Tag Archives: chastity meme

Thirty Days of Chastity: Day One

Chaste answers the questions from the "Thirty Days of Chastity" Meme from Tickleberry.com.uk

I’ve thought about writing a series of posts answering the questions about chastity from “Thirty Days of Chastity” meme I found a long while ago on the Tickleberry website. Not sure why I waited so long to do it, but here at mid-May 2022, I’m going to do it.

One way we learn things is from the experiences of others and that is as true of male chastity as anything else. So, my reason for writing this series has more to do with you, the reader, than with me.

Whether you’ve practiced chastity for a long time or you’re only thinking about trying it on for size, I hope this series might offer you some focus or clarity. For that reason, I hope you won’t stop at reading my answers to the thirty questions, but that you will give careful thought to answering each question for yourself. I think it will be eye-opening. You could record your answers in a journal for future reference or even share them with me and the other readers of this blog by posting your answers as a comment here.

Now, on to the first question.

Day One: You

What does Chastity mean to you? Give us an idea of how it shapes you and your relationships. Are you in Chastity or is your partner?

Since I don’t have a partner at present, the relational aspects of chastity included in the question don’t apply to me. At least not beyond the temporary engagements I have with professional keyholders from time to time.

Most of the time I’ve worn chastity devices, I’ve been on my own. But even those experiences with professional keyholders have given me glimpses of the power of chastity to change and improve relationships. And even practicing chastity alone has given me such profound experiences that it is something I never intend to give up. Wearing a chastity device is a unique feeling, impossibly difficult to describe adequately to someone who has never tried it, but definitely one of the most powerful things I’ve ever felt.

For me, a chastity device has never been a fetish object. I don’t wear them because the devices themselves arouse me. And I’ve never considered chastity a mere kink. I’m sure many people think a chastity cage is a weird device that must be uncomfortable and can’t imagine there are men that genuinely like wearing them. But I am one of those men, and chastity for me is a lifestyle choice.

After nearly three years of wearing chastity devices, I feel uncomfortable when I’m not locked and so I wear a device every day, removing it only for periodic cleaning, doctor’s appointments, air travel, etc.

The physiological and psychological aspects of chastity are what I find most meaningful. Rather than feeling sexually repressed from the denial, chastity feels freeing and abstinence helps me concentrate more on work and helps me feel centered and more in touch with the world in general. Before I began practicing chastity, I had depression that I barely kept under control day to day and lived with far more stress than needed. I also indulged in far too much masturbation and generally felt I never had enough energy and didn’t know why. Chastity changed all that for me and that’s why it is so important to me to continue it. I don’t wish to return to the way things were before.

I’m also definitely into sensory play which is something I discovered years ago when I was heavily into the BDSM lifestyle. A chastity device gives me a special feeling of enclosure with my cock completely encased and enclosed. There is a serious and functional aspect of bondage involved, something else I like, and chastity fulfills that for me, too.

While I find self-locked chastity deeply satisfying and meaningful, each time I engage with a keyholder, it reminds me that having a partner is the missing piece. Having a keyholder profoundly enhances all the things I like most about chastity and adds things doing solo chastity can’t offer. So, I do hope in the future I’ll be able to add that piece to the mix.

Another badassworkroom Update

I reached out to Guan, the owner of the badassworkroom, again yesterday through the Etsy shop, and finally got a reply. I didn’t ask him specifically if a COVID lockdown had impacted him and he didn’t mention it. Given where he lives, that wasn’t a surprise and also why I didn’t bring it up. He told me he had little time to respond to inquires lately because he is so busy getting orders out. And he mentioned order fulfillment is now taking about six weeks. So, whether it’s a matter of lockdowns or increased popularity, the quick deliveries that past customers have enjoyed and perhaps also the attentive customer service we experienced are now things of the past. So, I placed the order for the new device I had my eye on. More about that later. The good news is seems safe to order, although you may not get speedy answers to your questions or fast delivery.