Month: July 2020

Chastity And Submission

Chastity and submission. Do the two go hand in hand? If you’re a guy who wants to wear a chastity device, does that mean you’re submissive? Let’s talk about that.

So, maybe you’ve been thinking about trying chastity, or maybe the woman in your life wants to lock you up. Perhaps it is her idea. But the submissive part of it doesn’t really turn you on all that much. Also, small penis humiliation, sissification, and cuckolding don’t appeal to you at all. Maybe you think chastity only works for submissive guys.

Not So Fast My Friend

A quick chastity web search shows that there is a heck of a lot of people who assume that chastity and male submission go together like peanut butter and jelly. Actually, that kind of thinking is an example of what they call in logic a cum hoc fallacy—jumping to a conclusion about causation based on a correlation between two things, or types of things, which sometimes occur simultaneously.

Some people can’t seem to separate male chastity and male submission in their minds, so they insist no one else can either. Sure, there are plenty of submissive men for whom chastity is yet another path to deeper submission. But the truth is, chastity and male submission don’t necessarily go together like hamburgers and fries.


One Of The Top Male Fantasies

On almost every top male sexual fantasies list, one of the top five most popular sexual fantasies among all kinds of men is being sexually controlled by a powerful, dominant woman.

Guys fantasize about feeling sexually dominated when they’re tired of doing the dominating themselves, or when they have mixed feelings about what they’re doing in that domination where they’re on top.

Add to this that men sometimes get tired of always having to be in control in the bedroom. Traditional gender roles impressed on all of us by societal norms suggest that men are “supposed” to be the initiators of sex while women are the gatekeepers. Chastity presents a significant reversal of those roles. It’s relatively easy to see why many guys, all sorts of guys, find the idea relinquishing control tantalizing. It isn’t only submissive men who have these fantasies.

This is why I think we must avoid making hard-and-fast distinctions between dominance and submission. Guys seem capable of shifting from one role to the other. And even though many may prefer a single sexual stance, still each role seems to offer its own gratifications.

Wearing A Chastity Device Is An Inherently Submissive Act

It can’t be argued that wearing a chastity device isn’t an inherently submissive act. All we have to do to understand that is to look at the definition of sexual submission. Sexual submission is when one individual (the submissive) turns overall sexual control to another (the dominant). The chaste guy (submissive) gives his partner (the dominant) complete control over his access to sexual pleasure, not to mention his penis. There is no logical way to claim that isn’t submission. But submission, when it comes to chastity, can be motivated by two entirely different things.


Role Versus Nature


Submissive men are submissive by nature. They crave to submit because that is what feels right. It’s a need they keenly feel. For them, chastity does deepen that natural disposition. However, many guys want to wear a chastity device because of their own desires, not because a powerful, dominant partner dictates it.

For these men, submission is not their character or personality. They only assume a submissive role while in chastity. After a significant period locked in chastity, they may behave much like their submissive male counterparts. But once they take the device off, they revert to their usual disposition.

Submissive Men Are Misunderstood

Lots of men, otherwise attracted to the chastity lifestyle, are reluctant to be viewed as being submissive. That’s because popular culture assumes submission to be negative, associating it with meekness, weakness, and passivity. Sometimes submissive men are openly mocked by other men (and some women) who don’t regard them as “real men.”

Submissive guys sometimes get treated as intrinsically weak and effeminate. That’s because those who aren’t submissive feel they’re subverting heteronormative gender dynamics in the worst possible way. It’s not only that they’re failing to perform the role of an assertive, masculine male, but they’re also not even trying to perform it. So, it’s easy to see why men who aren’t submissive might be averse to being perceived as submissive.

The truth is, however, submissive guys are not weak, necessarily meek, and not all of them are effeminate. They aren’t violating any “bro code.” They are simply guys who prefer submission to dominance by nature. Here popular culture gets it all wrong.

Signs You May Be A Submissive

For those still worried the desire to wear a chastity device may mean you’re a submissive, and you don’t want it to be true, I have a little test that might help you.

  • You feel both excited and at peace when the opportunity to submit to your partner arises because it feels natural to you.
  • Taking control during sex and initiating things feels odd.
  • You are always in control in your day to day life, whether at work or home, but when it comes to sex, you just want to enjoy yourself and not have to make decisions. You basically want to be a passive sexual partner. Not boring but passive.
  • You get turned on when dominated or commanded during sexual play.
  • The idea of pleasing someone turns you on more than the idea of getting pleased.
  • The idea of disappointing someone greatly upsets you.


If you agree with all those statements, if that’s how you feel, despite your preference, you may be a submissive. If so, embrace it. There is nothing wrong with it.

The Bottom Line

The majority of us are either submissive or dominant by nature. It’s simply ingrained into our personalities and behaviors. Our bodies, our brains, and our sexuality respond to it.

Some people can take on either role just as naturally. We classify these individuals as switches, meaning they are capable of switching roles with ease. Regardless, wearing a chastity device is not going to change your nature. While you may submit to your partner while wearing a device, that isn’t going to transform you into a submissive if you’re not submissive.

I hope reading this post was beneficial to you. Understanding yourself and coming to terms with your sexual style and nature can make you feel more at ease. Sexuality is an essential aspect of a person’s overall well-being, yet many times it’s overlooked when people self reflect. But it’s an important piece of the puzzle we call “self,” and until we understand and come to grips with this piece, we will never feel as complete or content.


Chaste Life Monthly: July 2020

Chaste Life Monthly Newsletter


This month I’m starting a new feature, the “Chaste Life Monthly” newsletter. Each month I plan to cover chastity topics that don’t necessarily warrant a full post as well as some of my other non-chastity related interests.

If you’re a regular visitor to Cut To The Chaste, I’m sure you’ve noticed I haven’t posted much lately, although I did manage to publish my Male Chastity Now Amicus Review yesterday. I’ve been busy with some other writing projects associated with my fantasy author brand.

Since I don’t operate a mailing list, it seemed a monthly newsletter post would be a good way to push out updates to the readership between regular posts. I hope you find the newsletter useful.

My Brand New Author Website

Much of June, I spent building my new author website, My previous WordPress hosted site was more than a little clunky and limiting as far as features. So, I signed up with a new hosting service and built the new site from scratch. I’m pretty proud of the results and hope you will visit the site and take a look around. There you can find complete information on all my writing projects, both dark fantasy/science fiction and non-fiction.

New Keyholder Update

As revealed June 1, 2020, I have acquired keyholding services from a new pro-domme, Goddess Camille. We completed a full month together yesterday, July 12. That brings us to the six-week mark since previously we had a two-week trial. Thus far, she has been nothing short of amazing. She provides everything I was looking for in a keyholder and challenges me to give my best efforts, all at a very reasonable fee.

Since I was less than two-weeks away from 60-days in chastity when we completed the full month, I signed up for another month that started today. So, I’ve started the fiftieth day in chastity without a release, still locked in my MCN Amicus, under the capable supervision of Goddess Camille. Things definitely seem headed toward a permanent arrangement as we both have enjoyed our partnership and get on well.


New Dark Fantasy Series

The other thing I’ve been working on lately is a new short story series. After the successful launch of A Curious Contraption, I got an idea for a new dark fantasy series called Devilry Dark Fantasy Stories.

Unlike A Curious Contraption and the Vulvarian Saga series, this new one isn’t related to chastity. It’s a series of short stories, each of which you can read in one sitting, about an 18th century priest who battles unholy demons, vampires, and other assorted monsters and ghouls.

So far, I’ve published two stories and the third will be released July 23, 2020. The fourth story, Shadowed Menace, will be published in August. Right now, I expect to write and publish six stories in the series. Then, based on how well they are received, I may write more. So, if dark fantasy stories about demons, vampires, and monsters is in your reading wheelhouse, I hope you’ll take a look at Devilry Dark Fantasy stories. The stories are available exclusively on Amazon and free to read for Kindle Unlimited members.

All proceeds from sales of these stories will go towards the prizes I have planned for the Locktober Giveaway scheduled for November 2020, right here on this site! If you’re a Kindle Unlimited subscriber and you download and read the series, you will help all the readers of this site have a Locktober celebration to remember. For non-subscribers, the stories are only 0.99 each.

Hope Everyone Is Staying Safe

COVID-19 continues to rage it seems. How are you coping where you are? Are you still under restrictions? Are your local numbers holding steady?

As for me and my family, we’re doing okay. We’re staying healthy. We’re still doing the social distancing thing, and primarily doing our shopping online and getting deliveries instead of shopping in person. It is what it is. We all just have to do our best to get through this and hope for better days.

It is my hope that you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe. As always, thanks for reading.

Male Chastity Now Amicus Review

*** Note – This device is no longer available from the manufacturer ***

My Male Chastity Now Amicus Review

Having worn my device for a full month, I’m ready to post my Male Chastity Now Amicus review.

Though it is billed as a semi-custom device because it is not fully customizable, the Amicus has become my favorite chastity device.

If you read the post, I’m Back In The Chastity Saddle Again, then you know I created a small problem for myself when starting with the Amicus because I decided to try an oval 1-5/8 inch base ring. It didn’t work at all. I got by for a few days using a base ring from my Mature Metal device, but Mark at MCN came through like a champ by delivering a round 1-7/8 inch base ring just four days after I ordered it. So, I’ve worn the device with the correct-sized ring now for most of the past thirty days.


The MCN Amicus is a semi-custom cage since it is not “fully” customizable. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t lots of options available.

You can get the base ring with a specific ID (1-5/8 – 2-1/4), a customized ring-to-cage gap (1/4, 3/8, or 1/2), and, there are three different cage lengths to choose from that will accommodate flaccid penis lengths from two to three inches. You also have a choice between a padlock or a security screw.

The only measurement you can’t alter is the ID of the cage itself. All three available cage lengths come standard with a 1-1/4 inch inside diameter. The reason is because MCN doesn’t manufacture the cages. The company uses outsourced pre-made cages so they can offer a near custom-made product at a less expensive price point. While the cages are manufactured in China, trust me these are high-end, not the type of often substandard workmanship you find with cheap chastity devices sold on Amazon or eBay. MCN does custom manufacturer the base rings which are available in round or oval.

Meet The Amicus


The Amicus is a high end, 316 surgical-grade stainless steel open cage device with smooth, symmetric welds. Similar to the Mature Metal cages, the Amicus cage is polished to a high gloss finish inside and out. In my opinion, the quality workmanship comparison between my Amicus and my Mature Metal custom device is dead even. The Amicus is that good.

The Amicus is comprised of three parts—

  • Open-style cage
  • Base ring
  • Lock (padlock or security screw)


If you’re familiar with Mature Metal devices, the Amicus cage and base ring mates together in exactly the same way. That’s why I was able to use a Mature Metal base ring with the Amicus when I originally ordered the device with a base ring that didn’t work for me.

Since I use a long-distance keyholder, I ordered my device with the padlock option since my keyholder requires me to use numbered plastic locks.


I can’t say enough about how satisfied I am with the fit of the Amicus. Although I usually wear cages with a 1-3/8 inch ID which my measurement calls for, I’ve had no problems at all stepping down to the 1-1/4 inch ID that’s standard with the Amicus. Since I prefer slightly shorter cages than the length of my flaccid penis, I’ve had no problems working my soft dick fully into the cage without having to resort to the stocking method. The cage feels snug, but not overly so.

The measurements for my Amicus are—

  • 1-1/4 inch ID cage
  • 2 inch cage length
  • 1/4-inch cage to base ring gap
  • 1-7/8 inch round base ring


I rate the fit of my Amicus device as perfect. I don’t believe it could possibly be improved. When I get around to ordering MCN’s fully customizable Contender, which I plan to do, I will use the exact same measurements.


Comfort is another aspect of the Amicus I could not be more pleased with. When Mark at MCN says he manufacturers the lightest stainless steel chastity devices available, he is telling the truth. This is the lightest weight chastity device I’ve ever worn. It’s so light, I’m rarely aware I’m wearing it.

I used to switch to a light-weight nylon cage for running, but no more. The Amicus works just fine for that, even on my long runs. I’ve experienced zero issues with chafing or pinching while wearing the device.


As I always say, no ball-trapping device without a PA ring is one-hundred percent secure. Someone determined to take one off while locked will find a way to do it. But, with the right size base ring I feel the Amicus is as secure as any other device of similar style and quality.


Since the Amicus is an open-style cage device, keeping things clean while caged is a snap. I soap up and use a hand-held shower-head which does a great job. I think I could literally wear the thing without ever removing it with no ill effects in the hygiene department.

Unlike my other cage-style devices, the Amicus has no horizontal bars at the end of the cage, only the two rounded vertical ones. Personally, I love the design because it means I have less issues when I need to pee. In fact, I usually can pee while standing without all the problems you often have trying that with most male chastity devices. For some guys, the lack of horizontal bars, might be an issue.

While I’ve never experienced it, I had one guy tell me that while becoming erect while wearing a cage without horizontal bars at the tip (like the Amicus) the head of his penis pushed between the vertical bars and things got painful as the erection continued. For that reason, he won’t wear a cage without horizontal bars. In fact, my previous keyholder wouldn’t allow me to wear a cage designed like the Amicus because she feared the same thing might happen. The good news is there is an easy fix, if you simply must have horizontal bars.

For an additional charge, Mark at MCN will add two horizontal bars between the vertical bars. I know someone who has had an Amicus cage modified by Mark who told me the result was excellent.

Other Impressions

From a purely aesthetic point of view, I loved the looks of my Amicus right out of the box. The craftsmanship and quality, in my estimation, is second to none. Shipping was unbelievably fast! Four days after I placed my order, the Amicus was in my mailbox. I had the same experience when I ordered the replacement base ring.

Another thing is I haven’t had nearly the problem with rotation while wearing the Amicus as I have with my Mature Metal device when locking with a numbered plastic lock. The locking pin tends to stay exactly on top where it is supposed to. This may be due to the reduced weight or because the 1-1/4 inch ID cage grips things a little tighter. But it is yet another thing I really love about this device.


For any guy with a flaccid penis length from two to three inches and who can fit a 1-1/4 inch ID cage, I enthusiastically recommend the MCN Amicus. Given the quality and craftsanship of the device, I think it is a steal at the current price point. If you’re ready to step up to a high-quality stainless steel chastity cage with a price that won’t break the bank, have a look at the Amicus. Though it’s not fully custom, it’s as close as it gets and available at an excellent price.


I have no affiliation with Male Chastity Now (MCN) other than being a satisfied customer. This review represents my own opinions and I purchased the reviewed device using my own funds.