chastity 90 challenge

Chastity 90 Check-In End of Week 1

For those taking part in the challenge, it’s time for a Chastity 90 check-in.

If you’re taking part in our Chastity 90 challenge and have abstained from masturbation, orgasm, and ejaculation so far, congratulations. Going without for seven days is hard, even for those with lots of experience practicing long-term chastity.

Revisiting My Early Days in Chastity

When I unlocked for three days and indulged in sexual release before locking up for Chastity 90, I did so because I expected it would make the challenge more challenging. I felt it only right to make it harder for me, since I was encouraging others to join me in ninety days of chastity. But I admit, I didn’t realize just how much harder it would make things. It took me back to my early days in chastity. I experienced again what I am sure every individual experiences when embarking on a lengthy period of chastity and denial.

Days two through four were the hardest, because my body was ready to orgasm and ejaculate again. The temptation to unlock and attend to business was almost unbearable, which felt a little unsettling since I’d just ended such a long period of chastity. But I got through it, and somewhere around day five or six, I began feeling better and less desperate for relief. Today, I am back in the groove, finding myself thinking spontaneously warm, pleasant thoughts and feeling motivated. Yes, I still feel the heightened arousal, but it isn’t bad. It’s pleasurable actually.

Pushing Onward

Even though, like me, you may have found the first days of the challenge difficult and felt the inability to rub one out casually when you wanted irritating, don’t let it get you down. Instead of focusing on how good it would feel to have a nice orgasm and to ejaculate, commit yourself to something better and higher. I think spending ninety days in chastity is such a profoundly positive experience that you will be glad you persevered at the end. Ninety days can feel like a long time, but it isn’t forever. Cultivate patience, Grasshopper, and you will earn a reward at the end.

Blue Balls

Blue balls are not a myth. And I understand some people find it more uncomfortable than others. The sensations can range from a dull ache to an intense pressure accompanied by a strong urge to ejaculate. It can last from hours to even a few days, but it subsides eventually. And while you may struggle with blue balls, there is also the ever increasing sexual desire that accompanies chastity that feels quite pleasurable. The two sensations create quite an interesting contrast. So, instead of giving in, use a little ice or take cold showers for a day or two and you will get past it.

I'm Rocking a New Cage

As promised, after buying and reviewing a couple of Cobra knockoffs, in fairness to Kink3D, the original creator of the Cobra, I ordered an authentic Cobra from them. It arrived last week. Since I had to remove the Nub for cleaning last Saturday, anyway, I set it aside temporarily and put on the Cobra. Almost three days in, it feels very comfortable. I will wear test it for a week and then return to the Nub on Saturday when I unlock for cleaning. Then I will post a review sometime next week.

Mistress Update

After whinging about it a few days ago that none of the Mistresses I reached out to recently had replied, one of them contacted me today. And believe it or not, my first choice. So, I will soon have a keyholder again. She seems great. Very professional, intelligent, experienced, and very sadistic. I should probably be scared, but I’m only feeling excited. Of course, this will make Chastity 90 even more challenging. We are starting with a video chat lock up later this week, so I will give another update later.

Chastity 90 2023 Day 1

And it begins. The first day of Chastity 90 2023, ninety-days of abstaining from masturbation, orgasm, and ejaculation.

The truth be told; I was eager to lock my Holy Trainer Nub V5 back on after three days of freedom. So eager, I stayed up until 12:01 A.M. this morning to put it back on and lock up. I’ve grown so accustomed to wearing a chastity device, I feel more comfortable wearing one than not. While I wasn’t concerned about it, the three days out of the cage showed that after 877 days of 24/7 chastity, I experienced no shrinkage, have no problem getting and maintaining an erection, and ejaculate normally. I admit I didn’t last long when performing the plumbing check, but that’s to be expected since the lengthy period of being locked increased my sensitivity.

Are You In?

This site gets a lot of visitors every day and I’m hopeful others are taking part in the challenge with me. Yes, I know not everyone interested in chastity is interested in long-term chastity. But spending ninety days wearing a cage and observing strict abstinence is an experience not to be missed, in my opinion. You learn things about yourself that you just don’t with shorter periods of chastity. And by the end, you will definitely know whether permanent chastity is for you.

If you’ve been thinking about participating, or this is the first you’ve heard about Chastity 90, you can review the terms of the contest here. You’ll see that there are other things besides practicing sexual abstinence we ask you to do for the ninety days, along with a few things you’re asked to do you probably don’t do now.

I aimed all the terms at making it easier to complete the challenge than it might be otherwise. In our hyper-sexualized society, every type of media, from video games to television to social media sites, pushes sexual imagery and content. You can view all the porn you want without ever visiting an Internet porn site. Just sign on to Twitter, TikTok, or just about any other popular social media platform. The things I ask you to avoid should limit your exposures to titillating content and other sexual triggers that will make it far more difficult to complete the challenge. And while social media particularly can be addicting, you can learn to live without it.

I used to sign into Twitter every morning, intending just to spend a few moments catching up. Instead, I’d waste an hour or more scrolling through the never ending feed, clicking on news stories that captured my interest, etc. And then I’d end up wasting even more time looking at Twitter on my phone throughout the day. Then Twitter did me a big solid about a year ago.

A few months before Musk took over, they suspended me when I posted criticism of an ignorant government official who did nothing but spread disinformation throughout the entire pandemic and he harmed many people, including kids. A moderator sent me a message telling me they would restore my account if I deleted the “offensive” post. Instead, I gave Twitter a middle finger and deleted the app from all my devices. Know what? I haven’t missed it at all. In fact, my life is much improved since I left that toxic crap behind. So, please consider doing your best to follow all the terms because if you do, I think you will get much more value from this challenge than just a 90-day chastity experience

No Device Required

Remember, you don’t have to wear a chastity device for the entire challenge. But you can wear one if you wish. You can wear a device, all the time, part of the time, or none of the time and just rely on good old-fashioned willpower. It’s completely up to you. I’ll be wearing a device the entire challenge, but I have a lot of experience with long-term chastity that others probably don’t. I have many comfortable, well-fitting devices and, of course, I enjoy wearing them.

Even if you find it impossible to complete the full 90-days, Chastity 90 is still a great opportunity to go deeper into chastity and learn that it is a healthy and positive lifestyle choice with many benefits.

Join Me for the Chastity 90 Challenge on May 1

Join me for the Chastity 90 challenge. My current streak of 24/7 chastity will end on April 27, 2023, at 877 days. I will remain unlocked for 72 hours, April 28-30, 2023. Here’s why. I want the Chasity 90 challenge to be distinct ninety days period to show solidarity with those who join me in the challenge.

It's Been A Minute

Except for the fifteen or twenty minutes that I’ve spent periodically to clean my body and chastity device thoroughly, I have worn a chastity device 24/7 since December 1, 2020. I didn’t set out then to prove anything. The truth be told, the longer I have remained chaste, the easier I’ve found it to remain chaste.

Frankly, I now prefer to wear a chastity device every day and every night over not wearing one. Even when I unlock for cleaning, it feels weird to me having the device removed and I’m always eager to put it back on. I don’t have a keyholder except for those occasions when I’ve engaged a pro keyholder, so I do chastity for me, not for a partner. I’m sure having a partner to share chastity with is far more rewarding than what I experience. Yet I get so many benefits from remaining locked and semen retention that I have permanently embraced the chastity life. I say all this to say that I’ll find it more than a little uncomfortable to remain unlocked for seventy-hours. But even if only one other person joins me in the Chastity 90 challenge, I want them to feel supported knowing someone else is going through each day with them as a distinct ninety-day period.

Honestly, since I’ve observed permanent chastity, the past two Locktober events haven’t challenged me. They have been just another month of doing something I already willingly did every other day of the year. That’s why I want this ninety-day challenge to be a distinct period where I’ll do seventy-two hours unlocked both at the beginning and the end.

Spoiler Alert

As you probably surmised from the image accompanying this post, I’ll be wearing the Holy Trainer Nub V5 for the Chasity 90 challenge. Holy Trainer got my new device to me amazingly fast. When I ordered it, they stated I’d receive it via UPS within 2-3 business days. I admit I wasn’t sure I believed that. After all, they manufacturer the devices in Switzerland. But they delivered. I ordered the device last Thursday, received notice last Friday morning that they had shipped it, and I received it early yesterday afternoon. I assume the company must have drop ship arrangements here in the United States to deliver so quickly for the modest shipping cost of $7.95.

I will soon post a complete review of the HT Nub V5 with a comparison to my Nub V4, but I’ll wear the V5 for a while before I do that. What I will say now is I absolutely love this device. It

Holy Trainer Nub V5

isn’t difficult to put on and wear the V4, but the new locking device on this model makes it even easier to put on the V5.

As much as I’ve always preferred the heft of a stainless device chastity cage, I’m learning to love the comfort of these almost unnoticeable plastic resin devices.

I dropped one size with the base ring with the V5. While I’ve mastered measuring for chastity devices that fit correctly, I always follow specific advice manufacturers provide for their devices. The Holy Trainer base ring sizing instructions are a little different from those other device manufacturers give. Rather than telling you to measure and then order a ring size based on the measurement, Holy Trainer gives length in inches ranges to point you to the proper size. My measurement around my scrotum and penis base is almost exactly 7 inches. The company recommends their 55mm (2.14 inches) base ring for measurements between 6.42 and 7.03 inches. While that is considerably larger than the base ring size I wear comfortably with all my custom-made stainless steel devices, I took their advice and ordered the 55mm ring with my V4. I think the larger base ring size is warranted, especially with the Nub, because of the way the penis tub presses deeply between your testicles. And the 55mm ring worked for me as I had no ball slippage issues. Yet the ring always felt a little larger than I needed. So, with the V5 I ordered the 50mm ring (for measurements between 5.83 to 6.41 inches and I like it so much better. It felt slightly tight when I put it on for the first time and felt that way until I went to bed last night. But since I woke up this morning, it has felt great, and the device stays tight against my abdomen perfectly. So, I think I’ve got the right device to get me through Chastity 90 and I know I’ll be eager to put it back on and lock up on May 1.

Hope You Will Join Me for the Challenge

If you’ve done Locktober a few times and have always thought about doing a longer period in chastity, Chastity 90 is your opportunity. As I explained in the post about the challenge, there is no set start date. You can begin the challenge anytime that works for you. But it would be great to have others joining me at the starting line on May 1 and the finish line at midnight, July 29. If you haven’t read the rules of the challenge, there is no requirement that you wear a chastity device every day or even any day. You must only abstain from all masturbation, orgasms, and ejaculation for the ninety days. You may attempt the challenge on good old willpower alone if you wish, or wear a chastity device for all or part of the challenge. It’s your call. I prefer to remain locked for the entire period, but of course, I’m accustomed to wearing a device 24/7.

I’m planning to post at least a couple of times before May 1, explaining a little about aspects of the challenge requirements. So, please check back in a day or two for more information.