testicles closer or farther away from the body to keep the temperature optimum for sperm production and survival. That’s why when you finish a hard run and you’re hot and sweaty, you notice your scrotum is soft, and your balls hang a little more than usual. When you spend time outside in the cold, the opposite thing happens. Your scrotum skin is firm and tight, and your balls are up close to the base of your penis.

The effects mentioned above happen whether you’re wearing a ball-trapping chastity device or not. When your scrotum pulls your balls up close to the base of your cock against a chastity device base ring, it can feel uncomfortable, at times even when you’ve nailed proper sizing.

The Cremaster Muscle

The cremaster muscle, a pelvic muscle found only in males, covers the testicles. It’s the primary muscle that moves and lowers the testicles to control the temperature that promotes healthy and motile sperm. The cremaster muscle is incredibly strong. When the muscle starts pulling your balls upwards, and you’re wearing a ball-trapping chastity device with a base ring, you know it.

Even with a cage that generally feels comfortable, you may experience short periods of discomfort when the cremaster is doing its thing. When this happens, if you check out your balls, you will find your scrotum feels tight and hard compared to how it feels at other times during the day.

The cremaster muscle also causes the ball slippage problems when you wear a chastity device with a gap size that is too wide. Similarly, if the gap size is too narrow, the cremaster muscle is the cause of the rather intense pain you may feel when the muscle is drawing your balls tightly against a base ring.

If the gap is too wide, when the muscle pulls your balls tightly into the gap, a testicle can flatten out just enough to escape from the base ring into the gap. Sometimes you know when it happens because there is a flash of pain. Other times you may only realize it happened when you become aware that things feel a bit off with the cage. You drop your pants and check and discover one of your testicles has escaped the base ring. Usually, it’s the one that tends to hang a little higher than the other.

My Advice to the Reader

Here is my advice to the reader who submitted the original question. If you’re sure you’ve sanded down the 3D-printed base ring where it is completely smooth, then you’re having the chafing and discomfort because the 42mm ring is too small. I would remeasure for the base ring and make sure you get an accurate measurement. Then take a look at the gap.

While we can’t accurately measure our package to determine gap width, you can assemble the device and measure the gap that has been set. Also, many manufacturers include the gap setting in their specs. My guess is, in your case, the gap is too wide, and that’s why you had a slippage problem while wearing the 45mm ring, not because the ring was too large.

If the 45mm ring was comfortable to wear, didn’t cause chafing and discomfort, and conforms to your actual base ring measurement, I’d go back to that and address the gap issue. I don’t know what specific device you’re wearing, but some 3D-print device makers can adjust the gap setting by providing a different base ring. If the company that made your device can’t do that, then, unfortunately, you may have to go to a different device.

The key takeaway is that a base ring should never feel overly uncomfortable and shouldn’t cause chafing or pain from friction after more than three to five days. Your skin usually toughens enough to acclimate to wearing a base ring in that amount of time when you’ve used lubricant. Being unable to continue wearing a device for more than a few days because of discomfort indicates something is off with the sizing. In this case, I feel certain your problems stem from incorrect gap sizing and not from the base ring.

Hope that answered your question.

Shackle Bird Review


The male chastity device market continues to boom as the interest in male chastity continues to grow. That’s especially true when it comes to new designs out of China. I continue seeing mass-produced devices on Twitter that are new to me. One of the relatively new devices I discovered recently, the Shackle Bird, is sold by LiuLinShop.

After seeing a guy wearing the Shackle Bird on Twitter, I discovered it was available from LiuLinShop on eBay.

Besides quality, custom-made devices, I like reviewing inexpensive male chastity devices to benefit guys who are new to chastity and not ready to make a significant investment in a custom-made device. I found the Shackle Bird an interesting looking device when I first discovered it. Once I learned it was available for around ten bucks (USD), I decided to order one and wear test it for a bonus 2021 male chastity device review.

The Shackle Bird is a Plastic Device

The most affordable, mass-produced, ball-trapping chastity devices suitable for relatively comfortable long-term wear are made of plastic. The Shackle Bird is one of those devices. It comes with an integral brass lock.

According to the manufacturer, the device is constructed of medical-grade plastic. It’s hard to know how much reliance to put on such a claim as the product and performance characteristics for “medical-grade” polymers are determined at the discretion of the manufacturer.

Everybody selling polymers can have their own definition of what a medical-grade is, presenting something of a problem. Nevertheless, the plastic used in the Shackle Bird does appear to be of good quality. It’s smooth, and I found no rough spots or sharp edges on either the base rings or the cage.

Shackle Bird Specifications

Like most mass-produced chastity devices, the Shackle Bird is a one-size-fits-all proposition except for the base ring. Four different sizes are provided with the device.

Base Ring Sizes

40mm – 1.55 in.

43mm – 1.70 in.

48mm – 1.88 in.

52mm – 2.00 in.

The base rings are the double-ring type. This was my first opportunity to try the double-ring configuration, and I found it quite comfortable. Some claim that having a double-ring prevents the problems some guys with high and tight type scrotums experience with ball slippage where a testicle can sometimes pop out of the base ring. The 52mm (2.00 in.) ring fit me perfectly.

Cage Size

Cage Length: 58mm – 2.25 in.

Internal Diameter: 31mm – 1.25 in.

The cage length is about one-quarter inch longer than I need for my flaccid penis, but the slight extra length didn’t cause me any real issues. The internal diameter at the cage’s insertion end comes in at 31mm (about 1.25 in.), which is a little tight for me. I prefer a 1-3/8 in. internal diameter, but I can safely and comfortably wear a device with a 1.25 in. ID. The slightly tighter fit wasn’t a problem for me, but it might be too tight for guys with a heftier girth. It also requires the use of the “stocking method” to properly insert the penis.

From the insertion end to the tip, the cage flares into a bulb-like affair, so the further you go along the length of the device, the internal diameter gets slightly larger. I don’t know why they designed the device that way unless it was to provide more room for the glans of the penis at the end of the cage. I don’t find that design aspect particularly needful or useful, but it doesn’t hurt anything.

Gap Measurement

I measured the gap between the base ring and cage and found it to be about 3/8 inch, which works well for me and is about right for most guys.

The Shackle Bird Doing Its Thing

Shackle Bird Color Options

There are two color options for the device. It is available in lime green/white or red/black. I liked the lime green and chose that option.

Overall Quality of the Shackle Bird

Overall, for a ten-dollar device, I found the quality of the Shackle Bird surprisingly good and better than a lot of the lower end, made in China steel devices I’ve tried. It seems constructed of quality plastic materials with tight tolerances.

The connection between the cage and base ring works much like that of the Holy Trainer chastity devices. The male end fabricated with the cage slides into the female receiver at the top of the base ring. It’s a nice tight fit with no up or down or side to side wobble. After connecting the two pieces, an integral brass lock (cheaper knock-off version of the Burg Wachter ME/2) inserts into the hole provided on the right side of the connection atop the base ring to secure the device.

While good overall, the quality of the device isn’t perfect. The hole where the integral lock is inserted was such a tight fit I had to lubricate the lock before it would go all the way in. I might have been able to force the lock into the hole without using the lubricant, but I was worried it might not be easily removed. Also, the 48mm base ring supplied with my device was misshapen (out of round). I don’t think it would have been usable if it was the size I’d needed. Otherwise, for ten bucks, no real complaints on the quality side.

How Discrete is the Shackle Bird?

There is only a slight downward angle of the cage tip from the base ring, making the Shackle Bird less stealthy than most of the other devices I’ve tried. The imprint was particularly noticeable when I tried on gym shorts while wearing it. It was a little less noticeable when I put on a pair of relaxed-fit jeans. Still, the chastity bump isn’t so noticeable that I’d feel self-conscious about it or hesitate to wear the device in public.

Hygiene Considerations With the Shackle Bird

The open-type cage design of the Shackle Bird makes it easy to keep the contents clean using my hand-held shower head. I was perfectly satisfied with it from that perspective.

The extra quarter-inch of cage length I don’t need means the tip of my penis doesn’t touch the end of the cage, which means urinating while standing tends to be a risky affair. As with many chastity devices, I found it best to sit while peeing.

Conclusion and Recommendation

After wearing the Shackle Bird for three days and sleeping while wearing it for two nights, I was more than happy with how comfortable it is to wear. As with all plastic devices, it is very lightweight, and it didn’t take long at all before I wasn’t consciously aware I was wearing it.

While you can’t expect the quality of a Holy Trainer device for a bargain price, I found the Shackle Bird of surprisingly good quality for a device that comes in at around ten bucks. Unlike many inexpensive, mass-produced chastity devices, you get four different base rings to choose from, which is a real plus.

For guys looking for an inexpensive entry point into the chastity life, I think you could spend more and get a lot less than the Shackle Bird offers. It could be a good trainer device at a bargain price. You can find the device offered by various sellers on eBay from anywhere between $9.99 to $14.99. Remember to take your measurements first to make sure the cage length and internal cage diameter will work for you.

Disclaimer: This review represents my own opinions. No one paid me or provided me any consideration for posting this review. I purchased the reviewed device using my own funds.

Male Chastity—Only a Kink or Sexual Fetish?

male-chastity-a-kink-or-sexual fetish

One of the common obstacles a guy must often overcome when trying to persuade his wife or girlfriend to lock him in chastity is the prevalent notion that male chastity is only a kink or sexual fetish. Is it? Let’s talk about that and find the answer.

Defining Kink and a Sexual Fetish

While people often use the terms “kink” and “fetish” interchangeably, the terms refer to different things.

A kink is an activity or behavior that someone enjoys that exists outside the “norms” of “traditional” sex. For example, someone’s kink might be bondage. They may be incredibly excited when they’re tied up because they find restraint sexually stimulating. Bondage arouses them. It’s important to remember that what may be kinky to one person may be considered vanilla by another. We are all different and embrace different sexual “norms.”

What defines a fetish, though, isn’t an activity so much as its role in someone’s sexual response cycle. In psychology, a fetish is a term used to describe sexual excitement coupled with a typically non-sexual object. Sometimes they add a fetish object is something a person cannot get sexually aroused without. I can’t entirely agree with that point. Common fetish objects include things like shoes, feet, women’s panties.

Here is why I disagree with the idea that a fetish object is something a person cannot get sexually aroused without. I’ve always suspected that I have something of a panty fetish because seeing female panties is something I find arousing. I don’t mean wearing them, but looking at them.

Panties needn’t even be worn by an attractive model in, say, a lingerie catalog for me to find them arousing to look at. Looking at a display of panties in a store has the same effect. Yet, I find plenty of other things sexually arousing. I don’t have to have panties to experience sexual excitement. So, I think we can leave the definition of a sexual fetish as arousal coupled with some typically non-sexual object.

Is a Chastity Device a Fetish Object?

Like panties, I find chastity devices arousing to look at as many men do. Just window-shopping the various online retailer websites can stoke sexual excitement. Some guys find the devices so sexually arousing they have difficulty putting one on because they become erect while trying to do so.

I think it fair to say that chastity devices can be fetish objects, but that isn’t what defines them. After all, even though some people view shoes or attractive feet as fetish objects, they are still just shoes and feet in the greater scheme of things. I’m only guessing here, but I suspect it’s true that they are fetish objects for some men who wear chastity devices but for others, they aren’t. For some chaste guys, it seems likely it’s the bondage aspect, the orgasm denial, or the control a key holder exerts over them that they find arousing, not the device itself.

Chastity devices can be fetish objects, but they are not only fetish objects.

Where Did the Notion of Chastity as a Kink Come From?

It’s easy to understand why may vanilla people so often dismiss male chastity as a kink. The gay and BDSM communities have eroticized sexual denial and orgasm control for decades, and makers of the first modern male chastity devices aggressively marketed the devices to those communities first.

Male chastity devices are still hugely popular in BDSM play and D/s relationships as well as the gay community. Many younger gay men wear male chastity devices presumably because it fits with the whole boi vibe.

A London-based retailer, Tickleberry, which claims to be “at the very heart of all things fetish and BDSM,” says this about why men desire male chastity. “It’s a secret fetish that your man finds highly provocative, arousing, and very sexy, to the point that even just an image of a chastity device could cause the beginnings of an erection.”

While that may be the view of Tickleberry’s fetish and BDSM focused customer base, male chastity has long since gone mainstream and now transcends only a fetish or kink activity. Chastity devices are now the third most popular sex toy. Today, people buy only more dildos and vibrators than chastity devices. More and more men buy and wear chastity devices today for reasons like curbing masturbation or gaining the ability to focus more on their partner’s sexual pleasure than their own.

Also, there has been an explosion of manufacturers worldwide offering inexpensive devices of various materials from silicone to plastic to steel. It’s no longer necessary to spend two hundred dollars or more to purchase a decent chastity device. As a result, plenty of vanilla guys with no interest in BDSM are buying and wearing male chastity devices.

The Future of Male Chastity

I think for various reasons, male chastity will only continue to grow more mainstream. I think there is already enough widespread interest in wearing chastity devices among all types of men to consider it mainstream now. When it truly takes off, I believe, is when more vanilla women decouple chastity from the realm of kink, fetishes, and start to embrace it as the relationship enhancer chastity can be. I see the day coming when it will become just as common for women to ask to lock their male partners in chastity as for guys to request it.

There is plenty of room in the male chastity tent for all views. But male chastity has not been only a kink or sexual fetish in a good long while. It’s rapidly becoming a mainstream lifestyle option for anyone who embraces it. So, even if you’re not into BDSM or kink in general and don’t view a chastity device as a fetish object, you can still be a proud member of the chastity community.

Breaking the Cycle of Excessive Masturbation With Male Chastity

Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution have programmed males with the urge to have sex with as many partners as possible as often as possible to propagate the species. Thus, males are procreative creatures preoccupied with and driven to release ejaculate making the male orgasm linked inextricably with the procreative act.

It’s not that men consciously have sex because they want children, yet the result of the sex act is the emission of a fluid that is only good for that singular purpose.

Unlike males, women can orgasm purely for pleasure that has nothing to do with procreation. Still, it’s virtually impossible for men to orgasm without ejaculating semen, the bodily fluid useful only for procreation.

Something interesting about this is how humans differ from other primates when it comes to masturbation. Scientists tell us that humans aren’t the only animal species that masturbates. There have even been a handful of studies that tracked the masturbatory behaviors of nonhuman primates. The scientific studies show that masturbation to completion is an exceedingly rare phenomenon in other species with capable hands very much like our own.

Male Masturbation

As anyone who has ever been to a zoo probably knows, there’s no question that other primates play with their genitalia. But these diddling episodes seldom lead to an intentional orgasm. With human males, it is quite a different story. Masturbation is nearly always continued until orgasm and ejaculation of semen. Perhaps that’s because, as males, we are slaves to the evolutionary prime directive to release semen. One thing is certain. Among other animal species, humans are unique. We masturbate a lot, and nearly always, it leads to intentional orgasm.

Some guys masturbate more than others. There is no “normal” frequency. Some do it daily, some weekly, and some rarely. Several studies show that many men have difficulty abstaining from masturbation for more than seventy-two hours, even those who have partner sex available regularly.

To be clear, masturbation is healthy, and it has lots of positive health benefits, including stress relief, help to get to sleep, reduced tension, boosted immunity, and more. But as with any of the true pleasures in life, moderation is key. If you’re masturbating to an excessive degree, you run the risk of it not only interfering with your daily routine but your overall perception of life and fulfillment, too. You might even become obsessive about it.

The male sex drive can become dependent on your pattern of masturbation and sexual release (orgasm) frequency. If you masturbate and orgasm every day, your body gets used to that pattern. It’s not unlike a drug addiction, where you need to continually increase your dosage of the substance to experience the same pleasurable effects. Most guys would agree, the more often you masturbate, the less intense and satisfying the orgasms you experience. That’s largely due to the levels of two hormones—prolactin and dopamine.

Male Orgasm and the roles of Prolactin and Dopamine

Research indicates that prolactin levels increase following orgasm and are involved in a feedback loop that decreases arousal through inhibitory central dopaminergic and probably peripheral processes. “Orgasm can cause a significant spike in prolactin levels (approximately 10 to 15ng/ml) immediately after and upwards to 10-60 minutes later.” [1] This spike is dependent on ejaculation and does not occur under non-orgasmic arousal. This prolactin spike serves to suppress further sexual desires. As prolactin rises, dopamine is reduced as the two hormones can be seen as antagonistic to each other.

Dopamine is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus, a particularly well-publicized player in the brain’s reward pathway. It is released when we do things that feel good to us. During sex and masturbation, while we are receiving erectile stimulation, dopamine levels are high and motivate us to desire continued stimulation because it feels good. As long as dopamine remains high, sexual desire remains high.

Marnia Robinson, the author of Cupid’s Poison Arrow, refers to prolactin as the “I don’t love you anymore hormone” because an increase in prolactin usually makes a man less interested in having sex with a partner. Interestingly, orgasm and ejaculation from masturbation cause less of a spike in prolactin than intercourse with a partner. That may explain why a guy may not feel the desire to have sex with a partner but then stays up watching porn and masturbating after their partner goes to bed.

Are You Masturbating Too Much?

While there is no “normal” masturbation frequency, it’s clear that masturbation frequency becomes excessive at some point. That is particularly true when you are neglecting other areas of your life to spend time masturbating. Here are some of the most common indicators of excessive masturbation.

Modifying your daily life to engage in masturbation even when there are negative outcomes (missing work, school, family, and community responsibilities).

  • Choosing masturbation over work, school, spending time with your family, sex with your partner, and other responsibilities regularly.


  • Feeling deregulated, irritable, frustrated, and angry when masturbation is not an option because you’re unable to regulate your mood in the absence of sexual activity.


  • The frequency of your need to masturbate continues to increase.


  • Trouble concentrating because you’re losing sleep due to masturbating or watching internet pornography.


  • Engaging in risky behaviors while masturbating to fulfill sexual desires (voyeurism, masturbating in public places).


Excessive masturbation is often marked by a constant need to expand your sexual activities. For example, you might feel compelled to incorporate more elements of danger into your sex life for more of a thrill or need to seek increasingly hard-core pornography to reach an orgasm.

Masturbation and sex are two different practices, and so are porn and real-life sex. Porn is not a representation of how most people have sex in real life. Excessive masturbation and porn watching can make it difficult for you to maintain realistic expectations about what you see in porn vs. what you expect from partners in real life. That can harm your relationships and sex life.

Benefits of Curbing Masturbation and Frequent Ejaculation

Masturbation can be a surprising source of procrastination. Reducing that distraction can allow you to get more done on more worthwhile activities.

Reducing masturbation frequency can help you connect more physically and emotionally with your partner, improving your relationship.

Less masturbation can lead to less porn consumption, which we all know can be a real time suck.

How Male Chastity Can Help

Nothing is harder when trying to break a habit than going cold turkey. That’s why when I decided to give up smoking, I turned to vaping. Sure, vaping may not be a healthy choice either, but it seems better than smoking. Plus, since I started vaping, I don’t feel the urge to vape nearly as much as I did to smoke. You can similarly use chastity to help you break out of an overly frequent masturbation cycle. While wearing a chastity cage, there is no way to stimulate yourself, and you will probably avoid porn like the plague.

The first few days are a challenge, but after five to seven days, you actually start to enjoy the buzz of constant arousal as your brain marinates in dopamine. Also, with your penis no longer an option for a quick pleasure fix, you may very well discover stimulating other neglected parts of your body feels pleasurable.

Spending a day at work locked in a chastity device can be a great way of getting in the mood for an evening in, providing a constant, unforgettable reminder of who you will be going home to. It’s a sexy secret you’ll share with your partner, however far apart you might be. If you prefer, you can prolong the chastity further—a few days at a time works well as a means of getting all hot and bothered in anticipation of a weekend with your partner. Male chastity is fantastic as an occasional way for spicing up your sex life, or you can make it a regular part of your erotic repertoire. It’s all up to you and your partner.

Alternatively, you may wish to consider longer-term chastity. Once your body adjusts to a chastity device, there’s no reason why you can’t wear one all the time aside from the occasional break for hygiene purposes.

A desire to curb excessive masturbation and reduce porn consumption is one of the top reasons men turn to chastity. If that’s a concern for you, perhaps you should consider giving chastity a try.

Cut to the Chaste is here to help. You’ll find tips and best practices on the site like this post that outlines a chastity device wearing schedule that will help your body quickly and safely adjust to wearing a chastity cage.

Beginner Chastity Device Wearing Schedule

I decided to update this post from December 2020 because it has consistently been one of the most popular posts on this site. The reason I’ve updated it is that with more experience comes more knowledge and my views on a beginner chastity device wearing schedule have changed. Getting used to wearing a chastity device for long periods is a gradual process. But having gained more experience, I now believe a beginner can progress faster without compromising safety.

I first published the post in December because I know every Christmas, there are guys who receive their first chastity device as a gift, because they asked their partner to lock them in chastity or sometimes because a partner wants to add male chastity to the relationship. That made December a perfect time to publish this suggested beginner chastity device wearing schedule. But, of course, it should be useful to anyone no matter what time of the year he begins wearing a chastity device.

It takes time for a guy’s genitals, some of the most sensitive real estate of the male body, to adjust to a chastity device. The best way to ensure maximum comfort and avoid problems is to adhere to a reasonable wearing schedule when breaking in your new device.

Often, a chastity device will feel comfortable even when you’re wearing it too long at first. But this can lead to complications like compression pain and friction chafing that will ultimately produce a setback. Allowing your body time to adjust can prevent those problems. But introducing your body to wearing a device doesn’t have to take a long time. I have aimed this suggested beginner wearing schedule at those putting on a chastity cage for the first time or who have only worn a device for a short period.

Wearing Your Device the First Day

The first day should be a familiarization day. This is a time to get acquainted with your new chastity device, its parts, and how to put it on. These days, the most popular “ball trap” models usually consist of only three parts; a base ring, cage, and some type of lock.

After cleansing and drying the device, put it on. Only wear it for an hour or two on the first day. While wearing it, make sure it fits reasonably well (e.g., not too tight, but not falling off), isn’t pinching your skin, and feels reasonably comfortable. Also, make certain the base ring is not interfering with blood circulation by monitoring the skin color and temperature of your scrotum. If your skin doesn’t feel abnormally cool to the touch or change from its usual color, you can assume there are no problems with circulation.

If you experience substantial discomfort or pain at any time, don’t just tough it out. Immediately take off the device and diagnose the problem before putting it back on.

If all goes well, wear the device for no longer than two hours, even if it feels comfortable, then take it off. Clean the device thoroughly again with warm soapy water, rinse with plain warm water, and put it aside to air dry so it will be ready for you to put back on the following day.

Following this suggested schedule will allow your body to acclimate to the device but also give it plenty of time to return to normal before you put the device back on.

Applying a little baby oil or water-based or silicone lubricant to the inside of the base ring and cage or tube will help prevent skin irritation, friction burn, and chafing. A water-resistant silicone lubricants or baby oil lasts longer than water-based lubricants. You won’t have to reapply them as often.

Schedule for Day Two

On the second day, if you had no problems on the first, it’s time to start serious chastity training. Put on the device and wear it for four hours. Again, resist the temptation to wear it longer, even if everything feels great.

Monitor the temperature and color of your scrotum hourly until you remove the device to make certain you are having circulatory problems. After removing and cleaning your chastity device, examine your genital area carefully for excessive redness, chafing, or broken skin.

Treat redness and chafing with lubricant. If you experience minor broken skin, treat it with an antibiotic ointment like Neosporin.

Day Three and Beyond

On the third day, if you experienced no significant problems wearing the device continuously for four hours, wear it for another four hours every day until you complete seven consecutive days. Don’t skip any days unless you experience excessive chafing or broken skin. Don’t exceed four hours and make sure to clean your device thoroughly after removing it. Continue inspecting your skin for any problems.

Week Two

Once you’ve worn the device for four hours a day for seven consecutive days, you’re ready to take the next step. Beginning on the first day of the second week, wear your device for eight full hours for seven consecutive days. Don’t skip any days and don’t exceed eight hours of wear. Clean the device daily after removing it and continue the skin inspections. Stay on top of chafing and hot spots, especially where the base ring rests against your skin, by applying lubricant as needed.

It can take 10 days to two weeks for your body to get used to wearing a chastity device. The best way to ensure maximum comfort and avoid complications and injuries is to patiently and faithfully adhere to this wearing schedule, and using lubrication when needed.

Week Three

Once you reach the milestone of wearing the device with reasonable comfort eight hours a day for seven full days, you’re ready to try sleeping while wearing it for the first time. As long as you have had no excessive chafing, broken skin, circulation issues, or pain, it’s now time to wear the device 24/7, including wearing it to bed.

Some guys who are new to wearing a chastity device experience more problems with nighttime erections than others. When they occur, nocturnal erections almost always wake you in the middle of the night for the first few nights. It can feel noticeably uncomfortable the first few times you experience an attempted erection while wearing a chastity device. Getting out of bed and walking around a little will usually solve the problem. Going to the bathroom and urinating can also help the erection subside.

Once you reach the point where you can comfortably wear your device 24/7 and sleep reasonably well while wearing it, you should be able to wear the device indefinitely. How long you remain locked is up to you or your keyholder if you have one. If you wear the device continually, it’s best practice to remove it once a week for a thorough cleaning and to clean your genitals.

Following this suggested schedule should take you from a complete beginner to wearing a chastity device 24/7 in less than a month.

All I Want For Christmas is the Mature Metal Jail Bird

As you may have read in a past post, Male Chastity Devices Selected for 2021 Reviews, I will be wear-testing and reviewing four new male chastity devices in 2021, one device each quarter.

I’ll be reviewing the Mature Metal Jail Bird first as my first-quarter pick. I placed my order today since it takes about six weeks for Mature Metal to fabricate and deliver their male chastity devices. Hopefully, the Jail Bird will hit my mailbox around the first week of February 2021.

The Jail Bird is Mature Metal's Most Popular Device


I’ve coveted owning a Jail Bird, Mature Metal’s most popular device, almost since the day I first seriously considered trying chastity. I wanted to order one last year as my first custom-made device, but the key holder I had at the time persuaded me to get the Watchful Mistress instead. I love the Watchful Mistress, but I’ve never stopped wanting a Jail Bird. So, it will be my Christmas gift to me this year.

The Great Thing About a Second Mature Metal Device

Since this will be my second Mature Metal device, I expect the Jail Bird to fit even better since I know a lot more about properly measuring to get the right chastity device fit than I did when I ordered the Watchful Mistress. I should have ordered that one a half-inch shorter, and when I get around to it, I plan to send it back to Mature Metal for the adjustment. Meanwhile, I can’t wait to get my hands on the Jail Bird to take it for a test drive. Look for the review sometime in February.

I want to take a moment to wish all of you who visit Cut To The Chaste a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Hopefully, the COVID-19 crap will be firmly in our rear-view mirrors, and our lives will return to normal during the upcoming year.

Also, I want to thank you all for supporting this website. It’s truly humbling for me that Cut to the Chaste has received more than 27K unique visitors from countries all over the world during our first year. You’ve all helped make Cut to the Chaste one of the most popular male chastity websites on the internet.

In 2021, I will continue to strive to bring you unique and useful male chastity information that I hope will add value to your own chastity experiences.

Measuring For A Chastity Device

I see endless chastity forum posts every week about chastity device fitting problems, so I have created this quick start measuring for a chastity device guide.

Poorly Fitted Chastity Device Complaints

The two most common complaints I see about poorly fitting chastity devices concern the base ring. The first is the ring causes wearers discomfort or pain all the time. The other is that when the wearer’s penis attempts to become erect, the base ring behind the balls slides up and “chokes” the testicles causing discomfort or pain. Getting accurate measurements before buying a chastity device will usually help you avoid both issues.

In the past, I’ve always pointed guys to the measuring guide on the Mature Metal website. But recently, I discovered they changed it. I expect they were trying to improve it, but I think the guide is now less clear and less useful. That’s why I have created this measuring guide. It will work for most ball-trap devices.

I’ve aimed the guide at those who plan to order a custom-made device. However, taking proper measurements before buying an off the shelf device is never a waste of time. Many manufacturers are now providing at least some basic measurements you can use to choose a better fitting cage or tube.

The three measurements you need are flaccid penis length, circumference of the soft penis shaft, and the circumference of an imaginary circle running around the base of your penis behind your balls.

How to Measure Penis Length

Always measure when your penis is flaccid, soft, but not “shriveled.” Penises regularly shrink and expand in length while flaccid. That is amply illustrated by the image below that I found on Wikipedia.

Kriptzone, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

As the image shows, there is a wide variance in the length of the same penis photographed at six different times.

The imaged labeled 1 depicts a semi-erect penis. In image 2, the penis is returning to its normal flaccid state. Based on my experiences, image 3 depicts a flaccid penis. That’s what I most often see when I look at my penis inside a chastity cage.

The penis starts in image 4, moving toward a “shriveled” state. The state of the penis in image 3, I believe, is the flaccid length most useful for chastity device measurements.

If you measured your penis length in the state depicted in image 2, you would probably find that most of the time the tip of the penis would not touch the end of the cage or tube.

To get the most accurate measurements for a chastity device, take measurements at different times of day over two or three days. Then use the shortest measurement you obtained.

Some chastity device manufacturers like Mature Metal ask you to measure the underneath side of your penis from your balls to the tip. Others ask you to measure from the top from base to tip. Make sure to follow the appropriate instructions as that is how the manufacturer accounts for the gap between the cage and base ring. If you can’t find on their website which measurement a manufacturer uses, call or email and find out.

Whether you measure from the bottom or top, a ruler is the best device for measuring length. If you measure the underneath side of your penis, take care not to press the end of the ruler into your scrotum. The ruler should only lightly touch the skin.

Always record your measurements. Don’t rely on memory.

After taking several penis length measurements at different times of day over several days, choose the smallest measurement. You should then subtract a small amount.

Mature Metal suggests subtracting 1/4-inch. That’s what I did when I ordered my first Mature Metal cage. As it turned out, the cage is about 1/2-inch too long, and the tip of my penis rarely touches the end.

That wasn’t the fault of Mature Metal. They built what I asked for. And I feel sure I took accurate measurements. So that told me subtracting 1/4-inch is not enough. Since the cage was about 1/2-inch too long, I now subtract 3/4-inch from my smallest length measurement when ordering custom-made cages. I recommend never subtracting less than 1/2-inch.

You can’t really go too short. You can easily compress your soft penis. If you push your flaccid penis toward your body, it easily compresses to half its normal length or less. If you keep pushing, it will “turtle” inside your body and disappear. The real problems with chastity cages occur when they are too long, and most guys buy devices with cages that are too long. That sets them up for attempted erection problems. More on that when we get to measuring for base rings.

Measuring Penis Circumference

The penis circumference measurement is very important for several reasons. Chastity device fabricators use this measurement to calculate the internal diameter of the cage or tube. Custom manufacturers can change the length of the cage or tube, the ring size, and the gap if needed, but they can not change the internal diameter of a cage. Whatever you order as the inside diameter, you can’t alter later.

This measurement is important because you want the cage or tube to “fit like a glove,” with your penis always touching the sides, bottom, and top of the cage or tube. Extra space inside the cage or tube will likely cause you problems during attempted erections. Erections don’t stop until your penis feels compression from the inside of the device.

If you can easily insert your flaccid penis into a cage or tube, then the interior diameter is too big. You will most often have to apply a little lubricant with a properly fitted device and work your penis into the cage or else use the “stocking method” to coax it fully into the tube.

The flaccid penis is extremely squishy. You can compress it to half or less of its normal circumference without any pain. There isn’t much risk that you’re going to strangle your penis by choosing a close-fitting cage or tube. A tip I’ve learned and use is to take your smallest penis circumference measurement and subtract 1/4-inch to get the best fit.

You don’t want the inside diameter so small that it compresses your flaccid penis, but you want a snug fit. Although soft penises are very malleable, what you don’t want is to compress your penis both in length and circumference at the same time. If you constrict the diameter too much while compressing the length any appreciable amount, you can restrict urine flow through the urethra. That’s why micro-chastity device cages only cover the glans of the penis. Those devices already compress the length of the penis to an extreme. By covering only the glans, it prevents compression of the shaft’s circumference at the same time. Urine flow through the uretha is not hampered.  

I recommend using a soft tailor’s measuring tape to measure penis circumference. The measurement will be more accurate than trying to eyeball it by placing your penis on top of a ruler. You can pick up a soft tape for a dollar or two from most discount stores.

If you don’t have a tailor’s tape and don’t want to buy one, you can use the string method. Wrap a length of the string (an old shoelace works well) snugly around your penis. Then mark with a felt pen where the end of your string touches the rest of the string. Stretch out your string along a ruler and see where the felt mark is. That’s the circumference.

Base Ring Measurement

The easiest and most accurate method of measuring for a base ring is to spend $25 to buy the plastic sizing ring assortment from Mature Metal. Then you will have actual rings to try on, wear, and experiment with until you find a comfortable fit.

You will find that you can get several different sizes on. The way you can know which one is the right size is by using the fingertip test. With a properly sized base ring, you should be able to easily insert one fingertip between your skin and the inside of the ring. If you can’t, the ring is too small. If you can get two or more fingertips inside, the ring is too large.

If you don’t want to spend the twenty-five bucks, you can go old school and use either the tailor’s measuring tape or string method described in the previous section.

The thing is, the base ring size isn’t usually going to be a problem. You can get that a little off and still be fine. One of the two base ring issues I mentioned earlier—the ring rides up during an attempted erection and digs painfully into the balls—isn’t a base ring problem. It’s a cage length problem. When the cage is too long, it encourages the erection to continue. The tip of the expanding penis pushes against the end of the cage, which causes the cage to pull against the base ring. That’s always uncomfortable.

If the base ring is too small, that can be why a base ring causes constant discomfort. If the ring is too large, you may have problems with a ball popping out of the ring. Also, an oversized ring allows the device to rotate around your scrotum and penis base, which can cause friction chafing. That’s all unnecessary as the base ring measurement is probably the easiest measurement to get right, except for guys who buy the cheaper off the shelf cages where they only give you three ring size options to choose from.   

Gap Measurement

The distance between the cage entrance and the base ring is called the gap. Even in the 21st Century, with all the world’s advanced technology, there is no way to measure the gap before ordering a chastity device. It remains a guesstimate subject to trial and error. But chastity device manufacturers do have some advice on the gap.

Mature Metal says ninety-percent of their customers order a 3/8-inch gap and are happy with it. Based on experience, I agree with that. I have a high and tight scrotum with average-sized balls, and 3/8-inch works for me. I once tried a 1/4-inch gap to solve a ball-popping from the base ring problem with one of my devices, but it was too close. The narrower gap caused me worse problems of its own.

If you have a loose, low rider style scrotum, a 1/4-inch gap might be a better fit. Also, guys with high and tight scrotums and larger balls might need to step up to a 1/2-inch gap to gain more comfort.

My advice is to go with the 3/8-inch gap unless there is a good reason not to. If you should find you need something different, it’s an easy fix for your device manufacturer.


Now for a quick review, and yes, this will be on the test.


  1. Always measure when your penis is truly flaccid, not semi-erect or shriveled.


  1. Take multiple measurements at different times of day over two or three days. Select the smallest measurement taken for length, circumference, and base ring.


  1. From your shortest penis length measurement, subtract at least 1/4-inch, although subtracting 1/2-inch will probably give you a better fit, and in my opinion, subtracting 3/4-inch an even better fit.


  1. From your shortest penis circumference measurement, subtract 1/4-inch.


  1. Best practice is to buy and use a set of sizing rings to determine base ring size. A custom-made chastity device is a big investment, and it’s worth an extra twenty-five bucks to get it right the first time. Getting the wrong size base ring and having to buy another one will usually set you back about $80.


  1. Go with a 3/8-inch gap unless you have a good reason to go smaller or larger.


Disclaimer: All penises are different. I’ve learned what works for me from trial and error and believe you can benefit from my experience. But your mileage may vary.