Chastity 90 2023 Day 1

And it begins. The first day of Chastity 90 2023, ninety-days of abstaining from masturbation, orgasm, and ejaculation.

The truth be told; I was eager to lock my Holy Trainer Nub V5 back on after three days of freedom. So eager, I stayed up until 12:01 A.M. this morning to put it back on and lock up. I’ve grown so accustomed to wearing a chastity device, I feel more comfortable wearing one than not. While I wasn’t concerned about it, the three days out of the cage showed that after 877 days of 24/7 chastity, I experienced no shrinkage, have no problem getting and maintaining an erection, and ejaculate normally. I admit I didn’t last long when performing the plumbing check, but that’s to be expected since the lengthy period of being locked increased my sensitivity.

Are You In?

This site gets a lot of visitors every day and I’m hopeful others are taking part in the challenge with me. Yes, I know not everyone interested in chastity is interested in long-term chastity. But spending ninety days wearing a cage and observing strict abstinence is an experience not to be missed, in my opinion. You learn things about yourself that you just don’t with shorter periods of chastity. And by the end, you will definitely know whether permanent chastity is for you.

If you’ve been thinking about participating, or this is the first you’ve heard about Chastity 90, you can review the terms of the contest here. You’ll see that there are other things besides practicing sexual abstinence we ask you to do for the ninety days, along with a few things you’re asked to do you probably don’t do now.

I aimed all the terms at making it easier to complete the challenge than it might be otherwise. In our hyper-sexualized society, every type of media, from video games to television to social media sites, pushes sexual imagery and content. You can view all the porn you want without ever visiting an Internet porn site. Just sign on to Twitter, TikTok, or just about any other popular social media platform. The things I ask you to avoid should limit your exposures to titillating content and other sexual triggers that will make it far more difficult to complete the challenge. And while social media particularly can be addicting, you can learn to live without it.

I used to sign into Twitter every morning, intending just to spend a few moments catching up. Instead, I’d waste an hour or more scrolling through the never ending feed, clicking on news stories that captured my interest, etc. And then I’d end up wasting even more time looking at Twitter on my phone throughout the day. Then Twitter did me a big solid about a year ago.

A few months before Musk took over, they suspended me when I posted criticism of an ignorant government official who did nothing but spread disinformation throughout the entire pandemic and he harmed many people, including kids. A moderator sent me a message telling me they would restore my account if I deleted the “offensive” post. Instead, I gave Twitter a middle finger and deleted the app from all my devices. Know what? I haven’t missed it at all. In fact, my life is much improved since I left that toxic crap behind. So, please consider doing your best to follow all the terms because if you do, I think you will get much more value from this challenge than just a 90-day chastity experience

No Device Required

Remember, you don’t have to wear a chastity device for the entire challenge. But you can wear one if you wish. You can wear a device, all the time, part of the time, or none of the time and just rely on good old-fashioned willpower. It’s completely up to you. I’ll be wearing a device the entire challenge, but I have a lot of experience with long-term chastity that others probably don’t. I have many comfortable, well-fitting devices and, of course, I enjoy wearing them.

Even if you find it impossible to complete the full 90-days, Chastity 90 is still a great opportunity to go deeper into chastity and learn that it is a healthy and positive lifestyle choice with many benefits.