Tag Archives: newsletter

Chaste Life Monthly: November 2020

Chaste Life Monthly Newsletter Vol. 1, Issue 2


Welcome to the November 2020 issue of the Chaste Life Monthly Newsletter.

A Cautionary Chastity Tale

Imagine that your keyholder tells you to unlock for some teasing. Or that you want to remove your cock cage for a routine thorough cleaning. But to your horror, you discover the lock is seized up! Suddenly, like it or not, you’re stuck in permanent chastity! The other day I read a Twitter post by a guy who recently experienced just that.

The integral lock on his device had seized up and he couldn’t unlock and remove the cage. The culprit? One of the repurposed brass furniture locks Holy Trainer calls the “MagicLocker.”

Holy Trainer was the first to popularize use of the integral locks as a replacements for padlocks on chastity cages. The guy admitted he had recently noticed the lock was corroded and not working smoothly. But he had cleaned and lubricated it before locking up and used it anyway. Only a week later he discovered he couldn’t unlock it.

Holy Trainer provides a quality MagicLocker with their devices manufactured by the German company Burg Wachter. Like most German products, these locks are precision engineered from quality materials and reliable. But when the interest in chastity devices exploded, Chinese manufacturers developed a knock off version of the Burg Watcher lock that is furnished with the inexpensive chastity devices made in China. These locks are notoriously unreliable, often even when brand new.

The Twitter poster didn’t identify where the lock came from. But chances are, it was one of the cheap knock-off versions which are also sold as replacement locks on sites like eBay and Amazon for under ten dollars. In comparison, the Burg Wachter originals go for around twenty-five bucks.

Lessons learned? Never use an integrated lock with obvious corrosion or that you have already had problems with. Twenty-five bucks is cheap compared to the potential issues you will face from a failed cock cage lock. I’m pretty competent with power tools, but speaking as someone who once accidentally drove a screw through his finger when my trusty DeWalt slipped, I don’t want a power drill anywhere near my junk.

If you have problems with an integral lock, don’t be a shit sandwich. Throw the damn thing away and buy a new one. And only buy a Burg Wachter original. You can get the Burg Wachter ME/2 from the Holy Trainer Online Shop for $23 or from a Virginia company called Steinlock for $24. That’s way cheaper than a visit to the ER.


As planned, I unlocked this morning, November 21, after having my cock locked for 180 consecutive days. While I haven’t “celebrated” yet, I have spent time getting reacquainted with Mr. Happy.

I’ve been observing No Nut November as a follow-up to Locktober. There are only ten days left in the month, so I plan to carry on without an orgasm using willpower until the end of the month. I’ll content myself with edging until December 1.

One-hundred-eighty-days doubled my previous longest streak of consecutive days locked. So, now it is time for a new goal. But I won’t start that until January 1. I admit after six-months, it feels weird with my penis free of its cage. But I think it’s healthy to take a break. That’s not to say I won’t be locking up for some of the time before the end of the year. It just won’t be an unbroken streak.

After my junk has adjusted to its newfound freedom in a week or so, I’ll publish an after-action review post. I’ll discuss things there like any shrinkage observed, whether nocturnal erections have returned to normal, and whether everything else seems to be working properly after six-months of continuous chastity. These are all concerns for a lot of guys about long-term chastity. I’m pretty sure I already know the answers. But I’ll give things a week and then give you my honest observations.

Holy Trainer Review Coming Soon

Ever since my review of the CB-6000, I’ve wanted to do a head-to-head review with the Holy Trainer. I’ve heard from many people that the Holy Trainer is arguably the most secure and comfortable off-the-shelf male chastity device available on the market today. It’s time I judged that for the readers of Cut to the Chaste and myself. So, yesterday, I pulled the trigger and purchased a Holy Trainer V4 Nano for a wear-tested review. I expect it to hit my mailbox late next week. So, maybe I won’t have to depend on willpower alone to make it to the end of November. Look for the review around the first week of December.

Chaste Life Monthly: July 2020

Chaste Life Monthly Newsletter


This month I’m starting a new feature, the “Chaste Life Monthly” newsletter. Each month I plan to cover chastity topics that don’t necessarily warrant a full post as well as some of my other non-chastity related interests.

If you’re a regular visitor to Cut To The Chaste, I’m sure you’ve noticed I haven’t posted much lately, although I did manage to publish my Male Chastity Now Amicus Review yesterday. I’ve been busy with some other writing projects associated with my fantasy author brand.

Since I don’t operate a mailing list, it seemed a monthly newsletter post would be a good way to push out updates to the readership between regular posts. I hope you find the newsletter useful.

My Brand New Author Website

Much of June, I spent building my new author website, Jkspenserbooks.com. My previous WordPress hosted site was more than a little clunky and limiting as far as features. So, I signed up with a new hosting service and built the new site from scratch. I’m pretty proud of the results and hope you will visit the site and take a look around. There you can find complete information on all my writing projects, both dark fantasy/science fiction and non-fiction.

New Keyholder Update

As revealed June 1, 2020, I have acquired keyholding services from a new pro-domme, Goddess Camille. We completed a full month together yesterday, July 12. That brings us to the six-week mark since previously we had a two-week trial. Thus far, she has been nothing short of amazing. She provides everything I was looking for in a keyholder and challenges me to give my best efforts, all at a very reasonable fee.

Since I was less than two-weeks away from 60-days in chastity when we completed the full month, I signed up for another month that started today. So, I’ve started the fiftieth day in chastity without a release, still locked in my MCN Amicus, under the capable supervision of Goddess Camille. Things definitely seem headed toward a permanent arrangement as we both have enjoyed our partnership and get on well.


New Dark Fantasy Series

The other thing I’ve been working on lately is a new short story series. After the successful launch of A Curious Contraption, I got an idea for a new dark fantasy series called Devilry Dark Fantasy Stories.

Unlike A Curious Contraption and the Vulvarian Saga series, this new one isn’t related to chastity. It’s a series of short stories, each of which you can read in one sitting, about an 18th century priest who battles unholy demons, vampires, and other assorted monsters and ghouls.

So far, I’ve published two stories and the third will be released July 23, 2020. The fourth story, Shadowed Menace, will be published in August. Right now, I expect to write and publish six stories in the series. Then, based on how well they are received, I may write more. So, if dark fantasy stories about demons, vampires, and monsters is in your reading wheelhouse, I hope you’ll take a look at Devilry Dark Fantasy stories. The stories are available exclusively on Amazon and free to read for Kindle Unlimited members.

All proceeds from sales of these stories will go towards the prizes I have planned for the Locktober Giveaway scheduled for November 2020, right here on this site! If you’re a Kindle Unlimited subscriber and you download and read the series, you will help all the readers of this site have a Locktober celebration to remember. For non-subscribers, the stories are only 0.99 each.

Hope Everyone Is Staying Safe

COVID-19 continues to rage it seems. How are you coping where you are? Are you still under restrictions? Are your local numbers holding steady?

As for me and my family, we’re doing okay. We’re staying healthy. We’re still doing the social distancing thing, and primarily doing our shopping online and getting deliveries instead of shopping in person. It is what it is. We all just have to do our best to get through this and hope for better days.

It is my hope that you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe. As always, thanks for reading.