Tag Archives: male chasity

Chastity 90 2023 Day 1

And it begins. The first day of Chastity 90 2023, ninety-days of abstaining from masturbation, orgasm, and ejaculation.

The truth be told; I was eager to lock my Holy Trainer Nub V5 back on after three days of freedom. So eager, I stayed up until 12:01 A.M. this morning to put it back on and lock up. I’ve grown so accustomed to wearing a chastity device, I feel more comfortable wearing one than not. While I wasn’t concerned about it, the three days out of the cage showed that after 877 days of 24/7 chastity, I experienced no shrinkage, have no problem getting and maintaining an erection, and ejaculate normally. I admit I didn’t last long when performing the plumbing check, but that’s to be expected since the lengthy period of being locked increased my sensitivity.

Are You In?

This site gets a lot of visitors every day and I’m hopeful others are taking part in the challenge with me. Yes, I know not everyone interested in chastity is interested in long-term chastity. But spending ninety days wearing a cage and observing strict abstinence is an experience not to be missed, in my opinion. You learn things about yourself that you just don’t with shorter periods of chastity. And by the end, you will definitely know whether permanent chastity is for you.

If you’ve been thinking about participating, or this is the first you’ve heard about Chastity 90, you can review the terms of the contest here. You’ll see that there are other things besides practicing sexual abstinence we ask you to do for the ninety days, along with a few things you’re asked to do you probably don’t do now.

I aimed all the terms at making it easier to complete the challenge than it might be otherwise. In our hyper-sexualized society, every type of media, from video games to television to social media sites, pushes sexual imagery and content. You can view all the porn you want without ever visiting an Internet porn site. Just sign on to Twitter, TikTok, or just about any other popular social media platform. The things I ask you to avoid should limit your exposures to titillating content and other sexual triggers that will make it far more difficult to complete the challenge. And while social media particularly can be addicting, you can learn to live without it.

I used to sign into Twitter every morning, intending just to spend a few moments catching up. Instead, I’d waste an hour or more scrolling through the never ending feed, clicking on news stories that captured my interest, etc. And then I’d end up wasting even more time looking at Twitter on my phone throughout the day. Then Twitter did me a big solid about a year ago.

A few months before Musk took over, they suspended me when I posted criticism of an ignorant government official who did nothing but spread disinformation throughout the entire pandemic and he harmed many people, including kids. A moderator sent me a message telling me they would restore my account if I deleted the “offensive” post. Instead, I gave Twitter a middle finger and deleted the app from all my devices. Know what? I haven’t missed it at all. In fact, my life is much improved since I left that toxic crap behind. So, please consider doing your best to follow all the terms because if you do, I think you will get much more value from this challenge than just a 90-day chastity experience

No Device Required

Remember, you don’t have to wear a chastity device for the entire challenge. But you can wear one if you wish. You can wear a device, all the time, part of the time, or none of the time and just rely on good old-fashioned willpower. It’s completely up to you. I’ll be wearing a device the entire challenge, but I have a lot of experience with long-term chastity that others probably don’t. I have many comfortable, well-fitting devices and, of course, I enjoy wearing them.

Even if you find it impossible to complete the full 90-days, Chastity 90 is still a great opportunity to go deeper into chastity and learn that it is a healthy and positive lifestyle choice with many benefits.

Thirty Days of Chastity: Day Two

Chaste answers the questions from the "Thirty Days of Chastity" Meme from Tickleberry.com.uk

Here we go with Thirty Days of Chastity, Day Two and the second question.

DAY 2: Your Chastity…

What sort of device or belt do you (or your partner) wear? What are your likes and dislikes about it? If you don’t currently wear a chastity device or belt, what design would you like and why?

I don’t know how many chastity devices I currently own, and I didn’t bother counting. But I have many and in every material except silicone. And all are “beltless,” standard “ball-trapping” devices. 

Chastity belts intrigue me, the type that men supposedly made women wear in medieval times, but actually didn’t. The first chastity belts probably appeared during Victorian times when society sought to curb masturbation. But intriguing or not, chastity belts don’t seem practical to me for everyday use. 

Yes, I’m aware some men and women who practice chastity and orgasm denial do that, but I can imagine chastity belts are a nightmare to keep clean. And I’m just not fascinated enough with actual chastity belts to spend the money to buy something that’s reasonably expensive that I wouldn’t wear much. 

I am and have always been partial to steel chastity devices. The first device I purchased was stainless steel and although that one didn’t work well for me. I immediately liked the weight of steel. 

I’ve since purchased several more steel devices, including four custom made devices. But there are two devices I wear most often. My Mature Metal Jail Bird and Male Chastity Now Amicus are my go-to devices. I’d say I like both devices about the same. Both are well made, attractive, and comfortable devices. I’ve worn both for so long that, unless I feel the urge to go to the bathroom, I’m usually not even aware of them. 

What do I dislike about the two devices I wear most frequently? Not much. I’ll have to get picky to think of anything I don’t like about either.

Since I sometimes use remote keyholders, I sometimes must lock up using a plastic, numbered lock so that the keyholder can have confidence I’m not cheating. The problem is the Jail Bird doesn’t play nice with those plastic locks and rotates excessively. That’s because the design relies on the lock the manufacturer furnishes with the device to minimize rotation. But I’ve since come up with a solution after I found these nifty key safes available from several places on the web.

Instead of locking the Jail Bird with a plastic, numbered lock, I secure the keys in a safe with the plastic lock. That allows me to use the manufacturers’ lock to secure the device and still give remote keyholders the security they want.

Like the Jail Bird, I can’t say there is anything I dislike about the Amicus. But I regret I didn’t have Male Chastity Now make a small modification to the cage. 

The Amicus cage has only two vertical bars at the end, which allows for urination in the usual male fashion. But it also allows the glans of the penis to protrude through the gap. That allows the very tip to rub against your underwear and after a while causes irritation of the delicate skin. So, I wish I’d had the manufacturer add two horizontal bars across the vertical ones. That would solve the problem and I’ve since learned the company often makes this modification for customers who request it. One day I may send the cage back for the modification but it’s such a minor issue I haven’t done it yet. 

There are plenty of other devices in my drawer I like and find comfortable to wear. I especially like my two Holy Trainer devices. They fit well and are satisfyingly comfortable. But they are resin, not steel, so wearing them requires more maintenance for someone that wears a device every day as I do. 

As much as I like the devices I already own, I’m always on the lookout for another device. At present, I’m awaiting the delivery of two more custom made devices which I expect to receive in six to eight weeks. 

How about you? What is your go-to device and what do you like about it? Or, if you don’t have your first device, is there one that has captured your interest?

Beginner Chastity Device Wearing Schedule

I decided to update this post from December 2020 because it has consistently been one of the most popular posts on this site. The reason I’ve updated it is that with more experience comes more knowledge and my views on a beginner chastity device wearing schedule have changed. Getting used to wearing a chastity device for long periods is a gradual process. But having gained more experience, I now believe a beginner can progress faster without compromising safety.

I first published the post in December because I know every Christmas, there are guys who receive their first chastity device as a gift, because they asked their partner to lock them in chastity or sometimes because a partner wants to add male chastity to the relationship. That made December a perfect time to publish this suggested beginner chastity device wearing schedule. But, of course, it should be useful to anyone no matter what time of the year he begins wearing a chastity device.

It takes time for a guy’s genitals, some of the most sensitive real estate of the male body, to adjust to a chastity device. The best way to ensure maximum comfort and avoid problems is to adhere to a reasonable wearing schedule when breaking in your new device.

Often, a chastity device will feel comfortable even when you’re wearing it too long at first. But this can lead to complications like compression pain and friction chafing that will ultimately produce a setback. Allowing your body time to adjust can prevent those problems. But introducing your body to wearing a device doesn’t have to take a long time. I have aimed this suggested beginner wearing schedule at those putting on a chastity cage for the first time or who have only worn a device for a short period.

Wearing Your Device the First Day

The first day should be a familiarization day. This is a time to get acquainted with your new chastity device, its parts, and how to put it on. These days, the most popular “ball trap” models usually consist of only three parts; a base ring, cage, and some type of lock.

After cleansing and drying the device, put it on. Only wear it for an hour or two on the first day. While wearing it, make sure it fits reasonably well (e.g., not too tight, but not falling off), isn’t pinching your skin, and feels reasonably comfortable. Also, make certain the base ring is not interfering with blood circulation by monitoring the skin color and temperature of your scrotum. If your skin doesn’t feel abnormally cool to the touch or change from its usual color, you can assume there are no problems with circulation.

If you experience substantial discomfort or pain at any time, don’t just tough it out. Immediately take off the device and diagnose the problem before putting it back on.

If all goes well, wear the device for no longer than two hours, even if it feels comfortable, then take it off. Clean the device thoroughly again with warm soapy water, rinse with plain warm water, and put it aside to air dry so it will be ready for you to put back on the following day.

Following this suggested schedule will allow your body to acclimate to the device but also give it plenty of time to return to normal before you put the device back on.

Applying a little baby oil or water-based or silicone lubricant to the inside of the base ring and cage or tube will help prevent skin irritation, friction burn, and chafing. A water-resistant silicone lubricants or baby oil lasts longer than water-based lubricants. You won’t have to reapply them as often.

Schedule for Day Two

On the second day, if you had no problems on the first, it’s time to start serious chastity training. Put on the device and wear it for four hours. Again, resist the temptation to wear it longer, even if everything feels great.

Monitor the temperature and color of your scrotum hourly until you remove the device to make certain you are having circulatory problems. After removing and cleaning your chastity device, examine your genital area carefully for excessive redness, chafing, or broken skin.

Treat redness and chafing with lubricant. If you experience minor broken skin, treat it with an antibiotic ointment like Neosporin.

Day Three and Beyond

On the third day, if you experienced no significant problems wearing the device continuously for four hours, wear it for another four hours every day until you complete seven consecutive days. Don’t skip any days unless you experience excessive chafing or broken skin. Don’t exceed four hours and make sure to clean your device thoroughly after removing it. Continue inspecting your skin for any problems.

Week Two

Once you’ve worn the device for four hours a day for seven consecutive days, you’re ready to take the next step. Beginning on the first day of the second week, wear your device for eight full hours for seven consecutive days. Don’t skip any days and don’t exceed eight hours of wear. Clean the device daily after removing it and continue the skin inspections. Stay on top of chafing and hot spots, especially where the base ring rests against your skin, by applying lubricant as needed.

It can take 10 days to two weeks for your body to get used to wearing a chastity device. The best way to ensure maximum comfort and avoid complications and injuries is to patiently and faithfully adhere to this wearing schedule, and using lubrication when needed.

Week Three

Once you reach the milestone of wearing the device with reasonable comfort eight hours a day for seven full days, you’re ready to try sleeping while wearing it for the first time. As long as you have had no excessive chafing, broken skin, circulation issues, or pain, it’s now time to wear the device 24/7, including wearing it to bed.

Some guys who are new to wearing a chastity device experience more problems with nighttime erections than others. When they occur, nocturnal erections almost always wake you in the middle of the night for the first few nights. It can feel noticeably uncomfortable the first few times you experience an attempted erection while wearing a chastity device. Getting out of bed and walking around a little will usually solve the problem. Going to the bathroom and urinating can also help the erection subside.

Once you reach the point where you can comfortably wear your device 24/7 and sleep reasonably well while wearing it, you should be able to wear the device indefinitely. How long you remain locked is up to you or your keyholder if you have one. If you wear the device continually, it’s best practice to remove it once a week for a thorough cleaning and to clean your genitals.

Following this suggested schedule should take you from a complete beginner to wearing a chastity device 24/7 in less than a month.

My First Male Chastity Fiction Story


The Agreement Follows Expected Male Chastity Fiction Tropes

This month, I wrote my first proper male chastity fiction short story, The Agreement. The story follows the conventional chastity and erotica tropes that many chastity fiction readers expect and enjoy.

I’ve been resistant to writing these kinds of chastity fiction stories in the past. It seems an overused pattern to such a degree that all such stories start to sound alike. Only the names of the characters and the settings differ. That’s why in my Vulvarian Saga series, chastity is a key element of the stories, but it isn’t the overriding focus. But when I came up with what I thought might be a slightly different twist for a chastity story, I decided to give it a go with The Agreement.

The Agreement Synoposis

Here is the story synopsis.

When an unassuming IT systems technician encounters a devastatingly beautiful woman one morning at his regular coffee shop, he finds it unsettling when she shows an interest in him and starts asking intimate questions. His first inclination is to rebuff her when it seems she senses the submissive nature he has tried hard to hide and suppress. But the gorgeous woman persists and invites him for a drink at a popular local nightspot.

At first, he has no intention of keeping the date, but like a moth to a flame, he finds himself reluctantly drawn to the woman’s assertive nature. The next thing he knows, he winds up inside her luxurious waterfront penthouse condo. Things get steamy, but the sex he had expected doesn’t go quite the way he thought it would, and he ends up locked in a chastity cage.

As the guy discovers the intricacies of tease and denial and the challenges and rewards of being the submissive boyfriend of a stunning dominant woman, he finds being kept under lock and key in submission to female authority might be what his nature suits him for best.

Where to Get Your Copy of The Agreement

If you’re a fan of conventional male chastity fiction stories, you might enjoy reading The Agreement. It’s available now at Smashwords and should be available from other digital book retailers in a few days. Because the story contains the usual and expected sexually explicit scenes and graphic language, I chose to distribute it through Smashwords since they are more erotica-friendly than other distributors I use.

I know we all have our favorite digital book retailers, so as the information becomes available, I’ll update The Agreement book page with additional bookseller links.

For now, there is an exclusive deal for readers of Cut to the Chaste at Smashwords. Visitors to this blog can get a copy of The Agreement for only 99¢ from now until December 31, 2020. To get the deal, go to https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1056370, click the Buy button, and then enter the code XJ89M when completing your checkout at Smashwords.com to receive the discounted price.