Month: January 2022

The Four Stages of the Chastity Lifestyle

Understanding the four stages of the chastity lifestyle.

The way I see it, guys who wear male chastity devices are always in one of four stages of the chastity lifestyle. Let’s examine them.

Stage #1: Irrational Exuberance

Irrational exuberance is the honeymoon phase for the new chaste guy, the one where he is incredibly turned on by the sight, feel, and the physical act of being locked. He has toppled head-first down into the bottomless abyss of chastity bliss. If he has succeeded in persuading his significant other to act as his keyholder, his excitement at this stage is even more intense.

Guys in the stage relish the loss of control, one of the best aspects of wearing a cage. The feeling of knowing that there is nothing you can do to escape, the feeling of being conquered, the feeling of having no choice and no freedom. The inability to feel your cock or feel anything through your cock. You can grip that cage all day, and the sensation will never equal gripping your bare shaft. It’s almost like it’s not there. It’s simultaneously highly exciting but strangely reassuring.

They’re full of love for their new cage and the chaste lifestyle, believing they will love it more and more as time goes by—the adventure of a lifetime and a path to continuous sexual pleasure through denial. But the guy in this stage has yet to feel the angst, the frustration, the sheer helplessness, and desperation that come with actually losing access to his penis.

Male chastity for men at this stage is mostly the stuff of fantasies rather than reality actually lived. A guy in this stage has yet to see past his fantasies into the deepest corners of male chastity, where dark things lurk that he doesn’t yet fully comprehend. But, without warning, he awakens to the truth when he begins experiencing a healthy dose of extreme arousal without any ability to satisfy his unmet desires. And maybe his significant other isn’t going by the fantasy script he had in his imagination when he begged her to lock his cock. Caught unawares by his own weaknesses, instead of joy, chastity brings feelings of resentment, distrust, and even anger when reality becomes the opposite of what he expected when he asked his partner to lock him. Male chastity is often a huge mind fuck, and it’s capable of provoking some pretty intense emotions. For most guys new to chastity, this honeymoon phase typically lasts for about the first month.

Stage #2: Disillusion and Dread

Having begun coming to grips with the reality of denied access to his penis and the pleasures it has given him so often since puberty, the chaste male in this stage of his chastity journey feels deeply disillusioned and dismayed.

At first, everything played out just like the fantasy—his significant other caged him, she teased him, he whined, she teased him again, he whined more, she teased him more, he cried and begged for her to remove the cage. Rinse and repeat. The frustration that he first felt was so intense he actually got a euphoric high from all the frustration, desperation, and lack of control. That high made the game so much fun to play. That is how things were supposed to work. But as the weeks stretch into months and the months into more months, orgasm denial takes its toll.

A guy in this stage slips back into his former headspace. The reward and the goal of chastity aren’t any longer the highs that he felt from the continual teasing and denial. Instead, it’s the eventual release at the end of his lockup. He complains, tries to bargain with his significant order, and begs her to unlock him. He grows increasingly moody and passive-aggressive, disillusioned and anxious when she doesn’t. Chasity no longer focuses his attention on his significant other but himself and his miserable plight. At first, he believed she had given him a gift by agreeing to cage him, but now it feels like punishment. Suddenly he realizes that all along, he had viewed chastity and the denial only as a type of extended foreplay with the expectation of something leading to his sexual satisfaction. All his enthusiasm and desire had always been focused on that expectation. With those needs unmet, all he wants now is for her to unlock him and give him release.

Stage #3: Stubborn Determination

At this stage, guys decide that they’re tired of letting weakness and fear win and set out to kick male chastity’s ass through sheer grit and determination.

The phrase “I don’t love sexual release; I love denial and being controlled” becomes their mantra of choice as they take pride in pushing through doubts and fears to succeed—regardless of whether they find any joy in the process.

Stage #4: Joyful Acceptance

In this fourth stage, guys recognize that they can’t sustain the stubborn determination for long and set out to cultivate a healthier relationship with their chastity lifestyle. This requires accepting wearing a chastity device as their new reality.

Guys dig deep into their limiting beliefs, address their toxic conditioning, and learn how to harness chastity to honor their partners—all essential actions that pave the way for the reclamation of true joy and fulfillment in their chaste lives.

So tell me, do you see yourself in one of these four stages?

Bear in mind that these stages are by no means a linear path through the male chastity journey.

You may find yourself in one stage today and a different stage tomorrow while transitioning between stages or even devolving into old patterns of self-limiting thoughts and behavior. That can be true of all the stages except the first one I listed. The irrational exuberance or honeymoon stage is a one-and-done, sort of like losing your virginity. Guys rarely revisit that stage unless they go off chastity for an extended period and then take it up again later.

Regardless of the stage you’re currently in, make your mission in 2022, to be honest with yourself, to remove fantasy from practicality, and to think carefully about why you desire male chastity. Ask yourself questions like


  • What does chastity mean to me?
  • Why do I want to be locked?
  • Do I want my significant other to dominate me completely?
  • Am I, by nature, submissive?


Thinking carefully about questions like these, and allowing yourself time to fully and honestly answer them is a trustworthy guide on your journey toward joyful acceptance of the chaste life.

How Male Chastity Might Help Increase Testosterone Level in Men

A scientific research study found an intriguing relationship between ejaculation frequency and serum testosterone level in men.

Testosterone is the male sex hormone. Low testosterone—also known as hypogonadism or low T, can affect your overall health.

How Low Is Too Low?

Testosterone levels are measured through a blood test called a serum testosterone test. Most doctors agree that a “normal” reading falls anywhere between 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). However, about 40% of men over age 45 have levels below that range since as men age, their bodies produce less testosterone. Starting in middle age, it often drops below levels that doctors consider normal.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

While only a serum testosterone test can accurately identify low testosterone, there are recognized symptoms that may indicate a man has low T. Those symptoms include:

  • Lower sex drive or desire
  • Lower quality and frequency of erections
  • Lower bone density
  • Reduced muscle mass and strength
  • Low energy
  • Fatigue
  • Depressed feelings

How Male Chastity Might Help Increase Testosterone Level

The results of a research study on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men, published in the Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE, revealed that after seven days of ejaculation abstinence, a clear peak of serum testosterone appeared, reaching 145.7% of the baseline.

Interestingly, researchers found that the fluctuations of testosterone levels from the 2nd to 5th day of abstinence were minimal. Also, no regular fluctuation was observed following continuous abstinence after the seventh-day peak. Ejaculation seemed the precondition and beginning of the special periodic serum testosterone level variations, which would not occur without ejaculation. So, regarding an increase in testosterone levels, researchers observed no benefit from extending ejaculation abstinence past the seventh day. The study results showed that the effective time of abstinence for raising testosterone levels is seven days.

Incorporating Seven-Day Ejaculation Abstinence Into Full-Time Chastity

While I intend to continue full-time chastity (wearing a chastity device every day) this year, reading this study has motivated me to change things up a little. Last year, I observed almost complete ejaculation abstinence. But this year, I’m going to incorporate the study findings into my chastity program as my one-man scientific study. I’m curious to learn how observing a seven-day abstinence period between ejaculations affects my testosterone level and how it affects my overall satisfaction with the practice of male chastity. I’m pretty satisfied with chastity now, so should I learn more frequent ejaculation reduces my satisfaction, I’ll revert to the way I practiced chastity up until now. Look for updates in future posts on what I discover.

5 Easy Ways to Make Solo Chastity More Fun

Is there any point to wearing a chastity device if you don’t have someone to hold your keys? What’s a single guy to do? Maybe these 5 easy ways to make solo chastity more fun can help.

Ideally, if you’re interested in experiencing male chastity, you have a partner or someone else to act as your keyholder. But that’s not an option for many of us who are single. As a result, solo or self chastity is the default option.

Is Solo Chastity Even Chastity?

Many guys have told me they saw no point in solo chastity since it made no sense to be both the jailer and the prisoner. One guy said self-locking isn’t even chastity because it lacks the basic foundation of chastity, a power transfer from the male to his keyholder. I beg to differ. Sure, the power transfer is an integral part when a partner locks you. But the dynamics involved between chastity with a keyholder and self-locking are only different. Solo chastity is still chastity because it meets the term’s basic definition, which is simply the state or practice of refraining from sexual gratification. With a chastity device and a little willpower, any guy can do meaningful male chastity, even without a partner to hold the keys.

As someone with considerable experience with self-locking, I know it isn’t easy. When you are your own keyholder, the temptation to unlock yourself is always high. But you can turn the self-locking experience into a fun mental game against yourself that will still be meaningful and fun. You can also have much of the same experiences by self-locking and reap many of the same benefits as guys fortunate enough to have someone else to hold their keys.

Here I’m sharing five easy ways to make solo chastity more fun and meaningful.

#1 Give Away the Key

Even if you don’t have an intimate partner, if you think about who you know, there might be a friend or even an ex-partner that wouldn’t even hesitate to help you out by holding your key. No, it wouldn’t be the same as having an intimate partner acting as your keyholder since people like that wouldn’t likely agree to provide you with sexual teasing. But at least you would experience physical separation from the key and the power exchange, which would certainly raise the bar.

Absent a friend or ex-partner to ask for help, you could even ask a co-worker, neighbor, or other acquaintance to hold the key for you. You probably wouldn’t tell them what the key is for, but only that you needed someone to hold onto it for a while. Male chastity is becoming more mainstream, so the keys for chastity devices are somewhat recognizable. Instead of giving such a person the actual key to your chastity device, if you have a safe deposit box or post office box, you ask them to hold that key after putting your chastity device lock key inside.

If you follow this tip, just make sure you keep a key for emergencies and for when you need to remove the device for regular cleaning. Before I built up enough willpower that I trusted myself with possession of an emergency key, I used to freeze it inside a block of ice that I kept in the freezer. Then, ordinarily, when it was time for a cleaning, I’d give the ice time to thaw and retrieve the key. But in an emergency, I could have always used a hammer to access the key immediately.

#2 Engage a Professional Keyholder

Here is an option I’ve used, and I think it is the next best thing to having an intimate partner as a keyholder. Most professional dominant women who offer keyholding services also provide some form of sexual teasing as part of the deal or at least offer the option for an additional cost. Yes, you do have to pay them because that’s how they earn a living. Some professional Dommes and Dominatrices are quite pricey. But I’ve found professional women who offer professional keyholding at prices well within my budget. I’ve only engaged pro keyholders online, but if you live in a large city, you can probably find professionals with whom you can schedule face-to-face sessions for locking, unlocking, and teasing.

I have seen women on social media sites like Twitter offering professional keyholding services. But I wouldn’t recommend looking for one there if social media is their only online presence. A professional Domme or Dominatrix should at least have a professional website that spells out her requirements and fees for keyholding. Otherwise, you don’t know what you might be getting yourself into.

A question I often get is where to find a woman willing to do keyholding for free or at least on the cheap. Believe me that isn’t reality. Maybe there are sadistic women out there willing to hold the keys of some guy they don’t even know for the sheer enjoyment of locking his penis and subjecting him to merciless teasing. Anything is possible. But I’ve never met such a woman and even if I did, I don’t think I’d entrust the key to my chastity device to one just to save a few bucks.

Many professional keyholders don’t advertise because of variances in the laws depending upon where one lives and can even be difficult to find with internet searches. Weirdly enough, most of the professionals I’m aware of live abroad. I’ve found a few pricey ones in the US, but the vast majority I know about live in other countries. So unless you live in one of those countries, you’re limited to online interaction. But that’s worked for me. Not long ago, I learned that House of Denial, a UK-based chastity device retailer, now offers a keyholding referral service with professionals they have vetted. You can peruse their list of over a dozen professionals by visiting

#3 Start With Modest Goals

If you’re new to wearing a chastity device, don’t try to do too much too soon. Most guys I know that tried self-locking and quickly gave it up tried to go from zero to sixty right off the jump. Then, when their penises got sore, they decided wearing chastity devices wasn’t for them. So, when trying to wear one for the first time, take it easy.

When I started, I had a pro keyholder who knows her stuff, and she forced me to go slowly. I started by wearing the cage for a half-day, then a full day, then overnight. I progressed to 72 hours and then to a full week, a month, and finally three full months. As a result, I never experienced anything beyond minor discomfort and easily acclimated to wearing the device. After my first three months under the supervision of the pro, I felt confident enough to try self-locking, and I’ve since remained locked for six months and recently a full year (and counting). If you follow my advice and take it slow, you will set yourself up for success instead of almost certain failure. And you will reap many of the benefits of chastity even without a keyholder.

#4 Find a Diversion

After a few days locked, rather than distracting you from horny thoughts, the device draws attention to them. That’s going to make the temptation to unlock and take care of business more unbearable. You can counter that by finding a diversion. What worked for me (and still does) was starting a new exercise regimen. I started walking first since I had let myself go for years and wasn’t fit, then stepped up to running. I’ve progressed to running six days a week during my past year locked and have shed over fifty pounds. I feel ten years younger and have the energy to burn now. Exercise keeps me from thinking about unlocking and looking for sex or returning to my past masturbation habits.

#5 Use a Timer Padlock or Timer Locked Container

These days, plenty of technology exists to aid your self-lock efforts. There are both timer padlocks and timer locked containers that will keep the keys to your device securely locked for the time you set (up to 999 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds). The locks and containers won’t open until the time you set expires. Both are available on Amazon and from other retailers. Containers are available for under $40. Most are large enough to accommodate a cell phone since they are designed for people looking to curb their dependence on smartphones, cigarettes, etc. The padlocks, which sell for around $30, are too large to lock a chastity device and likely not waterproof. But they can be used to lock a container holding your chastity device keys. A simple hack is to use an empty plastic soda or water bottle as a container. With the lid screwed on, simply drill a hole through the lid from one side to the other large enough to accommodate the lock’s cable hasp. Then unscrew the lid, drop your keys inside the bottle, replace the lid, and install the lock.

There is No One Right Way to Do Male Chastity

Never let some know it all tell you that self-locking is not real chastity. It is a viable option for those who want the experience and benefits of male chastity but who don’t have an intimate partner for a keyholder and aren’t necessarily even looking to get into a relationship. For me, I’d have to have some very good reasons for wanting another relationship beyond wanting a built-in keyholder. And solo chastity can provide many of the same benefits experienced by guys who have a keyholder. For example, without the distraction of masturbation and porn, I’m far more productive than before I embraced male chastity. Wearing a chastity device can also lead to developing an increase in self-control, willpower, and determination, qualities that transcend the realm of chastity devices and positively affect an individual’s daily life in other important areas. And, guys who self lock, enjoy stronger more enjoyable orgasms when they do eventually give themselves sexual release after enduring a period of denial. Hopefully, you will find these 5 easy ways to make solo chastity more fun useful in the practice of solo male chastity.

Another Reason for Male Chastity Ladies

A new study revealed that many women feel men are selfish when it comes to sex.

A new study revealed that many women feel men are selfish when it comes to sex, that their partners do not care about their sexual pleasure and satisfaction. Data showing two out of three women don’t climax every time they have sex seems to support this. But an overwhelming majority of men participating in the study claimed that ensuring an orgasm for their partners was a priority for them, and the claim that men are selfish when it comes to sex might only be a myth. So, what’s the truth? Are men selfish in bed, or do most guys prioritize making sure their partners get equal pleasure?

A look beneath the surface

A look beneath the surface might suggest that women are correct. Even guys who insist it is always important that their partner gets equal pleasure during sex may not be as selfless as they appear in deciding priorities. Many men I’ve known (including me) follow the practice of making sure their partners had an orgasm first before they climaxed. That proves we men are thoughtful and mindful of our partners getting equal pleasure, right? I once believed that was true until I took the time to unpack it.

I discovered that I (and probably true of most other guys with the same view) was more concerned about what my partner’s orgasms meant for me than them. When I asked myself who her orgasm was really pleasing, I had to admit it was me. I viewed her orgasm as a benchmark for success, an affirmation that I was great in the sack, almost like a trophy for success. And, on the odd occasion when I had sex with a woman, and she didn’t orgasm, I found it deflating.

While I like to believe I did care about the pleasure and satisfaction my partners received on some level, on reflection, I must accept I was more selfish than selfless when it came to sex. Giving a woman an orgasm made me feel properly masculine and gave me an ego boost, which proves that focusing on giving a partner an orgasm wasn’t all that selfless.

Women are at a disadvantage

I’m sharing this today because it is yet another reason I’m astonished that all women don’t lock their partners in chastity devices. After all, that would eliminate the problem of men behaving selfishly regarding sex. Sure, I understand most vanilla women, even open-minded ones, recoil in disgust when looking at the image of a locked cock and reject the very idea of male chastity. While male chastity is more mainstream than ever, I understand many people still view the use of cock cages as a perverted fetish. But suppose more women only knew how many relationship problems chastity devices would solve for them. In that case, I think most would insist on caging the penises of their partners with the same giddy exuberance with which so many women embraced kinkier sexual practices after reading 50 Shades of Grey or seeing the film based on the book.

Evolution, by default, causes an imbalance in relationships between a man and a woman. Women are at a disadvantage, and by design, our real-world sexual choices tend to reflect biological imperatives that have programmed men and women to approach sex very differently for millions of years. Pregnancy is always possible for women, which is a difficult, costly process, and raising children even more so, meaning they must take sex seriously. By and large, biology conditions women to avoid casual sex and to connect sex with love.

On the other hand, men have no such restraint on their libidos. Their approach to sex tends to reflect the biological imperative to spread their genes as widely as possible at no cost to themselves. Yes, men will settle down with a fertile woman whose fidelity is assured of having legitimate offspring. But many will still sleep around as much as they can, especially with women who possess the key “fertility cues” of youth and physical beauty. These biological truths explain why so many partnered men can’t keep it in thir pants when oppotunities arise and the male attraction to porn and masturbation.

For all its complexity, human sexual desire results from something quite simple—our struggle to survive as a species. Lust, infatuation, and even love are only adaptive techniques humans have developed over our species’ long history to maximize our genes’ chances for survival. The sooner we all come to terms with that, the sooner men won’t have to persuade or beg the women in their lives to lock them in chastity devices. Instead, it will be the women demanding it.

Ringing in the New Year

I finished 2021 wearing the Holy Trainer Nano V4 for a change of pace after wearing the Holy Trainer Nub V4 since December 1. I’d forgotten how much I liked this device. And as much as I love micro chastity devices, it felt good to let things stretch out a little. Sure, I prefer steel, but when you’re in the mood for plastic, Holy Trainer makes some darn great cock cages.

After ringing in 2022 with a traditional champagne toast, I switched from the Nano to my Mature Metal Watchful Mistress since I haven’t worn it for a while.