Chastity 90 Check-In End of Week 1

For those taking part in the challenge, it’s time for a Chastity 90 check-in.

If you’re taking part in our Chastity 90 challenge and have abstained from masturbation, orgasm, and ejaculation so far, congratulations. Going without for seven days is hard, even for those with lots of experience practicing long-term chastity.

Revisiting My Early Days in Chastity

When I unlocked for three days and indulged in sexual release before locking up for Chastity 90, I did so because I expected it would make the challenge more challenging. I felt it only right to make it harder for me, since I was encouraging others to join me in ninety days of chastity. But I admit, I didn’t realize just how much harder it would make things. It took me back to my early days in chastity. I experienced again what I am sure every individual experiences when embarking on a lengthy period of chastity and denial.

Days two through four were the hardest, because my body was ready to orgasm and ejaculate again. The temptation to unlock and attend to business was almost unbearable, which felt a little unsettling since I’d just ended such a long period of chastity. But I got through it, and somewhere around day five or six, I began feeling better and less desperate for relief. Today, I am back in the groove, finding myself thinking spontaneously warm, pleasant thoughts and feeling motivated. Yes, I still feel the heightened arousal, but it isn’t bad. It’s pleasurable actually.

Pushing Onward

Even though, like me, you may have found the first days of the challenge difficult and felt the inability to rub one out casually when you wanted irritating, don’t let it get you down. Instead of focusing on how good it would feel to have a nice orgasm and to ejaculate, commit yourself to something better and higher. I think spending ninety days in chastity is such a profoundly positive experience that you will be glad you persevered at the end. Ninety days can feel like a long time, but it isn’t forever. Cultivate patience, Grasshopper, and you will earn a reward at the end.

Blue Balls

Blue balls are not a myth. And I understand some people find it more uncomfortable than others. The sensations can range from a dull ache to an intense pressure accompanied by a strong urge to ejaculate. It can last from hours to even a few days, but it subsides eventually. And while you may struggle with blue balls, there is also the ever increasing sexual desire that accompanies chastity that feels quite pleasurable. The two sensations create quite an interesting contrast. So, instead of giving in, use a little ice or take cold showers for a day or two and you will get past it.

I'm Rocking a New Cage

As promised, after buying and reviewing a couple of Cobra knockoffs, in fairness to Kink3D, the original creator of the Cobra, I ordered an authentic Cobra from them. It arrived last week. Since I had to remove the Nub for cleaning last Saturday, anyway, I set it aside temporarily and put on the Cobra. Almost three days in, it feels very comfortable. I will wear test it for a week and then return to the Nub on Saturday when I unlock for cleaning. Then I will post a review sometime next week.

Mistress Update

After whinging about it a few days ago that none of the Mistresses I reached out to recently had replied, one of them contacted me today. And believe it or not, my first choice. So, I will soon have a keyholder again. She seems great. Very professional, intelligent, experienced, and very sadistic. I should probably be scared, but I’m only feeling excited. Of course, this will make Chastity 90 even more challenging. We are starting with a video chat lock up later this week, so I will give another update later.