Tag Archives: orgasm

New Year in Chastity and New Beginning

After a successful Denial December, 2024 is a new year in chastity and new beginning.

Happy New Year to everyone. Whether you had a good 2023 or were glad to see it end, it’s a new year in chastity and new beginning. This marks the start of my fifth year in chastity and my second month with Amanda as my keyholder.

I completed the hat trick with a successful Denial December after finishing Locktober and NOvember. Shortly after midnight, Amanda graciously allowed me my first release after 245 days of denial. So, for me, it is literally a new beginning. For the first time in about eight months, I’m starting those first few days of being locked post-orgasm. I really needed the reset because I have languished in plateaued arousal since about the last week of Locktober.

New Year’s Resolutions

I’m not really big on making New Year’s resolutions, but I often begin each year with a few specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant goals. I think setting goals gives your life direction, and boosts your motivation. The specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant part of it means I don’t just make random resolutions like losing weight or getting fitter, two common New Year’s resolutions that usually go by the wayside for most people before the end of January or first week in February. I try to get more specific than that.

One goal is to determine by month’s end if Amanda is the right keyholder for me for the foreseeable future. She is a good person who I’ve grown to like, but December didn’t come as close to meeting my expectations as I had hoped. To be fair, the last month of the year always features the distractions of the end-of-year and start of a new year’s holidays. So, I felt it was only fair to us both to agree to another month with Amanda. Unfortunately, she is beginning a new job this month, which I fear may be even more of a distraction than the holidays. All I know is a lot of improvement will need to happen if we’re to continue past the end of January. If we don’t, I’ll face a decision about whether to look for a new keyholder or to just go back to self-locking until Lucie returns to the game. I feel like she will, but just can’t predict when.

Planned Device Reviews for 2024

My goal is to review four new devices this year, one per quarter. I’ll be reviewing my new Kink3D Fusion Pink Cobra N+ next. I have ideas for the next two devices I want to buy and review, but haven’t any ideas for the fourth yet. So we’ll see.


Hopefully, 2024 turns out an auspicious year for us all. Yet considering the accelerated, continued decay and decline so obvious in this country and the dark forces at work in the world, I’m not feeling optimistic. But that’s a topic for another day and another blog. Happy New Year all.

Are Blue Balls an Actual Thing?

“Blue balls” is a slang term for testicles that ache after sexual arousal that does not result in orgasm or ejaculation. So are blue balls real or just a myth? Are blue balls an actual thing? Kind of, but probably not as bad as you think. But is experiencing blue balls a reason to avoid practicing male chastity?

Some guys contemplating male chastity may feel anxious at the prospect of suffering the dreaded scourge of blue balls. But is it something you should worry about?

What Are Blue Balls?

Doctors refer to “blue balls” and its symptom as epididymal hypertension. Epididymal hypertension isn’t dangerous. “It [blue balls] is typically not overly painful, but simply bothersome or unpleasant in nature,” says Dr. Turek, MD, a board-certified men’s health and fertility urologist.

So while unrequited arousal and unreleased orgasms can cause some mild discomfort, it’s nothing a guy can’t handle. You won’t end up writhing around on the ground in agony. Certainly, it’s no reason for you to avoid practicing male chastity.

Anecdotal symptoms of blue balls include—

  • discomfort or mild pain


  • heaviness


  • aching

Why Do Blue Balls Occur?

Because one symptom of blue balls is a feeling of heaviness in the testicles, many men believe they are filled with sperm or semen. That’s not true, actually. The testicles or testes are not tiny warehouses that store semen. Think of them instead as tiny factories that produce sperm and testosterone. Sperm only accounts for about two to five percent of the total volume of semen.

After the testes produce it, sperm travels through the male reproductive tract bathed in seminal fluids. These fluids are made and secreted by tubules and glands. The source of the heaviness and aching sensation down there results from excess blood remaining in the testicles from a wave of arousal not followed by ejaculation. During arousal, blood flows into the penis (erection), testicles, and surrounding areas. When a man achieves orgasm and ejaculates, the blood returns to the body. When he does not, some excess blood remains in the tissues causing the symptoms we call blue balls.

Are Blue Balls Harmful?

There doesn’t appear to be medical evidence that experiencing blue balls resulting from abstaining from orgasm/ejaculation poses any risk to physical or mental health. So if you feel good about practicing chastity, carry on. Like learning to adjust to sleeping while wearing a chastity device, blue balls is something else you grow accustomed to, and it becomes less bothersome.

Also, your balls won’t turn blue while you’re in chastity due to constant, unrequited arousal and semen retention. That’s not to say they won’t turn blue from chastity, but if they do, it’s probably because your base ring is too small and compromising your blood circulation. That is a risk to your physical health, so please remove it immediately.

Getting Rid of Blue Balls

Some people claim that applying ice or cold water (cold showers) can help relieve the pressure down there. Other suggestions include exercise, like light jogging, which may help by moving the excess blood away from your genitals to your muscles. Distracting yourself and even urinating helps, according to others. Sex or masturbation leading to orgasm also gets rid of blue balls. But you’ll have to take that up with your keyholder.

If you’ve suffered from blue balls while locked, do you have any favorite moves that have helped relieve the heaviness and aching?

First orgasm release in chastity

So, a week ago Lady Jayne gave me my first proper release. She controlled the whole thing as far as choosing the when, where, and how I’d have the orgasm. She also gave me a time limit, but it was a generous one. As usual, there was no advance notice. She texted me and told me to unlock for a release.

Once I understood it was to be a normal orgasm, not another ruined one, I admit I was excited by the prospect. On the other hand, I felt a little anxious since I’ve heard all about what happens after an orgasm for men who have been denied for a lengthy time. For me, my last orgasm, other than the ruined one, had been on December 23, one day short of three weeks. I’d never gone three weeks without an orgasm since I discovered masturbation as a kid. To tell the truth, pretty sure I’ve never gone three days without one before being locked.

She’s the boss, so despite the misgivings I followed her instructions. I wasn’t watching the clock, but I’m fairly sure it took no more than two minutes of stimulation to reach climax. As I anticipated it was a mind-blowing orgasm, the most intense I can recall having in a very long time. There was one rope of semen spurted after another. I had been standing as I’d been told to do. My knees felt shaky and pretty sure I saw a starburst or two when the orgasm hit. All good on that front.  But, along with the good came the bad.

By the time I’d showered, cleaned the cage, and locked back up, I was already feeling like I had a hangover. I also felt tired, emotionally drained, mildly depressed, a bit sad, and strangely enough, I felt a little guilty for having the orgasm.

Since this was my first release after a lengthy time in denial, it was my first experience with this neurochemical reaction. Even though I had expected it to happen, I wasn’t prepared for how strong the stew of emotions were that hit me. Even all I’d read about it hadn’t mitigated it. I understand why it happens, but that didn’t make it easier to experience it.

I suppose what men in chastity experience when having an orgasm after a lengthy time of denial is a form of what is called post-coital tristesse (PCT), or after sex sadness. It too is a neurochemical reaction that thoroughly confuses and dulls the mind.  What goes up, must come down. After the dopamine-flood accompanying orgasm, dopamine levels drop below baseline-that is, lower than they were before orgasm.

I’ve learned that being locked in chastity and denied continues to stoke arousal causing the brain to flood itself with dopamine and endorphins.  That means your baseline levels are much higher than normal, so it’s understandable why the hormone and dopamine drop is so precipitous when you come. Once the highly pleasurable orgasm ends, so does the dopamine flows until the arousal cycle starts all over again.

It actually took me the rest of the evening and part of the next day to process what I’d experienced. A part of me felt like I never wanted to have another orgasm while locked and denied since I felt so literally miserable after the orgasm. But, as the week since the release has progressed, my arousal has returned to a high level and I’m getting the dopamine fix again. Lady Jayne has helped with that.

Satisfied I have adjusted to the cage, she has added daily teasing to the mix. That probably has me feeling more aroused than anytime since my chastity exploration started on Christmas Eve. So, yes, I’m already craving another release. I just wonder if the next time the drop will be as hard as the last time. I find myself hoping it is something you learn to deal with better with practice.

I don’t really have another orgasm on the horizon to approach with the mixture of eager anticipation and dread since the 30-day introduction to chastity that Lady Jayne and I agreed to ends this coming Wednesday. While nothing has been decided about extending our agreement yet, we’ve talked about it some in recent days. It seems clear we’re both interested in continuing with each other and agreeing for her to take permanent ownership. But, at least right now I’m considering taking the rest of January off and restarting with her on the first of February. I think I could use the time to process what I learned over the 30 days and see how it feels to be unlocked again. That I think would help me to decide if a more permanent relationship with Lady Jayne is what I really want.

The thing is, I already have a strong feeling that getting started in the chastity lifestyle is a lot easier than walking away from it once you’ve had the experience of being locked. That’s one reason I feel like I should take a step back for a week or so to see what it feels like being unlocked again. Since Lady Jayne locked me for the first time, sometimes I feel like Neo sitting in a dark room with Morpheus when he holds out his hand and offers two options. The pill of knowledge or the pill of blissful ignorance. The red pill or the blue pill.

Do I to go forward living in the dopamine-fueled bliss I’ve experienced while in chastity under the complete control of Lady Jayne? Or, do I go back to the way things were before, blissfully ignorant of how my past penis-centrism affected about every aspect of my life and relationships with others? Like Neo, I feel I’m facing a very important decision. And, it’s not an easy one to make.