3 Denial December Secrets You Never Knew

Denial December is another monthly challenge in the spirit of #Locktober and #NoNutNovember. Like No Nut November, Denial December doesn’t specifically involve wearing a chastity device, but since chastity enthusiasts adopted the event, many guys stay locked during the month of December. You must deny yourself orgasms for the entire month to complete the challenge successfully. But Denial December has a requirement that none of the other chastity challenges have. That’s because it didn’t start as out as a male chastity challenge. Let’s begin with a short history and then I’ll reveal 3 Denial December secrets you never knew.

Denial December, the Challenge Google Shrouds in Secrecy

A Brief History of Denial December

While we can pinpoint the exact dates that Locktober and No Nut November began, and even know with acceptable accuracy who created these challenges, the same isn’t true of Denial December.

No doubt, somewhere deep in the bowels of the internet, the complete story about Denial December exists. Tirelessly, I searched for the information before penning this post. But Google, just as the sea refuses to give up its dead, would not give up the secrets behind this most mysterious challenge.

Google, once the gold standard of search engines, no longer cares about providing useful internet searches. They would rather focus on other things like selling ads, trying to steal market share from Apple by coercing people to buy Google phones so the company can steal even more of your data to sell at hefty profits, interfere with elections at home and abroad, and to promote communist propaganda aimed at dismantling capitalism.

Some time ago, Google retrofitted its once useful search engine by installing algorithms designed to predict what people are searching for since of course we are in Google’s estimation too stupid to know what information we truly want. So as I used Google to search for information on the history of Denial December, Google returned links to the information they were convinced I really wanted – links about Holocaust deniers, climate change deniers, 2020 election deniers, J6 insurrection deniers, and Covid 19 “vaccine” efficacy deniers. No matter how I constructed my search terms, I got the same results. Obviously, Google doesn’t want us to know the history behind Denial December or its secrets. After all, giving us what we asked for isn’t going to put any money in the company’s coffers, change election outcomes, or assist the WEF in taking over the world for the good of the elites.

Annoyed, I turned to some of the other crappier search engines that have never been able to compete with Google’s dominance. The results weren’t great, but I learned a hell of a lot more than I did from Google’s manipulated searches. But alas, I did not learn when Denial December first started or who created it. That’s why this history of Denial December is so brief. But I did learn 3 Denial December secrets you never knew. At least, I didn’t.

Denial December Did Not Start as a Chastity Challenge

The first shocking secret I uncovered is that Denial December didn’t start out as a chastity challenge. It began as an edging and orgasm denial challenge. To refresh the memory of any who may have forgotten what edging is, here is a short definition.

Edging is the practice of stopping sexual stimulation before reaching orgasm to prolong a sexual experience. The term stems from the concept of approaching the metaphorical “edge” of orgasm but stopping before going over it.

While the manner in which one is supposed to do the edges during the challenge has changed over the years, the original concept was this. Beginning on December 1, you were supposed to perform the number of edges corresponding to the number of days since your last orgasm. So, if we’re talking about guys, that probably meant doing only one edge on December 1, two on December 2, and so forth, until you reached the end of the challenge. To successfully complete the challenge, you had to avoid having an orgasm the entire month of December.

Later people, as they are wont to do, altered the original rules to better suit them. One example is instead of edging once for each day since the last orgasm and remaining orgasm free the entire month, some only edged through December 24, and then could orgasm. I suppose as a Christmas Eve gift to themselves. They treat Denial December as a sort of denial challenge Advent Calendar. Someone else I read about changed the rules from edging once for each day since the last orgasm, to just doing three edges each day from either December 1 through the end of the month, or from December 1 through December 24.

Putting aside the random rule changes that have occurred since the challenge’s inception, the first secret here is that the creator of Denial December intended it to be an edging and orgasm denial challenge, not a male chastity challenge. That takes us to the second secret.

Denial December Isn't Just for Males

The second secret I discovered about Denial December is the challenge originally was meant for anyone, not just males. I found articles from several women who took part in the challenge. So, it seems male chastity enthusiasts co-opted the original concept and transformed Denial December into another chastity challenge in the spirit of Locktober and No Nut December.

In the old days, before Denial December became another male chastity challenge, no one wore a chastity device and guys performed the edging the old-fashioned way. The ladies who took part either let their fingers do the walking or used their favorite sex toys when edging without a partner’s assistance.

Observing Denial December now as a male chastity challenge often includes wearing a chastity device for the month of December. But participants could remove it each day long enough to complete the required edges. There is nothing keeping a self-locked guy from doing it this way. And a keyholder could opt to unlock her charge briefly each day and have him knock out the required number of edges by stroking, or a really wonderful keyholder might do the stroking for him. But there is another option, an option I admit favoring.

Most of us who have spent much time locked in a chastity device have had the experience of using a powerful vibrator held against the cage to do edges. I actually prefer this method to the old-fashioned one and it makes unlocking unnecessary. But either method seems to satisfy the challenge rules, since it is the edging and denial that counts. Just an idea I had, but it might not work. Since Denial December was for everyone at the beginning, why not ask your keyholder to join in the fun with you? Perhaps she will join you in a month of denial, out of a spirit of fellow-feeling? It couldn’t hurt to ask.

Orgasms Aren't Strictly Prohibited by Some

The third astonishing secret I learned about Denial December is that not everyone considers having an orgasm or two, or three, a disqualification from successfully completing Denial December. Many people don’t consider “accidental” orgasms disqualifying as long as you ruin them. You can even have several ruined orgasms and still complete the challenge successfully. In case someone reading this hasn’t ever experienced a “ruined orgasm,” here is an explanation. Ruining an orgasm means stopping all stimulation the moment you realize you have arrived at the point of no return and orgasm is inevitable. Then, instead of experiencing a pleasurable and forceful ejaculation, the semen just dribbles out and feels more frustrating than pleasurable.

From what I gleaned from the research, the founder of the challenge definitely intended that participants refrain from having any orgasms to successfully complete Denial December. I’m afraid I have to come down on the side of the purist’s viewpoint on this one. Orgasm denial is orgasm denial. If you limp through Denial December on the strength of a bunch of ruined orgasms, claiming they were all “accidental” and then have the unmitigated gall to add your name to the list of successful challenge participants, here is what I think. I think you deserve a big fat asterisk next to your name just like Bonds, McGwire, and Sosa have on the single-season home run list because they used performance enhancing drugs. Sorry, not sorry.

I hope you enjoyed learning the 3 denial December secrets you never knew on this final day of Locktober 2023. Some of us thought we would never make it to this day, but here we are. I have to admit, the last day of Locktober always feels a little bittersweet to me. Especially this year, since it’s the last day I’ll be locked for Lucie, at least for a while. But with No Nut November commencing tomorrow and then Denial December looming on the horizon, none of us should shed a tear. There are lots more days of chastity left in the year.

As I’ve shared previously, I personally won’t be observing No Nut November this year. After almost six months with Lucie as my keyholder, I think doing the challenge while self-locked would just feel too sad. So, I’ll spend November wearing and reviewing my newest chastity device after taking a few days off, and searching for a new keyholder. If luck shines upon me, I’ll definitely be up for Denial December. It’s the one challenge I haven’t done before.

Whether you plan to do No Nut, Denial December, or both, good luck, and have fun.