Mail Call: Chastity Related Questions November 2023

It’s time once again to dig into the mailbag and to respond to the inquiries sent in by readers in this month’s edition of Mail Call: Chastity Related Questions.

This month, we received questions from two different blog followers about the same issue which suggests their chastity device related issues are something that may apply to our wider audience. Today we’re discussing the appearance of sores on the penis while wearing a chastity device and how to prevent them.

Here is the first email sent in by a reader named Jerry…

I have been using chastity cages for about 7 years but come upon the same problem every time I go for long periods. When I pee (sitting of course) some gets on /in the cage and I get sores, how can I prevent this?

Reader Ray wrote in with a similar issue…


I recently came across your website and find it very insightful & informative. It is nice to hear from a real living person of their experiences with a chastity device rather than just the marketing material on all the websites. Thank you.

I am very interested in buying a new metal cock cage that provides:

1. Ultra comfort for long-term use

2. Maximum security to prevent escape

My current metal cage is a “Jailhouse metal locking device”. I like the design that provides total enclosure of the penis, however, having worn this continually for 7 days and then taking it off (for a medical appointment) the top of my penis had 2 x cut marks (around the spacing section). The left side of the penis also had early signs of an infection of the foreskin. I shower daily and used Vaseline and baby oil to keep lubricated on a regular basis throughout the day.

So here is the request. I am hoping you can help me by providing me with:

A) 3 x recommendations for alternative metal device options that meet 1 & 2 above.

B) Any other ways to improve my daily hygiene to avoid cuts/infections?

Any feedback from you would be very greatly appreciated.

It’s always difficult to diagnose the specific problems individuals have when wearing chastity devices. Generally, readers who send in questions do a good job of describing their problem. But, not knowing them personally, I can’t, of course, know details about them that could shed light on the problem they share and seek a solution for. That’s the case with both of these situations, since the first thing I would want to know is the specifics of their hygiene habits.

I will do the best I can with what information I’ve got to work with it, but the truth is many things cause sores on the penis. Yet, with wearing chastity devices, poor hygiene habits are always the likely suspect. Not to say these guys are lazy about cleaning their peens. The design of many chastity devices can often make it damn difficult to clean the contents thoroughly enough to prevent problems.

A Clean Peen Is A Happy Peen

A recent survey by The Derm Review, a comprehensive online resource on skincare products, cosmetic ingredients and beauty how to’s, reveals 60 percent of men are washing their penises all wrong (more on that later), and many are not doing it enough. Toss a chastity device into the mix and it exacerbates what can become serious problems from poor hygiene practices. So, someone getting sores or infections on their Johnson after wearing a chastity device should first ask themselves if they are cleaning their penis properly and often enough.

Penis Washing Frequency

The consensus opinion of medical professionals is that we should wash our penis once each day. Some respondents to the survey I referenced reported they washed their penis at least twice a day. But this is a case where more is not always better. Washing too often can cause irritation, dryness, and itching. Still, not washing enough is worse than washing too often.

Infrequent washing results in unpleasant odors and makes your junk a natural breeding ground for bacteria that can cause painful sores and bacterial infections. Trapped urine, leaking semen, and the normal sloughing off of skin cells that also get trapped inside a chastity device contribute to these problems. A thorough cleaning once a day is the perfect frequency, medical professionals say. They also recommend using only warm water and shower gel or soap that is not heavily perfumed, which can cause allergic reactions. Be sure to wash the tip of your penis and, if you’re uncircumcised, pull back and clean beneath the foreskin. Obviously, that’s hard to do while wearing a chastity device, but it is possible (though not easy to do) with the use of cotton swabs.

While Jerry didn’t share what type of device he usually wears, Ray says he has worn a “Jailhouse metal locking device.” From his description of the device as one with a tube that encloses his penis completely, I think he may have described the very first chastity device I tried and found completely unsatisfactory. I didn’t get any sores from it, but I only wore it for a few days before discarding it. Ray’s device evidently worked for him well enough that he wore it continuously for seven days and then discovered the sores when he removed it. My first inclination is that Ray experienced a hygiene related problem, which is common with fully enclosing tube style cages.

While I don’t know what type of cage Jerry usually wears, he mentioned wearing chastity devices for the past seven years. So, I suspect his problem with sores is probably also related to hygiene issues. The longer we’ve worn chastity devices, the more prone we can become to not spending as much time and effort as is necessary to clean our junk properly. Anyway, my advice to Jerry and Ray is to first focus on proper washing and see if that solves their problem. If no improvement happens, then it’s probably time to see a doctor for a professional diagnosis.

My "Jailhouse" Chastity Device

Proper Chastity Hygiene Solutions

I know some people prefer the fully enclosing tube type cages. I have a few of them and I do enjoy the sensations the devices provide. But in the interest of good penis health and spending less time making sure I have washed thoroughly, I gravitated to the open-type “birdcage” devices. This means I spend less time in the shower washing and it’s less complicated. But here is my advice to those who prefer the tube type devices. Remove the devices at least every three days so you can wash your penis and clean the device thoroughly. And then dry your junk completely, including the tip beneath your foreskin if you’re uncut and the device before putting it back on.

Yes, I know it feels like a pain to unlock and lock every three days. But I think it’s an inconvenience you just must live with if you choose to wear a fully enclosed device. If you don’t want to do it, then it’s an easy fix. Get an open-style cage instead. There are plenty to choose from in both stainless steel and plastic. My two 3D printed devices, the Cobra and the Hera, both have sufficient openings to allow me to get a fairly thorough cleaning in the shower each day with no special equipment. Still, if I’m self-locking, I remove the device once a week to clean it and give myself a good scrubbing. That can be inconvenient when a keyholder is enforcing my chastity, so instead of removing the device, I use another technique to make sure I get an extra-thorough cleaning once a week.

The Squeeze Bottle Method

I found a cheap plastic bottle at a local dollar store that does a great job of helping me keep the cage contents tidy. First, I fill the bottle with some Dove fragrance free body wash and warm water. I spray the soapy solution into every nook and cranny of my cage. And then I use cotton swabs to scrub the contents of the cage as best I can. Once I’ve finished, I rinse the bottle thoroughly with warm water, fill it with plain warm water, and then again spray the water inside all the openings, including the top of the cage next to my abdomen. Usually I use two full bottles of plain warm water to make sure I’ve rinsed all the soap from inside the cage. Then after toweling dry, I use a blow dryer on low heat to dry the contents of the cage. Your junk does best when you keep the environment clean and dry. That’s why I don’t recommend using products like Vaseline or baby oil inside the cage. I only use a dab of baby oil inside the base ring when putting on the device.

Once You’re Confident You Are Washing Properly and Washing Daily

I’m not a doctor and don’t play one on television, which is why I would suggest only giving things a few days to a week for sores after making sure I was washing properly and daily to see any improvement. If the sores aren’t healing, it’s time to get professional help. Go see your doctor. Also, with infections, I’d recommend seeing a medical professional immediately before things get worse. That’s because poor hygiene practices and wearing chastity devices aren’t the only things that cause sores and infections of the penis. Things like undiagnosed diabetes, STIs, and skin disorders like psoriasis can also cause genital sores and infections, nothing you want to mess around with.

Chastity Device Recommendations

Both Jerry and Ray asked for chastity device recommendations, so I’ll end with that. First, I always recommend open “birdcage” type cages over the enclosed tube styles for continuous wear. It’s just easier to keep things clean and to avoid the issues you are experiencing. Second, I’m not a fan of cheap off-the-shelf chastity devices. We’ve probably all gone that route when we couldn’t justify the spend for a quality, custom-fitted stainless steel device. But if you intend to practice long-term chastity, invest in a quality cage.

The Mature Metal Jail Bird is one of my favorite stainless steel options. But the device offers only two locking options, padlock or security set screw. If you prefer the internal barrel lock system instead, I recommend Badassworkroom devices like my BA-21. The prices for the Jail Bird and the BA-21 are about the same. For a less expensive off-the-shelf option, a 3D printed device is a great choice. I love both my Cobra N and Hera. The nylon material and finishing used in both cases is hypoallergenic and bacterial resistant. I’ve worn the Cobra for multiple months without removing it with no problems and expect the same would be true of my Hera XS. I just haven’t had it long enough to find out yet.

Hopefully, that helps both Jerry and Ray and anyone else who may be experiencing similar problems.