Tag Archives: denial december

Chastity and How the Character of The Need Changes With Time

Most keyholders, particularly a truly dominant woman, much prefer locking up a man’s cock to be a source of anguish and torture, not something that turns him on, which seems logical. With the first week of Denial December in the books, my new keyholder and I have been getting better acquainted. While we chatted yesterday, the conversation turned to how I was holding up after over 200 days without an orgasm. “How desperate do you feel to cum?” she asked. My response surprised her. I told her the character of the need for an orgasm changes after so much time, and admitted I wasn’t suffering, or feeling desperate at all to have an orgasm. In fact, I wasn’t finding Denial December, much like NOvember was, not very challenging. My candor may have sunk my plan to complete my third month-long locked and orgasm free challenge in a row. Amanda feels my lack of anguish and desperation makes finishing Denial December in that state rather pointless.

My lastest AI art effort bears a reasonable resemblance to my new keyholder Amanda.

One of the most important decisions a keyholder must make is how long she makes her locked male wait between orgasms. It’s important because the time between orgasms is such a significant part of male chastity fantasies. At least initially, fueled mostly by chastity fiction and porn, many men develop a desperate desire to have a keyholder in charge of their cock and a heartfelt wish to have their orgasms controlled and denied. The longer, the better.

As a result, the internet abounds with forums and blogs dedicated to chastity and the orgasm denial theme. Given the folklore surrounding the male need to near constantly play with himself, masturbate and ejaculate, many women have difficulty understanding why men would so strongly desire something that prevents their orgasms or even touching their cock without permission from a wife, partner, or other keyholder. Yet these men want a keyholder to tease and deny them to the nth degree. They ask for it, even beg for it, and if their pleas get ignored, fantasize about it.

The March Toward Permanent Chastity

It’s really not a great mystery why so many guys desire chastity, especially after they get a taste of it. Orgasm denial produces increased sexual desire, and sexual desire is pleasurable. Once you’re locked in a chastity device, sexual desire (horniness) builds and builds. And it feels really good.

Once I adjusted to wearing a chastity device for weeks or a month at a time, I discovered something. My desire reached peaks I had ever experienced, and it felt intensely pleasurable. Again, no mystery there. Sexual desire feels good. It’s a different type of pleasure than that felt when having an orgasm and ejaculating, but in some respects, I think growing intense desire sustained for weeks at a time is more pleasurable than those few seconds of pleasure we get from orgasms.

I think it’s basic human nature to think if a little of something is good, a lot of it will be fantastic. So, a common theory among men who practice chastity is the longer they stay locked and denied, the hornier they will get and the better it will feel. Once a guy’s body and mind can tolerate a chastity device for weeks at a time, most begin thinking about how amazing permanent chastity would be. What’s not to like? Horny feels good and getting hornier and hornier and hornier will feel amazing. But does it really work that way? In my experience, no. No, it doesn’t. That’s because you reach an inevitable point of diminishing returns.

Men Are All Different

Men are all different. Yes, we share similar genitalia and the same evolutionary sexual programming. But we all differ on things like how frequently we feel the urge to orgasm and ejaculate. That means I can’t honestly claim all men respond to chastity and orgasm denial the way I do. But I strongly suspect a majority of us do.

This has been my experience. Before I began wearing chastity devices, after an orgasm, my refractory period was pretty short, especially in my twenties and thirties. After about a day, I was ready to orgasm again. And within three days, I desperately wanted to orgasm again.

I’ve been fortunate to have had three past partners who wanted sex almost every day, and I never had a problem keeping up with them. Even so, I still masturbated often on the side to keep up with my libido. And when I was single and not getting regular partner sex, I masturbated at least once a day and more often when I had too much spare time on my hands or felt bored. I’ve never felt I was oversexed. I think I’ve had a fairly normal male libido.

Four years ago, I discovered chastity and have worn a chastity device regularly ever since. That changed me a lot, not the least of which it changed my masturbation habits. These days, after an orgasm and I’m locked again in a device, the first two or three days aren’t that hard, but by the fourth, I really feel a strong need for sexual release. That usually lasts until about the seventh or eighth day. Then the urgency to orgasm and ejaculate lessens as my level of desire climbs. The sheer pleasure of the growing, sustained desire captures my focus. This continues for weeks.

Occasionally, I’ll feel insanely horny and feel a powerful urge for sexual release, but it always subsides quickly. Then I return to the blissful pleasure of extreme horniness unrequited. The longest period I’ve sustained these feelings was about eight weeks when Lucie was my keyholder. Then my arousal ebbed, and I had bouts of high sexual frustration.

As I stayed locked and denied for another couple of weeks, the frustration went away as I settled at a reduced but constant level of arousal. I call that state a plateau. My sexual desire didn’t drop further, but it didn’t climb either except when Lucie teased me. But even then, the heightened arousal was transitory. After an hour or two, I dropped right back to that plateau baseline.

Now, at well over 200 days since my last orgasm, I’m firmly entrenched at the plateau stage. Sure, if Amanda offered me the chance to have an orgasm, I would take it. But I just don’t feel desperate to have one. I don’t think about having one all the time. Hardley ever, in fact. And that’s what I told Amanda as I explained the character of the need to orgasm changes with time. And I’m at the point where I’m not feeling any desperation at all. That’s why Denial December feels easy. I explained to Amanda I will stay at the plateau until I have an orgasm and then everything will reset and I will start the cycle all over again. Learning I wasn’t suffering or feeling any desperation or frustration did not impress Amanda.

Why I Probably Won't Successfully Complete DD

I suspect it doesn’t work the same for wives and partners who key hold for their men. After all, a woman who locks her husband because he asked her to, maybe even begged her to, loves him and cares about him. She may not desire to watch him suffer from the desperate need for sexual release. But it doesn’t work that way with pro-domme keyholders. They want you to suffer, to feel sexually frustrated and desperate.

A dominant woman wants the cage and the denial to be a source of anguish and torture, not something that only turns a guy on. They see the frustration, need, and desperation as your act of service and sacrifice for them. Amanda said, if it takes a reset to put me into the proper state of mind, so be it. She doesn’t want chastity to be something I simply find comfortable and pleasurable. She didn’t say when it will happen, but told me I won’t go the entire month of December without an orgasm.

Yes, that will disappoint me because I’ve looked forward to completing all three of the major chastity challenges consecutively without breaks or orgasms. But Amanda is within her rights. As my keyholder, she controls my orgasms. She doesn’t just deny them. If she wants me to orgasm, then she gets it. Amanda is in charge. My penis is her property to use as she wishes. It isn’t up to me. Of course, Amanda will keep me locked the rest of the month, but it seems unlikely I’ll successfully complete this Denial December orgasm-free.

In The Pink

Since she insists on a hygiene unlock every week, Amanda allowed me to switch to my new Fusion Pink Cobra N+ afterward.

Actually, now that I’ve had the chance to try it on, I’m happy I ordered the N+ instead of the small. It’s a perfect fit. My Cobra N is about 3/4 inch shorter than my average flaccid penis length. The N+ feels just right. My tip rests firmly against the nose of the cage but without the compression effect of the N and feels very comfortable.

As I’ve mentioned, the surface of this device doesn’t feel as smooth as my black Cobra N. I think that gives the base ring slightly more grip, but it doesn’t feel uncomfortable at all. I’m very pleased with it. I’ll be wearing the Fusion Pink N+ the rest of the month and will post a full review soon. 

The Kink3D Fusion Pink Cobra Has Landed and DD Update

The Kink3D Fusion Pink Cobra N+ that I ordered during the Kink3D Black Friday sale arrived yesterday. My first impressions of the new device and a DD update in today’s post.

While I never expected to justify the spend for one of the Kink3D Fusion Pink models, the 20% off Black Friday sale persuaded me to pull the trigger. I still think the price is a little higher than it should be, but it’s a nice device and the color is insane. It showed up two days earlier than promised, but a day too late for my first lock with Amanda.

Kink3D Fusion Pink Cobra First Impressions

Fusion Pink is very pink indeed, pretty much a hot pink. And I sort of like it. I moved up one size from my black Cobra N to the N+ model and wish a little I’d ordered the small size instead. But the N+ is slightly longer and roomier. The best thing is now that I have both a black and fusion pink model, I can save $40 if I ever decide to get another model by ordering just the cage and using my existing Kink3D base rings. I also ordered another Airlock accessory in the fusion pink so I can use the new device with plastic, numbered locks.

The finish on this device, both the cage and base ring, doesn’t feel quite as smooth to the touch as those of my black Cobra. You can probably even see in the above photo what I’m talking about. The device images are of my actual device. I assume the new color is responsible for that, although I have no inside knowledge about the manufacturing process and am only speculating.

The finish isn’t rough by any stretch, but is definitely less smooth. In fact, I expect the base ring to feel a little grippier than the one belonging to my black N model. That could be good or bad, but it will be a week before I find out.

One change Amanda has made to my usual routine is she requires a weekly hygiene unlock for cleaning. And she has already given me permission to try out the new device after my hygiene unlock next Saturday. If it feels okay, which I expect it will, I’ll finish the month wearing it and post a review once I have a good feel for it.

Denial December Update

I’m three days in to DD with Amanda and things couldn’t be better. She has been all the things as a keyholder I’ve missed about Lucie. She isn’t the same as Lucie, of course, as she lacks the sadist bit. But that’s okay. While Lucie’s sadistic bent kept me on my toes, I’m growing fond of Amanda’s style of dominance, which is a little more on the nurturing side than cruel.

Lucie had her days when she was wonderfully caring and kind, but also days she was in the mood to be heartless and cruel. In contrast, Amanda is kind and caring all the time and has more of a correction philosophy than a punishment mindset when you don’t quite perform to her expectations. But like Lucie, she is a bit of a perfectionist, something I’ve noticed in many dominant women. Perhaps it is the nature of the beast, so to speak. At any rate, I couldn’t be happier thus far.

The best part is during November my desire really plateaued at a low level, but in only three days Amanda already has me back in the groove at the heightened levels Lucie always sustained. DD promises to be far more of a challenge than NNN was for me and I’m loving it.

We’re working out the details, but Amanda and I have already agreed we both want to finish December together and then we’ll see what comes next. I’m already feeling the trust and chemistry developing and I’m very hopeful Amanda offers the permanence I’ve been looking for.



Hope everyone taking part in DD is having a good month so far. Just 28 days to go.

Denial December Begins Without Even Thinking About It

Denial December begins without even thinking about it. I went to bed last evening on the last day of NOvember, and I awoke this morning already locked on this first day of Denial December.

I went to bed locked last night on the last day of NOvember. My phone beeped at 7:21 a.m. and I woke up to the first day of Denial December and a brand new keyholder and Domme. Amanda seemed as eager to begin our 7-day consideration lock as I’ve been. We took care of a few Chaster app related housekeeping things, chatted a bit, and then by 8:30 a.m., I was doing my first teasing assignment for her.

My First Chaster App Experience

This is my first Chaster app experience, so there was a learning curve involved. But Amanda guided me through it, and nothing seemed overly complicated about it. She is giving me a customized lock, which means we also interact outside the app through a messaging app. On Chaster, I will post my daily proof of lock photos and spin a “wheel of fortune” daily that randomly chooses the teasing play category from five possibilities.

I submitted my first proof of lock photo, spun the wheel for the first time, and then Amanda gave me the specific task she wanted me to perform via the messaging app we’re using. That part was a little different from what I was doing with Lucie.

Lucie would send me a task and I could choose when to do it as long as I completed it by the end of the day she assigned it. Then I provided her a photo or video as proof of performance. This morning, Amanda gave me my first assignment, and I had to do it immediately while we stayed connected. Then I sent her the photos that she asked for so she could see that I had followed her instructions to the letter. That was cool, and I found I sort of enjoyed doing it that way.

So far, so good. Things with Amanda feel so much more like they did with Lucie. I already feel very comfortable with her and she continues to impress. We seem to get on well and I’m already feeling the chemistry developing that was missing with Michele and I. Already, I can’t wait for tomorrow and the next task.


It’s only the first day, but I’m feeling confident that Amanda will remain my keyholder for the rest of Denial December, and probably beyond. While we chatted after I finished the day’s task, she was already talking about the future far beyond the end of our current 7-day consideration trial. I think I’ve already satisfied her that I’m serious about chastity and serious about giving her control. I’m looking for a permanent keyholder and she is looking for a permanent chastity sub, so I think we’re golden.

If, like me, you’re doing Denial December back-to-back with NOvember, I feel you bro. But despite the illustration I chose for this post, I’m actually feeling all good with it. After just checking my current status page, as of today I’ve been locked for 148 straight days and orgasm-free for 214. That’s not what I had in mind back in January for 2023, but I’ve been happy with it. I’m already looking forward to improving on my personal records in 2024.

Congratulations to everyone who successfully completed NOvember, and to those who are observing Denial December, may the force be with you.

5 Ways to Have Fun With Denial December

Denial December 2023 is coming, though many of us male chastity enthusiasts won’t be during this year’s Yuletide season. It’s another full month arbitrarily devoted to celebrating male chastity play, another whole 31 days to abstain from orgasms and ejaculations. With only four days left of Not Nut November, I thought I’d offer some quick tips about ways to have fun with Denial December.

With the end of No Nut November, comes Denial December, though many of us male chastity enthusiasts won’t be coming during this year’s Yuletide season. It’s another full month devoted to celebrating male chastity play, another whole 31 days to abstain from orgasms and ejaculations. With 1 December only days away, I thought I’d offer some quick tips about ways to have fun with Denial December.

What is Denial December?

Information on the internet about Denial December, particularly the history of the challenge, is scant. That’s doesn’t really surprise me as Google continues its dogged quest to make its once formidable search engine completely useless and irrelevant. My many searches yielded only links about climate change deniers, gender fluidity deniers, systemic racism deniers, and U. S. 2020 election deniers. You know, the usual globalist clap trap. Not that I expected anything better from Google, one of the WEF’s staunchest standard bearers. Also, it seems the new Google algorithm is now adding most things kink related to its growing censorship list of taboo subjects. I suppose Klaus Schwab frowns on that sort of thing. But I digress.

What little I could uncover about Denial December I found by directly searching Reddit and Urban Dictionary, both of which continue to be reliable purveyors of kink information, at least until the globalist elite fascists find a way to shut them down too. Denial December first began trending on Reddit only two short years ago, so the origin of this challenge was probably a riff on the older No Nut November, which began in the r/NoFap community on Reddit. Whomever started it probably was looking to push the joys of chastity play and orgasm denial straight on through the end of the year. Now a few tips on how to have fun with Denial December for my fellow chastity lovers out there.

The Traditionalist Method

Grab your chastity cage, put it on, and lock it, hopefully after you have asked some special someone to act as your key holder. Don’t have a partner at the moment? No problem. As I only recently discovered, there are many keyholders available on the Chaster app willing and able to help you out, some for free and some for a nominal fee. Regardless of which you choose, I think this app is one of the best places I’ve found to get semi-professional and professional keyholding services.

Going Solo

Not everyone wants a keyholder partner. Some find self-locking plenty satisfying and don’t see the point. But if you have doubts about your willpower, I again recommend the Chaster app. You can still use the app the old-fashioned way. All you need is a lockable box (with a minimum 4-digit) resettable combination lock. The little door hanger metal boxes realtors use work perfectly.

You place your keys inside the box after locking your cage, turn the lock away from you and set it without looking, and then snap a photo showing the combination, again without looking. Then you upload the photo to the Chaster app. The app will examine the photo and notify you whether the combination is readable. If so, you lock the box and spin the dials. At the end of the chastity period, the end of December in this case, the app will allow you to retrieve the photo showing the combination. A paid version of the app exists that offers a lot more features, but the free version suffices for most people who only need a little boost to their willpower.

Follow the Denial December Rules

While I found little about the historical underpinnings of Denial December, both Reddit and Urban Dictionary offered the official rules for the challenge.

Unlike Locktober, but like No Nut November, it seems wearing a chastity device is optional, though chastity lovers will probably agree you should wear one. Still, honor chastity is an acceptable alternative. But rules exist participants must follow.

Each day during the month of December, you must edge to the brink of orgasm the number of times corresponding to the day of the month. (e.g., 1 edge on December 1, 2 edges on December 2, 3 edges on December 3, etc.). If you come during the month, even once, even on accident, you fail the challenge.

For those who choose to do the challenge while locked in a chastity device, you can do the edges by holding a vibrator against the cage. Or you can unlock, do the edges the old-fashioned way, and then lock back up after your erection subsides.

I love the mandatory edging requirement since this challenge comes with built in teasing for solo players. And, for those who have a keyholder, of course, they can provide any additional teasing they wish and mandate how you perform the edges.

Stay in Your Lane

Taking part in a month-long chastity challenge is a marathon, not a sprint. So, if Denial December is your first attempt at staying locked for a month, don’t feel locked in to attempting what everyone else is doing. If you experience chafing or other discomfort, don’t try to tough it out just for the sake of completing a challenge. Remember that all you must do to complete the challenge successfully is to do the edges and not have an orgasm during the entire month. And of course, it is perfectly acceptable to remove the cage at least once a week for a thorough cleaning.

Make Denial December About Your Keyholder

Here’s a pro tip for those doing Denial December with a keyholder. One of the biggest criticisms of male chastity from women, especially the community of lifestyle dommes, is that male chastity and wearing chastity devices is a male-centric kink that just puts even more focus on the penis. Try not to add more fuel to that fire.

Don’t tell your keyholder how to do her job and please don’t suggest she isn’t doing things right. It is really up to the keyholder how she enforces chastity and how or when she provides any teasing. Don’t whine or complain you aren’t getting enough attention. Don’t talk to your keyholder incessantly about chastity or how you’re feeling. Trust me. She doesn’t want to hear it unless she brings it up. And try to think of creative ways to put the focus on her during the month and show her your appreciation for her efforts in helping to give you an experience you desire. She is doing you a favor, and you shouldn’t forget to show her you know that and appreciate it.

If you have a partner as your keyholder, think of things you can do that will make her life a little easier or more pleasant. Those of us who use a remote keyholder might give her a special gift one or more times during the month. That’s what I plan to do. Sure, we should enjoy our time spent in chastity, but we must never forget the needs and desires of our keyholder are just as important. Making Denial December about your keyholder will make the challenge much more enjoyable for you both.

For me, Denial December is the third leg of a trifecta as I attempt to complete Locktober, No Nut November, and Denial December without a break. For another month, I’ll have to keep my hands off the Yule log. Not that I have a log, to quote Clark Griswold. But I’m feeling confident because I’m super excited to see how things go with Amanda. Whether you’ve done the two previous challenges or if Denial December will be your first, good luck and please have fun with it. That’s actually the point.

How Chaster Changed My December Plans

So, I have a new keyholder. Again. And Amanda says prepare for Denial December. It seems Chaster changed my December plans.

So, once I lost Lucie at the end of Locktober, I planned to skip NOvember and then take part in Denial December. But then I met Michele and NOvember was back on. When the chemistry never developed with Michele, I decided I wouldn’t renew our agreement after NOvember ended. And since I’m doing NOvember after all, I reckoned I would take a break in December before searching for a new keyholder. Out of curiosity, I decided to explore Chaster, a keyholding application for chastity device wearers and keyholders, and this is how Chaster changed my December plans.

I have known about Chaster for years and knew some guys on Chastity Mansion who used it. It seemed more an application aimed at helping guys who self-locked to stay honest using timed locks. When I looked into Chaster back then, you needed a box with a re-settable combination lock to store your keys in. Then you set a combination without looking, took and uploaded a photo of the combination to the app without looking at it, and when the timed lock expired, you retrieved the combination from the app. I didn’t find it that interesting and never visited the website again until a few days ago. What I discovered after returning to the site and registering was the Chaster app has changed a lot since its inception. Now there are actual keyholders there who supervise the timed locks.

Most of the timed locks featured on the app are called “community locks” meaning anyone registered with Chaster can take part. Registration is free, although they do have a paid option that gives you access to more features. But I think most people would find the free option meets their needs. There are free community locks, but paid locks also exist that require a financial tribute to the keyholder. The paid keyholders must register as “findoms” per Chaster’s terms of service requirements, but they aren’t all findoms in the sense we usually understand the term. Some are, but many aren’t, or at least there are some who will do straight keyholding without you having to take part in financial domination. You only have to pay the agreed tributes. The findom label is only Chaster’s way of letting members know when a lock requires a payment to the keyholder to avoid any confusion.

Financial domination is one kink I just don’t get at all. Why would someone find it sexually arousing to give a complete stranger money who gives them in return nothing but insults? Sometimes lots of money changes hands. I’ve heard some guys have gone into debt paying findoms with credit cards. Judging from what I’ve seen on X (Twitter) I suspect many of these women aren’t even actual dominants but just garden variety “mean girls” looking for some easy cash.

Obviously, the attraction for fin subs must be the humiliation because that’s what these women dish out. It doesn’t appeal to me, but to each his or her own. I’m not judging anyone who is into the financial domination kink, I just don’t get it. Anyway, my point is not all, maybe not even most of the women labeled findoms on Chaster, are anything close to the findom types you commonly encounter on X who are all about the money and only about the money.

While perusing the community locks last Friday on Chaster, many of which were free, I noticed I found those requiring tributes to the keyholder much more interesting. And I found one woman offering some locks I found particularly intriguing. Many were great as she designed them, but I also read that she would customize the locks to individuals. So, I sent her a DM asking for more information, and enjoyed a delightful chat. She turned out to be a very personable woman and helpfully explained how Chaster worked and what I could expect. Then we chatted a little more about the customization she offers, which mostly has to do with the length of the locked period and the sort of teasing tasks she provides.

Long story short, the more we talked, the more the woman impressed me. We will call her Amanda since I don’t have her permission to use her Chaster identity. Like I did with Lucie, I sensed Amanda was obviously an authentic dominant woman, not someone just playing a role. She told me she had one full-time sub but was looking to acquire a second sub if she found someone who met her standards and seemed a good fit. Then she asked if I was interested in finding a full-time Domme. When I admitted I was, she offered me a seven-day trial during which we would get acquainted and see if we were a good fit. When I said I was interested in the trial, she sent me an application for consideration to complete which would help her determine how much kink compatibility we had.

I’ve completed such applications for Dommes before back in my active BDSM community days. They are quite common or were. But Amanda’s was very comprehensive and well designed. It seemed clear she aimed the questions at determining whether I was a true submissive or just a guy willing to submit during play to satisfy my kinks and have some sexy fun. Besides the questions, there were also sections for me to list my kinks, soft limits, and hard limits. I spent almost two hours completing it and then sent it back to her when I had finished. The application didn’t ask for any private information, just questions about my kinks, interests, desires, and opinions about the D/s dynamic. I felt very comfortable completing it and appreciated how detailed it was. I felt it gave me the chance to provide Amanda with a good idea of what kind of person I am and what I’m seeking.

We chatted again later Friday evening after she had reviewed my application. She told me my responses had impressed her, and she felt comfortable proceeding with the seven-day trial and if it seemed we clicked, we could discuss a more permanent arrangement. Frankly, by the time we said goodbye Friday evening, I already felt more chemistry with Amanda than I’ve felt with any keyholder I’ve had except Lucie and my first keyholder.

We chatted again on Saturday afternoon. I had already told her about Michele and my obligation to complete November for her. Amanda asked if I wanted to take a few days off after NOvember before starting the trial since I was doing NNN back to back with Locktober. That sounded tempting, but since I already felt like I would probably be doing Denial December, I told her I was willing to start whenever she wanted to start. Immediately she said in that case we would begin on December 1. I felt sure that was what she had in mind all along, and I had scored a point in my favor by not taking the offered days off.  She then mentioned if things went well during the seven-day trial, as she expected they would, then we could just continue with Denial December. I fully expect that will happen as Amanda and I seem to get on well. Before we said goodbye, she had me send her photos of all the toys I had available to play with so she could start creating the teasing tasks for the seven-day lock.

Actually, the more I’ve thought about it, the more eager I am to finish off the year locked. Yes, even a brief break would have been nice, but I know I can finish off NNN and make it through one more month. Amanda knows how long I’ve spent locked, so I feel cautiously optimistic she will allow me some type of release after Denial December before we continue. And yes, I’m also optimistic we will continue. I have a good feeling about Amanda. She doesn’t remind me of Lucie because she doesn’t seem to have the sadist edge to her that Lucie does. But she reminds me a lot of the very first keyholder I had who was always my favorite until I met Lucie. Interestingly, Amanda is Canadian as was my first keyholder, so I hope that bodes well.

I will finish NOvember with Michele and then I’ll start another new chapter in my chastity journey with another new keyholder. And I’m very excited about that because I think this time, I’ve found a keeper. If you’re looking for a keyholder, either free or paid, you might want to check out the Chaster app if you haven’t before. It seems like it might be a good place to find one.

3 Denial December Secrets You Never Knew

Denial December is another monthly challenge in the spirit of #Locktober and #NoNutNovember. Like No Nut November, Denial December doesn’t specifically involve wearing a chastity device, but since chastity enthusiasts adopted the event, many guys stay locked during the month of December. You must deny yourself orgasms for the entire month to complete the challenge successfully. But Denial December has a requirement that none of the other chastity challenges have. That’s because it didn’t start as out as a male chastity challenge. Let’s begin with a short history and then I’ll reveal 3 Denial December secrets you never knew.

Denial December, the Challenge Google Shrouds in Secrecy

A Brief History of Denial December

While we can pinpoint the exact dates that Locktober and No Nut November began, and even know with acceptable accuracy who created these challenges, the same isn’t true of Denial December.

No doubt, somewhere deep in the bowels of the internet, the complete story about Denial December exists. Tirelessly, I searched for the information before penning this post. But Google, just as the sea refuses to give up its dead, would not give up the secrets behind this most mysterious challenge.

Google, once the gold standard of search engines, no longer cares about providing useful internet searches. They would rather focus on other things like selling ads, trying to steal market share from Apple by coercing people to buy Google phones so the company can steal even more of your data to sell at hefty profits, interfere with elections at home and abroad, and to promote communist propaganda aimed at dismantling capitalism.

Some time ago, Google retrofitted its once useful search engine by installing algorithms designed to predict what people are searching for since of course we are in Google’s estimation too stupid to know what information we truly want. So as I used Google to search for information on the history of Denial December, Google returned links to the information they were convinced I really wanted – links about Holocaust deniers, climate change deniers, 2020 election deniers, J6 insurrection deniers, and Covid 19 “vaccine” efficacy deniers. No matter how I constructed my search terms, I got the same results. Obviously, Google doesn’t want us to know the history behind Denial December or its secrets. After all, giving us what we asked for isn’t going to put any money in the company’s coffers, change election outcomes, or assist the WEF in taking over the world for the good of the elites.

Annoyed, I turned to some of the other crappier search engines that have never been able to compete with Google’s dominance. The results weren’t great, but I learned a hell of a lot more than I did from Google’s manipulated searches. But alas, I did not learn when Denial December first started or who created it. That’s why this history of Denial December is so brief. But I did learn 3 Denial December secrets you never knew. At least, I didn’t.

Denial December Did Not Start as a Chastity Challenge

The first shocking secret I uncovered is that Denial December didn’t start out as a chastity challenge. It began as an edging and orgasm denial challenge. To refresh the memory of any who may have forgotten what edging is, here is a short definition.

Edging is the practice of stopping sexual stimulation before reaching orgasm to prolong a sexual experience. The term stems from the concept of approaching the metaphorical “edge” of orgasm but stopping before going over it.

While the manner in which one is supposed to do the edges during the challenge has changed over the years, the original concept was this. Beginning on December 1, you were supposed to perform the number of edges corresponding to the number of days since your last orgasm. So, if we’re talking about guys, that probably meant doing only one edge on December 1, two on December 2, and so forth, until you reached the end of the challenge. To successfully complete the challenge, you had to avoid having an orgasm the entire month of December.

Later people, as they are wont to do, altered the original rules to better suit them. One example is instead of edging once for each day since the last orgasm and remaining orgasm free the entire month, some only edged through December 24, and then could orgasm. I suppose as a Christmas Eve gift to themselves. They treat Denial December as a sort of denial challenge Advent Calendar. Someone else I read about changed the rules from edging once for each day since the last orgasm, to just doing three edges each day from either December 1 through the end of the month, or from December 1 through December 24.

Putting aside the random rule changes that have occurred since the challenge’s inception, the first secret here is that the creator of Denial December intended it to be an edging and orgasm denial challenge, not a male chastity challenge. That takes us to the second secret.

Denial December Isn't Just for Males

The second secret I discovered about Denial December is the challenge originally was meant for anyone, not just males. I found articles from several women who took part in the challenge. So, it seems male chastity enthusiasts co-opted the original concept and transformed Denial December into another chastity challenge in the spirit of Locktober and No Nut December.

In the old days, before Denial December became another male chastity challenge, no one wore a chastity device and guys performed the edging the old-fashioned way. The ladies who took part either let their fingers do the walking or used their favorite sex toys when edging without a partner’s assistance.

Observing Denial December now as a male chastity challenge often includes wearing a chastity device for the month of December. But participants could remove it each day long enough to complete the required edges. There is nothing keeping a self-locked guy from doing it this way. And a keyholder could opt to unlock her charge briefly each day and have him knock out the required number of edges by stroking, or a really wonderful keyholder might do the stroking for him. But there is another option, an option I admit favoring.

Most of us who have spent much time locked in a chastity device have had the experience of using a powerful vibrator held against the cage to do edges. I actually prefer this method to the old-fashioned one and it makes unlocking unnecessary. But either method seems to satisfy the challenge rules, since it is the edging and denial that counts. Just an idea I had, but it might not work. Since Denial December was for everyone at the beginning, why not ask your keyholder to join in the fun with you? Perhaps she will join you in a month of denial, out of a spirit of fellow-feeling? It couldn’t hurt to ask.

Orgasms Aren't Strictly Prohibited by Some

The third astonishing secret I learned about Denial December is that not everyone considers having an orgasm or two, or three, a disqualification from successfully completing Denial December. Many people don’t consider “accidental” orgasms disqualifying as long as you ruin them. You can even have several ruined orgasms and still complete the challenge successfully. In case someone reading this hasn’t ever experienced a “ruined orgasm,” here is an explanation. Ruining an orgasm means stopping all stimulation the moment you realize you have arrived at the point of no return and orgasm is inevitable. Then, instead of experiencing a pleasurable and forceful ejaculation, the semen just dribbles out and feels more frustrating than pleasurable.

From what I gleaned from the research, the founder of the challenge definitely intended that participants refrain from having any orgasms to successfully complete Denial December. I’m afraid I have to come down on the side of the purist’s viewpoint on this one. Orgasm denial is orgasm denial. If you limp through Denial December on the strength of a bunch of ruined orgasms, claiming they were all “accidental” and then have the unmitigated gall to add your name to the list of successful challenge participants, here is what I think. I think you deserve a big fat asterisk next to your name just like Bonds, McGwire, and Sosa have on the single-season home run list because they used performance enhancing drugs. Sorry, not sorry.

I hope you enjoyed learning the 3 denial December secrets you never knew on this final day of Locktober 2023. Some of us thought we would never make it to this day, but here we are. I have to admit, the last day of Locktober always feels a little bittersweet to me. Especially this year, since it’s the last day I’ll be locked for Lucie, at least for a while. But with No Nut November commencing tomorrow and then Denial December looming on the horizon, none of us should shed a tear. There are lots more days of chastity left in the year.

As I’ve shared previously, I personally won’t be observing No Nut November this year. After almost six months with Lucie as my keyholder, I think doing the challenge while self-locked would just feel too sad. So, I’ll spend November wearing and reviewing my newest chastity device after taking a few days off, and searching for a new keyholder. If luck shines upon me, I’ll definitely be up for Denial December. It’s the one challenge I haven’t done before.

Whether you plan to do No Nut, Denial December, or both, good luck, and have fun.