Does Chastity Make You Bi-Sexual or Gay?

This is another chastity forum inspired post. I recently read a forum thread in which the original poster (OP) posed this question. Does chastity make you gay or bi-sexual? I found this an interesting discussion on many levels.

The poster who started the thread shared that he had always considered himself straight and had always been attracted to women as sexual partners. However, once he began spending long periods locked in chastity, he found he often fantasized about performing oral sex on other guys, bringing them to orgasm, and swallowing their semen.

He insisted he has never felt sexually attracted to men before getting into chastity, still doesn’t, and still finds women powerfully attractive. What I found most interesting was his claim he still doesn’t feel physical attraction for men and isn’t interested in being anally penetrated by another guy. It’s just that he now often feels a powerful attraction to the penises of others and the idea of performing fellatio while in chastity.

The Two Main Opinions

The post stimulated a lively discussion. Among those who weighed in on the question and expressed opinions, most fell into one of two primary groups.

One group felt chastity had nothing to do with what the OP was experiencing. They believed he had always had some latent interest in the sucking penises. They surmised he probably wasn’t gay if he felt a strong sexual attraction for women, but had probably always been bi-sexual and had only suppressed it. Perhaps because he hadn’t felt comfortable with the idea of being bi-sexual. The guys in this group, without exception, described themselves as every day, straight masculine men who never once had such fantasies.

The second group of commenters (the smaller group) believed chastity may have played a role by simply making the OP more open to the idea of enacting the fantasies he was having. They didn’t think he was gay or necessarily even bi-sexual since his interest was confined only to penises, and not the entire male body. And maybe the humiliation aspect of sucking another guy’s penis may have also been part of the attraction.

The poster had never acted on the fantasies. Maybe because the opportunity never presented itself. But it would have been interesting to see how he felt about it afterward if he had. That could have shed additional light on the original question.

I didn’t weigh into the discussion with my opinion because, at the time, I wasn’t sure which opinion I most agreed with. But after pondering the question more, I think there might be a third option no one in the discussion mentioned. And partly, I base this on my own experiences.

My Experience

When I’ve been locked by a key holder for periods of thirty days or more, I admit I’ve had fantasies about things I don’t usually fantasize about. Just as he explained, I don’t feel sexually attracted to men and while I enjoy pegging, I have no interest in being penetrated by another guy with the real thing. I’ve always believed I was straight and felt completely comfortable with it. I love vaginas. I love my penis, but not anyone else’s. Yet during long periods of chastity, I admit I have sometimes had unusual fantasies.

It might sound weird, maybe not, but I don’t view performing oral sex on a woman as a submissive act. And I actually love it. Yet I would perceive performing oral sex on another guy as not only a submissive act but deeply humiliating. Mostly because I’m neither gay nor bi-sexual. And giving a blow job would put me in a submissive position relative to a more dominant guy, which I think I’d also find humiliating.

To be fair, I don’t have any frame of reference to speak intelligently about being gay. I have had no fear I might be gay, so I don’t believe I’ve suppressed anything. I’ve just always been attracted sexually solely to women and never to men. I’ve had several friends who were gay men and none of them ever expressed any sexual attraction to me. So there’s that.

If I discovered I was bi-sexual, it wouldn’t embarrass or trouble me. I’ve just felt no sexual attraction for another guy or any interest in being intimate with one. So, I don’t believe having such fantasies suggests the forum poster is gay. He just didn’t provide enough information for me to speculate about whether he is bi-sexual. But here is what I think might be going on with him.

My Theory

I believe the chastity and associated extended period of orgasm denial plays a role in the fantasies. And another part of it might simply be curiosity. I’ve received oral sex from plenty of women, and maybe I’m just a curious guy. I’ve always wondered what it felt like to them having a penis in their mouth and getting a mouthful of semen. It’s just like feeling curious about what it feels like to a woman to have a penis inside her vagina. I’ve even asked a few women about that, but never about the blow jobs. So maybe simple curiosity could be part of it.

Perhaps it’s only natural for a guy, even a straight guy, to be curious about what having a penis in his mouth might feel like. And I think when you’ve been locked and kept at a heightened state of arousal for weeks or months, maybe you’re just more prone to think and fantasize about it. I’ve never been limber enough to accomplish it, but when I was younger, I tried to contort my body to where I could get my own penis in my mouth to see what it felt like. I suspect most guys have tried it just like we have probably all tasted our semen at one time or another, whether or not we admit it.

Another reason I believe chastity encourages this type of fantasy is because when I’m not locked, have orgasms, and my arousal levels are normal, I never think about or fantasize about many of the things I fantasize about when locked and denied for a long period. My interest in such things just evaporates until I’m locked again for a lengthy period. This seems a strong indication that chastity plays some role in having unusual types of fantasies. And never once, not even when having the fantasies have I ever seriously considered acting them. As far as the fantasy the poster describes, I can’t imagine having the opportunity to do it even I wished to do so. I certainly can’t imagine seeking some random guy and asking to do it.

The bottom line is I think we all probably have fantasies we enjoy thinking about and that makes us horny, but that we have no intention of actually enacting. The forum poster didn’t indicate whether acting on his fantasies was something he thought he actually wanted to do.

I think there could be one other thing involved in the mix.

Role of Submission

In everyday life, I’m not submissive. I’m outgoing and assertive. But when locked by a key holder, after about a week or ten days, I begin feeling submissive to her. The longer I remain locked, the more submissive I feel. And the submissive feelings are a part of the pleasure dynamic. This makes me believe that feeling submissive might also contribute to having usual fantasies, fantasies you might not usually entertain.

At least in my experience, the more submissive I feel, the more open I am to trying sexual things I ordinarily probably wouldn’t even consider doing. Who knows? Maybe in the right circumstances, given the opportunity, especially if my key holder encouraged it, I might feel submissive enough to do something I might not ordinarily do, even something like the poster described.

The intense submissive feelings continue along with the heightened arousal until I get released. Then, like the unusual fantasies, the submissive feelings also dissipate as soon as she unlocks me and allows me to orgasm. This makes me believe that feeling submissive may also contribute to having these types of fantasies.

That’s my take on the question that prompted this post. Does chastity make you bi-sexual or gay? I don’t believe so. But from my own experiences, I believe chastity probably affects some of the things we fantasize about.

Why Are You in Chastity?

A thread on a chastity forum on this topic I read recently inspired this post. More importantly, it also inspired me to answer this question for myself. Why are you in chastity? Not that I haven’t pondered this question before. But it’s been a while. And my recent experience revisiting my motivation for practicing chastity makes me believe it’s probably a good idea to pose this question all over again from time to time.

Simple curiosity brought me to chastity. I think wearing chastity devices was still pretty fringe back then. But if you spent much time on the internet, you couldn’t avoid hearing about male chastity regularly. I began reading blogs and forums and discovered many claims from chastity cage wearers about how practicing chastity had changed their lives and even their romantic relationships in positive ways.

Single and just out of a long relationship, it seemed like an opportune time to experiment with chastity. I wanted to learn firsthand whether all the claims I’d read were actually true. So, I bought my first chastity cage and began self-locking.

Even self-locking convinced me that at least some claims I’d read seemed genuine. I felt I was benefiting from wearing a chastity device. But it wasn’t long before I wanted to try chastity with a key holder. With no partner and having no women friends I was willing to share my new interest with, I turned to searching for a professional key holder. As luck would have it, I found a very good one.

Why I Am in Chastity

I know the chastity experience with a remote professional key holder differs greatly from having a romantic partner as a key holder. Still, I experienced some of those other partner-related positive things I’d read about on blogs and forums shared by those who had a wife or other romantic partner as their key holder. And I found it a vastly superior experience to self-locking. I’ve continued practicing chastity because I found so much I liked about it. Here are some of those things.


  • Chastity made me more focused (on things other than my penis) and more productive.


  • Wearing a chastity device dramatically cuts out the amount of time I once wasted watching porn and masturbating.


  • I rediscovered the enjoyment of orgasm control and denial, kinks I had past expereince with and enjoyed.


  • Chastity changed my view of women in general for the better. Even though my first key holder wasn’t my romantic partner, pleasing her became my new priority. I enjoyed sacrificing my pleasure for her because I knew it pleased her.


  • The power exchange dynamic appeals to me, also something I’d experienced before in different circumstances. I truly enjoy submitting to a woman controlling my access to sexual pleasure and quite literally owning my penis.


  • The near constant feeling of heightened arousal when I’m locked feels more pleasurable than the fleeting seconds of pleasure experienced during orgasm and ejaculation. And when my key holder allows release, the orgasms are far more intense.

The Big Difference Between Key Holder Types

Earlier, I mentioned my understanding that having a professional key holder isn’t the same experience as having a romantic partner key holder. I learned long ago that any kink works best inside a relationship, and I believe this is true with chastity. Here’s why.

Someone who has a romantic partner as a key holder has vastly more opportunities to serve their partner and sacrifice for them than you could ever have with a professional key holder. As examples, with a partner, you could take on more domestic responsibilities to free up time for your partner. You could serve her sexually, focusing on her pleasure at the expense of your own. And you could pamper with things like back rubs and foot rubs and show her affection without her worrying it isn’t all just another sex bartering effort. Also, your chances of getting more consistent and effective teasing, something most chastity device wearers crave and need, are much better with a partner key holder.

In comparison, beyond carrying out her instructions, you have no way to offer physical service of any kind to a remote professional key holder. Even if you engage a pro domme for in person key holding services, she would never allow you to serve her sexually no matter how eager you might feel to do so. There is only way to serve a pro key holder, and that is offering financial tributes, compensating her for the time she takes away from her other interests and responsibilities to control your chastity and provide teasing.

I’ve had several remote pro key holders who did a wonderful job with providing me the teasing I wanted and needed. But it has always been dispensed in limited amounts and the truth is, there is only so much that can be done online or even over the phone. That doesn’t mean it’s all just a fantasy as I’ve seen some suggest. The experience is authentic. It’s just nothing like having someone you’re in a relationship with controlling your keys. I’ve found remote pro key holding meets my needs, but I’m sure it wouldn’t work for everyone, especially since many men won’t even consider paying for key holding.

Is Chastity Just Another Selfish Guy Kink

I can imagine many people, especially women, might read the above list of reasons I’m in chastity and say those things are all about me. I only want to be chastity because it satisfies a collection of kinks that I enjoy and find arousing. They might argue I’m only willing to pay a pro key holder because they dispense the kink and sexual pleasures I want, and chastity is just yet another example of the selfish kink desires all men have that they expect women to fulfill. It’s really no different from how most guys barter with their romantic partner for sex, offering to do a thing as long as doing the thing gets them more sex.

If you spend a little time on websites like Fetlife, you will see those arguments made by women who identify as lifestyle femdoms all the time. These women detest chastity devices, and most refuse to even consider engaging with anyone who wants to wear them. They consider chastity devices as nothing but sex toys for men and device-assisted chastity as just another penis-focused, selfish kink men want and expect women to dispense.

Knowing the manner in which so many clueless men approach women like this while seeking “free” key holding services, I certainly understand why so many lifestyle femdoms hold these opinions. Especially since they are already predisposed to believe that men in general marginalize women’s sexuality, especially that of dominant women. I get it. I understand the arguments. Still, I disagree with the extreme view that chastity is just another penis-focused, selfish kink men want and expect women to dispense that offers absolutely no benefits to women. Were that true, no wife or other romantic partner would ever agree to become a chastity key holder for her man.

Chastity is Only an Extension of an Existing Reality

Maybe it wasn’t true when people lived in caves, but during civilized times, women have almost always held all the control in the bedroom. I’m sure I’ve mentioned I was once married for a long while. Since then I’ve dated many women and been in several relationships. In every instance, it was always up to my partner whether sex happened.

No matter how much I wanted to have sex, it only happened when these women wanted to have sex. When they didn’t, they just said no, and that was the end of it. Yes, there were times I begged and tried to engage in bartering, but rarely, if ever, did any of my past partners relent when they weren’t in the mood to have sex. It certainly never occurred to me to insist they give me what I wanted or to force them to do it. Here is the point of all this.

I view chastity as only a logical extension of the control women already have and have pretty much always had. The thing is, it is only a means by which women can eliminate the begging and the bartering, something most women find very annoying. Once they lock your penis in a cage, understanding it is something you want very much, they make all the rules and can even forbid you from begging or attempting to barter. All it takes is the threat of dispensing with the chastity altogether if you don’t comply. So, why wouldn’t a guy in a relationship want to be in chastity? You’re only allowing your partner to further consolidate the control she already has. This can benefit you both as individuals and may even strengthen the relationship.

With pro key holders (my experience), it’s different but still the same principle. Women are in control when it comes to sex. No, having sex with your key holder will never be an option, but they still control whether you get sexual pleasure or get released just the same.

Why Being in Chastity Doesn’t Feel Selfish to Me

Sure, you pay pro key holders for their services, but at least in my experiences it has never been just about the money. For one thing, it’s never been a significant amount of money, certainly not enough to persuade a woman to do something she wasn’t disposed to do. Every pro I’ve ever had told me they enjoyed locking up penises and having the level of intimate control key holding offers. Some even admitted having the control and teasing caged men until they were desperate with desire made them aroused. Even pro key holders get some of the same intangible benefits that have nothing to do with being compensated for their services. And the longer I’m kept locked, the more desperate I become to please my key holder in whatever limited ways I can.

So, no, I don’t see chastity as just another penis-focused, selfish kink I want and expect women to dispense to me. Sure, I get much enjoyment and arousal from it. I benefit. But what’s wrong with that? Why would anyone do something they didn’t enjoy or feel met some important needs? I’ve done lots of things in life that I found I didn’t enjoy and didn’t benefit me. Guess what? I didn’t keep doing them. Having a woman lock me makes me more focused, makes me more attentive to the woman controlling the keys and keen to please, and yes, it makes me horny when she teases me. I love the feeling of heightened arousal over a lengthy period locked. That doesn’t make it a selfish practice.


In conclusion, the reason you are in chastity might be similar to mine or completely different. But we all have a reason. And I think it’s healthy to revisit the question from time to time. Why are you in chastity? I think some things I like most about being in chastity haven’t changed since my first experience with it. But recent self reflection showed me that some things resonate more powerfully with me than before. And I discovered I’m still committed to practicing chastity and with a key holder as often as possible.

Evo Blackout Chastity Device

I came across the EVO Blackout chastity device recently by chance while reading a post on a chastity forum. I had never heard of Blackout Devices or the Canadian company’s chastity devices. After finding the website, it delighted me to find a radically new design that I find intriguing and thought I’d share about it here.

Especially since the popularity of 3D-printed chastity devices has exploded, it is rare to find an innovative design. A couple of companies dominate the market, and the rest of the manufacturers essentially copy the designs. So, discovering the Evo by Blackout Devices captured my interest immediately. This is not a review. I don’t have this device and haven’t tried it. But the Evo has enough interesting features, I thought it was worth talking about.

Evo Basics

Fitted to You – Anatomically Designed

The Evo by Blackout Devices is a 3D-printed device made from Nylon PA12, a bio-safe material often used in biomedical components. Nylon PA12 is a smooth, lightweight plastic material with great mechanical properties. The company uses a proprietary completely parametric system (refers to a system where design input parameters get fed into algorithms) to build the device to a customer’s exact measurements. Blackout Devices claims the Evo is the ultimate custom sized chastity cage designed for comfortable, long-term wear. But that’s not all.

Unlike other chastity devices, no sizing guides are necessary with the Evo. You don’t even choose a base ring size. Instead, you provide Blackout Devices with a set of measurements (in millimeters) and the parametric manufacturing system takes it from there. More on that later in this post.

Three Different Heads to Choose From With Evo

The Evo offers not one, not two, but three head options.

One of the most frequent complaints about chastity devices I’ve seen is how those with an uncut penis have difficulty finding a comfortable device for long-term wear. Problem solved with the Evo, which offers a head (tip of cage) designed specifically for those not circumcised.

More Innovations

Getting three head style options is only the beginning with the Evo. Here are other Blackout Devices design innovations.

The company claims the unique V-shape design of the Evo Cage helps reduce erection strength and duration by not putting pressure on the deep dorsal vein and the superficial dorsal vein. This supposedly allows for less restricted blood flow unlike most cages. Instead of fighting against the cage, erections get contained and then easily subside.

The V-Prong glans ring, perfectly sized based on the customer’s measurements, grip the glans while flaccid to help maintain alignment for easy urination. The prongs also help to reduce turtling by providing an elastic structure that pulls the penis back into place. This feature is not included with the Uncut Head as testing showed it caused foreskin swelling issues.

Blackout Devices claims the ergonomic cuff-style base ring of the Evo is the most comfortable base ring on the market. Instead of the common round ring, the Evo base ring shape matches the anatomy and its waterfall edge design allows the skin to sit more naturally. The increased surface area helps reduce ball burn and discomfort during erections, while providing better grip to keep things in place.

Measuring for the Evo

Blackout Devices requires six measurements for the Evo. All measurements must be in millimeters.

1. Flaccid circumference

2. Flaccid shaft length (base to glans) measured from the top

3.  Flaccid total length (base to tip)

4.  Erect circumference

5.  Erect total length

6.  Average testicle hang (using Blackout Devices 1-6 scale)

  1. Halfway to a quarter inside the body
  2. Outside the body but with no extra hang (high and tight)
  3. Little to no hang
  4. Some amount of hang
  5. Fair amount of hang but no super low
  6. Hang well below 75mm (3 inches) with lots of extra scrotum skin


Blackout Devices strongly recommends using an old cash register receipt to measure with, using the receipt to measure length and circumference similarly to how it would be done using the “string method” some device manufacturers recommend. After measuring with the receipt and marking the measurement with a pen or marker, then use a tape or ruler to measure the distance marked on the receipt in millimeters (or convert to millimeters if you don’t have a measuring device in millimeters). The company warns accurate measurements are critical as an inaccuracy of only a few millimeters can make a significant difference in fit.

I understand the theory behind using a cash register receipt. Receipt paper by design has no stretch. It will tear before stretching. But a tailor’s tape also has no stretch. After using a receipt and a pen and then repeating the measurements with a tailor’s tape, I found no difference in the measurements and using the tailor’s tape was much easier.

The company recommends measuring at least 5 times over several days to get the most accurate results. You then submit the measurements on the website (requires registration) and Blackout Devices uses them to calculate the proper size of the cage and base ring. Click here to get a printable copy of the measuring guide.

Cost of the Evo

At the time of this post, the Evo price was $250 (USD), which seems reasonable for a custom-fitted chastity device, especially if the fit is as advertised. The price includes the cage, ergonomic base ring, and integral lock with key.

My Thoughts About the Evo

Since I haven’t tried the Evo, I can’t confirm the veracity of the Blackout Devices claims or attest to how well all the innovations actually work. But the claims seem reasonable enough that I feel tempted to order an Evo and try it out. I would like to see how well the company’s proprietary design system works.

I am a little skeptical about the base ring sizing methodology. I tried a lot of different base ring sizes and shapes before finally finding the prefect balance between comfort and security for me. And common round rings are the only type I’ve been able to use without ball slips. It’s a little difficult for me to believe the company can predict the proper base ring size based on penis length, circumference, and estimated testicles hang. I’ve seen no scientific evidence showing a correlation between penis size and testicle size. But I could be wrong. Maybe the company’s system works.

The only thing about the Evo I’m not thrilled about is the cage looks like a penis, which feels like a step back to the early CB-X days. The thing I like best about my KINK3D cages is they don’t look like a penis. Still, if the Evo fits as well and is as comfortable to wear as Blackout Devices claims, I could live with it.

As an aside, Blackout Devices also offers another chastity device called the Sport, which is designed for cyclists, runners, swimmers, and those who work out at the gym. (Not recommended for contact sports). It runs $145 for the cage, base ring, and integral lock. You can click here to learn more about the Sport.

Chaster App Review

For those of us who practice chastity but don’t have a romantic partner or friend to act as our key holder, the good news is there are more opportunities to find remote key holders than ever before. But there are always questions about whether remote, online key holders will provide the type of key holding services that will actually meet the needs of chastity device wearers or whether they are worth it when you have to pay for the services.

I know many chastity device wearers refuse to even consider paying for key holding services. I get it. Those who won’t pay are looking for someone willing to hold the keys to their device just out of a strong desire to exercise this type of authority over someone’s penis. But the reality is there are few key holders out there willing to hold the keys for some random person’s chastity device for free. That’s also true of most of the key holders available from the resource I’m focusing on today, the Chaster app. The vast majority of active key holders on Chaster require tributes.

In this Chaster review, I’m will discuss Chaster app’s features and capabilities and hopefully help readers decide whether getting a key holder via the app is worth the cost.

I’ve written about the Chaster app before, but in this article I am focusing on the key holding services available on the app, the current quality of the services, and whether the cost is worth it.

In this Chaster app review, you will learn:

  1. Just how does key holding work exactly on Chaster?
  2. How much do key holding services cost on Chaster?
  3. What are the major features of key holding on Chaster?
  4. Are the key holding services on Chaster worth the cost?

What is the Chaster App

For the benefit of those who might be unfamiliar with the app, I’ll begin with a few basics.

Chaster is a web-based chastity key holding application for wearers and key holders, that prides itself on providing remote, online key holding for those who enjoy practicing chastity and wearing chastity devices but who don’t have someone to act as their key holder.

Chaster does this in three ways. Registered users can join shared “Community locks” run by ChasterBots, create personalized self-locks, or join shared locks created by other registered users identifying as “key holders.” The two registered user identities on the app are “wearers” and “key holders.”

Shared “Community locks” are locks created by Chaster staff (the ChasterBot locks) or Chaster users who want to control the locks of others as a key holder. They are available to any registered user who wishes to join them, although some locks require the wearer to contact and get permission from the key holder before joining.

Community locks have preset initial lock durations, minimum and maximum. The initial durations may be in days, weeks, or months. Community locks have preset provisions for hygiene breaks, basic extensions like the “Wheel of Fortune” extension, and daily teasing tasks. In addition, many shared community locks allow the wearer to “trust the key holder” and this allows the key holder more extension options and greater control over the wearer, including the ability to increase the initial maximum duration of the lock.

On Chaster, chastity device keys must be stored in a secure box with a re-settable (4-digit minimum) combination lock (e.g., metal door hanger boxes used by realtors are a popular choice) or secured by whatever method specified by the key holder to prevent the wearer from accessing the keys. Use of disposable plastic numbered locks on the device is one popular option among Chaster key holders.

The Chaster app has two membership options, free and paid. The paid version “Chaster Plus” is a €9.99 (about $10.89 USD) monthly subscription that offers users more features and extension options. Free users are limited to one lock locked at a time and are limited to a maximum of three extensions per lock. Chaster Plus users get unlimited locks and unlimited extensions among other features.

You can learn more about the Chaster app, the extensions, how to join, create, and navigate locks by visiting the Chaster documentation link.

Chaster App Key Holders

When the application first allowed human people to sign up as key holders, those who did so offered free key holding services. But soon, some enterprising folks realized many men could be persuaded to pay for key holding and began offering pay-to-play services on the sly.

Probably because the developers of the app realized they couldn’t put a stop to paid key holding, they changed the terms of service to allow it but with conditions.

Anyone offering pay-to-play must declare it on the Chaster app and gets a green “Findom” badge displayed on their profile to alert wearers that payment is required to join their locks. (Note that here “Findom” doesn’t have the same meaning as it does on X (formerly Twitter) where findoms are women who solicit payments from men simply for existing). On Chaster, the term only (or at least mostly) just identifies key holders who require payment for key holding. Chaster also requires pay-to-play key holders to pay for Chaster Plus, something a key holder would have to do anyway if they wanted to offer more than one shared community lock at a time.

Some pay-to-play key holders are independents, but the vast majority of them have migrated to Chaster from fan sites like OnlyFans, LoyalFans, SextPanther, etc. Many of them offer paid key holding services hoping to lure paying customers to their fan sites to buy their amateur NSFW adult content, tip them, or pay them for other adult services like sexting.

Some of the fan site key holders are actually good key holders and adept at providing effective teasing, but most attempt continuously to upsell wearers who join their locks and pay for their key holding services. But some of them are not good key holders at all, even those who have some interest in key holding besides making money. They lack knowledge about chastity devices and the safety measures that those wearing them should observe. Basically, they know only what they have found on the internet about chastity and can’t distinguish between good and bad chastity related information. So, caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) when agreeing to pay someone for key holding on Chaster. Many talk a good game, but don’t deliver.

You can still find the occasional free key holder on Chaster, but they are few. Most Chaster key holders now require payment for their services. It also isn’t uncommon for someone to represent themselves as a free key holder and then attempt to extract payment from wearers after they have joined a lock.

How Much Does Chaster App Key Holding Cost?

Since every pay-to-play key holder sets their own prices, there is no average cost you can expect to pay. Prices range from cheap to expensive. By expensive, I mean I’ve talked with Chaster key holders (mostly the fan site types) who expect rates similar to what you would have to pay an authentic pro domme for remote key holding services. But to give you an idea, here are some representative prices I’ve seen recently. The first three prices include some amount of daily interaction with the key holder, usually limited.

  • $25 per week and $5 for each additional day
  • $50 per week
  • £49 (about $64 USD) per week
  • $100 (2-5 days), $150 (7-15 days), $200 (15-20 days), $260 (month)1
  • $160 (2-5 days), $250 (7-15 days), $320 (15-20 days), $360 (month)2


1These prices are for basic key holding. No interaction with the key holder after the initial lock up and the only teasing is from completing the preset task assignments that are part of the lock.

2These prices are from the same key holder above for premium key holding with daily interaction and one weekly 30-minute text session with the key holder.

As a comparison to the last two prices listed above, here is what one reputable pro domme I’m acquainted with, charges for remote key holding that includes an initial video call lock up and daily teasing tasks (but otherwise limited interaction).

$60 (5-9 days), $130 (10-17 days), $260 (18-31 days)

As you can see, the cost for Chaster paid key holding varies widely, ranging from cheap to expensive. To complicate matters, the skill sets of Chaster pay-to-play key holders vary just as widely. And since you must pay in advance, unless you have had past experience with a particular key holder, you don’t know what quality of key holding services you will get until after you have paid and entered into an agreement.

My Experience With the Chaster App

Next, I will detail my experiences with the Chaster app and with Chaster keyholders, which is why I’m qualified to write this review.

After signing up, for my first experience with the Chaster app, I reviewed all the available public Community locks and found one that interested me.

You can view all the available shared locks, even without signing up by clicking this Chaster Explore link that takes you to the “Community locks” page. Once on the page, you will see a sample of some popular public locks. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “View all public locks” link to see all the available locks.

After navigating to the page for the public lock I had chosen, I joined the lock only to receive a notification that the key holder who created the lock was inactive. Chaster inactivates users who do not sign on for some length of time, but I’ve been unable to find out what the length of time is. The app gave me the option to leave the lock and search for another or to continue the lock self-locked. Since it was only a 2-day, weekend lock, I opted to continue. I completed all the required activities and tasks and when the time expired, the app allowed me to unlock. Absent the interaction with a key holder I had expected from the lock description, my first experience was a little disappointing. But it gave me the opportunity to learn how the locks worked.

I did a little more research, and discovered that while signed on the app, I could click on the “Members” link on the lower left hand side of the home page and see a list of active members. There were filter options (found at the top of the “Members” page) where I could choose an age range, location, chastity role, gender, sexual orientation, and in the case of key holders, whether they charged for key holding. Since I prefer women key holders, age 35 and up, I filtered the list using those parameters. Also, I found a slider at the bottom that allowed me to limit the list to only members who had been active on the app during the past seven days.

On any given day, I got a list of between 30 to 35 women members, most of whom were key holders. By checking the member list a few times a day over several days, I soon learned which key holders on Chaster were the most active and therefore most available. Then I limited my search for interesting public locks to only those key holders. I highly recommend using the “Members” link because there are literally thousands of public locks listed on the app but the vast majority of key holders who created them are inactive and unavailable to control the locks.

Eventually, I found a public lock offered by an active key holder. She turned out to be an OnlyFans person and the lock description instructed me to contact her on her OnlyFans page to request the lock. I navigated there using the link she had provided. Her page was free to subscribe to, so I subscribed and then sent her a private message. She replied right away within a few minutes.

We discussed the tribute (fee) requirement, which I found reasonable. I told her which lock I wanted to do (she had many of them), listed my favorite teasing activities, listed my limits, and provided a list of toys I had available. While I paid the tribute in the manner she required, she customized the task to reflect my specific likes and limits. Once she confirmed I had paid, she provided me the password the lock required. I locked on my device, joined the lock, and sent her the required proof of lock photo.

This was a seven-day lock, which I felt would allow me enough time to get a feel for her key holding skill set and to get acquainted with her. It was a pleasant week with plenty of interaction. She helped me sign up on her Discord channel, which is how we communicated and where I uploaded proof of task completion photos and videos she required. I was impressed enough that after the week ended, I agreed to a one month lock and paid the required tribute, which again was reasonable and well within my budget. But that’s when things went awry.

While I still got plenty of interaction and we chatted on and off daily, the daily teasing tasks abruptly stopped. She was always too busy, tired, or not in the mood to play. That went on for almost the entire month, so at the end I declined to continue with her.

After trying some other key holders I found elsewhere for several months, I finally returned to Chaster after not finding one I felt any real chemistry with. Again, I found a public lock offered by an active key holder, who turned out to be another OnlyFans person. I navigated to her page using the link she had provided, took out the free subscription to her page, and sent her a private message to request to join her lock. She also replied right away.

This time, I chose only a two-day, weekend lock since again I didn’t know the woman. Given my previous unsatisfactory experience with an OnlyFans key holder, I only wanted a short, inexpensive trial lock to get a feel for her as a key holder before committing to spending more money for a longer lock period.

Because I was new to her, she gave me her version of premium key holding services for the price of her basic services. So, I received plenty of interaction. We also chatted on and off daily from Friday through Monday. (It turned out to be a four-day lock instead of two because I caught some penalties that extended the lock duration, which she seemed to enjoy). Not only did I have a wonderful experience with her, the four days of interaction helped me get acquainted with her faster.

She has turned out to be one of the better key holders I’ve had and I always have lots of fun with her. I’ve continued with her on a week to week basis since the weekend lock and she has maintained the high quality of the services she provides. I’m getting close to taking the next step with her by moving up to a month to month arrangement. She is experienced, takes chastity seriously and is strict, but is also loads of fun and a teasing skills virtuoso. Besides the customized tasks she puts into the Chaster lock, she often randomly texts me additional tasks and teasing messages.

So, I’ve had one good and one bad experience with Chaster pay-to-play key holders. It’s a small sample, but the point is you never know what you’re going to get until you try it out with someone. That’s the only way to learn whether the key holding services are worth the cost, and you have to spend money finding out. To be honest, I feel very fortunate to have met my current key holder. I have just developed a sense that there are far more Chaster key holders like the first one I had than the one I have now.

I’m not at all averse to paying for key holding as long as I feel the quality of the services received is worth what I’m paying. In my present situation, I find my key holder is worth every penny and feel I am actually getting far more than I’m paying for. The time she spends with me, she could be spending profitably with someone else, which is another reason I’m happy to compensate her for her time and attention. Another thing I like about her is she never pressures me to buy content, tip, or buy gifts from a wish list. Our interactions revolve around chastity except when we are just chatting for fun, and I appreciate her for that.

The Verdict: Is Chaster Worth It?

Answering this question depends on what a person is looking for from the Chaster app. Are you happy with self-locking? Do you want a key holder you don’t have to pay? Are you willing to spend some money to get the quality of key holding that satisfies your needs? It’s a one of a kind chastity application with plenty to like. But I’ve found plenty of things about Chaster I don’t like.

For someone who is self-locking, I think the Chaster app offers a much more enjoyable experience than going it alone. You can use the ChasterBot public locks and get some sense of having a key holder. Or you can create your own customized locks using the extensions you find most appealing. The developers are constantly working to make the app better, and I suspect AI will become integrated into Chaster eventually and that could make self-locking even more enjoyable.

If you’re looking for a free key holder, I think you might find Chaster disappointing. No doubt your chances are probably better than finding a key holder on chastity forums or sites like Fetlife. But from everything I’ve seen, both on the app and on the Chaster Discord channel, which I spend time on, there aren’t many Chaster key holders willing to provide free services. If you’re someone who won’t pay for key holding under any circumstances, I recommend joining the Chaster Discord channel. I think that is your best chance at finding a key holder you won’t have to pay. Like anywhere else that you might look for a key holder, there are always far more people wanting someone to lock them than people wanting to be key holders. And understand that Chaster is becoming more and more a pay-to-play application.

As my experiences illustrate, even if you’re willing to pay for key holding, Chaster can be hit or miss. Eventually, I got lucky and found a good one I really like. But I not only had a bad one who bordered on being dishonest, I have some good reasons to believe there are probably many more bad pay-to-play key holders on Chaster than good ones. Also, from some profiles I’ve read, and I’ve read many, I suspect there are some women key holders on the Chaster app who don’t particularly like people with penises and use the application as an opportunity to deal out some serious misery. I’ve seen several who made no secret that this was their intent.

Still, I’m sure I haven’t found the only good pay-to-play key holder on Chaster. But you must do your due diligence. Read profiles carefully and ask plenty of questions before you make any agreements or spend money. Once you enter a lock with someone, if it all goes south, you can abandon the lock, but you won’t get your money back.

In my opinion, authentic pro dommes with an established business and professional website are the very best source for key holders if you’re able and willing to pay for key holding services. But their services don’t come cheap, even for online, remote key holding. So, I think the Chaster app is an option for finding a paid key holder for less. It’s also a much better place to look for a pay-to-play key holder than sites like Fetlife and Reddit, both of which have a lot of scammers who will take your money and promptly disappear. All the web-based chastity forums I’m aware of exclude professional key holders, so you won’t find one there. Now let’s look at the pros and cons I’ve observed with the Chaster app.


Chaster is an improvement over going it alone for someone who self-locks.

While the chances of finding someone to control your keys for free are limited, the Chaster app might offer the best chance compared to other possibilities.

There are knowledgeable, experienced, and honest pay-to-play key holders to be found on Chaster. I’m sure I haven’t found the only one.

If you have ever considered an OnlyFans person for paid key holding, I definitely believe those on the Chaster app are a cut above those you might meet on Fetlife or by going directly to the OnlyFans website. I’ve had key holding experiences with other OnlyFans and LoyalFans women I’ve met outside the Chaster app. I found only one who was a decent key holder, good enough that I stayed with her for three weeks. But she, like all the others, continually pressured me to buy videos, tip them, pay for additional sessions, or buy gifts off their wish lists, even though I was already paying them for key holding. That got old fast. And the more often I declined to pay for the extras, the less interaction I got from them.

The Chaster Discord channel makes the Chaster app even better. You have the chance to chat with other members, including key holders. You can stay abreast of the new features and extensions the developers add almost continuously. I definitely recommend joining the Chaster Discord channel (free) after signing up for the app.

You don’t have to pay for using the Chaster app. The free option works fine for device wearers. I believe the paid Chaster Plus option is only a requirement for key holders who want to create multiple public and custom locks and want access to all the available extensions to make their tasks more interesting. Also, even if you’re on the free option, if your key holder has Chaster Plus, you get access to all the extensions they include in the lock. I can’t think of a good reason for any wearer to pay over $10 a month for Chaster Plus unless they just want to support the app. You don’t need it.


There are few free key holders on Chaster anymore. The majority and the most active are now pay-to-play.

Scammers aren’t as big a problem on Chaster as they are on other sites where people go to look for key holders, but it isn’t unheard of. Fetlife and Reddit both have serious scammer problems, but I’ve chatted with wearers who told me key holders have tried to extort them after they joined a lock, and one guy told me a key holder tried to blackmail him. Use common sense. Don’t reveal personal information or provide photos or videos showing your face to key holders unless you wouldn’t mind having your information or images showing up in other places on the internet. It’s also a good idea to wipe the metadata from photos taken with your cell phone before sharing them with a key holder. Most new people you meet seem trustworthy and nice until they aren’t.

There are probably just as many bad key holders on Chaster as good ones. Honestly, probably more. Here I’m speaking mostly of people who aren’t key holding with the best of intentions, or who lack knowledge and experience. Recently, I read a public lock and saw that one of the teasing tasks required the wearer to apply dry ice directly to their unprotected skin for ten minutes. If you know anything about dry ice (frozen CO2) you know that would cause a severe cold burn (frostbite) that would likely require medical attention and could do permanent damage. Thankfully, the key holder didn’t ask wearers to apply the dry ice to their junk, but still. Remember, if you use the Chaster app, you are completely responsible for your own safety. You can’t depend on key holders.

While you can find people of all ages on the Chaster app, members skew younger. I suspect from reading profiles and reading the forums on Chaster Discord that the average is probably twenties for both active wearers and key holders. And the app has no age verification feature. They just take your word for it, so I suspect there are likely underage individuals on the app. I’m not comfortable interacting with key holders with listed ages under 35, which is why I screen for that. And I certainly won’t chance interacting with someone not of legal age for obvious legal reasons.

While locks show initial minimum and maximum durations in hours, days, weeks, or months, I’ve noticed most public locks have a disclaimer at the very bottom: “The lock duration can be increased without limit.” What does that mean? If you aren’t careful, you could join a seven-day lock and end up in permanent chastity. Not only are there ways a key holder can increase the length of the lock after you’ve joined it, there are many extensions that penalize you by adding extra time to the duration. For example, many locks require submission of lock verification photos for “peer review” by other members. I’ve seen locks where getting your verification photo rejected carries a penalty of getting seven days added to the duration of your lock. There are lots of extensions that have addition to duration penalties. Personally, I wouldn’t join any lock where the duration can be increased without limit. And from what I’ve heard, this gets abused. I recommend always nailing down a specific end date with your key holder before joining a lock. Well, unless you actually want to spend the rest of your life wearing a chastity device.

When you join a lock, there are timers at the top of the page that show how long you’ve been locked and how much time is left to go. Key holders can hide these timers if they choose, after you’ve joined a lock. And it’s quite popular to do so. An unethical key holder could increase the duration of the lock without your knowledge any time they wanted. Once again, you could be left facing permanent chastity you don’t want. You need to negotiate this in advance if it matters to you unless you have great trust in the key holder.

Paying a Chaster key holder is always inconvenient. Here’s the problem. Paid chastity key holders fall under the definition of “sex workers” under the terms of service of online payment companies like PayPal. PayPal and other financial companies prohibit sex workers from utilizing services on their payment systems. That leaves few options for paid key holders to take payments. Some take payments via fan sites like OnlyFans, even though those sites take 20 percent off the top of every dollar received. To avoid that, some set up gift accounts on fan gifting websites like Wish Tender or Throne, where they can create wish lists for gifts at different price points. They then direct chastity device wearers to buy gifts equal in value to their required tribute amounts from their wish list to pay for key holding. Even if you buy a gift of the exact value that the key holder specifies, you must also pay an additional not insignificant fee to the gift website on top of the cost of the gift, a markup that represents the gift websites profit on the transaction. You may also have to pay sales tax. But it gets worse. Credit card companies know all about OnlyFans and the fan gift websites. Expect your credit card issuer to automatically flag charges to these sites as suspicious and to decline the charge. You will then receive a call, text, or email from your card issuer’s fraud department asking you to verify the transaction. Only after you have verified it will they lift the fraud flag and then you have to do the transaction all over again. This has happened to me every single time I’ve attempted transactions at any of these sites with any of my credit cards, all issued by major financial institutions. It doesn’t seem to matter that you’ve made charges on the sites before. It still gets flagged the next time.

There you have the major pros and cons of using the Chaster key holding app. I’m sure there are others I haven’t yet experienced. I find using the app less convenient than dealing directly with a pro domme. But my current key holder insists on using Chaster because she finds it easier to control the locks there since she is routinely key holding for several people simultaneously at any given time.

You shouldn’t feel the Chaster app isn’t useful or safe. But you must accept it isn’t a perfect key holding solution for the reasons I’ve covered and always exercise common sense. No one will look out for you. You’re responsible for keeping yourself safe.

KINK3D Baby Cobra Review

I’ve wanted to try the KINK3D Baby Cobra for a while now after reading rave reviews about the device on a Reddit chastity chat channel I follow. Now I have and here are my thoughts.

I think it was around last Locktober when I began seeing a lot of chatter on Reddit about the KINK3D Baby Cobra. While I was curious about trying the smallest device offered by KINK3D, I had just ordered the Cobra N about six months before and was about to order the Pink Fusion version of the Cobra N+, so I didn’t order the Baby Cobra until just recently. I’ve received it and worn it now since my hygiene break ten days ago and am ready to share my review.

First Impressions of the Baby Cobra

You really cannot beat the quality workmanship of KINK3D devices. This is my third Cobra and the Baby Cobra is as well fitting and the finish as silky smooth as the others. The company has totally nailed 3D-printed chastity device craftsmanship.

The Baby Cobra is only slightly shorter (by 10mm) than my Cobra N so we’re definitely not in micro chastity territory here. It felt comfortable from the moment I put it on. Essentially, the cage only captures the glans (tip of the penis) and very little of the shaft between the base ring and cage. As I had predicted, the Baby Cobra is almost the identical size of my House of Denial Hera XS 3D-printed device, another of my favorite devices.

When I ordered my Cobra N, it was the shortest device KINK3D offered at the time with a wide width option (for thicker penises), but the Baby Cobra is now available in standard (for average penises), narrow (for thinner penises), and wide width versions. Since the cage mostly captures only the glans, I opted for the standard option with this device instead of wide, and it works just fine. It’s a little tighter on my glans, but isn’t uncomfortable, and it keeps my external urethral orifice perfectly aligned with the device’s urine outlet just as my Hera XS does.

Like everyone else, the size of my flaccid penis fluctuates according to environmental conditions and natural body rhythms and processes. The length varies about a half-inch in either direction. But on average, my flaccid length runs around 2-1/2 inches. I do get some minimal turtling effects while wearing the Baby Cobra, but its hardly noticeable.

Formerly, KINK3D did not publish exact specification for the company’s devices, I suppose in an effort to deter imitators. But the company has since dropped the policy and now provides exact specifications on the website for all of its devices. I suspect since the chastity device market is now awash with Cobra fakes, KINK3D no longer sees any value in keeping their design specifications under wraps. So, I can now provide the exact specifications of my standard width Baby Cobra. The length is 40mm and the entrance width is 32mm.

Choosing the narrow width option shortens the length by 5mm and choosing the wide width option adds 5mm to the length. In comparison, my wide width Cobra N length is 50mm with an entrance width of 35mm and head width of 39mm. If you’re interested in the specifications of the other width models or any of the other KINK3D devices, you can find the information here on the official KINK3D website.

KINK3D recommends the Cobra Baby for flaccid lengths of 1.25 to 2 inches (3 to 5 cm).

Base Ring Sizes

KINK3D offers base rings for the Cobra Baby (and all devices) in eight sizes the company numbers from 0 to 7, ranging from 1-1/2 inches (38.1mm) to 2-3/8 inches (60.3mm). The rings are available in XD (double thickness), standard, and curved. I use the No. 2 (1-3/4 inches) standard round ring. The standard round ring works best for me.

For those who choose the Baby Cobra narrow option, KINK3D notes that the narrow width option with its very small diameter, makes the gap larger. The company recommends pairing the Baby Cobra Narrow with an XD base ring to prevent ball slips.

Don’t forget the same base rings work with every Cobra model, so if you already have a KINK3D base ring in the style and size perfect for you and want to try the Cobra Baby, save money by ordering only the cage.

You can find all the base ring sizes and options here on the official KINK3D website.

Cobra N and Baby Cobra Side by Side Comparison

Security of the Cobra Baby

All Cobra devices, including this one, are standard “ball-trap” devices, and no ball-trap device is escape proof. While KINK3D claims a well-fitted Cobra minimizes the chance of escape, for those willing to cheat their keyholder (and themselves), the Cobra is not inescapable while locked.

For extra security, KINK3D states the Cobra is generally compatible with PA piercings. According to the FAQ information published on the website, “All standard Cobra cages (with the exception of the Baby Cobra Narrow, which can only accommodate 6 gauge PAs and smaller) are compatible with PA piercings up to 2 gauge size. PAs of 0 gauge or larger may fit on certain cage sizes, but can be a tight squeeze.”

I don’t have a PA and cannot confirm the accuracy of the above claims. And since I have no inclination to cheat while locked, I find the security of all my Cobra devices adequate for my needs.

Color Options

While I ordered a standard black Baby Cobra, the model (as well as all other Cobra models) is also now available in aqua blue or fusion pink at additional cost. I bought a fusion pink Cobra N+ shortly after the color became available, but once the novelty wore off I realized I didn’t find the additional cost worth it. While KINK3D Cobra chastity devices are arguably the finest quality 3D-printed chastity devices available, I still believe strongly the devices cost a little more than they should. And with the additional cost levied for the new color options, the prices border on the more than a little too high.

The fusion pink and aqua blue Baby Cobra models run $20 more than a black model. Why? Is the dye used to color 3D-printed devices that expensive? Doubtful, especially when spread over thousands and thousands of devices. KINK3D adds on to the price to increase profits because they know many of the company’s loyal customers will pay it to get a novel color. I’ve expected the company would eventually price all colors the same once the novelty wore off, but evidently they still have enough customer demand to sustain the practice.

General Cost Considerations

Cobra devices are not the priciest plastic devices on the market, but they are not cheap. Still, most people wanting a quality device find them affordable. But it also explains why so many people opt for buying less expensive Cobra copies made by other manufacturers. Prices for the Baby Cobra kit (cage, base ring, and internal lock with two keys) range from $170 (Black) to $210 (Fusion Pink or Aqua Blue). KINK3D has increased all unit prices by $10 since my last order. That’s neither unexpected nor unreasonable given our inflationary economy. I’m sure the company is paying more for raw materials. But since I believe the devices are slightly overpriced to begin with, maybe the $10 bump wasn’t necessary except to maintain the company’s profit margins targets.

As an aside, I’m not certain how durable this pricing model will prove in the long run. I believe the popularity of chastity devices is probably at its zenith right now and that there is little room for sustained growth. And I’ve noticed on the chastity forums I follow from dedicated websites to Reddit to Discord that I’m seeing more and more people wearing cheap Cobra knockoffs and other cheap cages bought from retailers like Amazon than people wearing authentic Cobras. Except on X (formerly Twitter) where you see lots of gay men sporting chastity devices, and almost always authentic KINK3D Cobras, I can’t recall the last time I’ve seen someone online wearing an actual KINK3D device.

Hygiene Concerns

I can do a fair job of keeping my Cobra N and the contents clean just using my handheld shower head every morning. But because of the smaller size of the Baby Cobra and the fewer open areas, I’m not sure my practices with the Cobra N will suffice to meet my personal hygiene standards.

While I have the gear and materials I’ve used with other less than open devices that I could use with the Baby Cobra, who has the time for it? I’m no longer such a purist that I won’t allow myself (with my keyholders permission) to remove a chastity device for 15-20 minutes once a week for a thorough cleaning of the device and my junk. My recommendation, which I follow, would be to take a weekly hygiene break and remove the Baby Cobra to do a proper cleaning.

The Verdict

Overall, I’m totally satisfied with the Baby Cobra. The quality of the device is unimpeachable. It’s so comfortable I’m rarely even aware I’m wearing it. I didn’t actually need a Baby Cobra since the experience of wearing it doesn’t feel materially different from wearing my Cobra N and is virtually identical to the feel of wearing my House of Denial Hera XS, another high quality 3D-printed device.

I don’t believe anyone needs both a Cobra N and Baby Cobra because you really won’t find the devices feel much different to wear. The 10mm (0.39 inches) difference in length is so small that most people won’t notice it. I bought the Baby Cobra mostly because I wanted to review it. The only real justification for buying one is because it’s the best fit or you desire to wear the smallest device KINK3D has on offer.

Sure, the Baby Cobra will share wearing time with my Cobra N now that I’ve got it. But the Hera XS gives me an indistinguishable wearing experience. The only advantage the Baby Cobra has over the Hera XS is I can use my KINK3D Airlock accessory and plastic numbered locks with it when I have an online keyholder who wants it. House of Denial assured me they were working on a similar accessory for the Hera devices (the Airlock doesn’t fit the Hera), but so far hasn’t made good on the promise.

Baby Cobra Pros

  • Excellent quality
  • Light weight
  • Low profile
  • Airlock & plastic lock option
  • Available in multiple widths and colors
  • Good selection of base ring sizes and types
  • Urinal friendly


Baby Cobra Cons

  • Pricey, especially for colors other than black
  • Less hygiene friendly than larger Cobra sizes

My Rating

Quality ★★★★★

Comfort ★★★★★

Locking Options ★★★★★

Stealth ★★★★★

Affordability ★★★ (Especially for optional colors)

Security (without PA) ★★★

Disclaimer: Item reviewed purchased with own funds. I share no commercial interests with KINK3D and received no consideration of any kind for this review. All opinions expressed are mine.

He is Alive and Locked Again

Back to Smooth Sailing on the Seas of Chastity

“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” – Mark Twain

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. The year started with a bang, but fizzled. I was ill in February, but fully recovered now. The thing is with the illness and for a long while afterward because of some other factors, I just lost complete interest in chastity. I unlocked and didn’t bother updating the blog or my status for months. But finally the familiar urge has returned and I’m back in chastity with a new key holder. We’ve only just started, but I’m feeling cautiously optimistic after disastrous experiences with the previous two keyholders. Sincere thanks to all the regulars here who contacted me to check on my welfare.

I’ve made a couple of changes since returning. First, I’ve completely restarted the My Current Status page. Once I regained my interest in wearing a device, I self-locked on and off while looking for a new key  holder. But I didn’t keep track of the time locked and unlocked and honestly don’t recall the date I unlocked in February. So, I’ve deleted all the old data and started with a clean slate as of today.

The second change is I have removed the former Contact Me page. I really hated doing that because I love hearing from those who enjoy following the blog and getting your questions. But the proliferation of spammers on the Internet has just gotten out of control and no matter how I tried to filter it, 99-percent of the messages hitting my mailbox were spam, which made it all but impossible to find legitimate messages and questions. I apologize this step became necessary, but I just don’t have the time to review hundreds of emails from spammers to find a handful from readers with questions and comments. Sometimes I wasn’t able to check my email for a day or three and I’d literally have 800 to 900 emails, the vast majority of it junk. I’m going to look into finding an effective, better filtered contact system. If I do, then I’ll put the Contact Me page back up.

Not much to share about my new key holder yet. We’ve only just started today after chatting the last few days and working out our mutual expectations. I’m approaching engaging a new key holder with a lot more caution because of the previous two bad experiences. For now, we’ve only agreed to a one-week trial. If it turns out mutually satisfying, we’ll then discuss how to proceed from there.

As you already know if you follow the blog regularly, I prefer professional key holders and I’m happy to compensate them fairly for their time and services. But I also expect them to keep their promises and that didn’t happen with the previous two.

I did meet this key holder a few days ago on a video call, who will be known as Mistress Lindsey for the purposes of the blog. She’s a very attractive brunette in her mid-thirties, and a Pro Domme who lives in the UK. She impressed me as being legitimately dominant, intelligent, and experienced with chastity. Today we had our our first session after the lockup and the experience actually exceeded my expectations. We’ll see how it goes and I’ll share more as things develop.

In the next post, I’ll share a review of the Chaster app, which I played around with a little recently. There are plenty of things I liked about it, especially the availability of key holders for guys like me who, by choice or circumstances, rely on online key holders. But I also found plenty of things I don’t like about the app. So tune in next time if you want to learn more about the Chaster app.  

New Year in Chastity and New Beginning

After a successful Denial December, 2024 is a new year in chastity and new beginning.

Happy New Year to everyone. Whether you had a good 2023 or were glad to see it end, it’s a new year in chastity and new beginning. This marks the start of my fifth year in chastity and my second month with Amanda as my keyholder.

I completed the hat trick with a successful Denial December after finishing Locktober and NOvember. Shortly after midnight, Amanda graciously allowed me my first release after 245 days of denial. So, for me, it is literally a new beginning. For the first time in about eight months, I’m starting those first few days of being locked post-orgasm. I really needed the reset because I have languished in plateaued arousal since about the last week of Locktober.

New Year’s Resolutions

I’m not really big on making New Year’s resolutions, but I often begin each year with a few specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant goals. I think setting goals gives your life direction, and boosts your motivation. The specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant part of it means I don’t just make random resolutions like losing weight or getting fitter, two common New Year’s resolutions that usually go by the wayside for most people before the end of January or first week in February. I try to get more specific than that.

One goal is to determine by month’s end if Amanda is the right keyholder for me for the foreseeable future. She is a good person who I’ve grown to like, but December didn’t come as close to meeting my expectations as I had hoped. To be fair, the last month of the year always features the distractions of the end-of-year and start of a new year’s holidays. So, I felt it was only fair to us both to agree to another month with Amanda. Unfortunately, she is beginning a new job this month, which I fear may be even more of a distraction than the holidays. All I know is a lot of improvement will need to happen if we’re to continue past the end of January. If we don’t, I’ll face a decision about whether to look for a new keyholder or to just go back to self-locking until Lucie returns to the game. I feel like she will, but just can’t predict when.

Planned Device Reviews for 2024

My goal is to review four new devices this year, one per quarter. I’ll be reviewing my new Kink3D Fusion Pink Cobra N+ next. I have ideas for the next two devices I want to buy and review, but haven’t any ideas for the fourth yet. So we’ll see.


Hopefully, 2024 turns out an auspicious year for us all. Yet considering the accelerated, continued decay and decline so obvious in this country and the dark forces at work in the world, I’m not feeling optimistic. But that’s a topic for another day and another blog. Happy New Year all.

A Debate Over Orgasm Denial and Chastity

Quite often I see it suggested in forum discussions and blogs about male chastity that orgasm denial is not only the height of it but the whole point of chastity. Sentiments to the effect that we shouldn’t even call it chastity but enforced orgasm denial. Though I agree orgasm denial powers much of the experiences that we derive from it, I think there is a lot more to chastity than just orgasm denial.

Total orgasm denial, a common theme of chastity captions.

To begin with, let’s define what orgasm denial means. Concisely put, it is the practice of delaying or denying orgasm to either oneself or a partner during some sexual activity. Whether we’re approaching it from the perspective of ancient texts such as the Kama Sutra, or the view from BDSM, which in modern times has played a significant role in popularizing and normalizing orgasm denial, many people engage in the practice for its various benefits. Having more intense and pleasurable orgasms later on after building up your sexual desire by delaying gratification is but one of the physical and psychological benefits of orgasm denial.

Psychologically, orgasm denial can serve as a form of power exchange between partners, with one person taking control and the other submitting. It can also be a way to explore and push boundaries, as well as to deepen intimacy and trust in a relationship. There are various ways to practice orgasm denial, with edging, teasing, and total denial being some of the more common techniques. There are a lot of ways to incorporate orgasm denial into a relationship. One of those ways is using a chastity device.

Male Chastity

Here the focus is on male chastity, not only because that is the subject of this blog. It’s also because men are more interested in practicing chastity than women. Not to say there aren’t chastity belts women can wear. There are and some women enjoy wearing them and practicing chastity, but the numbers are not even close to the number of men who want to wear chastity devices.

Having some experience with subjecting women to orgasm denial in the context of dominance and submission, here is what I’ve observed. With only a few exceptions, I have observed that women don’t enjoy long periods of orgasm denial. Most, after only a short period, become irritable, disagreeable, and frustrated.

Instead of increasing sexual desire, persisting with orgasm denial past a certain point causes women to lose all interest in sexual activity. Many men, on the other hand, thrive when denied orgasms for long periods and for them, desire rises and can remain at high levels consistently for weeks as long as they receive regular teasing. While I have no human sexuality research training or qualifications, I suspect from what I’ve observed, the difference in response to orgasm denial is simply a product of the difference between the male and female libido. And that is why the practice of chastity is more popular with men than women.

Too Much of a Good Thing

I respond to orgasm denial in the same way as most males. When wearing a chastity device and denied, my desire rises and stays at a high level for weeks on end with consistent teasing. I find that pleasurable because desire feels good. Yes, I also experience frustration, but it’s a sweet form of torture. I take a lot longer to reach it than women, but eventually, just like women, I too arrive at a point when the denial goes on too long where my desire falls and I lose interest in sexual activity.

At least in my experience, there comes a point when orgasm denial can become too much of a good thing and no longer feels pleasurable. When that happens, no amount of teasing increases my desire. That doesn’t change until I orgasm and my body resets. Then I’m ready for another round. That is one reason I have never viewed orgasm denial as the be all and end all of chastity as some do. To me, chastity and wearing chastity devices specifically are more about orgasm control than orgasm denial. While some conflate them, permanent chastity and permanent denial are not the same thing.

Orgasm Control Versus Orgasm Denial

It’s actually difficult to find an accurate definition of orgasm control with a web search these days, which wasn’t true when I first got involved in kink. Why? Because these days, most people treat orgasm control and orgasm denial as if the terms are interchangeable. They aren’t. In the context of male chastity, orgasm control can include orgasm denial, but it is so much more than just that. Orgasm control can mean any of several sexual activities involving delaying, denying, allowing, or even forcing orgasm, sometimes in combination. Viewing male chastity as nothing more than total orgasm denial is at best a myopic perspective. Yet more and more people embracing the male chastity kink are simultaneously embracing this point of view.

Among the male wearers of chastity devices, crowing about how many months or years have passed since your last unlock and last orgasm or when your partner last allowed you to have sex with them have become the currency of the various forums and blogs devoted to male chastity discussions. For more and more keyholders, from spouses to partners to professionals, the mantra is to keep your male permanently locked and denied. This is the cornerstone of happiness for both you and him. Many keyholders believe it best to strike a balance between keeping their male completely denied while not extinguishing all hope that he might at some future time gain sexual release. Meanwhile, the keyholder gets her sexual needs met by her dedicated male pleasuring her whenever and however she wants it, or better yet, by cuckolding him and having another less submissive and better endowed male pleasuring her sexually. I think this total orgasm denial approach is the way where madness lies and it is also more the stuff of fantasy than reality.

Could Orgasm Control Chastity Be the More Realistic Approach?

By definition, wearing a chastity device with another holding the keys means ceding control of both your penis and your access to sexual pleasure and orgasms to another. And for it to work, you must allow the keyholder to exercise control or else the entire arrangement is a sham and unworkable. But giving up such control does not mean you’ve acquiesced to a permanent orgasm embargo.

Like any kink, chastity requires the consent of both parties. I’m fine with wearing a chastity device and surrendering control to a keyholder on a more or less continuous basis. But I don’t see the wisdom of consenting to never getting an orgasm or even getting only one or two per year. That’s because I know that’s unrealistic.

I know that when orgasm denial goes on for too long, my arousal plateaus and no amount of teasing will revive it. Absent those powerfully pleasing feelings of constant heightened arousal, I will no longer desire chastity. In fact, I will grow to resent it. Yes, I understand a keyholder may much prefer the locked and denied me over me who has had an orgasm recently. But I know she will also not prefer the plateaued me that she has kept in denial for too long when I become resentful, surly, and uncooperative.

Yes, she is entitled to exercise the control I’ve surrendered to her. She may deny me at her whim, but only within reason, for both our sakes. That’s why a wise keyholder employs all the tools from the orgasm control arsenal, not just continual total denial. I think orgasm denial in chastity is best thought of in terms of delay rather than complete negation. While the keyholder most definitely should decide the when, it should never be a question of if regarding a chastised male’s opportunity to orgasm. That doesn’t mean she should allow orgasms liberally, but should allow them regularly.

Length of Denial Best Practices

There is a school of thought shared by many experienced keyholders I agree with. Once a male has acclimated to wearing a chastity device more or less comfortably for an extended period, the initial lockup period should be 90 days. That is the minimum time necessary to give him an experience like none he has ever had before. And at the end of the 90 days, when the keyholder, after lots of teasing, finally lets him cum, it will happen quickly and feel almost too intense for his body to handle. The 90 days will also allow him time to truly embrace chastity and for the keyholder to establish her authority.

After the initial lockup, I see no valid reason for a keyholder to keep her male locked and denied for over three months ever again. There are different views about how often a keyholder should allow her male to cum after the initial denial period. But the measure used should be weeks, not months and definitely not years if a keyholder and her male expect the best results.

For a younger male, the keyholder may let him have an orgasm about once a week. That’s still a large reduction for someone who probably masturbated to orgasm daily besides any sex he enjoyed. For keyholders with older males, the period between orgasms might be about 14 days, 21 days, or even a month. It should never be exactly the same number of days because the keyholder doesn’t want her male to predict when she will allow him an orgasm. And it needn’t always be a full, unrestricted orgasm.

Ruined orgasms can work just as well without decreasing the male’s level of arousal much at all. Yet a ruined orgasm will prevent his arousal from plateauing, which a keyholder should always want to avoid.

Establishing the proper interval between orgasms is a function of observation. After the initial 90-day lockup and first release, a keyholder need only observe her male after relocking him to see how long he stays in that “sweet spot” of increased focus and attentiveness. Once he becomes surly or resentful, even with consistent teasing, that shows it is time she should allow him a release or some type.

Another technique a keyholder can use is milking (stimulating the prostate gland until the male expresses prostate fluid). Milking accomplished a similar purpose as ruined orgasms, avoiding plateauing while only modestly lowering a male’s arousal. He won’t have to start over at ground zero before his desire peaks again. Yet another tactic a keyholder can use is allowing only an in cage orgasm with the application of a powerful vibrator to the cage. Many men describe in cage orgasms as feeling similar to ruined orgasms. That’s because it’s an orgasm in the absence of a full erection. These alternative techniques help the occasional full, unrestricted orgasm to remain something special for the male, allowed by the keyholder only on special occasions.

Total Denial Chastity May Not Be Healthy

Having read many chastity forum and blog posts, I’ve noticed something I find disturbing. It seems many men kept in near total orgasm denial develop almost a version of Stockholm syndrome, a condition seen in hostage-taking, kidnapping, and abusive relationships.

The power imbalance is so great and the psychological connection between the chastised male and keyholder so profound that the male grows so sympathetic to his keyholder’s needs and desires he loses the ability to consider his own. He believes he is unworthy of even having penetrative sex with his spouse or partner because his penis is inadequate to give her the pleasure and satisfaction she deserves. This makes him feel unworthy of even engaging in self-pleasure or of having orgasms.

From there, it becomes quite easy for him to rationalize his keyholder has every right to get her sexual gratification from another, more well-endowed male capable of satisfying her. He not only approves of it, but encourages it and some will eagerly help procure more worthy sexual partners for their wife or partner. And these days, there are plenty of books and blogs written by FLR advocates who encourage keyholders to embrace cuckolding and give them tips on how to sell the idea to their chastised males.

Just like the actual Stockholm syndrome, this chastity version brought about by total denial chastity is unhealthy, bordering on abuse. There are powerful, naturally produced chemicals circulating in the brains of a man denied orgasms for an extended period. I’m convinced the longer this goes on, the less able a man is to make good decisions on his own behalf. After all, these same chemicals have given rise to the maxim that “men think with their penis” justified because many men, during times of extreme sexual arousal, often make poor decisions that they end up regretting in the interest of sexual gratification. I think there can come a point where a denied male isn’t even capable of giving informed consent. Could this explain the current rising popularity of cuckolding and feminization in chastity circles?


For me, the best and healthiest approach is to separate chastity fantasy from chastity reality. And doing that means not viewing male chastity as the zero-sum game of total denial (or near to it) as the pinnacle of the chastity experience. Instead, I believe it’s orgasm control that should be the focus. It isn’t up to me to prescribe a right way or judge a wrong way of doing chastity. Here I’m speaking only about myself. And I believe there is a lot more to chastity than just orgasm denial. At least, I think there should be.

Welcome to Chaste’s Elust 168

After learning from a post I read on Miss Pearl’s excellent blog last month that Elust was back, I decided to participate and submitted my first post. I used to be part of the Elust blogging community years ago when I published a different blog on another topic. It’s great to be back. Elust is now run courtesy of UK blogger Oz. Welcome to Chaste’s Elust 168.

Image courtesy of Adrianna Assante.

Elust Sex Blogs

For those unfamiliar, Elust features some of the brightest and hottest sex bloggers each month all in one place. I can’t even count the number of favorite blogs I have discovered on Elust. I’m pretty sure that’s how I first discovered Thumper’s chastity blog. In this month’s edition, Elust 168, you will find book and movie reviews, articles about kink and fetish, erotica, sex work discussions, toy reviews, and relationship advice, all just a link click away.

Books and Movies

Book Review: Principle Decisions by Thea Belmont

Fans of romance with a dominance and submission twist will enjoy Sally Bend’s fascinating book review of Principle Decisions by Thea Belmont.

I Love a Man in Uniform (1993): The Celluloid Dungeon

The Celluloid Dungeon’s immersive review of the 1993 Canadian psychological drama, I Love a Man in Uniform.

Exit To Eden, by Anne Rice

Oz’s review of Exit to Eden, the tale of a private island kink club playground for the wealthy and powerful, written by Anne Rice, perhaps best known for her Vampire Chronicles series.

Thoughts & Advice on Kink & Fetish

What’s Wrong With Forced Feminization?

My contribution to Elust 168, a discussion of what some people think is wrong with the forced feminization kink, and whether I think they’re right.

A little pick me up.

A fascinating post from the barefoot sub about the multi-faceted ways rope play has affected and contributed positively to her life.

BDSM Aftercare

The pursuit of subspace and domspace is what captures much of our focus, but what happens when play time ends and we get suddenly thrust back into reality? This article from Disorderly House talks about that and the critical importance of aftercare.

Unlocking Pleasure: 14 Essential Prodomme Tips for Baby Subs

If you’ve ever thought about engaging with a pro domme but aren’t sure how to start, Podopheleus has you covered with these 14 insightful tips.

Erotic Fiction

Tender Domination

Sexy and classy story of a dominant wife who puts her submissive husband through the paces with tenderness, but decisively with a dominance not to be challenged.


On her drive home after a pleasurable reunion with a paramour of twenty years earlier, a woman in lust pulls off the road in a remote area for a little self pleasuring to go with the pleasant recent memories. Steamy and visual.

Sexy Ghost Story – Mia’s Books

A snippet from a sexy ghost story like no other penned by Tabitha Rayne that will leave you wanting more.

Sex Work

Squeeze me Please Me

Escort Kristina-J Huddersfield introduces readers to the ins and out of cock rings. Interesting and authoritative information for penis owning humans.

Double Deflowering

Dominatrix Lady Phoenix takes a young twenty something guy’s virginity in more ways than one.

Happy Poo Emoji

Dominatrix Sandra recounts a scat fetish session that even the scat squeamish can appreciate.

What to Do When Your Sexual Expectations Fail You?

Ms. Sapora Knight shares 5 simple yet insightful practices to help ease sexual performance anxiety.

Revolting Prostitutes Book Review

Review of Revolting Prostitutes by Juno Mac and Molly Smith, a thought-provoking book that tackles the complex subject of sex work with an impressive blend of scholarship and activism.

Product Reviews

Tracy’s Dog Flowliper Vibrator – Innovative Features and Honest Insights

In depth review of an innovative vibe aimed at women.

Review: Velvet Thruster Prime

Detailed review of a thrusting dildo that might hit the spot for anyone.

RawLoveStudio Moonbean Unicorn Dildo

Review of an exotic dildo suitable for all.

Uncle Bob Silicone Dildo From John Thomas Toys

Review of some seriously large silicon dildos that pack a punch.

Qiui BeatPat Electro-Spanker Review: Is This Thing Even On?

Review of an electro-spanker that doesn’t impress.

Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships

Keeping Your Toys Clean: A Guide to Protecting Your Health and Pleasure

A useful tutorial from the Buzz Vibe Team that explains why keeping your toys clean is important, along with tips for doing it properly to extend the life of your toys.

Mail Call: Chastity Related Questions December 2023

It’s time for the December 2023 edition of Mail Call, where I answer reader submitted chastity related questions.

This month, I’ve received three questions from readers about things I think might hold interest for our wider audience, so let’s get to them.

Hasn’t Quite Cracked the Right Fit and Style for Long-Term Wear

This question comes from reader ML…


I’ve been a (not very great) chastity user for around 6 years now. Unfortunately, due to cost and difficulties finding a comfy fit, I’m still yet to wear one for more than 4 days. It’s great to see blogs and info on people who really enjoy wearing them too! I’ve mostly got on with metal ones. But want to figure out an affordable option for a light but secure material for longer term wear. What advice would you have for someone who still hasn’t quite cracked the right fit and style in finding one? My concern is I’ll spend big money on one. But the money will be wasted due to the fit not being quite right.

Any advice welcome! Stay locked!

There are two main reasons guys never get past wearing a chastity device comfortably for more than a few days—trying to go from zero to hero too quickly or not spending the time to take proper measurements before buying a device.

Given the vast number of relatively inexpensive devices available today that offer a reasonable fit (except for guys with some physical anomaly that prevents them from wearing a ball-trap device), I believe anyone who wants to can adjust to wearing a chastity device long-term. They just have to find a well-fitting device within their budget and give their body enough time to adjust to wearing it.

Patience Grasshopper

We’re all unique. Some of us have more sensitive skin than others. Some of us have lower tolerance for discomfort than others. So, there is no way I or anyone can offer a one-size fits all solution to the question: how much time does it take to get accustomed to wearing a chastity device comfortably?

I don’t have overly sensitive skin and I rate my tolerance for discomfort as average. Under the guidance of a very experienced and knowledgeable professional keyholder, I went from putting on a chastity device for the first time to wearing in 24/7 in two weeks. But that won’t work for every guy.

I’m confident this 3-week schedule for beginners I recently updated will work for most guys. But if you try it and experience excessive chafing, broken skin, or pain, then customize the recommended schedule by dropping back a step and giving it a few more days or another week at that step before advancing to the next step again. Of course, you’re never going to adjust to wearing a poorly fitting device.

Measure, Measure, Measure

Don’t skip the measuring step before ordering a chastity device. Yes, those who have followed this blog for a while probably think I sound like a broken record. But I can’t stress enough how important measuring is to getting a good fitting device. You can probably find a thousand different ways to measure for a chastity device on the web. If you’re looking at getting a particular device and the manufacturer gives measurement instructions, by all means, use those. But as far as generic instructions go, this method is as good as any and better than most.

First, using a ruler or measuring tape, Measure your penis when flaccid (not shriveled) and at its smallest. Take this measurement at least three times on three consecutive days at about the same time of day. Then either total the measurements, and divide by three or go with the shortest of the three as your flaccid length measurement. I like a tight fit, so I always subtract 3/4 inch from my final length measurement.

Measuring the circumference of your flaccid penis isn’t necessary unless you’re ordering a custom cage. That’s because manufacturers use a standard cage inside diameter aimed at the average. That will work for most guys, so I wouldn’t bother with this measurement if you’re getting an off-the-shelf device.

Measure for the base ring by measuring the circumference of an imaginary circle running across the top of the base of your penis where it meets your body and beneath your scrotum, and back to the top of your penis base. The best way is to use a length of string, roughly close to the thickness of a base ring. Wrap it over the base of the penis and beneath the scrotum. Pull it tight, but not so tight that it presses into your flesh. Mark the string where the string overlaps on the top of your penis base. Then measure that length with a ruler or tape measure. This measurement is the circumference of the imaginary circle, so you must divide the result by 3.14 (pi) to get the diameter of the base ring you need. As an example, your measurement is 6-1/4 inches. 6.25/3.14=1.99 inches. (Round up to 2 inches). Here is an even more accurate method to determine base ring size.

Chastity device manufacturer Mature Metal sells a set of nine plastic sizing rings for $30 with sizes ranging from 1-1/8″ to 2-1/8″ and this is an excellent investment if you want to get the exact size base ring needed. Just experiment until you find the ring size you can comfortably wear and that doesn’t restrict blood circulation. Many manufacturers only supply one ring with a device, so you need to get this right the first time to avoid spending more money to get a different size if you get it wrong.

Metal or Plastic?

With your measurements in hand, you first must choose between metal and plastic. When I first started chastity, I only wanted stainless steel. And I have several steel devices, many of them custom-made devices. But I now prefer 3D printed plastic cages and have since acquired several of those. They aren’t custom-made, but still fit very well and feel very comfortable for long-term wear. My advice is to start with plastic. You can always transition to steel later once you’ve mastered wearing a device for lengthy periods. And you may decide you like plastic, anyway.

My Current Beginner Device Recommendations

The beginner cages I now recommend for beginners are the Kink3D Cobra and the House of Denial Hera. Both are 3D printed from high-quality nylon material. I consider them equal in quality. Neither is cheap, but the Hera (about $125 USD for all sizes) costs a little less than the Cobra (about $170). Kink3D offers an excellent sizing chart on the website, and House of Denial gives exact measurements on the website. So, it’s easy to find the right size using the measurements you take before ordering.

Yes, the internet is awash with cheap counterfeit Cobras by foreign manufacturers available on sites like Amazon, Etsy, and eBay (and many others) who have copied the Kink3D design. I’ve bought and reviewed a few of them in years past for the benefit of guys who just couldn’t afford the original, and got a few which were of reasonable quality and that fit well. But I no longer recommend buying knock-offs. The last one I bought was very poor quality and while advertised as 3D printed was actually molded resin. Despite the seller’s claims, you can’t be sure what material they have used and you can’t count on it being hypoallergenic or bacteria resistant. It’s your decision, but buyer beware. I think you would be better off to save up for a Hera or authentic Cobra.

Once you’ve found a plastic device that fits and you know your cage length and base ring size, then you can confidently spend the $300 to $400 to get a high-quality, custom-fitted stainless steel device if your heart is still set on metal.

Can You Help Me Find a Dominant Woman?

Because the email I received included personal details and I’m committed to protecting the privacy of readers who ask questions, I’m only posting the pertinent details of this question from reader Steve…

I have searched for years to find a woman to dominate me and cuckold me. There has to be someone that would spend time with me. Any help would be a blessing.

My assumption here is you are asking me for advice on how you can find this woman of your dreams who will dominate and cuckold you. In the email, you shared deeply personal circumstances that I feel sympathetic about. But my answer to the question is probably not what you want to hear. Still, I always strive to give honest and hopefully helpful answers to the questions readers send.

Given the personal details you shared with me, I believe your odds of finding the partner you seek through the usual ways we meet women, date, and form relationships are extremely low. Not zero, but definitely within spitting distance of zero. Your age is one factor I considered in making this assessment.

I believe your best bet for finding someone willing to explore your desires with you is to hire a professional instead of wasting time seeking a romantic relationship that’s unlikely to happen. Not that you couldn’t find someone to date, but the chances of finding someone to date interested in sharing the relationship you desire with you are very small. I’m familiar with the area where you live, having once lived in the same area for a while and know there are plenty of pro dommes doing business there. You shouldn’t find it hard to find one with an internet search.

Unfortunately, seeing a dominatrix is a luxury and isn’t cheap. Most charge around $300 per hour. Some charge a lot more. Also, while many do offer cuckolding services, it won’t be a true cuckolding experience with a pro. It will be much more of a voyeuristic than cuckolding experience, since you must be in an actual relationship with a woman for her to cuckold you. Maybe lower your expectations by omitting the cuckolding and focus on the domination aspects.

Again, probably not what you wanted to hear, but I’m certain, given your circumstances, seeing a professional domme is the most realistic option.


Punishment Pins Question

The third question I received this month was about punishment pins, sometimes called anti-pullout pins. Specifically, the reader was interested in knowing more about the punishment pins that Mature Metal offers as an option with the Jail Bird chastity device. I’ve already replied to the reader by email, but it occurred to me pullout pins aren’t something I’ve ever covered on the blog.

Actually, I have never used punishment pins with a chastity device. To be honest, that’s because I’m not interested in using them. But pcguy at Thrill of the Chaste has, and he’s written several posts about his experiences, beginning here for anyone interested. Besides those posts, I’ve also read about the experiences others have had using the pins in various chastity forums.

The Mature Metal punishment pins come in three sizes (short, medium, and long) with three tip options (blunt, crisscross, and spike). Based on what I’ve read, the short pins are tolerable but the longer ones can cause significant discomfort when the cage contents attempt to get hard. I doubt any of them are tolerable for extended periods of time, as one guy mentioned he couldn’t sleep with the pins in because it made nocturnal erections very painful.

Just from looking at the images on the MM website, I’d worry the spike pins could possible break the skin, which wouldn’t be good. And I read other guys saying the pins caused bruising and sore spots when they used them for only a few days. Lastly, I read an online article that said punishment pins could potentially cause nerve damage. None of that sounds fun to me so I’ll take a miss on using punishment pins.