Tag Archives: baby cobra

KINK3D Baby Cobra Review

I’ve wanted to try the KINK3D Baby Cobra for a while now after reading rave reviews about the device on a Reddit chastity chat channel I follow. Now I have and here are my thoughts.

I think it was around last Locktober when I began seeing a lot of chatter on Reddit about the KINK3D Baby Cobra. While I was curious about trying the smallest device offered by KINK3D, I had just ordered the Cobra N about six months before and was about to order the Pink Fusion version of the Cobra N+, so I didn’t order the Baby Cobra until just recently. I’ve received it and worn it now since my hygiene break ten days ago and am ready to share my review.

First Impressions of the Baby Cobra

You really cannot beat the quality workmanship of KINK3D devices. This is my third Cobra and the Baby Cobra is as well fitting and the finish as silky smooth as the others. The company has totally nailed 3D-printed chastity device craftsmanship.

The Baby Cobra is only slightly shorter (by 10mm) than my Cobra N so we’re definitely not in micro chastity territory here. It felt comfortable from the moment I put it on. Essentially, the cage only captures the glans (tip of the penis) and very little of the shaft between the base ring and cage. As I had predicted, the Baby Cobra is almost the identical size of my House of Denial Hera XS 3D-printed device, another of my favorite devices.

When I ordered my Cobra N, it was the shortest device KINK3D offered at the time with a wide width option (for thicker penises), but the Baby Cobra is now available in standard (for average penises), narrow (for thinner penises), and wide width versions. Since the cage mostly captures only the glans, I opted for the standard option with this device instead of wide, and it works just fine. It’s a little tighter on my glans, but isn’t uncomfortable, and it keeps my external urethral orifice perfectly aligned with the device’s urine outlet just as my Hera XS does.

Like everyone else, the size of my flaccid penis fluctuates according to environmental conditions and natural body rhythms and processes. The length varies about a half-inch in either direction. But on average, my flaccid length runs around 2-1/2 inches. I do get some minimal turtling effects while wearing the Baby Cobra, but its hardly noticeable.

Formerly, KINK3D did not publish exact specification for the company’s devices, I suppose in an effort to deter imitators. But the company has since dropped the policy and now provides exact specifications on the website for all of its devices. I suspect since the chastity device market is now awash with Cobra fakes, KINK3D no longer sees any value in keeping their design specifications under wraps. So, I can now provide the exact specifications of my standard width Baby Cobra. The length is 40mm and the entrance width is 32mm.

Choosing the narrow width option shortens the length by 5mm and choosing the wide width option adds 5mm to the length. In comparison, my wide width Cobra N length is 50mm with an entrance width of 35mm and head width of 39mm. If you’re interested in the specifications of the other width models or any of the other KINK3D devices, you can find the information here on the official KINK3D website.

KINK3D recommends the Cobra Baby for flaccid lengths of 1.25 to 2 inches (3 to 5 cm).

Base Ring Sizes

KINK3D offers base rings for the Cobra Baby (and all devices) in eight sizes the company numbers from 0 to 7, ranging from 1-1/2 inches (38.1mm) to 2-3/8 inches (60.3mm). The rings are available in XD (double thickness), standard, and curved. I use the No. 2 (1-3/4 inches) standard round ring. The standard round ring works best for me.

For those who choose the Baby Cobra narrow option, KINK3D notes that the narrow width option with its very small diameter, makes the gap larger. The company recommends pairing the Baby Cobra Narrow with an XD base ring to prevent ball slips.

Don’t forget the same base rings work with every Cobra model, so if you already have a KINK3D base ring in the style and size perfect for you and want to try the Cobra Baby, save money by ordering only the cage.

You can find all the base ring sizes and options here on the official KINK3D website.

Cobra N and Baby Cobra Side by Side Comparison

Security of the Cobra Baby

All Cobra devices, including this one, are standard “ball-trap” devices, and no ball-trap device is escape proof. While KINK3D claims a well-fitted Cobra minimizes the chance of escape, for those willing to cheat their keyholder (and themselves), the Cobra is not inescapable while locked.

For extra security, KINK3D states the Cobra is generally compatible with PA piercings. According to the FAQ information published on the website, “All standard Cobra cages (with the exception of the Baby Cobra Narrow, which can only accommodate 6 gauge PAs and smaller) are compatible with PA piercings up to 2 gauge size. PAs of 0 gauge or larger may fit on certain cage sizes, but can be a tight squeeze.”

I don’t have a PA and cannot confirm the accuracy of the above claims. And since I have no inclination to cheat while locked, I find the security of all my Cobra devices adequate for my needs.

Color Options

While I ordered a standard black Baby Cobra, the model (as well as all other Cobra models) is also now available in aqua blue or fusion pink at additional cost. I bought a fusion pink Cobra N+ shortly after the color became available, but once the novelty wore off I realized I didn’t find the additional cost worth it. While KINK3D Cobra chastity devices are arguably the finest quality 3D-printed chastity devices available, I still believe strongly the devices cost a little more than they should. And with the additional cost levied for the new color options, the prices border on the more than a little too high.

The fusion pink and aqua blue Baby Cobra models run $20 more than a black model. Why? Is the dye used to color 3D-printed devices that expensive? Doubtful, especially when spread over thousands and thousands of devices. KINK3D adds on to the price to increase profits because they know many of the company’s loyal customers will pay it to get a novel color. I’ve expected the company would eventually price all colors the same once the novelty wore off, but evidently they still have enough customer demand to sustain the practice.

General Cost Considerations

Cobra devices are not the priciest plastic devices on the market, but they are not cheap. Still, most people wanting a quality device find them affordable. But it also explains why so many people opt for buying less expensive Cobra copies made by other manufacturers. Prices for the Baby Cobra kit (cage, base ring, and internal lock with two keys) range from $170 (Black) to $210 (Fusion Pink or Aqua Blue). KINK3D has increased all unit prices by $10 since my last order. That’s neither unexpected nor unreasonable given our inflationary economy. I’m sure the company is paying more for raw materials. But since I believe the devices are slightly overpriced to begin with, maybe the $10 bump wasn’t necessary except to maintain the company’s profit margins targets.

As an aside, I’m not certain how durable this pricing model will prove in the long run. I believe the popularity of chastity devices is probably at its zenith right now and that there is little room for sustained growth. And I’ve noticed on the chastity forums I follow from dedicated websites to Reddit to Discord that I’m seeing more and more people wearing cheap Cobra knockoffs and other cheap cages bought from retailers like Amazon than people wearing authentic Cobras. Except on X (formerly Twitter) where you see lots of gay men sporting chastity devices, and almost always authentic KINK3D Cobras, I can’t recall the last time I’ve seen someone online wearing an actual KINK3D device.

Hygiene Concerns

I can do a fair job of keeping my Cobra N and the contents clean just using my handheld shower head every morning. But because of the smaller size of the Baby Cobra and the fewer open areas, I’m not sure my practices with the Cobra N will suffice to meet my personal hygiene standards.

While I have the gear and materials I’ve used with other less than open devices that I could use with the Baby Cobra, who has the time for it? I’m no longer such a purist that I won’t allow myself (with my keyholders permission) to remove a chastity device for 15-20 minutes once a week for a thorough cleaning of the device and my junk. My recommendation, which I follow, would be to take a weekly hygiene break and remove the Baby Cobra to do a proper cleaning.

The Verdict

Overall, I’m totally satisfied with the Baby Cobra. The quality of the device is unimpeachable. It’s so comfortable I’m rarely even aware I’m wearing it. I didn’t actually need a Baby Cobra since the experience of wearing it doesn’t feel materially different from wearing my Cobra N and is virtually identical to the feel of wearing my House of Denial Hera XS, another high quality 3D-printed device.

I don’t believe anyone needs both a Cobra N and Baby Cobra because you really won’t find the devices feel much different to wear. The 10mm (0.39 inches) difference in length is so small that most people won’t notice it. I bought the Baby Cobra mostly because I wanted to review it. The only real justification for buying one is because it’s the best fit or you desire to wear the smallest device KINK3D has on offer.

Sure, the Baby Cobra will share wearing time with my Cobra N now that I’ve got it. But the Hera XS gives me an indistinguishable wearing experience. The only advantage the Baby Cobra has over the Hera XS is I can use my KINK3D Airlock accessory and plastic numbered locks with it when I have an online keyholder who wants it. House of Denial assured me they were working on a similar accessory for the Hera devices (the Airlock doesn’t fit the Hera), but so far hasn’t made good on the promise.

Baby Cobra Pros

  • Excellent quality
  • Light weight
  • Low profile
  • Airlock & plastic lock option
  • Available in multiple widths and colors
  • Good selection of base ring sizes and types
  • Urinal friendly


Baby Cobra Cons

  • Pricey, especially for colors other than black
  • Less hygiene friendly than larger Cobra sizes

My Rating

Quality ★★★★★

Comfort ★★★★★

Locking Options ★★★★★

Stealth ★★★★★

Affordability ★★★ (Especially for optional colors)

Security (without PA) ★★★

Disclaimer: Item reviewed purchased with own funds. I share no commercial interests with KINK3D and received no consideration of any kind for this review. All opinions expressed are mine.