Tag Archives: male chastity celebrations

Why You Should Give Up and Observe International Male Chastity Day on the Wrong Date

Despite my tireless efforts to educate those who get the date of International Male Chastity Day wrong every year, I continue to find people on Twitter and Tumblr saying it’s on January 14. Living under the delusion that a DAY on Earth is 720 hours long, they insist on celebrating Male Chasity DAY for an entire MONTH from January 14 through Valentine’s Day!

If you want to know the actual date of the annual event, you can read this past post. But, honestly, what’s the use? I give up. So today, instead of railing against the heretics, I’m suggesting reasons why you should give up and observe International Male Chasity Day on the wrong date like everyone else. And, I’m taking my own advice.

It’s an Excuse to Celebrate Locktober Ten Months Early

The end of Locktober on October 31 each year always leaves me feeling a little wistful, knowing I must wait an entire year before it comes around again. I feel almost as sad about it as I felt every December 26 as a kid, knowing I had to wait an entire year until the next Christmas. So, it bizarrely makes a lot of sense just to ignore the reality that International Male Chasity Day is only a single day instead of an entire month. When you think about it, you realize it gives you a ready excuse to celebrate an extra thirty blissful days locked in your chastity device—sort of a Locktober ten months early. Locknuary!

If You’re in Chastity 24/7 Anyway What Difference Does it Make?

I worked every Christmas Day and often Thanksgiving Day in my past profession. It’s funny how they don’t seem like holidays when you must work on holidays. They seem pretty much like any other day. That’s kind of true when it comes to male chastity, and you’re a guy like me who practices it 24/7. Did the event happen if you’re already caged anyway, and people celebrate International Male Chastity Day? It’s sort of like the old “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

Extending the Month by a Day Covers All the Bases

If you’re a pious male chastity purist like me, you can observe the wrong-headed month-long version of International Male Chasity Day and just add an extra day. That way, you will be locked on February 15, the actual date, and you’re all good.

Locked and ready to go for International Male Chastity Day

So, I’m observing International Male Chastity Day on the wrong date this year, and so should you. I even have a new Mistress I haven’t played with before as my key holder. But, she is such a kind and gracious lady that she locked me today, a whole day early. Yes, a Dominatrix is just good that way. So, I guess I’m celebrating International Male Chastity Day three times this year—International Male Chastity Day Eve today, from January 14 through February 14, and then on the actual date, February 15. Awesome!

Happy International Male Chastity Day no matter when you choose to celebrate it!