Size matters

Size matters when it comes to choosing a male chastity device. It’s crucial. When choosing a standard two-piece device made up of a tube or cage, and a base ring, the size of both components are important.

If a base ring is too large, it could actually fall off, or at least you could fall out of it without trying. Too tight and it will be uncomfortable, it might chafe and cause raw, irritated skin, or even compromise circulation. Similar issues can crop up with an improperly sized tube.

Given the variances in the human male body, the importance of proper sizing suggests a custom made device built to exact specifications is always going to be the best option. Unfortunately, it is also a pricey option and not every guy interested in experiencing male chastity is going to be able to fit a custom device into his budget.

Like me, I’m sure a lot of guys have gone with the off-the-shelf option, at least for a first device. If it doesn’t fit well, it becomes a matter of either biting the bullet and investing in a custom made device or buying a different mass-produced model that may provide a better fit.

As I mentioned in the “Male chastity expectations versus reality” post, proper sizing was certainly a major concern of mine when getting started. Since then, I found an attention-grabbing article on Medium about sizing written by a female key holder, Chastity Perkins. She enforces chastity for her husband. Here is what she wrote that I found so interesting.

“…finding the right device and, more importantly, the right size which will be far smaller than the one you think is “too tight.” It’s best to choose a male chastity device that you think is the right size and then also get two sizes smaller in the various parts available.

The main option is the length (short is good actually buy one way shorter than you think you should as well) the other critical size is the “base ring” buy that in the size you think is right and also the next two smaller sizes. Sure go ahead, start with the one that’s easy to get on. There’s a good chance it will eventually fall off even without trying. Go smaller, go a lot smaller, then go even smaller.

After a week or so of this routine, it’s not only dulling that awareness but also conditioning the body to not constantly fight the chastity device. During this period, there’s a good chance that you’ll need to use a smaller device, smaller ring, smaller. Not sure? Go smaller. Go as small as can possibly be MADE to fit as long as nothing is turning colors.”1

The idea a guy will acclimate to smaller and smaller sizes over time than he started with is something I haven’t come across before. Not only that, the rest of Perkins’ article indicates this occurs relatively quickly.

Here is my biggest takeaway from this. Buying a custom-fitted chastity device sooner rather than later might actually be the less expensive way to go. Most mass-produced steel devices come with only one base ring. While moderately priced, if you have to keep buying a new one frequently, it seems it may not take long to spend more than the cost of a custom device.

Also, with custom made devices, in most cases, I have found you can purchase a new ring of a different size from the manufacturer if needed without having to buy a whole new device. This isn’t usually an option with cheaper off-the-shelf models.

It seems there is always more to learn once you get started with male chastity. One thing for sure is I now have even more of an appreciation for how much size matters when choosing a properly fitted device.


1Perkins, Chastity. “Implementing Long Term Male Chastity Enforcement.” 31 May 2018. Web. 22 Dec. 2019.