Thirty Days of Chastity: Day Eight

Chaste answers the questions from the "Thirty Days of Chastity" Meme from

It’s Day 8 of the Thirty Days of Chastity meme, and we’re almost a third of the way through. So far, I’ve revealed some pretty personal things about me; fantasies, toys, etc. We continue that today as I share chastity images that represent chastity to me.


Post a Chastity image you find erotic. Briefly describe what arouses you most in the image or why it represents chastity to you.

In full disclosure, I must admit I’m not much into chastity porn. As examples, I don’t seek out or watch “Chastity” porn videos or look for images depicting chastity. I don’t consume any porn routinely anymore for some personal reasons. Not that I judge anyone who does. It just isn’t for me anymore. So, to respond to today’s topic, I actually had to make an effort to find an image to post, and I found two and am sharing both.

It is not my habit to “steal” copyrighted material and I won’t post images on this blog owned by someone else without the copyright holder’s permission or that don’t meet the criteria of Fair Use. The truth is, if there is anywhere to find chastity images, even photos you would be willing to pay for, I haven’t found it. Chastity isn’t yet mainstream enough for that. For that reason, I’m only posting links to the photos, so if you’re interested in seeing them, click the links.

Chastity Images

Image 1: (From

This image represents chastity to me because it covers all the primary elements. It depicts a male in a submissive pose locked in a chastity device, and while you see only her high-heeled shoe, a strong woman in charge. As I’ve written before, you needn’t be a submissive to enjoy and embrace male chastity, but chastity under the control of another is a submissive act. I think this image also speaks to that. I find this a compelling image because it depicts all of these things in a powerful, yet almost understated way.

Image 2:×1024.jpeg (Red Chili Chastity Devices)

This second image also represents chastity to me in a powerful way. I saw this photo quite a long time ago and never forgot it. It illustrates the inclusive and diverse nature of chastity. Regardless of gender identity or sexual preferences, any penis owner can embrace and practice chastity just as I do. Here we have a lovely woman with breasts, attractively dressed, with her penis caged in a stylish chastity device. I think she’s stunning, and the chastity device only enhances it.

I don’t know the model, Rachael Belle, so I can only assume from her behavior, appearance, and dress as depicted in the image that she is a transgender person. As a cisgender man, I don’t pretend to understand everything about transgender people. And people’s thoughts and feelings about their gender can be complex. Having a variety of words and identity labels to describe the various ways they might think about their gender helps them communicate who they are. So, out of respect to Rachael, I won’t assume what words or identity labels she uses to describe herself.

Transgender people use many different terms to describe their experiences, and not all terms fit all people. Also, the terms or language a person prefers may change over time, and that’s totally normal and okay. So, approaching transgender people with respect, awareness, and a desire to learn about gender is always important in making sure you don’t hurt anyone’s feelings or give unintended offense.

If you took a moment to click on the links and looked at these photos I’ve shared, I hope they resonated with you as well. And, I hope you feel you know me a bit better after reading this post.