31 Days of Chastity Meme Day 2: Your Chastity Device

I’ve acquired quite a few chastity devices over the past four years. Some I rarely wear anymore, but I have several favorites I alternate through. But for today’s questions for this 31 Days of Chastity Meme, I will focus on the device I’m wearing for Locktober 2023.

What sort of chastity device or belt do you wear? What are your likes and dislikes about it?

Besides the general feeling of comfort, there are many things I like about my Cobra N. Since I am a fanatic about hygiene, I like the open, cage-style design, which allows me to keep the cage and contents clean during extended wear without having to remove it. Mostly I just use soap and a handheld shower head to keep things tidy. But recently, I bought a plastic squeeze bottle with a pointed tip (sort of like the condiments bottles you see in some restaurants) that I now use. First, I fill the bottle with warm, soapy water and flush the interior of the Cobra through every opening. Then I refill the bottle with plain, warm water and repeat the flushing process a couple more times. I’m uncertain this is actually necessary since the showering seems to good a good job. But I feel better about wearing a plastic cage for long periods without removal and feel more confident I’m keeping things sparkling clean by using the squeeze bottle once each week.

The fit of the Cobra is something else I like about the device. Having a chubby flaccid penis, I ordered the wide version of the Cobra, which gives the contents a little extra room. It is still a snug fit, but doesn’t feel as tight as the regular version. The extra

Kink3D Cobra N doing the Locktober thing

width also allows my peen to do its natural expansion and contraction thing without getting stuck during the contractions, so the tip of the glans always stays firmly in contact with the urination outlet. That means I can stand and pee in the usual way without making a mess and my bladder empties more fully than when I sit to urinate.

I love the size of the Cobra N, which fits me as perfectly as any of the custom-fitted stainless steel devices I own. It’s absolutely the perfect length and Kink3D offers such a great variety of base ring sizes that I have the perfect size base ring based on my specific measurements. The device is so light that even when my scrotum is soft, allowing my balls to dangle a bit, the base ring stays firmly against my lower abdomen, unlike some of the heavier stainless steel devices I sometimes wear. The thing really couldn’t fit better or feel more comfortable.

Finally, I love the design of the Cobra. It angles downward, which makes for a low profile so that the device doesn’t print itself against the crotch of my pants or shorts. Even when I wear athletic shorts, there is no noticeable bulge. The finish of the material has a silky feel to it, which also adds to the comfort.

While the question also asks about dislikes, literally there is not one thing I dislike about the Cobra device. Kink3D makes the device from high-quality material and excellent craftsmanship. I can’t imagine how the company could improve on the design. But I will say I think the company prices the Cobra a little higher than it needs to be, especially since the price increases with every size.

I would love to try the Cobra Baby and would enjoy having one of the new Fusion Pink models. But even though I can afford to pay Kink3D prices, I just find it hard to justify spending that much on a plastic, non-custom device, more than once. So, unless Kink3D lowers the prices or at least runs an occasional sale, I probably won’t purchase a second or third Cobra model. I understand Kink3D offered discounts on booth sales at this year’s San Francisco Folsom Street Fair, so I can’t imagine why they can’t offer occasional discounts to the rest of the company’s loyal customer base. I feel so strongly about this that I have already ordered another less expensive 3D printed device from a UK competitor instead of buying a second Cobra. Frankly, I don’t enjoy feeling I am being taken advantage of by any company by having to pay more than I should so they can make more profits, no matter how much I might love the company’s products.

Please share with us in the comments about the device you wear and what you like and dislike about it. And tune in again tomorrow for Day 3 of the 31 Days of Chastity Meme, when I will answer:

How did you get into Chastity? Write about any experiences that, in retrospect, hinted at your kinks.

31 Days of Chastity Meme

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Day 1: What Does Chastity Mean to You?