Tag Archives: PA piercing

Have You Seen This $30 Modular Chastity Device?

A modular chastity device, with an integral S-hook, is designed for men with a PA (Prince Albert) piercing. Some can be modified for use by men with a frenum piercing.

From a simple aesthetic point of view, I’ve always liked the design of the Rigid Chastity Model 01 modular chastity device. But because of several reasons, my appreciation of the design has not tempted me to spend the $315 required to buy one.

First, the Model 01 is a modular chastity device designed for men with a PA (Prince Albert) piercing, or a frenum piercing, with a slight modification. I have neither and no plans to get pierced. Also, even though you can order the Model 01 without the S-hook, I’ve been unsure that a modular chastity device would work well for a guy without a piercing. Finally, Rigid has a reputation for long lead times between ordering and delivery and I’ve seen too many complaints they don’t do a good job of communicating with their customers when promised delivery dates go unmet.

But what if I could try the Model 01, or at least a device copying it, for one-tenth the price and without waiting months to get it? I’d be all in, and I am. I like to troll eBay for the latest chastity devices available from China. Eventually, it seems, every popular chastity device gets copied and shows up on eBay. So, it delighted me to find a stainless steel device that looks like an exact replica of the Rigid Model 01 for only thirty bucks. So, I ordered it.

Here are the seller’s images.

Yeah, But is the Copy a High Quality Modular Chastity Device?

Am I expecting this $30 copy to have the quality of the original? After all, despite the shortcomings mentioned, Rigid Chastity has an enviable reputation for producing high-quality chastity devices. Besides the quality workmanship, they also produce the shiniest stainless steel devices I’ve ever seen and people who own them say the gleam never goes away. To answer the question, no, I’m not expecting the quality of the original for two reasons.

I suspect the eBay seller not only copied Rigid Chastity’s design, but also scraped the above images from the Rigid website. While you can’t see it clearly in the first image above, when you look at that image on the seller’s eBay page, you can see the reflection of the person taking the photo on the nose of the device. Then, if you go to the Rigid website and look at a similar image, you see the identical reflection. Coincidence? Probably not. So when I receive the device, if the copy has the same brilliant shine as the Rigid original, it will surprise me. That is unless the manufacturer has chromed the metal. Actually, I expect it to have the nickel-like finish you get with most made in China stainless steel devices.

Also, like with most everything else, you typically get what you pay for with chastity devices. So, a reasonable person doesn’t expect to get the same thing for $30 that the original manufacturer sells for $315. Still, I’ve had good luck with most made in China devices I’ve tried. So, I’ll withhold judgement until the device hits my mailbox in a couple of weeks and wear test it.

And who knows? It may turn out a perfectly acceptable device that someone interested in the design but who can’t afford the Rigid original or doesn’t want to invest three hundred bucks in a chastity device might find acceptable. At worst, for very little money, I’ll probably satisfy my curiosity about whether a modular chastity device works for a guy without a penis piercing. So, I’m not taking much of a risk.

If you find reviews of inexpensive chastity devices copied from popular originals useful, stay tuned. I’ve already received one interesting device I’ll be wear testing and reviewing after February 14, and I expect this one to arrive by then too.