Tag Archives: chastity devices

Upcoming Chastity Device Reviews

I’ve ordered two new devices, so get ready for more upcoming chastity device reviews.

Since I’m still many weeks away from receiving either of the new custom-made chastity devices I’ve recently ordered, I ordered two inexpensive devices that I’ll feature in upcoming chastity device reviews. I like to wear test and review both custom and less expensive off-the-shelf devices so that this blog covers the bases for everyone interested in exploring male chastity. 

Have a look at the two devices I should receive soon.

The A271 Stainless Steel Device

This isn’t a device that holds much personal appeal for me, but I’m always looking for a basic, inexpensive steel device that I might find worthy of recommending to beginners. A guy I’ve chatted with recently is having a difficult time finding a first device that works well for him. He’s already tried the Holy Trainer, but found it unsatisfactory and prefers steel, anyway. Also, he prefers something with a closed tube rather than a device with an open-style wire cage. So, I hope the A271 might fit the bill. It is mostly a closed tube with an open-style cap that should offer easier urination and cleaning.

The A271 tube or cage measures 42mm (1.65354 inches). That’s toward the shorter end of the scale for the guy I’ve spoken with who told me his average flaccid size is around 2.5 inches. But as I’ve said before, going a little shorter will never cause you problems. The inside diameter is 33mm (1.29921 inches), which is adequate for this guy’s flaccid diameter of 1.2 inches. The A271 comes with one ergonomic-shaped base ring, and the sizes available are 45mm, or 50mm. I ordered the 45mm ring since I’m wear-testing this device and that’s the closest to my ideal 43mm base ring size. The guy I’m trying to help shared he requires about a 48mm ring so would need to order the 50mm if he chose to try this device.

I got the A271, which I found available from many eBay sellers, for ten bucks, and it doesn’t get much cheaper than that. I only hope when it arrives that it really is stainless-steel, not chrome plated, which can cause rashes for some guys with sensitive skin.

Mamba Male Device

The second device I ordered is the Mamba Male Chastity device. This looks quite like the Cobra knock-off I recently reviewed, but with a shorter cage, 60mm (2.3622 inches) instead of 75mm (2.95276 inches). So, I’m hopeful it will work better than the longer Cobra cage I tried since I did order this device for personal use and for a specific purpose. 

Later this year, I’ll travel to Europe and then the Caribbean. Since I’ll be spending time on planes and passing through metal detectors, I wanted a device I could wear that hopefully would not end up putting me in a claustrophobic interview room showing my junk to a TSA officer. I heard about this device and checked it out.

Besides the compact size, this plastic device also uses a plastic “Air Lock” and standard plastic numbered lock to secure the tube to the base ring. There is no metal at all with this device. So, it significantly reduces the chances of detection while passing through security. Of course, wearing a chastity device on an aircraft is not a violation of any law or TSA rule, but I’d rather not have that awkward discussion with a complete stranger at an airport that I’ve heard other guys have had to endure.

Mamba Chastity Cage Device
The "Air Lock" is Travel-Friendly
Mamba Specs

Besides the 60mm (2.3622 inches) cage length, the Mamba device cage has an internal diameter of 30mm (1.1811 inches). That’s a little tighter than I prefer, but will work without comprising my circulation. It comes with a four-size base ring selection including a 42mm size. A supply of plastic numbered locks comes with the “Air Lock.”

The Mamba only set me back $12, so I think it’s well worth a test spin. Sure, I could fly unlocked and put my device back on after arriving at my destination, but I’d rather be locked full time. Maybe this device will provide exactly what I’m looking for.

Badassworkroom Custom Chastity Device Maker Has Gone Dark?

After the stellar customer service I received from badassworkroom with my first order, the company has inexplicably gone dark and is not replying to customer inquiries.

Thumper believes for a couple of reasons, badassworkroom is located in Hong Kong rather than mainland China (As explained in his review of the BA-31P). However, a recent experience makes me believe that is not the case. With my previous dealings with the company, I was super impressed with the customer service experience. The company hosts a chat client on the website I used to ask questions about the BA-12. Previously, when I posed a question, a representative replied within minutes, if not immediately. Not so much at the moment. I was so impressed with my BA-12, I decided to order a second device from the badassworkroom, the BA-05. But I wanted a minor modification, specifically adding two horizontal bars on the nose to prevent any possibility of the glans of my penis slipping between the two vertical bars. And yes, I have experienced this with another device while sleeping and it wasn’t a pleasant sensation. But after three attempts using both the chat client and emailing, I have received no response to my question about getting the modification after a full week. The company seems to have gone dark. For that reason, I have shelved my plan to order the BA-05 for now.

I can’t believe the company suddenly discontinued their stellar customer service, which leads to an obvious conclusion. It must be located in one of the 225 cities in China where the government has imposed their Draconian “zero COVID” policy lockdowns. Stringent COVID lockdowns hit both Hong Kong and neighboring Shenzhen in early March, but according to media reports, those restrictions have long since been lifted. So if the badassworkroom is located in either of those places, why are they not responding to customer inquiries? That seems to show it is a mainland China located business.

Since I suspect there are probably voluminous unanswered customer inquiries by this point, I’m not confident of ever getting a response to my three inquiries. So I suppose I’ll wait until the media reports that the government of China has eased the lockdowns before attempting to contact them again. None of this bodes well for badassworkroom, though. If they are in a lock downed city, chances are the manufacturing backlog is as great as the backlog of unanswered customer inquiries, which means it’s unlikely their enviable past rapid delivery performance will continue at least for the foreseeable future. So, if Thumper’s review of the BA-31P or my review of the BA-12 piqued your interest in badassworkroom chastity devices, you might take a step back and reconsider ordering from them at present. I suspect the automated system will accept your order and payment, but who knows when you could ever expect to receive your device?

In the greater scheme, maybe the access to affordable, quality made custom chastity devices delivered at unheard of speed isn’t a big deal. But this certainly casts doubt on Chinese companies as a whole as dependable retail partners, as long as the nation’s government persists in pursuing its unrealistic and unobtainable zero COVID policy. All I know is I’m not ordering from the badassworkroom again as long as the radio silence persists.

Despite what I’ve shared here, I still consider myself a satisfied badassworkroom customer, as far as my first device purchase. And I believe they have earned the benefit of the doubt, so I’ll say here I assume the current disappointing situation results from something beyond the company’s control. However, after raving about the company’s customer service in my positive recent review, fairness dictated alerting readers to the current circumstances. And, if things change, I’ll certainly report it.

The Ethos of Male Chastity

The Customs and Character of the Chaste Life Through Enforced Chastity

Enforced chastity is the practice where a male consents to someone else denying him orgasms on a more or less regular basis. This is often accomplished with the use of a chastity device (or cock cage), which prevents a male from touching his penis, achieving full erections, and ejaculating. In this article, I discuss the ethos of male chastity, the customs and character of the male chaste life.

The Unbridled Male Sex Drive

Within the average male there is a tremendous drive to have sex. It’s a natural, fundamental urge that’s impossible for us to ignore, genetically programmed into us by hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. While there is nothing wrong with having a healthy sex drive, the irresistible urges of our male libidos can be like a mighty river at flood stage, sweeping away everything in its path on its journey to reach the sea. One way or another, our sex drive demands release of the pent up sexual energy, not caring whether that gets achieved by destroying everything that stands in the way of us achieving sexual gratification.

Sexual Response Cycle

After a man orgasms his sexual response and desire drops precipitously to their lowest levels. But, as we know from experience, that doesn’t last long. Within twenty-four hours for most us, our sexual response and desire begins to slowly return as our prostates refill. Some guys may barely notice it at first, but within forty-eight to seventy-hours most men are ready again for some relief.

There are a lot of myths about male sexual desire, including the common belief that all men want sex all the time. I’m sure we’ve all heard the tired old trope that we men think with our penises instead of the heads on our shoulders. But it is true that most men think about and want sex more often than the average female. But let’s look now at a new myth being perpetrated today, especially in articles on the wonderful world wide web.

Women Want Sex As Often as Men?

Today we live in a society hyper-focused on equality of the genders at all costs. Instead of the freedom to appreciate the unique differences between males and females, increasingly, we are assailed by rabid social engineer keyboard warriors who insist we are all the same in every way.

For this reason you can find a lot of gibberish on the internet these days claiming that the libidos of men and women are not significantly different and that females desire sex as often as men. Wait! Whut? That has not been my experience.

I’m relying on personal anecdotal evidence here, but I’ve been it what I consider a fairly representative sample of relationships with women. That began with a marriage to a woman that was somewhat sexually repressed. During our marriage if we had sex three times a month, it was a cause for celebration.

After our divorce, I have been in only one relationship with a woman who was at least willing (if not always enthusiastic) to have sex as often as I wanted it. And of all the women I’ve had relationships since divorcing there has been only one woman who wanted sex more often than I did. She wore me flat out, but I was brave and tried never to complain.

Anyone who claims the sex drives of men and women are not materially different are simply full of crap. Either they don’t know what the hell they are talking about, or they are attempting to drive some gender equality narrative that has nothing to do with sex or libidos. Think about it. If nature had wired women to want sex as often as men, economies would collapse and civilizations would crumble because none of us would have time for anything else but sex.

The Reality of Unequal Libidos

Here’s the rub. Since most males desire sex more or less every twenty-four to seventy-two hours and most women do not, that can produce a lot of male sexual frustration. Since most of us guys don’t care to experience sexual frustration much, we to go to a reliable plan B when our partner isn’t interested. We wank, oftentimes accompanied by some motivational porn watching.

In and of itself, there is nothing wrong with masturbation, in moderation. If we’re in a relationship it can be a healthy way to fill in the gaps between our levels of sexual desire and that of a partners with a lower sex drive. It is certainly more healthy than having arguments about having sex. The problem arises when moderation goes out the window and wanking becomes an all too frequent habit. Many studies have shown that most guys masturbate daily, and some masturbate multiple times daily.

Sometimes when men masturbate excessively, it’s only because it feels so good they want to do it a lot. But, excessive masturbation can also come about because of the disparity between the sex drives of the genders. When a guy’s female partner rejects having sex with him, especially when rejection is frequent, it can feel like it is a rejection of his whole person. Also, guys may feel they are reduced to begging every time they want sex.

It’s not that we expect our partners to say yes every single time, but well, you get tired of continual rejection and having to beg. That can suck all the pleasure out of even having sex. Wanking seems a no-brainer. You get what you need without any chance of rejection and without having to beg for sex. But this too can lead to problems. It isn’t an exaggeration to say that excessive masturbation can be a relationship killer.

I’ll offer another personal anecdote. Once I was in a relationship with a woman who didn’t need or desire sex as often as I did. I often showered right before bed so I could wank because it helped me sleep better and I knew better than to expect sex. Invariably, there were times after I’d masturbated that she unexpectedly was in the mood for sex. At best, I wasn’t in the mood since I’d already satisfied my urges. Usually, I tried to accommodate her, but often wasn’t able to sustain an erection because I’d already ejaculated minutes before getting into bed. Good times.

Wanking and Porn the Silent Relationship Killers

Problems also arise for men who fall into the habit of staying up an hour or two or three to watch porn and wank after their significant other goes to bed. It starts because a guy has little confidence he will get sex, so why not stay up and get what you need? But after a while, he can become so satisfied with the porn and the wanking that he doesn’t really care whether she wants to have sex or not.

Personally, I’ve never known a woman, even a sexually liberated one, who was okay with that. They feel hurt, upset, and resentful. Soon the relationship starts to crumble. That’s because sex is not only a physical, pleasurable act for either gender. There is more to it than just getting naked and sharing a physical act. Experiencing emotional connection, closeness, and intimacy is also a large part of sex for both men and women. That is the part excessive masturbation can destroy, the very underpinnings of a successful relationship.

It Isn't Only About Sex For Men

I think I speak for many men when I say we want to be devoted to our wives or romantic partners. When a woman captures our hearts, we have an innate desire to do anything to please her and to make her feel happy and cared for. We are even willing to make sacrifices for her by making our needs secondary to her needs. This is not as unusual as some might believe. Given the right relational environment and guidance, these natural male qualities can contribute to a foundation upon which successful relationships thrive.

All most of us want in return is to feel loved and desired. We all want to feel like we matter to our partners and that our sexual organs have value to them. That’s why frequent rejection feels so damaging.

And sometimes, we want the rules and roles in the bedroom reversed. We want our partners to give the compliments, flirt with us, seduce us, and to initiate sex. This is important to us because when our partners initiate sexual activity it is the ultimate, the most clear way we feel desired.

That may seem to fly in the face of conventional wisdom. Both men and women are conditioned to seeing women’s bodies being the objects of desire. For this reason, I think many women are completely unaware that men feel this way about being desired.

Embracing The Ethos of Male Chastity

If what I’ve expressed here strikes a chord with you, exploring the ethos of male chastity might be for you. The practice of chastity, enforced by your partner, can transform your relationship in ways you may find unimaginable.

A woman who locks her man’s penis in a chastity device can expect to gain a more caring and attentive lover. Chastity can help a man learn to be humble, servant-minded, and more attuned to his instinctual male nature to lovingly yield his heart to his partner and to discover that her pleasure can become his greatest pleasure.

For many men, wearing a cock cage can become not only a reflection of their value but also a feeling of acceptance by their partner and a near immediate fulfillment of their need to feel desired.

The chaste life, while difficult at first and something that requires an adjustment period, offers so much more than the fleeting seconds of pleasure a guy gets from ejaculating semen every twenty-four to seventy-hours. So, if trying chastity has been something you’ve thought about but you’ve never taken the first step, maybe now is the time to sit down with your wife or romantic partner to have a serious talk about enforced male chastity.

First Steps

If you’re curious about male chastity and what it can do for you and your relationship, don’t put it off any longer. Take the first steps toward embracing the chaste life. On our chastity device review page, you can read reviews of a variety of chastity devices. Some of the custom-made models require a significant investment. But you will also find reviews for many well-made cock cages that cost lest than a hundred bucks and others that cost less than $20. An inexpensive device is often the best choice for a guy just getting started.

Next, do some reading. You will find many informative articles on this website aimed at beginners. There are also now many great books available on the topic of male chastity. Besides my book, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity, I recommend Locked in Love by Key Barrett. Once you’ve read these books, they are both great for passing off to your partner when you feel ready to have the chastity talk with her. If you’re a guy ready to re-imagine your relationship, don’t put it off any longer. Take those first steps now.

Breaking the Cycle of Excessive Masturbation With Male Chastity

Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution have programmed males with the urge to have sex with as many partners as possible as often as possible to propagate the species. Thus, males are procreative creatures preoccupied with and driven to release ejaculate making the male orgasm linked inextricably with the procreative act.

It’s not that men consciously have sex because they want children, yet the result of the sex act is the emission of a fluid that is only good for that singular purpose.

Unlike males, women can orgasm purely for pleasure that has nothing to do with procreation. Still, it’s virtually impossible for men to orgasm without ejaculating semen, the bodily fluid useful only for procreation.

Something interesting about this is how humans differ from other primates when it comes to masturbation. Scientists tell us that humans aren’t the only animal species that masturbates. There have even been a handful of studies that tracked the masturbatory behaviors of nonhuman primates. The scientific studies show that masturbation to completion is an exceedingly rare phenomenon in other species with capable hands very much like our own.

Male Masturbation

As anyone who has ever been to a zoo probably knows, there’s no question that other primates play with their genitalia. But these diddling episodes seldom lead to an intentional orgasm. With human males, it is quite a different story. Masturbation is nearly always continued until orgasm and ejaculation of semen. Perhaps that’s because, as males, we are slaves to the evolutionary prime directive to release semen. One thing is certain. Among other animal species, humans are unique. We masturbate a lot, and nearly always, it leads to intentional orgasm.

Some guys masturbate more than others. There is no “normal” frequency. Some do it daily, some weekly, and some rarely. Several studies show that many men have difficulty abstaining from masturbation for more than seventy-two hours, even those who have partner sex available regularly.

To be clear, masturbation is healthy, and it has lots of positive health benefits, including stress relief, help to get to sleep, reduced tension, boosted immunity, and more. But as with any of the true pleasures in life, moderation is key. If you’re masturbating to an excessive degree, you run the risk of it not only interfering with your daily routine but your overall perception of life and fulfillment, too. You might even become obsessive about it.

The male sex drive can become dependent on your pattern of masturbation and sexual release (orgasm) frequency. If you masturbate and orgasm every day, your body gets used to that pattern. It’s not unlike a drug addiction, where you need to continually increase your dosage of the substance to experience the same pleasurable effects. Most guys would agree, the more often you masturbate, the less intense and satisfying the orgasms you experience. That’s largely due to the levels of two hormones—prolactin and dopamine.

Male Orgasm and the roles of Prolactin and Dopamine

Research indicates that prolactin levels increase following orgasm and are involved in a feedback loop that decreases arousal through inhibitory central dopaminergic and probably peripheral processes. “Orgasm can cause a significant spike in prolactin levels (approximately 10 to 15ng/ml) immediately after and upwards to 10-60 minutes later.” [1] This spike is dependent on ejaculation and does not occur under non-orgasmic arousal. This prolactin spike serves to suppress further sexual desires. As prolactin rises, dopamine is reduced as the two hormones can be seen as antagonistic to each other.

Dopamine is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus, a particularly well-publicized player in the brain’s reward pathway. It is released when we do things that feel good to us. During sex and masturbation, while we are receiving erectile stimulation, dopamine levels are high and motivate us to desire continued stimulation because it feels good. As long as dopamine remains high, sexual desire remains high.

Marnia Robinson, the author of Cupid’s Poison Arrow, refers to prolactin as the “I don’t love you anymore hormone” because an increase in prolactin usually makes a man less interested in having sex with a partner. Interestingly, orgasm and ejaculation from masturbation cause less of a spike in prolactin than intercourse with a partner. That may explain why a guy may not feel the desire to have sex with a partner but then stays up watching porn and masturbating after their partner goes to bed.

Are You Masturbating Too Much?

While there is no “normal” masturbation frequency, it’s clear that masturbation frequency becomes excessive at some point. That is particularly true when you are neglecting other areas of your life to spend time masturbating. Here are some of the most common indicators of excessive masturbation.

Modifying your daily life to engage in masturbation even when there are negative outcomes (missing work, school, family, and community responsibilities).

  • Choosing masturbation over work, school, spending time with your family, sex with your partner, and other responsibilities regularly.


  • Feeling deregulated, irritable, frustrated, and angry when masturbation is not an option because you’re unable to regulate your mood in the absence of sexual activity.


  • The frequency of your need to masturbate continues to increase.


  • Trouble concentrating because you’re losing sleep due to masturbating or watching internet pornography.


  • Engaging in risky behaviors while masturbating to fulfill sexual desires (voyeurism, masturbating in public places).


Excessive masturbation is often marked by a constant need to expand your sexual activities. For example, you might feel compelled to incorporate more elements of danger into your sex life for more of a thrill or need to seek increasingly hard-core pornography to reach an orgasm.

Masturbation and sex are two different practices, and so are porn and real-life sex. Porn is not a representation of how most people have sex in real life. Excessive masturbation and porn watching can make it difficult for you to maintain realistic expectations about what you see in porn vs. what you expect from partners in real life. That can harm your relationships and sex life.

Benefits of Curbing Masturbation and Frequent Ejaculation

Masturbation can be a surprising source of procrastination. Reducing that distraction can allow you to get more done on more worthwhile activities.

Reducing masturbation frequency can help you connect more physically and emotionally with your partner, improving your relationship.

Less masturbation can lead to less porn consumption, which we all know can be a real time suck.

How Male Chastity Can Help

Nothing is harder when trying to break a habit than going cold turkey. That’s why when I decided to give up smoking, I turned to vaping. Sure, vaping may not be a healthy choice either, but it seems better than smoking. Plus, since I started vaping, I don’t feel the urge to vape nearly as much as I did to smoke. You can similarly use chastity to help you break out of an overly frequent masturbation cycle. While wearing a chastity cage, there is no way to stimulate yourself, and you will probably avoid porn like the plague.

The first few days are a challenge, but after five to seven days, you actually start to enjoy the buzz of constant arousal as your brain marinates in dopamine. Also, with your penis no longer an option for a quick pleasure fix, you may very well discover stimulating other neglected parts of your body feels pleasurable.

Spending a day at work locked in a chastity device can be a great way of getting in the mood for an evening in, providing a constant, unforgettable reminder of who you will be going home to. It’s a sexy secret you’ll share with your partner, however far apart you might be. If you prefer, you can prolong the chastity further—a few days at a time works well as a means of getting all hot and bothered in anticipation of a weekend with your partner. Male chastity is fantastic as an occasional way for spicing up your sex life, or you can make it a regular part of your erotic repertoire. It’s all up to you and your partner.

Alternatively, you may wish to consider longer-term chastity. Once your body adjusts to a chastity device, there’s no reason why you can’t wear one all the time aside from the occasional break for hygiene purposes.

A desire to curb excessive masturbation and reduce porn consumption is one of the top reasons men turn to chastity. If that’s a concern for you, perhaps you should consider giving chastity a try.

Cut to the Chaste is here to help. You’ll find tips and best practices on the site like this post that outlines a chastity device wearing schedule that will help your body quickly and safely adjust to wearing a chastity cage.

Beginner Chastity Device Wearing Schedule

I decided to update this post from December 2020 because it has consistently been one of the most popular posts on this site. The reason I’ve updated it is that with more experience comes more knowledge and my views on a beginner chastity device wearing schedule have changed. Getting used to wearing a chastity device for long periods is a gradual process. But having gained more experience, I now believe a beginner can progress faster without compromising safety.

I first published the post in December because I know every Christmas, there are guys who receive their first chastity device as a gift, because they asked their partner to lock them in chastity or sometimes because a partner wants to add male chastity to the relationship. That made December a perfect time to publish this suggested beginner chastity device wearing schedule. But, of course, it should be useful to anyone no matter what time of the year he begins wearing a chastity device.

It takes time for a guy’s genitals, some of the most sensitive real estate of the male body, to adjust to a chastity device. The best way to ensure maximum comfort and avoid problems is to adhere to a reasonable wearing schedule when breaking in your new device.

Often, a chastity device will feel comfortable even when you’re wearing it too long at first. But this can lead to complications like compression pain and friction chafing that will ultimately produce a setback. Allowing your body time to adjust can prevent those problems. But introducing your body to wearing a device doesn’t have to take a long time. I have aimed this suggested beginner wearing schedule at those putting on a chastity cage for the first time or who have only worn a device for a short period.

Wearing Your Device the First Day

The first day should be a familiarization day. This is a time to get acquainted with your new chastity device, its parts, and how to put it on. These days, the most popular “ball trap” models usually consist of only three parts; a base ring, cage, and some type of lock.

After cleansing and drying the device, put it on. Only wear it for an hour or two on the first day. While wearing it, make sure it fits reasonably well (e.g., not too tight, but not falling off), isn’t pinching your skin, and feels reasonably comfortable. Also, make certain the base ring is not interfering with blood circulation by monitoring the skin color and temperature of your scrotum. If your skin doesn’t feel abnormally cool to the touch or change from its usual color, you can assume there are no problems with circulation.

If you experience substantial discomfort or pain at any time, don’t just tough it out. Immediately take off the device and diagnose the problem before putting it back on.

If all goes well, wear the device for no longer than two hours, even if it feels comfortable, then take it off. Clean the device thoroughly again with warm soapy water, rinse with plain warm water, and put it aside to air dry so it will be ready for you to put back on the following day.

Following this suggested schedule will allow your body to acclimate to the device but also give it plenty of time to return to normal before you put the device back on.

Applying a little baby oil or water-based or silicone lubricant to the inside of the base ring and cage or tube will help prevent skin irritation, friction burn, and chafing. A water-resistant silicone lubricants or baby oil lasts longer than water-based lubricants. You won’t have to reapply them as often.

Schedule for Day Two

On the second day, if you had no problems on the first, it’s time to start serious chastity training. Put on the device and wear it for four hours. Again, resist the temptation to wear it longer, even if everything feels great.

Monitor the temperature and color of your scrotum hourly until you remove the device to make certain you are having circulatory problems. After removing and cleaning your chastity device, examine your genital area carefully for excessive redness, chafing, or broken skin.

Treat redness and chafing with lubricant. If you experience minor broken skin, treat it with an antibiotic ointment like Neosporin.

Day Three and Beyond

On the third day, if you experienced no significant problems wearing the device continuously for four hours, wear it for another four hours every day until you complete seven consecutive days. Don’t skip any days unless you experience excessive chafing or broken skin. Don’t exceed four hours and make sure to clean your device thoroughly after removing it. Continue inspecting your skin for any problems.

Week Two

Once you’ve worn the device for four hours a day for seven consecutive days, you’re ready to take the next step. Beginning on the first day of the second week, wear your device for eight full hours for seven consecutive days. Don’t skip any days and don’t exceed eight hours of wear. Clean the device daily after removing it and continue the skin inspections. Stay on top of chafing and hot spots, especially where the base ring rests against your skin, by applying lubricant as needed.

It can take 10 days to two weeks for your body to get used to wearing a chastity device. The best way to ensure maximum comfort and avoid complications and injuries is to patiently and faithfully adhere to this wearing schedule, and using lubrication when needed.

Week Three

Once you reach the milestone of wearing the device with reasonable comfort eight hours a day for seven full days, you’re ready to try sleeping while wearing it for the first time. As long as you have had no excessive chafing, broken skin, circulation issues, or pain, it’s now time to wear the device 24/7, including wearing it to bed.

Some guys who are new to wearing a chastity device experience more problems with nighttime erections than others. When they occur, nocturnal erections almost always wake you in the middle of the night for the first few nights. It can feel noticeably uncomfortable the first few times you experience an attempted erection while wearing a chastity device. Getting out of bed and walking around a little will usually solve the problem. Going to the bathroom and urinating can also help the erection subside.

Once you reach the point where you can comfortably wear your device 24/7 and sleep reasonably well while wearing it, you should be able to wear the device indefinitely. How long you remain locked is up to you or your keyholder if you have one. If you wear the device continually, it’s best practice to remove it once a week for a thorough cleaning and to clean your genitals.

Following this suggested schedule should take you from a complete beginner to wearing a chastity device 24/7 in less than a month.

Measuring For A Chastity Device

I see endless chastity forum posts every week about chastity device fitting problems, so I have created this quick start measuring for a chastity device guide.

Poorly Fitted Chastity Device Complaints

The two most common complaints I see about poorly fitting chastity devices concern the base ring. The first is the ring causes wearers discomfort or pain all the time. The other is that when the wearer’s penis attempts to become erect, the base ring behind the balls slides up and “chokes” the testicles causing discomfort or pain. Getting accurate measurements before buying a chastity device will usually help you avoid both issues.

In the past, I’ve always pointed guys to the measuring guide on the Mature Metal website. But recently, I discovered they changed it. I expect they were trying to improve it, but I think the guide is now less clear and less useful. That’s why I have created this measuring guide. It will work for most ball-trap devices.

I’ve aimed the guide at those who plan to order a custom-made device. However, taking proper measurements before buying an off the shelf device is never a waste of time. Many manufacturers are now providing at least some basic measurements you can use to choose a better fitting cage or tube.

The three measurements you need are flaccid penis length, circumference of the soft penis shaft, and the circumference of an imaginary circle running around the base of your penis behind your balls.

How to Measure Penis Length

Always measure when your penis is flaccid, soft, but not “shriveled.” Penises regularly shrink and expand in length while flaccid. That is amply illustrated by the image below that I found on Wikipedia.

Kriptzone, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

As the image shows, there is a wide variance in the length of the same penis photographed at six different times.

The imaged labeled 1 depicts a semi-erect penis. In image 2, the penis is returning to its normal flaccid state. Based on my experiences, image 3 depicts a flaccid penis. That’s what I most often see when I look at my penis inside a chastity cage.

The penis starts in image 4, moving toward a “shriveled” state. The state of the penis in image 3, I believe, is the flaccid length most useful for chastity device measurements.

If you measured your penis length in the state depicted in image 2, you would probably find that most of the time the tip of the penis would not touch the end of the cage or tube.

To get the most accurate measurements for a chastity device, take measurements at different times of day over two or three days. Then use the shortest measurement you obtained.

Some chastity device manufacturers like Mature Metal ask you to measure the underneath side of your penis from your balls to the tip. Others ask you to measure from the top from base to tip. Make sure to follow the appropriate instructions as that is how the manufacturer accounts for the gap between the cage and base ring. If you can’t find on their website which measurement a manufacturer uses, call or email and find out.

Whether you measure from the bottom or top, a ruler is the best device for measuring length. If you measure the underneath side of your penis, take care not to press the end of the ruler into your scrotum. The ruler should only lightly touch the skin.

Always record your measurements. Don’t rely on memory.

After taking several penis length measurements at different times of day over several days, choose the smallest measurement. You should then subtract a small amount.

Mature Metal suggests subtracting 1/4-inch. That’s what I did when I ordered my first Mature Metal cage. As it turned out, the cage is about 1/2-inch too long, and the tip of my penis rarely touches the end.

That wasn’t the fault of Mature Metal. They built what I asked for. And I feel sure I took accurate measurements. So that told me subtracting 1/4-inch is not enough. Since the cage was about 1/2-inch too long, I now subtract 3/4-inch from my smallest length measurement when ordering custom-made cages. I recommend never subtracting less than 1/2-inch.

You can’t really go too short. You can easily compress your soft penis. If you push your flaccid penis toward your body, it easily compresses to half its normal length or less. If you keep pushing, it will “turtle” inside your body and disappear. The real problems with chastity cages occur when they are too long, and most guys buy devices with cages that are too long. That sets them up for attempted erection problems. More on that when we get to measuring for base rings.

Measuring Penis Circumference

The penis circumference measurement is very important for several reasons. Chastity device fabricators use this measurement to calculate the internal diameter of the cage or tube. Custom manufacturers can change the length of the cage or tube, the ring size, and the gap if needed, but they can not change the internal diameter of a cage. Whatever you order as the inside diameter, you can’t alter later.

This measurement is important because you want the cage or tube to “fit like a glove,” with your penis always touching the sides, bottom, and top of the cage or tube. Extra space inside the cage or tube will likely cause you problems during attempted erections. Erections don’t stop until your penis feels compression from the inside of the device.

If you can easily insert your flaccid penis into a cage or tube, then the interior diameter is too big. You will most often have to apply a little lubricant with a properly fitted device and work your penis into the cage or else use the “stocking method” to coax it fully into the tube.

The flaccid penis is extremely squishy. You can compress it to half or less of its normal circumference without any pain. There isn’t much risk that you’re going to strangle your penis by choosing a close-fitting cage or tube. A tip I’ve learned and use is to take your smallest penis circumference measurement and subtract 1/4-inch to get the best fit.

You don’t want the inside diameter so small that it compresses your flaccid penis, but you want a snug fit. Although soft penises are very malleable, what you don’t want is to compress your penis both in length and circumference at the same time. If you constrict the diameter too much while compressing the length any appreciable amount, you can restrict urine flow through the urethra. That’s why micro-chastity device cages only cover the glans of the penis. Those devices already compress the length of the penis to an extreme. By covering only the glans, it prevents compression of the shaft’s circumference at the same time. Urine flow through the uretha is not hampered.  

I recommend using a soft tailor’s measuring tape to measure penis circumference. The measurement will be more accurate than trying to eyeball it by placing your penis on top of a ruler. You can pick up a soft tape for a dollar or two from most discount stores.

If you don’t have a tailor’s tape and don’t want to buy one, you can use the string method. Wrap a length of the string (an old shoelace works well) snugly around your penis. Then mark with a felt pen where the end of your string touches the rest of the string. Stretch out your string along a ruler and see where the felt mark is. That’s the circumference.

Base Ring Measurement

The easiest and most accurate method of measuring for a base ring is to spend $25 to buy the plastic sizing ring assortment from Mature Metal. Then you will have actual rings to try on, wear, and experiment with until you find a comfortable fit.

You will find that you can get several different sizes on. The way you can know which one is the right size is by using the fingertip test. With a properly sized base ring, you should be able to easily insert one fingertip between your skin and the inside of the ring. If you can’t, the ring is too small. If you can get two or more fingertips inside, the ring is too large.

If you don’t want to spend the twenty-five bucks, you can go old school and use either the tailor’s measuring tape or string method described in the previous section.

The thing is, the base ring size isn’t usually going to be a problem. You can get that a little off and still be fine. One of the two base ring issues I mentioned earlier—the ring rides up during an attempted erection and digs painfully into the balls—isn’t a base ring problem. It’s a cage length problem. When the cage is too long, it encourages the erection to continue. The tip of the expanding penis pushes against the end of the cage, which causes the cage to pull against the base ring. That’s always uncomfortable.

If the base ring is too small, that can be why a base ring causes constant discomfort. If the ring is too large, you may have problems with a ball popping out of the ring. Also, an oversized ring allows the device to rotate around your scrotum and penis base, which can cause friction chafing. That’s all unnecessary as the base ring measurement is probably the easiest measurement to get right, except for guys who buy the cheaper off the shelf cages where they only give you three ring size options to choose from.   

Gap Measurement

The distance between the cage entrance and the base ring is called the gap. Even in the 21st Century, with all the world’s advanced technology, there is no way to measure the gap before ordering a chastity device. It remains a guesstimate subject to trial and error. But chastity device manufacturers do have some advice on the gap.

Mature Metal says ninety-percent of their customers order a 3/8-inch gap and are happy with it. Based on experience, I agree with that. I have a high and tight scrotum with average-sized balls, and 3/8-inch works for me. I once tried a 1/4-inch gap to solve a ball-popping from the base ring problem with one of my devices, but it was too close. The narrower gap caused me worse problems of its own.

If you have a loose, low rider style scrotum, a 1/4-inch gap might be a better fit. Also, guys with high and tight scrotums and larger balls might need to step up to a 1/2-inch gap to gain more comfort.

My advice is to go with the 3/8-inch gap unless there is a good reason not to. If you should find you need something different, it’s an easy fix for your device manufacturer.


Now for a quick review, and yes, this will be on the test.


  1. Always measure when your penis is truly flaccid, not semi-erect or shriveled.


  1. Take multiple measurements at different times of day over two or three days. Select the smallest measurement taken for length, circumference, and base ring.


  1. From your shortest penis length measurement, subtract at least 1/4-inch, although subtracting 1/2-inch will probably give you a better fit, and in my opinion, subtracting 3/4-inch an even better fit.


  1. From your shortest penis circumference measurement, subtract 1/4-inch.


  1. Best practice is to buy and use a set of sizing rings to determine base ring size. A custom-made chastity device is a big investment, and it’s worth an extra twenty-five bucks to get it right the first time. Getting the wrong size base ring and having to buy another one will usually set you back about $80.


  1. Go with a 3/8-inch gap unless you have a good reason to go smaller or larger.


Disclaimer: All penises are different. I’ve learned what works for me from trial and error and believe you can benefit from my experience. But your mileage may vary.   

Holy Trainer Nano V4 Male Chastity Device Review


After wearing the Holy Trainer Nano V4 male chastity device for four days, I’m ready to render my verdict.

I’ve been eager to test and review the Holy Trainer Nano ever since I read Thumper’s review of the Nano V3 some time ago. He has declared, in his opinion, the Holy Trainer is the best off the shelf device available for guys first trying male chastity.

Also, since I’ve seen around the web how often the Holy Trainer and CB-6000 are touted as the best first devices for guys new to chastity, I was curious to see how the Holy Trainer stacked up against the CB-6000S, which I’ve already wear-tested and reviewed.

First Impressions

When the Holy Trainer Nano V4 arrived in my mailbox, I was impressed with it right out of the box. Unlike the CB-6000 with all its variable spacers and posts, the Holy Trainer device comes in only three pieces—the base ring, tube, and MagicLocker. Immediately I saw that the Nano was more ergonomic and futuristic looking than the CB-6000. The material the device is manufactured from is of great quality and has a nice smooth finish.

The Nano is the first Holy Trainer chastity device I’ve tried, but you can find images of the earlier models on the web, from the V1 through the V3. In comparison to the previous models, the V4 appears more sleek and ergonomic. It is evident that with each new iteration, Holy Trainer continues to find ways to make slight improvements to their basic design.

The V4 ring is wider and flatter than that of previous models, and the ergonomic design prevents it from sliding around. I haven’t liked the wider base rings I’ve tried before, like those that come with the CB-6000, but I loved the feel and fit of the Nano V4 ring as soon as I put it on.

holy -trainer-nano-v4
Holy Trainer Nano V4
Holy Trainer Nano V4 Doing Its Thing

Holy Trainer Nano V4Specs

Here are the specifications of the Nano I ordered.

Ring Size Options

I ordered my device with the 50mm (1.95 in.) base ring. Having the “high and tight” type scrotum, I find a 2-inch ring works best for me with most of the devices I’ve tried. I can get into smaller rings, but they tend to be uncomfortable. But for guys who need a different size, Holy Trainer offers five different base ring size options.

  • 36mm (1.41 inches)
  • 40mm (1.55 inches)
  • 45mm (1.75 inches)
  • 50mm (1.95 inches)
  • 55mm (2.14 inches)


Color Options

Besides black, which I ordered, the Nano standard color options include clear and “baby pink.” For an extra $20 charge, you can select from forty-two other custom colors.

How comfortable is the Nano?

With the possible exception of the Cherry Keeper chastity device I own, without a doubt, the Holy Trainer Nano V4 is the most comfortable chastity device I’ve ever worn. The device is feather-light in weight, but it feels solid and well made.

I believe the ring design is the biggest reason the device feels so comfortable. It is wider at the top and narrows toward the bottom. The ring is designed to be more compatible with men’s bodies and is wider and narrower at the right places, instead of being a perfect circle. The ergonomic design fit my scrotum perfectly.

The inside of the ring is extremely smooth and polished. I didn’t even have a hint of friction chafing from the moment I first put it on. As a precaution, I did apply a little lubricant inside the base ring when I first put it on, as I do with all new devices. But since I never had reason to reapply it, I’m confident it wasn’t needed.

The internal diameter of the Nano at 1.3 inches fit my penis flawlessly. The tube felt snug without being overly tight. The length at 1.41 inches was a little short for my average-sized penis and caused a slight turtling effect, but I found that comfortable and liked how the tip of my penis reached the end of the tube.

Frankly, I believe even a guy who has never worn a chastity device before could put on a Holy Trainer chastity device and wear it right out of the box for an extended time without any significant issues.

How Discrete is the Nano?

Once I tried it on for the first time, I found the Holy Trainer Nano left no real chastity bump footprint at all under jeans or athletic shorts. The small size and downward sloping attitude of the tube make it virtually unnoticeable.

Is the Nano Inescapable?

Here’s the deal. I’m very realistic when it comes to the inevitable escapability question concerning chastity devices. If you try hard enough, you can escape from any ball-trapping chastity device worn without a body piercing. The real question is how secure it is and how hard it would be to remove without unlocking. My answer is very. Of all the ball trapping cages I’ve tried, this one is up there with the best of them. There is only a small gap between the tube and ring.

The way the opening of the tube slides beneath the ring when the two parts are mated together makes it quite difficult to withdraw your flaccid penis from the tube when the device is locked.

I’ve found it easy to push the base ring away from my body a little and use my fingers to pull my soft peen out of the tube or cage with other devices. I attempted this with the Nano and was unable to do it. The chances of pulling out of this chastity device are slim unless you are determined to remove it.

I’d recommend going with the smallest base ring that feels comfortable for you for the best security. Selecting a ring size that’s too big with any device always affords the biggest opportunity to escape.

How Hygienic is the Nano?

By its nature, as an enclosed tube device, it is very difficult to keep your penis properly cleaned while you wear the Nano. The urination opening at the end of the tube is the only real option for getting soap and water inside the tube.

Hygiene is very important to me. If I were going to wear the Holy Trainer Nano for an extended period, I’d remove it at least every four or five days to do a proper cleaning. That’s why for extended periods of chastity, I prefer open cage-type chastity devices that allow me to keep clean using only my handheld shower head.


Holy Trainer device tubes offer a generously sized urination outlet. That made me hopeful I might be able to pee normally while standing. The first couple of times I tried it, it worked like a champ. But flaccid penises are always in a constant state of flux, expanding and contracting.

At one point, when mine contracted and had pulled back a little from the end of the tube when I urinated, the stream caught the edge of the inside of the tube just enough to make a real splash mess. So, as with most chastity devices, expect to sit while peeing if you wish to err on the side of caution.

The point here is that the Nano, like most devices, will retain some urine dribbles inside. That will necessitate proper and regular cleaning beyond the shower if you don’t want to walk around smelling of stale pee.

As far as keeping the Nano clean, the design and materials used make it easy to clean when you’re not wearing it. To wash it, you can use soap under the tap or put the chastity device in the dishwasher. According to the manufacturer, the bio-resin material is very strong and will withstand exposure to alcohol or any other solvent.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The Holy Trainer Nano V4 is super comfortable to wear, lightweight but robust, and should last a long time. The size should fit most guys with average-sized penises well. If you need something longer, you always have the option of going to one of the other Holy Trainer models—the Small (1.73 inches), the Standard (2.14 inches), or the Maxi (2.75 inches). If you want to go smaller, there is the micro-chastity Nub (1 inch), which I’m even more eager to try now.

The ergonomic base ring is comfortable and sits well against my body. The device feels solid and secure despite the welcome light weight. I slept comfortably wearing the Nano from the first night. According to Holy Trainer, the tube is designed to discourage nighttime erections. It isn’t something I have a problem with anyway, but I didn’t awake with any nocturnal erections while wearing the device.

The Holy Trainer Nano V4 is super comfortable to wear, lightweight but robust, and should last a long time. The size should fit most guys with average-sized penises well. If you need something longer, you always have the option of going to one of the other Holy Trainer models—the Small (1.73 inches), the Standard (2.14 inches), or the Maxi (2.75 inches). If you want to go smaller, there is the micro-chastity Nub (1 inch), which I’m even more eager to try now.

The ergonomic base ring is comfortable and sits well against my body. The device feels solid and secure despite the welcome lightweight. I slept comfortably wearing the Nano from the first night. According to Holy Trainer, the tube is designed to discourage nighttime erections. It isn’t something I have a problem with anyway, but I didn’t awake with any nocturnal erections while wearing the device.


At the price point of $165, the Holy Trainer chastity devices, while comparable in price with the CB-6000, aren’t cheap compared to all the cheap chastity devices available from Chinese manufacturers these days. But for those who want to be careful and want only the best quality stuff to contain the most sensitive part of their anatomies, I think the Holy Trainer devices represent a good value for the money.

You can buy the Holy Trainer tubes ($96) and rings ($48) separately if you don’t want to buy the set at $165. That’s great because you don’t have to buy a whole new device if something happened to the tube or you find you need a ring of a different size. Also, like me, if you plan to try a different Holy Trainer device, you can just buy a different tube for $96 instead of a new complete device. That’s how I’ll acquire my Holy Trainer Nub for review. You can see all the prices here.

Replacement MagicLockers are also available from Holy Trainer for $23. These are quality locks, unlike the knockoffs you get with cheaper chastity devices. The keys are stamped with HT, but the lock looks and feels like a Burg Wachter.

As a final note on Holy Trainer components, while you can interchange V4 rings and tubes, if you have one of the earlier Holy Trainer models, those parts will NOT work with the V4.


The Nano is a durable, good-looking device that shouldn’t cause most guys any trouble at all, even those entirely new to wearing chastity devices. If I weren’t so sold on the look and feel of stainless steel devices, I could easily make the Holy Trainer Nano my regular device without a second thought.

I find I must agree with the Holy Trainer claim that they may have designed the CB killer. Sold at a comparable price to the CB-6000, the Holy Trainer chastity devices passes all the tests.

After wear-testing both devices, I recommend the Holy Trainer over the CB-6000 hands down to any guy looking to dip a toe into male chastity for the first time. Light and very discrete compared to many stainless steel devices, the Holy Trainer Nano provides superior comfort while offering the same level of security and the impossibility of stimulating the penis.

Catch you at the next review!

Disclaimer: As always, this review represents my own opinions. I did not receive compensation or any consideration from anyone for this review. I purchased the reviewed device with my own funds.

Chastity Lessons From Basic Training

Most of what I need to know about life, I learned during basic training. If you’re new to wearing a chastity device, mastering these chastity lessons from basic training can help you acclimate faster to wearing a cock cage for extended periods with fewer problems.

Every recruit must make it through basic training before they earn the right to be called soldiers. During boot camp, recruits get a crash course in military lifestyle, learn the skills necessary to accomplish the mission, acquire discipline, and develop habits to meet proper dress and grooming standards.

In this post, we adapt a few lessons from basic training to help the guys new to the chaste lifestyle succeed.

1. Details Matter

In basic training recruits quickly learn that details matter. Attention is to detail is the only way to meet the expected standards of performance. The same is true when it comes to chastity devices.

Today, there may be a thousand different models of chastity devices. Who knows? By now there could be ten thousand. Not every cock cage will work for every guy. One of the biggest mistakes guys make is purchasing an incorrectly sized, ill-fitting cage. And making that mistake is totally avoidable. When choosing your first chastity device, details matter.

Key Measurements

There are three key measurements to take when in comes to chastity devices.


  • Length of your flaccid penis (for cage length).
  • Girth or circumference of your flaccid penis (for internal cage diameter).
  • Girth or circumference of the base of your penis and scrotum (for base ring diameter).


These key measurements determine the proper cage length, internal diameter of the cage, and diameter of the base ring.

Getting the Measurements Right

Mature Metal offers this handy measuring guide that can help you get accurate measurements. In addition to using their guide, I recommend you purchase Mature Metal’s set of plastic sizing rings ($25 at time of publication) to obtain the most accurate base ring size.

Believe me, it’s worth spending the money for the sizing rings. Incorrectly sized base rings cause new guys more problems than most anything else. If the ring is too small, it will never feel comfortable. If it’s too large, you will experience ball slippage or the device might even come off on its own.

Even if you’re going with an inexpensive off-the-shelf model instead of a pricier custom-made device, accurate measurements will help. Now, even the lower end cage manufactures are generally giving at least the basic measurements for their devices.

With a properly fitted cock cage, the skin of your penis should touch all around. It should touch all sides of the internal circumference of the cage and at the tip. A cage that is longer than your flaccid penis or that is significantly larger than the girth of your cock will cause you more problems when you have the normal nocturnal erections that occur during the night.

Avoid cages that are too long, but don’t worry about too short. There is really no such thing as too short a cage. Your soft penis can compress painlessly to a surprisingly short length. That’s why guys are able to wear the incredibly short micro-cage devices. If it needs to, your penis will “turtle” inside your body.

2. Walk-Crawl-Run Methodology

The crawl, walk, and run methodology of training is the foundation for how the military trains during basic to demanding, yet achievable standards. It’s a good idea to use the same methodolgy when learning to wear a cock cage. Few guys will be able to put on a chastity cage for the first time and wear it indefinitely.

Chastity devices are attached to some of the most sensitive skin areas on your body. Even with a properly-sized, well-fitting device, chances are you will develop skin irritation and sore spots until your skin toughens up and adjusts to the cage. That’s why in the walk phase, you should only wear the device for an hour or so at a time for the first day. Gradually increase the wear time during the next day or two. Then, once things feel comfortable, you can try the walk phase, wearing your cock cage for a full day.

Never wear a new cage to sleep in until you’ve worn it for a full day and haven’t experienced any significant problems like circulation impairment or real pain. Some mild discomfort is to be expected, but pain isn’t normal. If something hurts, remove the cage and figure out what it wrong.

Once you’ve slept comfortably overnight in your device, you’re ready for the run phase where you can try wearing the cage for an extended time.

3. Keep It Neat and Tidy

In basic training, everyone is clean-shaven, buildings are kept clean, and the equipment is kept clean. In the same way, good hygiene practices are a must when it comes to wearing chastity devices.

If you choose one of the open-type cage devices, generally you can keep things adequately clean with your usual shower or bath. But if you choose one of the solid, enclosed tube devices, it’s good practice to remove it every few days for proper cleaning. While I usually wear an open-type stainless steel cage, I still remove it once a week for a thorough cleaning.

After cleaning your body and inspecting your genitals for minor injuries like broken skin and excessive redness, clean the device thoroughly with soap and water. With metal cages, I prefer to sterilize mine by submerging it in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. After cleaning, let the cage dry thoroughly before putting it back on.

With regard to good grooming practices, keeping your pubes trimmed is a must. I use a small battery operated beard trimmer on mine to keep the hair trimmed to about one-quarter inch in length. Shaving your pubic area bare is fine if it is something you’re already accustomed to doing. But if that hasn’t been your habit, breaking in a new chastity device is no the time to start as it can contribute to more skin irritation.

4. Practice Makes Perfect

Expect and accept setbacks. One of the key things recruits learn how to do in basic training is to adapt and overcome setbacks.

I’ve had too many guys tell me they have tried wearing a chastity device but just couldn’t get beyond wearing it for an hour or two. Sometimes the problem is a poorly fitted cage. But often it is something minor like they developed skin irritation or sore spots that could be easily addressed with the application of a good quality personal lubricant and just weren’t prepared to deal with the minor discomfort.

In my experience, it takes about a week for your skin to toughen  and grow accustomed to the chastity device hanging off your junk. After that, it is usually smooth sailing.

Especially when you’re just getting started, it’s a good idea to apply a little lubricant—silicone-based, water based, baby oil—around the inside of the base ring and the inside of the cage. This can help prevent skin irritation before it happens. If you experience broken skin, don’t be afraid to remove the cage for a day or two. Apply a little antibiotic cream and wait until it heals. Then start over with a wearing schedule and proper lubrication.

5. There Is No "I" in Team

During basic training, recruits learn how to work as a member of a team. You don’t have to do chastity alone. Websites like Cut to the Chaste, where you can find tips, chastity device reviews, and more, exist for the sole purpose of helping you learn about and acclimate to the chaste lifestyle.

6. Drive on

Once, as a “boot” cock cage wearer, you can wear your chastity cage for several days at a time, drive on. You can then start to push your boundaries and wear it for longer and longer periods. In the immortal words of the infamous Drill Instructor, Major Payne, “You’re still a shit sandwich, you’re just not a soggy one.”

Advanced Individual Training

After basic training, comes advanced individual training. When you’re ready for it, grab your copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chasity, everything you need to know about male chastity in the twenty-first century.

Five Chastity New Year’s Resolution Ideas And How To Achieve Them


With Locktober 2020 firmly in the rearview mirror and a new year looming, now is a great time to indulge in a little retrospection and to reevaluate your chastity goals for 2021. Making a chastity New Year’s resolution is a perfect opportunity to make some progress for all those who failed to advance as far in their chastity journey in 2020 as they had hoped.

Now, with less than two months left in the year, it’s a great time to think about what important chastity lifestyle goal you want to reach in 2021. Being the charitable and caring bunch that we are here at Cut to the Chaste, we’ve decided to give you a little help—a few New Year’s chastity resolution ideas along with tips on how to achieve to them since the majority of people often fail to stick to their New Year’s resolutions.

Hopefully, you will find one or more of these suggestions useful if you are looking for effective ways of making your chastity life better and more meaningful in 2021.

1. Resolve to Take the Chastity Plunge

If you’re still at the intrigued with the idea of chastity and finding it hot to think about stage, but you’ve never got untracked and actually tried locking up your cock, resolve now to take the chastity plunge in 2021. Ask yourself what is holding you back.

Maybe you have your eye on an expensive, custom-made chastity device and haven’t been able to come up with the cash needed to pull the trigger. If so, consider going with a less expensive device for the time being. You can always get that ideal device later.

Today there is a mind-boggling array of inexpensive, yet serviceable chastity devices available in almost every material imaginable from online retailers like eBay at prices between $10 and $25. You’re sure to find an inexpensive device to your liking you can use to get started. The chastity device reviews on this site include my experiences with several budget friendly cages I used when I first got started.

Perhaps not having anyone in mind to act as your keyholder is holding back. It’s hard to argue that having a keyholder doesn’t provide the most meaningful chastity experience. But, why not get started with self-locking and then focus on organizing a keyholder?

Personally, I think it is a good idea to find a cage that works for you and then to acclimate to wearing it 24/7 for a week or ten days at a time before thinking about finding a keyholder. It will save you and the keyholder from a lot of aggravation and disappointment. Then, once you find a keyholder, you will already have experience with staying locked for extended periods in a chastity cage that feels comfortable.

2. Resolve to Find a Keyholder in 2021

Maybe you’ve built up an impressive amount of self-locked experience in 2020, but doing chastity on your own has lost some of the luster. You’re ready for a keyholder but you’re not in a relationship at the moment or not in a relationship with someone interested in taking on the responsibility of being your keyholder. What’s a guy to do?

Perhaps it’s time to think outside the box a little. Sure, in a perfect world having a wife or other romantic partner as your keyholder would be the best situation. Unfortunately, for many of us that isn’t an option. But that needn’t keep you from finding a keyholder. You don’t need to get into a relationship first before finding a keyholder.

Think about the friends you already have. Is there someone you already know you might ask to take possession of the key to your chastity cage? All you need is someone you have a close enough friendship with that you would feel comfortable discussing something as personal as your interest in chastity with them. It doesn’t even matter whether the friend is male or female. In a real sense, a keyholder is someone who acts as your chastity accountability partner. So, even if you’re straight, that doesn’t mean one of your close guy friends couldn’t act as your keyholder. All you need is someone willing to hold your key so you won’t unlock whenever you feel tempted.

Here is another idea. You could get a friend to act as your keyholder without even discussing the whole chastity thing with them. You could simply put your key in an envelope and then ask a friend to hold on to the envelope for you until some date in the future. You could explain the envelope has something important inside you dont’t want to lose and you temporaily need someone reponsible to hold onto it for you.

3. Resolve to Use a Professional Keyholder for the First Time

When you don’t have a partner or friend to act as your keyholder, a professional keyholding service can be a great alternative. I’ve had great experiences with several different professionals. And, paying for keyholding services doesn’t have to break the bank.

Availability of professional keyholding services has grown right along with the explosion of interest among men in wearing chastity cages. The services available run the gamut from elite keyholding services with optional add-ons like the services offered by Mistress Sabine St. Jack to basic keyholding available from lifestyle Dommes. I’ve paid as little at $35 per month for basic keyholding. If you want teasing assignments to go along with someone taking possession of your key, expect to pay a little a more. I pay around $50 per month to my go-to keyholding services provider for keyholding and daily teasing assignments that help keep my arousal ramped up.


The sky is the limit when it comes to finding the exact kind of service that works for you. You can choose to pay month to month or for multiple months up to a full year at a time. Generally, the longer the period of chastity you sign up for, the cheaper the monthly cost.

At least for me, having a permanent professional keyholder isn’t a must. I mix self-locking with professional keyholding which saves money yet still gives me a burst of motivation when I need it.

It’s not difficult to find a professional keyholder. A quick web search for “chastity keyholding services” will give you a lot of service offerings to consider. Also, more and more, professional keyholders are advertising on Twitter.

4. Resolve to Finally Have the Conversation

There are a lot of guys out there who are in a relationship. They may have already bought a chastity cage and have been wearing it on the sly. They have wanted to broach the chastity topic with their wife or partner for a while, but haven’t mustered up the courage or figured out exactly how to start the discussion. Make 2021 the year you resolve to have the conversation with your wife or partner.

Not sure how to tell your wife or partner you want her to lock up your cock and keep the key? There is now a wealth of books on that very subject that can help. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity, you can find suggestions on how to bring up your chastity desires with your wife or partner. There is also a complete section devoted to women that explains why men desire chastity and what’s in it for women who agree to become keyholders for their men. Kindle Unlimited subscribers can even read the digital version free.

But that’s not the only great book on the topic. Male Chastity: How to Introduce Your Partner by Jules Scot is another excellent resource to give your wife or partner that explains male chastity and what being a chastity keyholder entails. It’s also free to read on Amazon for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

5. Resolve to Purchase Your Dream Chastity Device

If you’ve been involved with chastity for long and know it’s something you want to keep as a part of your life, you probably have that special chastity cage you’re salivating over. That sweet, sexy looking, custom-made device you can’t wait to get your hands on. But it’s pricey and you just can’t justify the expense right now. Why not save for it? Why not put aside a few bucks a week or a month dedicated toward giving yourself a special gift you know you will like for Christmas 2021? Here is a savings trick I’ve been using for years for just such a purpose. It’s called “The 52-Week Savings Challenge.”

The idea is simple: You save just $1 the first week of the year, and then gradually increase your savings by a dollar a week throughout the year. So you save $2 in Week 2, then $3 in Week 3, and so on, until you’re stashing away upwards of $50 a week next December. By the end of the year, when you complete the challenge, you’ll have saved $1,378 plus any accrued interest. That would buy you just about any custom-made chastity device you could dream of. Here is a link to a page where you can see the challenge week by week and the amount you need to save.

I get the whole instant gratification thing, but I’ve learned to discipline myself to save for big ticket items instead of just whipping out the plastic when I see something I want. The 52-week savings challenge hack has served me well in that regard.

Well, there you have it—my suggestions for five chastity New Year’s resolution Ideas and how to achieve them—a list of advice, tips and tricks to help you see your New Year’s chastity resolution through and make some long-term changes in your life.

After Locktober Ends

What happens for you after Locktober ends? The captioned image above is from one of the most memorable, iconic scenes from the 1979 American epic war film directed, produced, and co-written by Francis Ford Coppola, Apocalypse Now. With napalm canisters exploding behind them, Lieutenant Colonel William “Bill” Kilgore delivers in an uncharacteristic, matter-of-fact tone the absurd line to Captain Benjamin L. Willard about how much he loves the gasoline smell of napalm in the morning because it smells like victory. Then Kilgore looks into the distance and says wistfully, “Someday this war is going to end.” That line speaks to the idiosyncrasies of war. Yet, it adds to the uncanny and invulnerable quality of Kilgore’s character while signifying the far-reaching effect war has had on his mentality.

I wonder if there are chaste guys out there thinking to themselves somewhat wistfully, “Someday this Locktober is going to end.” Perhaps this is your first Locktober, or maybe you’re someone with years of experience wearing a cock cage who has participated in Locktober many times. My question to you, if you’re new to male chastity and participating in your first Locktober, is this. What happens for you after Locktober ends, this 2020 edition, in eleven days? Has the experience of having your penis confined in a chastity device had a far-reaching effect on your male mentality? Or, has Locktober been only a fun challenge to discover whether you have what it takes to stick it out for thirty-one days? Are you counting down the days to when you or, hopefully, someone else unlocks you and frees you from the cock cage? Or, will Locktober 2020 become the start of something bigger for you?

Reflecting on After Locktober Ends

It wasn’t Locktober when I had my first experience wearing a cock cage, but I had signed a contract with a dominant woman where I agreed to wear the chastity device for one full month. It was hard, maybe even harder than I’d expected for about the first seven days. But after the first week, it got easier.

Frankly, I’m not sure I would have lasted the entire month had I only self-locked. But very quickly, it became essential to me not to disappoint the woman who locked me. While I was determined not to give up, I admit about midway through; I was counting down the days to the end. I was eager to experience some relief from all the pent-up sexual energy. But, the experience of having my penis confined in a chastity device that first time did have a far-reaching effect on my male mentality.

It was almost surreal how wearing a chastity device started to affect me both mentally and emotionally, and how quickly it happened. It was literally like a night and day difference. Cock cages confine the growth of the penis during an erection, and that can become quite uncomfortable. As a result, the brain starts to tell the penis to become flaccid again. Eventually, this constant correction trains your mind to make your penis hard only when your keyholder authorizes it or once you have reached some goal you set in advance if you self-lock. When you reach that milestone, it’s easier to forget about your cock, on which too many of us guys have had the habit of lavishing too much attention, which frees you to channel the sexual energy into more productive pursuits.

New Goals After Locktober Ends

Perhaps the most recognized aspect of wearing a chastity device is it prevents masturbation and ejaculation, which can be a real benefit for a guy’s relationship since excessive masturbation can be a hidden relationship killer. Preservation of sexual energy can be an enormous part of a healthy relationship. And as mentioned, you can find more productive uses for it. As one example, as a writer, I find that chastity makes me far more productive than when I’m not wearing a chastity device.

If Locktober was just a one-off fun challenge to try, maybe you plan on tossing the cock cage in your sock drawer on the first of November with no plans ever to wear it again. But, as was the case with me, I suspect many first-time Locktober participants will discover they miss all the benefits of the chaste lifestyle when they unlock. They will miss the heft of the device, the feelings of contentment and security that can develop when you’ve worn a cock cage over an extended period. After Locktober ends might be a time to set a new goal for wearing your chastity device for sixty days, ninety days, or even longer.

After Locktober Ends is a Great Time to Try a New Device

Guys locking up for their first Locktober often choose to go with an inexpensive cage, usually one of the Chinese devices available from Amazon, eBay, or another online retailer. There is nothing wrong with that. That was my own approach. Why invest a lot of money in an expensive cock cage until you’ve had a chance to learn whether chastity is something you plan to continue long-term? But after thirty-one days, if the experience was meaningful enough that you feel you want to continue, then it can be an excellent time to start looking at a new device that will be more comfortable for long-term wear.

After growing in popularity and gaining mainstream visibility, there has been a sea change in cock cages. Today’s designs are less brutal, less intrusive, and far more discreet than the cages of yesteryear. After tons of experimentation, I finally found the Amicus from Male Chastity Now, which I believe will be my permanent cage. That is unless I find the Male Chastity Now’s Contender model even more to my liking when I try it on for size soon. But for now, I give Amicus credit for propelling me to my current record of over 148 days locked. It’s simply that lightweight, that comfortable, and that discreet.

Male chastity continues to grow in popularity. That is readily evident from the number of visitors to this site, and others like it and how well-received Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity has been. I expect the male chastity lifestyle will continue to grow more mainstream as both guys and women learn more about its transformative power.

Someday, and soon, this Locktober is going to end. The question is, what happens for you when it does?