male chastity

Imperfect release

If you read yesterday’s post, I suppose you think I went on about about the unhappy prospect of permanent denial a little more than necessary. If so, perhaps you’re right since yesterday afternoon LJ informed me it was time for my first release.

First, she cautioned the orgasm I’d receive out of her munificence was not for my pleasure. It was only to flush the plumbing system of pent up semen for benefit of health and welfare.

Frankly, I was feeling so desperate, I was happy to get an orgasm on any grounds. But, as LJ laid out the terms of the impending seminal discharge in her usual direct business-like fashion, suddenly, it sounded so absolutely clinical and bleak.

After removing the cage on her instructions, I was required to undress and to adopt a specific posture for masturbation. I was then given a ridiculously short time to masturbate and achieve the expected therapeutic orgasm. Of course, I was instructed in no uncertain terms to remove my hand at the very moment climax was imminent, to ruin it by allowing the orgasm to dribble away.

As I feared, the ridiculously short time allowance proved insufficient to achieve orgasm. I was then required to wait a preposterously long period before being permitted a second attempt. Fortunately, the stimulation during the first attempt along with the long pause had made me even more outrageously horny. Suffice to say, I achieved my objective with time to spare on the second crack at it.

I’m not a complete novice to “ruined” orgasms. I once had a kinky girlfriend subject me to one for “fun” while I was bound to a bed and in no position to object. That was quite a long time ago. I’d forgotten just what an act of cruelty a ruined orgasm truly is.

The result of the therapeutic orgasm was I felt a slight bit of relief from the heaviness in my balls, and it seemed to take a little of the edge off of the desperation to come I’d endured the past many days. But, it was certainly not the mind-blowing, mother of all orgasms I’d been dreaming of for days on end. I remained horny as fuck, which is what LJ intended. But, on a positive note, I did not experience the emotional drop or endorphins crash I’ve read that many chaste men suffer when allowed release.

The final humiliation was when LJ ordered me to consume my emissions. That is not something I’ve ever done. It’s not something I’ve ever even thought of doing. Call me weird, but I’ve never been the slightest bit curious about what semen tastes like, mine or anyone’s. Frankly, until yesterday afternoon, I’d have doubted anyone could have ever convinced me to taste it, much less eat it. But, there I was, doing it at the behest of a woman I hardly know. But, after considering the terrible sway and power the woman wields over me; in the end, I thought it best not to test her patience.

To make matters worse, after being denied orgasms for nine days, the longest period of chasteness I’ve ever been subjected to, the volume of ejaculate was at least twice the norm for me. That didn’t make the task any easier.

Once I swallowed the final indignity, quite literally, the health and welfare exercise was concluded. After giving the cage a proper cleaning and showering, I went back into the cage and was locked.

Ominously, LJ warned releases would be most infrequent and that I shouldn’t count on the next one coming anywhere near as quickly as she had so generously allowed the first. Not something I really wanted to hear.

The most positive thing about this experience thus far is at least she hasn’t subjected me to any cruel sexual teasing. While I had assumed at the beginning teasing was part of the whole chastity thing, it hasn’t been that way at all. I suppose I should count my blessings, as I shudder to think about what condition that might leave me in. Probably curled into a fetal ball on the floor in a catatonic state from sexual frustration overload. I wonder if I’ll ever learn to endure this, much less embrace it.

Fellowship of the Base Ring

As I looked at the cage this morning, especially the circle of hard steel surrounding my balls and shaft, I found myself feeling a bit like Frodo Baggins.

“I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.”

Well, I wish it only a little.

I’ve been horny as fuck for the past two days. My balls feel heavy and full. I’m desperate to come. Penis-centric thinking has returned with a vengeance.

Maybe, just maybe, I was attracted to chastity, believing it was about being locked until I was as horny as possible, followed by eventual release and a mind-blowing orgasm. Maybe it was all about having some really hot fantasies turned into reality. Slowly but surely, I’m beginning to realize that kind of mindset is the very antithesis of what male chastity is about. It’s not about us. It’s about our keyholders.

When I woke up this morning, I’d completed my second forty-eight consecutive hours locked. Today begins the second week with LJ. I don’t know what she has planned for me, but last night she made a cryptic comment that leads me to believe I may be experiencing something new today. What I haven’t a clue.

We had a nice long chat last evening before bed, a talk that had little to do with chastity and cock cages. It was more a conversation about normal, everyday things of life. Somehow, it made me feel closer to her like we are truly beginning to bond as two human beings. I like that feeling. I like the feeling of attraction for LJ that is beginning.

Being completely new to chastity, I didn’t really know what this would be like. I’m sure I thought there would be a lot of teasing to go along with the denial. But, at least so far, there hasn’t been any teasing at all.

During the times I’ve been unlocked, I’ve only been prohibited from playing with or even touching my dick beyond what is necessary for washing and showering. There have been no requirements to edge, no instructions to torment me with a vibrator or other toys. There has just been the experience of being locked and denied. LJ always gives me a small assignment to perform each morning, but never anything sexual. The assignments seemed aimed at reminding me I’m locked for LJ, that my penis is now her property, and that it gives her pleasure to have that control.

The thing is, I’m okay with all of it. I’m okay with being taught that I’ve spent a lifetime thinking with my penis, and it’s time to rewire the circuits in the reptilian part of my brain produced over millions of years of evolution. Sure, a part of me wishes LJ would unlock me and allow me to at least enjoy a full-blown erection even if she didn’t permit me to come. But, there is another part growing inside me that doesn’t want to be unlocked and given release.

As good as an orgasm would feel, and I have no doubt it would feel amazing, the satisfaction would be fleeting. A part of me would feel guilty for being selfish instead of focusing on LJ and what gives her pleasure. Perhaps I should instead be grateful that LJ hasn’t been subjecting me to intense teasing, which would only make me hornier than I already am and make me suffer all the more.

On another note regarding the ring, I actually found a vendor I can source a second base ring from for the device I’m currently wearing. It’s a cheap, made in China device that came with only one ring. It’s the 40mm ring I couldn’t get on when I first tried but managed to squeeze into when The Jailhouse device failed.

The 40mm ring has worked, but it’s a little tighter than it needs to be. I can get the tip of a finger between the ring and the skin, barely. I haven’t had any temperature or color issues. I just think a 45mm ring would be more comfortable. So, I ordered one.

After another inspection and thinking about it, I don’t think The Jailhouse failed to keep my balls trapped so much because of the ring size. I think it had more to do with the gap between the ring and cage being too wide. The fact the ring was multi-part and had some play in it didn’t help matters either.
I’m looking forward to getting the 45mm ring and seeing if it feels a bit more comfortable. But, it won’t arrive until mid-January. I’ll have to make do with the 40mm ring a couple more weeks. I end today with another quote from the Fellowship of the Ring.

“Embrace the power of the ring or embrace your own destruction!”

That’s more like it. The attitude I need to continue to cultivate.

Locked in a male chastity device for the first time

Finally, I’m sharing my first post while locked in a male chastity device and can relate my first in-chastity experience.

I received the chastity device yesterday afternoon. For the first time, Lady Jayne had me wear it for only a few hours until bedtime last night. The idea I assume is to allow me to gradually grow accustomed to staying locked for longer and longer periods. Here are my first impressions of what it felt like to be locked for the first time, and after removing it last night.

Physically the first thing I noticed was the device adds noticeable extra weight to my penis. Not surprising since the device is made of metal. It felt a little unusual at first. Not uncomfortable, only different. The device pulled my penis downwards a little more than normal, and the cage presses rather tightly against my testicles.

After a little while, the device generally felt comfortable. I found I rather liked the physical sensations of confinement. While I liked the looks of things, I can’t say I felt particularly aroused at the outset. Perhaps that only indicates chastity devices aren’t a fetish for me. Almost immediately, being locked did make me very aware of my key holder.

I’ve read some guys who are accustomed to long term lock up actually feel “naked” when not wearing their device. Maybe because I wore it only a handful of hours, I can’t say I felt that way exactly after removing it. Perhaps that will come in time. However, I can already easily imagine how wearing a chastity device will come to serve as a constant reminder of my commitment to Lady Jayne and our agreement, that I’ve surrendered complete control of my penis to her, and that I need her permission to orgasm.

Here are a few other thoughts.


As said, wearing the chastity device caused no discomfort. It certainly didn’t cause any pain. Still, even after wearing it a relatively short time, I feel sure I’m not going to just forget I’m wearing it any time soon. I expect it will take some time to get used to it. Both physically and mentally. I’m already curious about what it will feel like when I experience my first attempted erection. I wonder if it will feel more like the good kind of erotic pain, or the bad kind of pain.

Wearing a chastity device definitely made me aware I was denied the full range of sensation I usually experience with my penis, that I couldn’t touch myself, and that visiting the bathroom to urinate can be a bit frustrating. I used the “stocking method” to coax my penis to the end of the cage. Everything seemed lined up, and I thought I might be able to urinate normally. Not so. It seems I retracted a little after wearing the device for a while, so the first time I needed to go and tried the usual approach, it made a mess. Guess I’ll be sitting to pee from now on.

As said, no real discomfort of any kind was felt. The base ring felt tight, but not too tight. There wasn’t any discomfort felt around the scrotum where the base ring fits. Having worn regular metal cock rings in the past, my body is likely already accustomed to that part it.

The Device

I’m pleased with how well the device I chose fit right out of the box. For a mass-produced device, it seems reasonably well made. The interior of the tube isn’t polished the way the exterior is, but it’s smooth without any rough spots. It seems I chose the correct base ring size, at least for making a start with all this. Since it’s stainless steel, there is some heft to the device, but the weight doesn’t feel overly burdensome.

Here is a look of me wearing the device for anyone interested.


Locked for the first time

Somewhere I read a suggestion about wearing tight underwear to help with support when wearing a steel device. In preparation, I picked up some new briefs a size smaller than I usually wear. It does seem they help with supporting the weight.

Typically I wear relaxed fit jeans or track pants. I’ve tried on both while wearing the device, and the “chastity bump” doesn’t appear too noticeable in either. I have found I need to “adjust” myself more than usual, especially while sitting. I expect it will only take a little getting used to on that front.


I haven’t yet experienced an attempted erection, so I can’t yet offer any thoughts on how that feels while locked. Having nocturnal erections is the one bit I’m feeling a little anxious about. I’ve read the experiences of others. For some, it doesn’t seem much of a bother. A few described it as quite painful.

Current status

As instructed by Lady Jayne, I put the device back on first thing this morning after showering and giving the device a thorough cleaning. Since she hasn’t told me, I have no idea how long I’ll be locked before I’m allowed to next remove the device. But, I suspect I won’t be taking it off at bedtime tonight since she instructed me to secure the device with a numbered plastic lock instead of the padlock. I find I rather like the uncertainty over not knowing when or if I’ll be unlocked.

I’m also very keen to learn how wearing a chastity device and having fewer orgasms than I’m accustomed to will affect me. Over time will my body become more mentally attuned to some of the other erogenous zones? Will I gain a better appreciation through chastity and orgasm denial that stimulation of my penis isn’t absolutely necessary to enjoy life? Will I learn to enjoy the pleasures of my own body without orgasms or the ability to directly touch of my penis? Will wearing a chastity device cause me to feel more sexually aroused during the day, as my mind returns to the one who holds my key? These things and more are what I’m contemplating this morning.

Concluding thoughts

I’m planning to post the next update of my first-time chastity experience after I reach the 72-hour mark. While I have some initial impressions about the device itself, since this is the first time I’ve worn one, I think I will wear it for two weeks before posting a full review.

Male chastity expectations versus reality

Expectations versus reality. Things don’t always go like you think they will. Like, pretty much never.

This is what I’m thinking about today after receiving an update from the postal service advising me the package containing my chastity device arrived at my local post office at 5:43 a.m. this morning. That means if all goes according to plan, it should be delivered tomorrow in the afternoon mail. Shit is about to get real.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m still eager to experience this. But, given the whole expectations versus reality thing, I admit to feeling a little anxious. It’s not only a matter of what it will be like to be locked up for the first time, and all that entails, but also a matter of interacting with Lady Jayne, my soon to be key holder. I’m sure she has expectations too, though at least up until now, she has only outlined them in the broadest of terms. Did I mention I’m feeling a bit anxious?

There are plenty of things that could go wrong, you know. Like Murphy said. “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” For one thing, I’m obsessing a little over the base ring size I selected. I tried measuring first, using the instructions from one of the custom manufacturer’s websites. But, I kept coming up with different results. Finally, I decided to try the Goldilocks method. I ordered a really cheap (made in China) device off Amazon that came with three different sized base rings—1.50 inches, 1.75 inches, 2.00 inches.

I tried the 1.50 inch ring first, but it was too small. With a lot of effort, I did manage to get both testicles inside, but no matter how hard I huffed and puffed, I couldn’t get my flaccid penis inside with them. It was just as well since before I gave up my balls were already taking on an unfamiliar hue.

Next, I tried the 2.00 inch ring even though I expected it would prove too large. Sure enough, it was. It was comfortable and easy to get on, but all the advice I’d read on choosing base ring size adamantly suggests choosing the smallest you can get on and wear comfortably without any circulation issues.

Finally, I tried the 1.75. “Ahhh, just right,” I sighed. At least I hope so. It felt a bit on the tight side and did take some work to get on, but I wore it for an hour and my junk retained its normal color. I didn’t try wearing the device itself because it’s ugly and weighs a ton. I only ordered it because it provided a way to get a variety of base ring sizes on the cheap to experiment with. So, that is how I determined the ring size to order for the device I’m expecting in the post tomorrow. But, what if 1.75 inches isn’t the right size? Maybe it felt fine after wearing it for an hour. How will it feel after 24 hours, 72 hours, or longer?

After reading first-timer accounts by other guys on the web, I suppose the thing I’m most worried about is the dreaded nocturnal erections. How will I deal with that? Some described them as incredibly painful. Will my sleep suffer while caged? Not to mention all the other things that could go wrong.

What if the tube chafes the skin of my penis? What if the chafing creates patches of raw, irritated, sensitive skin, which then becomes a breeding ground for infection? I have a fairly high pain threshold. I am confident I can handle whatever minor discomfort the cage throws at me. But, a raw, irritated, infected Johnson? Wait. Obviously, I’m not gonna want to fucking deal with that.

It’s a lot to think about, to worry about, to obsess about when you’re facing something new and for which you have no frame of reference. Sure, in his first inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” But, I kind of doubt he ever had a chastity cage locked on his penis. Chastity devices weren’t really a thing back then. Were they?

At this point, I can only hope I chose my first device wisely, that the fit will at least be satisfactory, and that I’m able to observe proper hygiene so I don’t run into any unforeseen problems due to bacteria and/or small, unnoticed injuries.

One can only hope. In this instance of expectations versus reality, maybe things will go the way I hope they will.

How did you become interested in male chastity

How did you become interested in male chastity? That’s a good question, one I don’t yet have a good answer for.

Having read endless blogs and forum posts about enforced male chastity, it seems for many men, it all starts with a fantasy. Orgasm control and male chastity are powerful sexual fantasies for them. For some, the sexual fantasies are so intense, they develop the desire and willingness to enact the fantasies and turn chastity into reality. That’s why it seems nine times out of ten; it is the male who brings up the idea of male chastity with a partner.

I’m certain I’ve likely fantasized about orgasm denial and enforced chastity from time to time, but frankly, I’ve always had a full and vivid sexual fantasy life. I can say that fantasies about being subjected to chastity have never been at the top of my go-to fantasies list. So, I feel certain the desire to enact a fantasy doesn’t explain my attraction to trying enforced male chastity.

On the UK Tickleberry website, I found this list of eleven common reasons men find chastity appealing.

(1) It’s a secret fetish a man finds highly provocative, arousing, and very sexy, to the point that even just an image of a chastity device could cause the beginnings of an erection.

(2) It links in with the sexual fantasy of surrendering himself to a partner in erotic submission.

(3) It’s not just concerned with physical sensations, but the mind, body, emotional, and innermost self. He will understand chastity as all-encompassing desire, fetish or kink, that’s an intellectual, physical, emotional, sexual and spiritual experience.

(4) From his sexual fantasy perspective, the allure is that a loving wife or girlfriend holds the key to his penis. His cock becomes theirs, it’s freedom is dependent upon them releasing him. They become the key holder and become the key to his release.

(5) A man believes he’s masturbating far too much and would like help controlling this by being made to wear a chastity device to prevent him from touching himself.
(6) He longs to be “Loved, Locked and Owned” by a partner, and he believes that wearing a chastity device will demonstrate his commitment and faithfulness to his partner.

(7) He longs to escape from everyday realities and to allow his submissive desires freedom. This is a “need” for many men who long to set free their sexual submissiveness in the safety and security of their own homes and with their loving wife or girlfriend.

(8) Orgasm denial is highly arousing to him.

(9) He believes that his female partner is superior to him, and he needs to demonstrate his acknowledgment of this by wearing a chastity device.

(10) A desire to seek his pleasure in pleasing and pleasuring his partner, thinking of his keyholder’s needs above his own. Wearing a chastity device helps him to sexually achieve this.

(11) He is interested in practicing Tantric Sexuality and wearing a chastity device may help save his sexual energy for his higher, emotional and intellectual self.

Looking over the list, I didn’t see anything that truly resonated that might explain my attraction to trying enforced male chastity. If I had to pick one, perhaps part of number eleven applies; “wearing a chastity device may help save his sexual energy for his higher, emotional and intellectual self.” But I’m not sure. Most of the reasons offered at the Tickleberry site involve an existing intimate partner which I don’t have at the moment. So, those don’t seem to apply.

Celebrated theoretical physicist Albert Einstein once said, “The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” Perhaps then curiosity is reason enough. Maybe I simply wish to satisfy my curiosity about how it feels to be locked up and have my penis under the complete control of another. Maybe that’s explanation enough.

What does chastity mean to you?

Since I’m taking a break from another project, I decided to write a new post. Mostly because I’m still waiting impatiently for the chastity device to arrive which keeps my mind focused on my impending step into the world of enforced male chastity.

Today I’ve been ruminating on this question. What does chastity mean to you? Put simply, I view chastity as denying your penis sexual stimulation, and giving control of your sexual being to another, your key holder.

I’m curious to know the answers you might get if you polled a group of people asking “What does chastity mean to you? I suspect it might be quite a range of answers, often with definitions including celibacy.  That wouldn’t be terribly surprising since chastity has its roots in both social and religious origins. Dictionaries even define “chastity” as abstaining from sexual relations or morality with respect to sexual relations, being pure, and of virtuous character. But as I contemplate it, I’m not convinced that chastity must include celibacy which I’m defining as absolute abstinence from intercourse and/or masturbation.

Other men who embrace enforced male chastity have posted on the web their key holders give them periodic release dates.  They look forward to those release dates and to experiencing the rare and hopefully overwhelming orgasms they crave. It seems then the release dates, and control of their orgasms is what makes chastity work for them.

While I’ve yet to experience it, I easily imagine the feeling of a key holder owning my penis and controlling my orgasms is likely to feel highly charged with eroticism, even at a distance. But, as I try to answer the question I advanced at the beginning, I don’t feel that an erotic experience or participation in some kinky sexual activity is exactly what chastity means to me.

I think it a fair statement that the things we do and not do combine to alter us, perhaps even heighten certain attributes and diminish others. I’m willing to posit how I feel about me and view myself now as a man and as a human being might change profoundly once I’m no longer having the same amount of sexual release I’ve become accustomed to. The point here is what chastity means to me today might be radically different from what it will mean in the coming days and weeks when I’m actually submitting to it.

Based on what others have written I’ve read recently, it seems clear chastity changes you in a myriad of ways—mentally, hormonally, emotionally, and even other ways. That’s part of why I’m keen to experience it. It’s a big reason I find it so interesting. I’ve always been a seeker of new experiences, someone especially motivated to seek novel experiences rather than everyday ones. That includes sexual experiences, so it is no surprise that enforced chastity ticks a few boxes for me in that regard.

I firmly believe a person’s sexuality and their understanding of it changes over time. At least that has been true of me and several friends I know well. In a real sense, I think having a penis has just become too easy.

Evolution has made the penis an organ that efficiently provides extraordinary pleasure. During my life, it has been my great fortune to have had intimacy with a significant number of attractive women, a handful of whom I can honestly say were truly exceptionally amazing lovers. But, as gratifying and enjoyable as sex with women like that can be, if I’m honest, I have to admit the very design and nature of the penis means I can get the same physical satisfaction and sexual release from masturbation. So, sometimes you only go through the motions whether solo or in the company of an intimate partner. But, just maybe sex and intimacy is supposed to be at least as much about emotional fulfillment as about physical release. Self-pleasure then seems more and more an easy way out sexually. I have come to view that as a disadvantage, even as a weakness.

In conclusion, what chastity means to me is an opportunity for positive change. Without access to my penis as an avenue to satisfy myself sexually whenever I feel the urge, perhaps I’ll become a different person, a better person. Maybe it will force me to become more creative, to learn other ways to find and feel pleasure that have nothing to do with physical touch. I might even become more service-oriented and learn to channel and redirect sexual frustration and craving into concrete expressions of total devotion and respect to my key holder.

Over to you. What does chastity mean to you? Give us an idea of how it shapes you and your relationships. Are you in Chastity or is your partner?

The Agreement

In the previous post, I promised to share a little about my agreement with my key holder, who for the purposes of this blog is known as Lady Jayne. First, let me say how fortunate I feel I am to have met her. She is extremely knowledgeable about enforced male chastity and has a good deal of experience with it. I don’t think I could be in better hands. Figuratively speaking, of course.

I just signed an agreement yesterday that covers what amounts to a 30-day introduction to enforced male chastity. This period of time allows me to learn whether male chastity is something I wish to experience long-term. It also gives Lady Jane the opportunity to evaluate me and decide whether I am the kind of guy she wishes to be the key holder for.

While we haven’t had a lot of interaction yet, already I am very impressed with Lady Jayne’s knowledge and professional attitude. She is an easy woman to respect, and already I sense her dominance.

As I’ve mentioned before, a lot of “vanilla” people are practicing enforced male chastity these days. So, submitting to male chastity doesn’t necessarily correspond with submission as practiced in D/s or BDSM. But, you can’t deny there is a real exchange of power involved. While I am a rank novice when it comes to enforced male chastity, I do have a rather lengthy experience with D/s relationships and BDSM play. Ironically, in terms of that, I’ve always filled the role of dominant or top. This then is a completely new paradigm for me to sort.

Now back to the agreement, it spells out the ground rules I’m to follow and provides me Lady Jayne’s expectations. During the next thirty days, I will remain under her control and she quite literally owns my penis. I am not allowed to touch except during cleaning or play with it at anytime whether locked or unlocked absent her permission and expressed direction. Actually, I find that concept quite thrilling to think about, having my most intimate bits in possession and under the control of another person. That bit is a major part of what I wanted to explore, and to learn how I’ll react to it.

In addition to wearing a chastity devices for longer and longer periods of time over the next thirty days, I will also receive assignments from time to time which I’ll be required to complete timely and to the satisfaction of Lady Jayne. These assignments haven’t been spelled out, but I rather suspect at least some of them will be aimed at elevating my arousal so that I will become even more acutely aware of my predicament.

It’s important to note that Lady Jayne and I do not live anywhere near each other. Our interaction will be only at a distance. That means, of course, that there isn’t anything physically sexual about our arrangement. From past experiences with power exchanges, I’m more than confident that even with the limitations of interaction at a distance, the control aspect will still feel quite profound.

The agreement has been signed, the die has been cast. Now it’s only a matter of waiting impatiently for the highly anticipated chastity device to arrive in the post. When the package arrives, I feel sure that things will get real.

In the next post, I’ll hopefully be able to share my initial experiences with enforced chastity while wearing the device for the first time. Until then, thanks for reading.

The Jailhouse

After reading a ton of reviews on male chastity devices, I came away with two major things. First, a stainless steel device seemed more appealing to me than those made of other material like resin, silicone, or plastic. Steel seems more appealing due to its greater strength, aesthetics, and heft.

The other thing I learned, based on what I’d read, was steel chastity devices are best purchased from one of a handful of manufacturers who custom build them. Steelwerks and Mature Metal were two companies I saw recommended again and again. However, for a couple of reasons I chose not to go this route.

While a custom built device is no doubt optimal, it is a relatively expensive option. At Mature Metal for example, device prices range from $320 up to $480 depending on the model you’re interested in. The other thing is there is a lengthy wait of 6-8 weeks after you order before the device is shipped since it is custom built.

Given this is my first experience with enforced chastity, it didn’t seem to make sense to spend around $400 for a chastity device until I’ve learned whether enforced chastity is something I want to submit to on a more or less permanent basis. The other thing is after making the decision to explore enforced chastity, I didn’t want to wait 6-8 weeks or more before getting started. So, for those reasons I decided to go with a cheaper and faster option.

For my first experience, I chose to go with a more moderately priced device from a California manufacturer called the Jailhouse. It is the common two-piece device composed of a stainless steel tube, or cage and a stainless steel ring which connects with the cage using a series of three pins. There is a hole drilled in the center pin where either a small padlock or a numbered plastic lock can be used to secure the device.

The Jailhouse isn’t the cheapest way to go. I saw many similar style devices on Amazon for example which looked almost identical that were half its price. But, having researched this all quite exhaustively I was convinced getting the cheapest thing was not the way to go. So, a little more research led me to the device I ordered.

While I haven’t received the Jailhouse yet, I feel confident it will meet my expectations for a first device. Something I only learned after ordering it was it is basically a knockoff version in stainless steel of a very well known chastity device called the CB-6000. The CB-6000 has been the entry level device of choice for a great many men trying enforced chastity for the first time, but it is only available in poly-carbonate. Since I wanted steel, it wasn’t an option. Here is a side by side comparison of the Jailhouse and the CB-6000 to illustrate the similarities.

Notice that both devices use the three pin system, have similar looking vent holes, and the same style slit at the end of the tube for urination. Actually, as I’ve learned, the CB-6000 due to its popularity is likely the most copied chastity device in the world. You can even buy similar plastic models manufactured in China from Amazon, though the quality is no where near the same as you get with the authentic device.

For the gear heads, here are the specifications of the Jailhouse.

  • Stainless steel construction
  • Length 7cm (2.76 in.)
  • Tube inside diameter 35mm (1.38 in.)
  • Ring diameter 4.5cm (1.77 in.)

I’ve read both positive and negative reviews about steel CB-6000 knockoffs. The most troubling comment I read was from a very experienced guy I’ve developed a lot of respect for that found one he tried (not from the same manufacturer) to have a poorly finished interior that abraded the corona of his penis’ glans when he wore it while taking a long walk. Since I run almost every day, I have to have a device that accommodates physical activity without causing abrasions on one of the most sensitive parts of my anatomy. So, I’m trying to remain cautiously optimistic. Hopefully the device will meet my expectations.

Once I receive the Jailhouse and have had a chance to wear it a while, I will post a review for the benefit of others who may be interested in test driving a metal CB-6000 knockoff.

I hope you will visit again to read my next post when I’ll be sharing a little about the key holding agreement I’ve just signed with Lady Jayne.

Cut to the Chaste

Welcome to Cut to the Chaste, my online journal where I chronicle my exploration of enforced male chastity. I’m your host. You may call me Chaste, and this is my very first post.

For the uninitiated who may have landed here out of curiosity, simply put, enforced male chastity is a practice where a male voluntarily submits to having his penis confined in some sort of chastity device. Once he is “locked up,” another person, known as the key holder, assumes ownership of his penis and complete control over its availability for sexual activity of any kind. The device may be removed only with the permission and at the expressed direction of the key holder. That of course means the guy is subjected to orgasm control or even outright orgasm denial for whatever period of time the key holder deems appropriate.

I can imagine there must be someone reading this is wondering why any man would want to subject himself to enforced chastity. The truth is, like many things in life, enforced male chastity is not as simple as it seems. The reasons why someone would desire to be locked up in a chastity device are likely as varied as the men who choose to do it. I’m not qualified to explain why others desire to experience enforced chastity, and to be frank I’m still trying to suss out my own attraction to experiencing it. That is a big part of the reason why I’m embarking on this journey of exploration and self discovery.

The practice of enforced male chastity is actually far more common than you might imagine. Also, it isn’t only kinky people who practice it. In recent years it has become quite common in committed relationships between partners who otherwise practice “vanilla” intimacy. Part of the reason for this may simply be the fact that the availability of male chastity devices has literally exploded in recent times. Once choices were few and costs were very high. Now the options are quite mind boggling.

When it comes to male chastity devices, there are two basic options. Chastity belts and chastity tubes, sometimes called cages. I’ve chosen to go with a cage device. The device is composed of two primary parts. There is the tube or cage the flaccid penis is inserted in and a ring which encircles the base of the penis and goes behind the scrotum entrapping the testicles. Once the penis is inserted in the tube, the tube is mated to the ring and secured with a locking device. In the next post, I’ll share more about the specific device I’ve chosen and why.

Ideally, in my opinion, the best choice for a key holder is someone you are already having an intimate relationship with. Sadly, in my case that wasn’t an option as I’m between partners at the moment. So, I had to seek out someone willing to act as my key holder. The best option seemed to be someone who offers key holding services on a “pay-to-play” basis.

After some due diligence research, I contacted a dominant woman I felt comfortable with who is willing to provide me the service I need in return for me showing my respect and appreciation for her by offering tribute (a fee). I’m quite happy with the arrangement as this woman, we’ll call her Lady Jayne, seems very experienced, straightforward, and someone I’ll come to trust. The more contact I have with Lady Jayne, the more confident I am that she is the perfect person to act as my key holder at this stage of my exploration. If you continue visiting here and reading my posts, you will learn more about Lady Jayne as time goes on.

At the time of this post, I’m not yet locked up. While the arrangement with Lady Jayne has been finalized, I am still awaiting delivery of the chastity device I ordered. Hopefully, it will arrive by week’s end and we will be able to get started. As a complete novice, I am excited about all this, but a bit nervous too. But, soon we’ll see how things go with it.

I hope you will return here to read the next post when I’ll share a little about the specific device I’ll be locked up in and why I chose it. Until then, thank you for reading.