What does chastity mean to you?

Since I’m taking a break from another project, I decided to write a new post. Mostly because I’m still waiting impatiently for the chastity device to arrive which keeps my mind focused on my impending step into the world of enforced male chastity.

Today I’ve been ruminating on this question. What does chastity mean to you? Put simply, I view chastity as denying your penis sexual stimulation, and giving control of your sexual being to another, your key holder.

I’m curious to know the answers you might get if you polled a group of people asking “What does chastity mean to you? I suspect it might be quite a range of answers, often with definitions including celibacy.  That wouldn’t be terribly surprising since chastity has its roots in both social and religious origins. Dictionaries even define “chastity” as abstaining from sexual relations or morality with respect to sexual relations, being pure, and of virtuous character. But as I contemplate it, I’m not convinced that chastity must include celibacy which I’m defining as absolute abstinence from intercourse and/or masturbation.

Other men who embrace enforced male chastity have posted on the web their key holders give them periodic release dates.  They look forward to those release dates and to experiencing the rare and hopefully overwhelming orgasms they crave. It seems then the release dates, and control of their orgasms is what makes chastity work for them.

While I’ve yet to experience it, I easily imagine the feeling of a key holder owning my penis and controlling my orgasms is likely to feel highly charged with eroticism, even at a distance. But, as I try to answer the question I advanced at the beginning, I don’t feel that an erotic experience or participation in some kinky sexual activity is exactly what chastity means to me.

I think it a fair statement that the things we do and not do combine to alter us, perhaps even heighten certain attributes and diminish others. I’m willing to posit how I feel about me and view myself now as a man and as a human being might change profoundly once I’m no longer having the same amount of sexual release I’ve become accustomed to. The point here is what chastity means to me today might be radically different from what it will mean in the coming days and weeks when I’m actually submitting to it.

Based on what others have written I’ve read recently, it seems clear chastity changes you in a myriad of ways—mentally, hormonally, emotionally, and even other ways. That’s part of why I’m keen to experience it. It’s a big reason I find it so interesting. I’ve always been a seeker of new experiences, someone especially motivated to seek novel experiences rather than everyday ones. That includes sexual experiences, so it is no surprise that enforced chastity ticks a few boxes for me in that regard.

I firmly believe a person’s sexuality and their understanding of it changes over time. At least that has been true of me and several friends I know well. In a real sense, I think having a penis has just become too easy.

Evolution has made the penis an organ that efficiently provides extraordinary pleasure. During my life, it has been my great fortune to have had intimacy with a significant number of attractive women, a handful of whom I can honestly say were truly exceptionally amazing lovers. But, as gratifying and enjoyable as sex with women like that can be, if I’m honest, I have to admit the very design and nature of the penis means I can get the same physical satisfaction and sexual release from masturbation. So, sometimes you only go through the motions whether solo or in the company of an intimate partner. But, just maybe sex and intimacy is supposed to be at least as much about emotional fulfillment as about physical release. Self-pleasure then seems more and more an easy way out sexually. I have come to view that as a disadvantage, even as a weakness.

In conclusion, what chastity means to me is an opportunity for positive change. Without access to my penis as an avenue to satisfy myself sexually whenever I feel the urge, perhaps I’ll become a different person, a better person. Maybe it will force me to become more creative, to learn other ways to find and feel pleasure that have nothing to do with physical touch. I might even become more service-oriented and learn to channel and redirect sexual frustration and craving into concrete expressions of total devotion and respect to my key holder.

Over to you. What does chastity mean to you? Give us an idea of how it shapes you and your relationships. Are you in Chastity or is your partner?