Month: August 2022

The 7 Day Chastity Challenge Survey Results

The 7 Day Chastity Challenge survey results are in, and the great participation blew me away. We definitely received a representative sample based on the number of books purchased and the Kindle Unlimited borrows. Thanks so much to each of you who took the time to complete the survey. So, for those interested, the survey says…

Here are the fifteen survey questions and the results.

Q1: Did you complete all seven days of the challenge?

80.6% of those who took the 7 day challenge completed it, which I think is a phenomenal number. That shows as it was designed, most guys, sufficiently motivated, were able to successfully complete the challenge.

Q2: If you didn’t complete all seven days, what was the most important reason why?

Of the 19.4% of those who didn’t complete all 7 days of the challenge, here were the top reasons they gave.

  • 66.7% were unable to wear a chastity device comfortably.
  • 16.7% found the accelerated wear schedule caused them too much discomfort.
  • 16.7% decided chastity wasn’t for them and abandoned the challenge.

Q3: What most motivated you to take the challenge?

  • 46.9% wanted to experience the benefits of male chastity.
  • 34.4% wanted to learn to wear a chastity device for extended periods.
  • 9.4% wanted to satisfy their curiosity about what male chastity is about.
  • 9.4% wanted to try chastity for the first time.

Q4: What was the source of the chastity device you used?

  • 78.1% used a chastity device they already owned for the challenge.
  • 18.8% bought a new device to use for the challenge.
  • 3.1% opted for “Honor Chastity” instead of using a chastity device.

Q5: If you purchased a new device for the challenge, how helpful was the advice we included on choosing and measuring a chastity device?

For those buying a chastity device for the challenge, we suggested two options. Both were basic, generic devices widely available for $25 or less, one stainless steel and the other 3D-printed plastic. Our intent was to encourage guys to start with something inexpensive so that if they decided chastity wasn’t something they wanted to continue after the challenge they wouldn’t have made a significant investment in a more expensive device. Here is how helpful challenge participants found our advice.

  • 62.5% found the advice very helpful.
  • 25.0% found the advice somewhat helpful.
  • 12.5% found the advice not helpful.


In hindsight, we probably should have split this question into two questions, asking about how helpful participants found our device options suggestions and then how helpful they found the sizing advice we included. That might have provided us with useful insight into why 12.5% didn’t find our recommendations helpful.


Q6: What type of chastity device did you use for the challenge?

For those who used a chastity device for the challenge, the vast majority, here is the type they used.

  • 58.1% used 3D-printed plastic devices.
  • 32.3% used stainless steel devices.
  • 9.7% used silicone devices.

Q7: How would you rate the accelerated wear schedule from beginner to 24/7 chastity in 7 days?

This is one of the questions we were most interested in getting feeding back on from participants. When I first tried chastity an experienced, professional keyholder supervised me. She took me from putting on a chastity device for the first time to 24/7 wear in seven days. So, I knew it was possible, but was challenging and that’s why I chose the 7-day period rather than something longer like 14 days or a month. Here is how participants felt about the accelerated wear schedule.


  • 41.9% thought it was about right.
  • 35.5% found it challenging.
  • 19.4% found it easy.
  • 3.2% found it difficult.

Q8: After taking the challenge, do you plan to continue practicing male chastity?

  • 93.7% of participants said yes, they intended to continued practicing male chastity.
  • A little more than 3% no, and a similar number said they were unsure.

Q9: Did you experience the positive benefits of male chastity/semen retention we promised during the challenge?

  • 59.4% Yes
  • 37.5% Somewhat
  • 3.1% No


While we felt gratified that well over half of the participants felt they experienced the positive benefits we promised, we understand the more intense benefits and experiences that chastity offers take longer. So, we weren’t surprised that not every participant experienced every possible benefit. Still, 96.7% did experience at least some of the benefits after only seven days.

Q10: Did the challenge meet the expectations you had at the start?

  • 56.3% Yes
  • 37.5% Somewhat
  • 6.3% No


Overall, most participants felt the challenge met their expectations in whole or in part.

Q11: On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 lowest and 5 highest) please provide your overall rating for the challenge.

  • 32.3% – 5
  • 48.4% – 4
  • 19.4% – 3

Q12: Was this challenge your first experience with practicing male chastity?

  • 67.7% No
  • 32.3% Yes

Q13: If you could change one thing about the challenge, what would it be?

This was an essay question where we invited participants to offer suggestions for improving the challenge. The overwhelming top response was participants would have liked a longer period of chastity and denial. We chose the 7-day period since we intended the challenge to be an introduction to chastity, but the responses to the question have us thinking about offering a 30-day challenge people could try after completing the 7-day challenge.

Q14: To what extent do you agree with the following statement: The 7 Day challenge made it easy for me to experience 24/7 chastity.

  • 66.7% Somewhat agreed.
  • 27.5% Agreed.
  • 5.9% Somewhat disagreed with the statement.

Q15: Anything else you would like us to know?

The final question in the survey was an optional essay question inviting participants to share anything else they wished about their experiences with the challenge. We received many responses that were personal in nature, but the most common response was from participants who said they enjoyed taking the challenge or found it useful.

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to complete the survey, and we appreciated your feedback so much. While we feel the survey did not show we should make any immediate changes to the 7 day chastity challenge, we came away feeling there is definite interest in a longer challenge and so we intend to work on a follow up thirty day challenge soon.

Another Device Review Coming Soon

On the first day of September, I’ll begin test-wearing a new device I recently received. Stay tuned for the next device review coming soon.

Down the Sissy Rabbit Hole: Serialized Erotica on Kindle Vella

So, I did a thing. I’ve been curious about Kindle Vella since it came out and decided to give it a go. I had a fiction project I’ve been thinking about for a while and instead of publishing it as a book I thought I’d use Kindle Vella to tell the story. If you’re not familiar with Kindle Vella, no worries. It’s really new and lots of people know little about it. After I tell you a little about Falling Down the Sissy Rabbit Hole, my first serialized Kindle Vella story, I’ll tell you all about the platform and how to use it.

Context of The Story

Those who identify as sissy often see this in a multiplicity of usages, meanings, and implications that cuts across identities, roles, presentations, orientations, and preferences. This one word can communicate much about who they are, how they see themselves, and how they relate to intimate and romantic partners and the larger world.

Part of being a writer is doing research and while I’ve researched the topic, I’m on the outside looking in so I don’t pretend to know everything about the term sissy or those who adopt the label. But one thing I have learned is you can visit a hundred different sissy sites and get a hundred different perspectives on what being a sissy is. To write a fictional story, you don’t have to get involved in all the minutiae. You just have to establish a context for the story so people can understand what it’s about. So, here it is. I use the term sissy simply to describe people who were assigned male at birth and embrace feminine roles and/or expression. The story is merely a work of fiction that features a cis male person who finds himself in a situation where a dominant woman uses forced feminization as a means of discipline and humiliation to assert her control over him. My aim is to tell an erotic story that people will find entertaining using a little comedic relief against the backdrop of the practice of forced feminization and what it can entail.

Down The Sissy Rabbit Hole Summary

The reminiscences of a young adult man recalling the shocking and comedic adventures and experiences of his misspent youth to tell the story of how being taken in hand by a young, dominant governess changed his life forever.

After a third fashionable preparatory school expels him for chronic misbehavior, sixteen-year-old Brian Dawson continues his rebellious and delinquent ways after arriving home. When a female guest in the family home walks into her room to find Brian prowling through her drawers and taking indecent liberties with her lingerie, his parents decide it’s the final straw. On the advice of a family friend, Brian’s parents send him to live with a young, uncompromising governess, her female staff, and her three teenage female charges. When he rebels against the authority of his new governess, Brian quickly becomes Brianna when his governess, Miss Abby Pierpont, forces him to wear girls’ clothing as his usual attire, and punishes his misdeeds with frequent flagellation. Later, because of his youthful experiences, Brian continues to submit to dominant women as an adult through forced feminization and cross-dressing. A modern tale of petticoat discipline and enforced chastity.

About Amazon Kindle Vella

Kindle Vella is relatively new to the market. It’s a platform and reading service that allows you to read serialized fiction written specifically for Kindle Vella. Serialization is the act of breaking a story into chapters (called episodes) and posting new chapters at intervals, just like a television series. Serialized fiction isn’t new. Classic writers like Charles Dickens, Jules Verne, and Arthur Conan Doyle all used the serialization format for their fiction. And now, this return to the origins of the novel seems to be regaining its popularity. There are many other sites that offer serialized fiction. Kindle Vella is just Amazon’s entry into the market.

How Kindle Vella Works

Kindle Vella stories are currently only available in the US to both readers and writers, and you can only read the stories on Amazon’s Kindle Vella website or with an iOS app. Currently, there is no Android compatibility or the capability to read the stories on a Kindle e-reader. Amazon and others in the serialized fiction market purposefully designed their serialized fiction platforms for people who like to read on the go on their smartphones.

Each episode can be anywhere from 600 to 5,000 words, making Vella stories perfect for people who enjoy reading while commuting to work or during their breaks, but rarely have time to sit down to read an entire novel. You get the stories in bite-size episodes you can easily read in only a few minutes. You can even subscribe, so you receive notifications when new episodes become available. Also, you can read the first few (usually three) episodes free, so you get the chance to decide whether you want to continue reading a story before you ever have to pay.

Paying for Episodes

If you find a story, you enjoy and want to continue reading after finishing the free episodes, then you buy them an episode at a time. The payment model is also different from purchasing eBooks from Amazon. You pay for Vella story episodes with tokens that you purchase in bundles. The bigger the bundle you buy, the cheaper the tokens are. And it’s a fairly cheap way to read. The cost of an episode is based on word count, with the general rule being it costs one token per 100 words. So a 600-word episode costs around six tokens. The smallest bundle Amazon sells is 200 tokens for $1.99. That’s about $2.00 for 20,000 words of content, or about a penny per token using the smallest bundle as an example. Amazon also sells other bundles. 368 tokens are $4.99, 770 tokens are $9.99, and 1,500 tokens are $14.99 when purchased via the mobile app. Web pricing is a better value, offering 525, 1,100, and 1,700 tokens at the same respective price points.

Why I Chose Vella For Down The Sissy Rabbit Hole

Mostly, I chose Kindle Vella for this story because I was curious to experience firsthand how the platform works. Also, it’s an opportunity to access another group of readers, those who only have the time to read 600 to 5,000 words at a sitting and like the idea of serialized fiction. Vella is no get rich scheme for writers since they earn only fractions of a cent per word for their stories. But it’s another way to give value to readers and hopefully find new ones.

There are some other issues for writers unique to the platform. The stories are hard to find since Amazon only promotes the most popular Vella stories. So, writers who don’t get the word out about their stories may not get any reads at all because no one will know their stories even exist. So, that’s one motivation behind this post. And that segues into the next topic.

Reader Interaction With Kindle Vella Stories

One unique thing about Kindle Vella is that readers have many ways to interact with and support stories they enjoy reading. You can “like” stories by clicking a button similar to liking content on social media websites. You can “favorite” stories by clicking another button, and you can post reviews if you wish. These actions all help elevate the visibility of stories on the platform so that more readers find them. If you are reading a story you enjoy, why not help other readers find it? Also, supporting a writer whose work you enjoy reading will encourage them to write more episodes and maybe release new episodes more often. So, if Down The Sissy Rabbit Hole sounds like something you might enjoy reading, if you try out Kindle Vella and read any episodes, even the free ones, I’d be sincerely grateful for any likes, favorites, or reviews if you enjoy the episodes.

What To Expect From Down The Sissy Rabbit Hole

“Petticoating” is a relatively recent discovery for me and I find it intriguing from a kink perspective because it pairs well with enforced chastity and Femdom in general, both topics near and dear to my heart. When I first thought about writing an erotica story using petticoating and the forced feminization aspects of it as the theme, originally I planned to write a full length novella. So, I’m committed to writing and publishing enough episodes to reach novella length, regardless of how many reads the story gets. So far, I’ve published four episodes, three of which are free. And I plan to publish a new episode of between 600 to 1500 words each week (every Thursday) until I finish the story.

You can visit the Kindle Vella Down The Sissy Rabbit Hole page to learn more by clicking the orange button below the story summary above, or by clicking this link:

Badassworkroom BA-21 Chastity Device Review

It’s time for my promised Badassworkroom BA-21 chastity device review. This is my second stainless steel device from Badassworkroom and I found much to like about it.

After wearing the device for almost a full month, I’m ready to offer my opinions on the Badassworkroom BA-21 chastity device. I purchased my first Badassworkroom custom device, the BA-12, to satisfy my curiosity about what it felt like to wear a device with a 90-degree angled cage. It intrigued me from a purely aesthetic perspective after seeing and liking the looks of a 90-degree angled cage on another manufacturer’s website. But to my surprise, I found the device satisfyingly comfortable to wear. Also, the BA-12 gave me the chance to experience the high quality workmanship that the company puts into their custom-made steel devices. So, I felt no hesitation about ordering another custom device from them, but this time one I intended to wear regularly. And I chose the BA-21.

BA-21 Specifications

The above specifications are what I ordered based on my specific measurements. But the BA-21 is fully customizable, so you can order this device to fit your own unique measurements. I ordered mine with a “MagicLocker” integral lock, but you can also get this device with a common padlock or a proprietary locking security screw.


The BA-21 is a standard ball-trap device and comes with three components:

  • Base Ring
  • Penis Cage
  • Locking Device

BA-21 Physical Details

I ordered the BA-12 in surgical stainless steel. But the device is also available in titanium for an additional cost of $100.00 for those seeking a lighter weight cage. This device, which I find quite comparable to my Mature Metal Jailbird, is marginally lighter than the Jailbird even with the integral lock, which requires they make the base ring from slightly larger diameter, heavier stock. All the welds are smooth and the device measurements are exactly what I ordered. In my opinion, the quality of workmanship is as good as you will find in the custom-made male steel chastity device industry. My device fits perfectly and the connection between the cage and base ring is tight with no play. Like the BA-12 I ordered previously, the integral lock is stainless steel instead of brass and the insert is slightly longer than the brass inserts, which means you won’t be able to switch out this MagicLocker with one of the brass ones you may have that came with some other device.

BA-21 Chastity Device Use

The BA-21 is another standard ball-trapping device. You insert your scrotum and testicles into the base ring, pull your flaccid penis through the ring to rest atop your testicles, and slide the cage on. Then you mate the two components together and lock up. The device feels quite secure, but as we know, standard ball-trapping device security is mostly an illusion unless you combine a PA piercing with the device to eliminate the possibility of escape. There are options available at an additional cost for guys with PA piercings to gain added security. I had no ball slippage issues with the device, which means the 10mm default factory-set gap worked great for me and probably will for most guys. But the gap is customizable too.

Precautions to Consider While Wearing the BA-21

The usual precautions apply as with any ball-trapping male chastity device. Choosing the proper size base ring is important. Choosing a base ring size that is too small can cause significant issues, including the risks associated with compromising your circulation. As a rule of thumb, skin discoloration or skin temperature of the scrotum that feels noticeably cooler than normal body temperature are indications of reduced circulation.

Comfort and Feel of Wearing the BA-21

I find the BA-21 provides me the heft of stainless steel that I like without being uncomfortably weighty. As mentioned it weighs slightly less than my Mature Metal Jailbird. The interior of the cage feels satisfyingly smooth. It’s one of the most comfortable devices I’ve worn and required no adjustment period. It felt comfortable the first time I put it on and has remained that way. As far as standard ball-trap devices without the added security of a piercing go, it feels comfortably secure.

The BA-21 at work…

Hygiene Considerations When Wearing the BA-21

Thanks to the cage-type open architecture, the BA-21 gets high marks in the hygiene department. It has been simple to keep clean using my handheld shower head. I’m certain I could wear it indefinitely with no need to remove it periodically for cleaning. With four vertical and two horizontal bars on the nose of the cock cage, expect to sit to pee to avoid making a mess. I haven’t even experimented with trying to stand while urinating while wearing this device.

Final Thoughts

The Badassworkroom BA-21 is a well designed and well made device. It’s on the lighter end of the spectrum of stainless steel open-type cage devices, and super comfortable. It’s a device that deserves serious consideration by those seeking a steel cage-style device.

At $300.00 USD for the stainless steel model ($400.00 for titanium), this is outstanding quality at a reasonable and affordable price for a custom-made stainless-steel male chastity device. For comparison purposes, the Mature Metal Jailbird, a device I feel the BA-21 matches up well with, retailed at $330.00 when I published this review.

Something I and others raved about when Badassworkroom first came on the scene was the company’s unheard of fast delivery. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end and that amazingly fast delivery has ended at Badassworkroom. It took more than twice as long for me to receive this device than the first one I ordered. The owner told me it’s because they have become more well known and are getting far more orders. I suspect that China’s “zero COVID policy” with the frequent lock downs has also slowed deliveries. But of course I wouldn’t have expected the owner to confirm that for the obvious reasons and he didn’t. Still, Badassworkroom’s shipping times remain in line with most other custom chastity device manufacturers and is still better than some.

Disclaimer: This review represents my own honest opinions. I purchased this device at the full retail price using my own funds, and I have no affiliation with Badassworkroom other than being a satisfied customer.

The 7 Day Chastity Challenge Survey

The 7 Day Chastity Challenge survey is now available for those who have taken the challenge. If you have taken the challenge, please consider sharing your opinions to help us understand whether the challenge met your expectations.

Not Another Survey. Seriously?

Yes, I know. We all get deluged with requests to provide feedback by spending our valuable time to complete surveys or provide reviews for products we’ve purchased. I get it. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t find multiple such requests in my email inbox.

But I’d truly appreciate it if you would consider completing our short 3-5 minutes survey for the 7-day chastity challenge if you took it. Your opinions will not only help us understand how well the challenge met your expectations, but could help us identify how we might improve it.

Since The 7 Day Chastity Challenge has been available for almost two months now and many have either purchased a copy from Amazon or borrowed it through Kindle Unlimited, I’m confident enough people have taken the challenge to provide some valuable feedback. We take seriously our responsibility to provide value to readers who purchase our non-fiction printed resources and fiction titles, and are committed to meeting our reader’s expectations. If we can improve a resource and make it more useful, we certainly want to do that.

Completing the Survey

You can complete the survey, hosted on Survey Planet, right here on our website below, or you can access it directly at this link:

The aim of The 7 Day Chastity Challenge is to take those who have never experienced it for any length of time to 24/7 chastity in seven days. Your responses to this survey will help us understand how successful the challenge has been in achieving that goal and could help us discover how we might improve on our original model.

The majority of the questions only require choosing the best answer from multiple choice lists of responses and shouldn’t require more than 3-5 minutes of your time. So, if you’ve taken the challenge, whether you completed all seven days or not, please consider completing the survey. We would truly appreciate it.

Base on the number of copies sold and Kindle Unlimited page reads, we hope to receive a representative sample of surveys by August 31, 2022. If we do, we’ll end the survey on that date and will publish a survey results post in September after we’ve collated the data.

We are collecting only survey responses, not any personal information. Your responses will be completely anonymous.

You Haven't Taken the Challenge?

If this is the first you’ve heard of The 7 Day Chastity Challenge and it sounds like something you’re interested in, it’s available on Amazon as an eBook and in paperback. For a few more weeks, Kindle Unlimited subscribers can read it free.

In Other News

Next Chastity Device Review Coming Soon

If you follow My Current Status page (page link in the menu bar above), you may have noticed I’ve been wearing a new device since August 5, the BA-21 stainless steel device from Badassworkroom. This is my second custom-made Badassworkroom metal cage and the quality and fit of this model is impressing me just as much as the first device I purchased from them. The BA-21 is quite similar to my Mature Metal Jailbird, but has more vertical bars on the nose that prevents the tip of the penis from slipping through any gaps. I’ll publish a review of the BA-21 near the end of the month.