Tag Archives: time in chastity

Chastity Metrics SITREP

Today marks the end of my thirty-day introduction to chastity. So, it seems an opportune time to provide an updated situation report. This final day doesn’t end until the stroke of midnight, but having high confidence LJ has no intention of unlocking me or giving me a release today, I saw no reason to delay this post until tomorrow.

Thirty days multiplied by twenty-four hours equals 720 hours. I was out of the device for 22-1/2 hours (3.1-percent) over the thirty day period of December 23, 2019 through January 21, 2020. Most of those hours (around 80-percent) came in December, and included the first two nights when LJ didn’t allow me to sleep while wearing the device as a safety precaution. The remainder of the unlocked time was for cleaning, maintenance, and activities LJ prescribed that required removal of the device. I was locked for the remaining 697-1/2 hours (96.9 percent). You can see the percentages visually presented in the above pie chart.

I wore the Jailhouse device for the first two days and then switched to the A086 which I wore for the rest of the thirty days.

LJ let me have one ruined orgasm and one regular orgasm during the thirty days, so I spent 28 of the 30 days in denial. The longest number of consecutive days without any kind of release was 10. Trust me, that was a very severe reduction compared to the number of orgasms I typically had in any average 30-day period before beginning chastity.

As I shared in the previous post, LJ offered to assume full ownership of me and we’re rolling straight into it from the 30-day introduction. I fully expect to spend an even greater percentage of time wearing the device going forward than I did during the introductory training phase.

For anyone who may be interested, going forward I plan on posting metrics like this monthly. The next update will be posted February 1.

72 hours in chastity update

Time for my 72 hours in chastity update. As of this morning, I’ve passed the mark. While a paltry length of time for those who have been living the chastity lifestyle for years, it feels like a significant milestone for me as a novice. I wish I could say I’ve been locked for the entire 72 hours, but LJ made me remove the device before bed last night. I’d only reached the sixty-hour mark by then.

Frankly, I found it soul-crushingly disappointing to be made to remove the chastity device last night. But, of course, I’ve already learned my feelings in the matter are totally irrelevant, as it should be.

The device had become so comfortable, it felt weird having it off. And worst, being unlocked did not come with any freedom to masturbate or orgasm. I spent a fairly miserable night tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning. It was the kind of night I’d expected the first night I slept locked, which turned out to be amazingly restful instead.

My marching orders from LJ were to shower and lock up first thing this morning. That proved a bit problematic. After showering, I waited a while before putting the thoroughly cleaned device back on to give things time for proper air drying. Then I attempted to put the 40mm base ring back on. My balls weren’t having any of it.

Overnight had been more than enough time for my nicely stretched scrotum to return to its normal excessively tight state. It took more than an hour before I finally managed to coax my nuts back into the damn ring. I was thoroughly frustrated, and I admit more than a little annoyed at having to deal with it when there hadn’t been any compelling reason to have taken the cage off last night anyway.

This morning, I told LJ the 40mm base ring must be a little too small after all since it shouldn’t have been that difficult to get back on. I pleaded with her to allow me to order a custom-fitted cage with the correct size base ring. Well, I pleaded as best I could without risking making her feel I was overstepping and triggering a rebuke. She was unmoved.

LJ allowed the 40mm base ring might be a bit too small, pointing out she had been skeptical about it being the right size all long. But, she still firmly insisted it wasn’t yet time to order a custom-fitted device. I have no choice but to accept her decision to wait. Still, when a 6-8 week wait seems the norm with custom chastity device makers, I just don’t get why we’re waiting to order one.

I have my measurements now, and the base ring measurements show I need a ring size a little between 1.50 and 1.75 inches, which I could easily get from a custom manufacturer. I just don’t see any good reason to delay ordering it. If we ordered a custom device today, my 30-day trial period with LJ would already be up before it arrived. That means I’m stuck with wearing a less than an optimum device for weeks longer. That just seems totally unnecessary.

The moral of this story seems to make sure you get a properly fitted device you’re happy with before you start looking for a keyholder. Once you have a KH, you won’t have much if any input on what your dick is locked in.

As I write this, I am again locked. The first hours after putting the device back on this morning were miserable, the most uncomfortable hours I’ve yet experienced. Things are now finally stretching out again and the major discomfort seems to be behind me. I’m sure someday I’ll be able to look back on this and laugh. Today is not that day.

Not sure what LJ has planned for me next. I haven’t been able to suss out her planned schedule. There hasn’t been any discernible pattern. I was totally surprised when she told me to unlock before bed last night. Now I don’t have a clue how many days I’ll stay locked this time around.

Whatever happens, I remain determined to continue chasing the chastity rabbit down the hole without looking back.