Tag Archives: domme

The road goes on forever in chastity

“The road goes on forever and the party never ends,” says the lyrics of a Robert Earl Keen song. I suppose that fairly describes my circumstances with regard to my chastity experience.

As mentioned at the end of a previous post, my 30-day introduction to chastity and training agreement with Lady Jayne ends in three days. At the outset last month, she told me if things went well, she might extend a permanent ownership offer. If we both agreed, our arrangement might be extended indefinitely. That ownership offer came during our regular catch up chat last evening.

When I first started all this and reached out to LJ when seeking a keyholder, I was attempting to satisfy my curiosity about male chastity. I was committed to completing the 30-day trial agreement we made, but wasn’t sure I wanted to be locked permanently. Yet as the days and weeks ticked by, I found a stronger, deeper attraction to both the lifestyle and LJ’s control.

Halfway through I knew I wanted us to continue. At times LJ would speak about things which sounded more like her long-term plans for me than something more immediate. And she has been generous in her praise of how I’ve behaved under her authority. So, for a while now I’ve been confident she would make an ownership offer. I’d been thinking a lot the last several days about whether that was something I truly wanted.

Somehow the topic came up in conversation last evening, and LJ told me she had made her decision so it was time for me to make mine. She laid out the terms and gave me an idea of how things would differ from how they have gone the past four weeks. She told me about some additional areas she would expect to assume control over, and about a few of the perks I could expect with the move to a more permanent status.

The new areas she wants authority over all relate to enhancing her control over my access to sexual pleasure and stimulation. As two examples, I won’t be allowed to watch porn without her permission or order/use any new sex toys without her approval. Nothing major or anything I had any objections to. Perks LJ mentioned included more time with her and more frequent, structured teasing. I’ve already been very pleased with the access she has given me, and I’m all in on more intense teasing. So, I was happy enough with the added terms.

There was only one surprise. LJ doesn’t want a break. She wants to roll right into ownership at the end of our 30-day agreement. I on the other hand was of a different mind. I had been thinking about taking a break until the end of the month and restarting the first of February. But, LJ wasn’t down with me taking a week off “for a wank fest.“ She told me I could have a few days to think it over, but if I wanted to continue she intended we carry on without a break.

I didn’t need a few days to think it over. I knew I wanted to continue with LJ as my keyholder. A long-distance arrangement is what works best for me at the moment, and I’d researched quite well what is available in that regard before reaching out to LJ. She was hands down the best option I’d found which Is why I contacted her first. So, it wasn’t a difficult decision.

I have no interest in seeking a new keyholder because things have been so amazing with LJ. If she wants to carry on without a release, I reckon it is a small sacrifice to make on my part to skip a break. I can deal with it. I accepted her offer. Thursday LJ becomes my Domme and owner for the foreseeable future.

Looks like I’m now in permanent chastity. The road goes on forever and the party never ends.