You Can’t Domme Without Feedback

One of Lucie’s many pithy pearls of wisdom is: “You can’t domme without feedback.”

The past five weeks since Lucie returned from vacation have been intense. She has kept me locked for 43 days, and thanks to my voluntary three-month period of celibacy when I committed to Chastity 90 back in May, I have not had a single orgasm, not even a ruined one, for 109 days. Lucie, now in full command since Chastity 90 ended, seems happy to keep me locked and orgasm free.

As part of our dynamic, Lucie requires me to submit a written report each Saturday since she feels you can’t domme without feedback. One requirement for the report is I must rate my perceived levels of sexual desire (horniness) and sexual frustration using a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high). This week, I have been rocking a steady 5 in both categories. Truthfully, I can’t recall having ever been this horny, and this frustrated for such a sustained period.

Usually, after two weeks of wearing a cage, I sort of slip into cruise control where my arousal is above my normal baseline when I am not locked and denied, but my frustration levels off where it’s easily endurable. With Lucie, it doesn’t work that way.

Arousal has built quickly to escape velocity, using the parlance of rocket launches, and stays there. My balls never relax, like when the cruise control thing happens. Instead, they remain big and tightly pressed against the base ring, which is damn uncomfortable. And for two straight weeks, I have awakened each morning to attempted morning wood, pushing the cage as far from my body as the base ring allows. Not only that, I get attempted erections in the daytime for no reason, and sometimes leak with no apparent cause.

All well and good, since sexual desire feels amazingly pleasurable. But Lucie doesn’t care as much about that as she does about ramping up the sexual frustration level to excruciating heights. That’s more in keeping with her sadistic nature. “If you’re not suffering, it’s not submission.” She is far more apt to adjust her input when the feedback doesn’t show that I’m frustrated enough to suit her beautiful, sadistic mind than if my horniness level isn’t up to snuff. In a word, I’m suffering with no end in sight.

When I first contacted Lucie, I was only looking to spend a month locked by a keyholder as a change of pace from a steady diet of self-locking. That’s what I’ve always done in the past when I’ve engaged a professional keyholder. But things haven’t worked out that way with Lucie, and we’re well on our way to reaching the 4-month mark.

I’ve stayed locked for way over 43 days many times, but only once has a keyholder kept me locked this long before. That was my very first keyholder, who kept me locked for over sixty days. But she allowed me to have one ruined and one full orgasm during that time.

I do not know when Lucie intends to unlock me. Not a clue. But when we talked last Tuesday, I mentioned hitting 5 on the scales for both variables and all she said was, “Already? I suppose the coming weeks will be hard for you.” Sure, that was so hot when she said it. But sobering when I thought about it later. Weeks? Definitely more than one. But “weeks” could mean anything. Two weeks? Three? And there are 52 weeks in a year, perish the thought. Weeks could mean anything. Thankfully, she didn’t say months.

So, yeah, it’s getting real in Lucieville. But that’s okay. I absolutely love her. No, not in some creepy, besotted way. That isn’t the dynamic of our relationship. And the reason I prefer a pro over a lifestyle domme is I don’t want a romantic relationship. I only want an experienced, dominant woman to enforce my chastity. And Lucie is the most amazing keyholder and domme I’ve ever had. That’s why we’ve gone almost four months, and why I want to keep going.

I mentioned to her a week or so ago that I couldn’t help wishing for a more permanent arrangement with her. I expected her to remind me that isn’t what she does. But to my surprise, she said she has fun with me and unlike many she has held keys for, I’m not clingy or demanding and I understand the dynamic of our relationship. Then she said she would think about it.

Wow! I couldn’t have been happier. So, we’ll see what comes of it. I enjoy things as they are now, but I would love her to take more control and all the time, not just during negotiated periods. If she does that, I’ll never have to look for another keyholder and wouldn’t want to. Lucie is special, and you can’t replace that. Sometimes you get lucky and find someone who fits you perfectly. That’s Lucie for me. And you better believe I know how lucky I am.