Month: September 2022

What Is So Fascinating About Normalization of Male Chastity?

A recent industry survey I saw recently says that male chastity devices (combination of full belts and cock cages) ranked third globally in a current list of the top five most popular sex toys. That suggests normalization of male chastity is underway. In other words, male chastity is practiced more widely and becoming more mainstream and less of a kink activity or taboo. That’s a good thing, right? Or is it? Today’s topic is about what I find so fascinating about the normalization of male chastity.

Here on the eve of Locktober 2022, I’m contemplating a spirited discussion I read last night in the forums at Chastity Mansion. Just from what I’ve seen on social media and the number of visitors this website and others devoted to discussing male chastity get daily, I’ve felt for a long while now that male chastity is becoming increasingly normal. Once relegated to the kink community, the practice of male chastity is less taboo. More individual guys and couples who might otherwise consider themselves more vanilla than kinky have embraced chastity devices. Without giving it much thought, I suppose my default position has always been the more normal and mainstream male chastity becomes, the better. So, reading some opinions in the forum discussion surprised me. There were many guys who weighed in on the discussion that felt that normalization of male chastity was a negative. Here’s why.

Male Chastity as a Kink or Taboo

For many, viewing male chastity through the lens of kink or taboo is an important part of their enjoyment of the experience. For some, it’s the most important part of it. These guys feel if a guy locking up his cock becomes normal, they may lose interest in doing it.

On one level, I can understand this. Different guys have different motivations for wearing a chastity device. As an example, submissive guys see it as a satisfying submissive act.

There are also guys who are into kinky activities like SPH and cuckolding. If you fetishize shrinking your penis and entertain the illusion that wearing a cock cage permanently shrinks your peen (which it doesn’t, actually) then your interest in chastity may be mostly a satisfaction of your kink.

The same is true of those who combine wearing a chastity device as an integral part of engaging in cuckolding or their enjoyment of being on the receiving end of pegging.

Even guys who wear a chastity device to work or other public spaces because it makes them feel a little naughty knowing that they secretly are wearing a device beneath their clothing are approaching chastity from a kink perspective. Often, they may enjoy fantasizing about what people they encounter in public or the workplace would think or say if they only knew. Nothing wrong with any of that, of course.

But there are many guys and couples these days who don’t embrace chastity because they are interested in breaking taboo or satisfying a kink. And there is nothing wrong with that either. I count myself as part of that group.

Vanilla Male Chastity Perspective

It’s probably a safe assumption that those of us who embrace chastity from a more vanilla point of view are those who are the most enthusiastic about the normalization of chastity. And why our reasons might not be exactly the same, I think some commonalities exist. Here are two reasons I think normalization of male chastity is a positive.

Male Chastity Benefits Women

While many men may initially find having a partner locking their cocks attractive because it satisfies a fairly common male fantasy, I believe strongly that women gain more benefits from locking their partners in a chastity device than the men wearing the devices do. Sure, there are benefits for both. I just think there are more benefits for women. So, the more common it becomes in our society for men to wear chastity devices, the less weird or disgusting ordinary women will find it. To a significant degree, fear of being judged negatively by their partners is the main reason so many men find it difficult, if not impossible, to tell their partners they want to be locked. The more normalized male chastity becomes, the less this will be a problem.

There is a femdom blogger I’ve followed for a while now whose writing I find brilliant. Not only is she massively intelligent, she is also deliciously kinky and expresses her thoughts wonderfully. Honestly, I have a shameless crush on her, though of course I wouldn’t dream of contacting her to admit it. But she recently wrote something that disappointed me.

She stated that it’s a well-known fact that men vastly exaggerate how beneficial male chastity is for women. With all due respect, that simply isn’t true. Frankly, I think it’s impossible to overestimate how much locking her partner benefits a woman. I can only assume the blogger, while she has lots of experience with submissive men within the framework of female led D/s relationships, hasn’t much experience with male chastity or she wouldn’t hold the opinion she does. At least not long-term, 24/7 chastity experience. I’ve communicated with too many women who lock their partners, and have read too many books and blogs by women that extol the benefits for women from male chastity that I know those benefits are not exaggerated. And I believe more women should get those benefits, ordinary women. Not just femdom women or those on the kinky end of the sexual spectrum.

Male Chastity Benefits Men

The same blogger wrote in the same post that men are not ruled by their libidos, not in the sense that their sex drive is anything like a life-sustaining drive to satisfy hunger by getting food. The presumption is men don’t need to wear chastity devices to control their libidos. They just don’t try to control their urges for sexual gratification. Again, I respectfully disagree with her opinion, but I don’t fault her or respect her any less for having it.

The truth is, as a woman, even as a dominant woman, she hasn’t any real understanding of the male sex drive. She is no more capable of understanding the male libido and its effects for men than I am of understanding why women have so much more control over their libidos since I’m male and have no frame of reference. The male sex drive, thanks to many thousands of years of evolution designed to ensure the survival of the species, is very much akin to a life-sustaining drive to satisfy hunger. It’s almost a perfect analogy. That’s why men spend an inordinate amount of time seeking to satisfy their needs when their brains and bodies demand it. I make no excuses for the power my sex drive has over my behavior, but I’ve never denied it because you can’t. You must be a male to understand it. And I have seen nothing more useful in helping me to control the tyranny of my male libido than chastity devices. The more normalized male chastity becomes, the more willing ordinary men who are not necessarily submissive or interested in kink will be to try chastity and benefit from it. And chastity makes us better, better men and better partners.


So, those are my two main reasons for believing normalizing male chastity is a positive thing that I hope continues. But what about you? Do you see normalization of  male chastity as a positive or a negative?

Locktober Eve 2022

We’re just hours away from the kickoff of Locktober 2022. Amazingly, I received the shorter HF001 device I ordered from Badassworkroom yesterday, just in time. I tried it out yesterday and again today with two different base rings and goodness gracious! It’s perfect! As hoped, the shorter cage solved the “sticking peen” problem. So, I’m wearing it for Locktober. Weirdly, even though I’m locked all the time, Locktober still excites me. One of my favorite pro keyholders has graciously agreed to supervise this year. Honestly, I have the self-discipline now to complete Locktober or any length of locked period I choose without having a keyholder. But it makes Locktober so much more arousing and satisfying to have one. I’ll remove the device I’m wearing now at 10:00 P.M. and then I’ll put on the new HF-001 so that I can turn the key at the stroke of midnight. Then I will lock the key in the safe, surrendering control to my keyholder for 31 days.

Badassworkroom HF001
Locktober Ready

Good luck to all taking part this year. Don’t back up, don’t back down. That’s the only way I know…

Locktober Strategies Revealed

The time draws nigh, looming, a cloud, a dread beyond. In twelve days, Locktober comes. So, it seemed a good time for Locktober strategies revealed, to help those readers who are standing at the precipice, gazing into the abyss, and screwing up their courage to accept the challenge of locking up their most prized possession for 31 long days. Whether this is your first Locktober attempt, or if you’ve tried it before but failed miserably, hopefully here you will find strategies that will help you succeed in 2022.

When it comes to self-improvement, two of the biggest stumbling blocks people encounter are a lack of motivation to get started and a fear that a goal will be too overwhelming. That stops many guys from trying or succeeding at chastity. That’s why a one-month challenge like Locktober can help tackle both issues. A thirty-one-day challenge feels doable—you can do almost anything for 31 days. And you can also use a 31-day challenge as an experiment. If chastity for a month enhances your life, you’ll create momentum that motivates you to use it to create more positive change. Here in this post, I’ll share with you my best strategies for making it to the finish line this Locktober.

Step 1: Decide to Succeed

It may sound obvious, but this is perhaps the most difficult part of succeeding.

During my chastity travels, I’ve had many conversations with guys who’ve told me they want to live the chaste life, but they never seem to make it happen. Why is that?

Because it’s tough to adjust to wearing a chastity device 24/7. Really tough.

In fact, wearing a chastity device for an entire month for the first time may be the most challenging and uncomfortable thing you ever do.

At first, this can be very scary.

Successfully completing Locktober means making some tough decisions. So, how badly do you want to succeed? What are you willing to do – and to give up – to make it happen?

Once you decide you will wear a chastity device for 31 straight days come hell or high water, suddenly, almost anything is possible.

Step 2. Learn to Embrace Discomfort

If you want to learn how to wear a chastity device 24/7 for an entire month, or longer, get prepared to say goodbye to your comfort zone. The very essence of growth in any difficult endeavor is to move beyond what you’ve experienced before.

You have to break new ground. And there will be discomfort, both physical and mental.

First, having a hunk of plastic or metal hanging from your junk doesn’t immediately feel normal. It takes some getting used to. If your brand new to it, you’ll probably have to deal with some chafing issues and some sore spots. Also, you will battle some very strong biological urges that all men have that evolution has programmed into us for thousands of years. Your body and brain will not be happy with your decision and will fight back. Expect the discomfort and then embrace it.

When I was a high school freshman, I went out for the football team, mostly because all my friends at the time intended to play football. I hadn’t played in junior high or in any Pop Warner leagues growing up. For me, football was a completely new experience, and after the first week of two a day practices, I hated it and decided to quit. Nervously, I went to my coach’s office after practice one afternoon and told him I wanted to quit. Frankly, I was scared to death because I saw him as a mean guy and feared he’d make fun of me. But I overcame my fear and went to talk to him anyway because I was that desperate. I wanted the discomfort to end. To my surprise, he was understanding and spoke to me with kindness. He convinced me he knew how I felt and why. Then he told me something I’ve never forgotten and never will. “If you want to quit, I won’t stop you. But you must understand something, son. If you quit football, any time for the rest of your life when you face a challenge, you will quit. You will be a quitter the rest of your life, and I don’t want to see that happen. You’re better than that.”

Long story short, he convinced me to stay on the team for one more week and if I still wanted to quit, he wouldn’t say another word. I agreed and something miraculous happened. During that week that I agreed to, even though I fully expected to quit at the end, I learned to embrace discomfort. I learned to embrace hitting other guys on the football practice field and getting hit. I embraced the soreness, the fatigue. And at the end of that week, I didn’t quit and went on to become a starter on my team for the next four years. I’m convinced that learning to embrace the discomfort made the difference. And, you know what? I’ve never quit a single thing in my life since.

Years later, I volunteered for an advanced military training course known for how few soldiers successfully complete it. On the first day, the instructor made us run five miles wearing our PT uniforms and running shoes. Nothing tough about that. At the time, I was running much further most days just for fun and fitness. But for this run, we also wore fully loaded seventy-pound rucksacks on our backs and carried rifles. At the end of the run, my feet were like hamburger and so were those of a lot of the other guys in my platoon. The next day, I could hardly walk wearing combat boots. But I never once thought about quitting the run that day or the course, even though things only got tougher after that run. That was because I’d already learned the secret back in high school football. I’d learned to embrace the discomfort.

Step 3. Get Help and Support

Guys who usually try Locktober and fail are those who try to do it on their own, self-locked, with no support. That makes it easier to get discouraged, give in to the discomfort, and quit. It makes it easier to rationalize and make excuses. That’s why you should consider getting help and support. But not every guy has a partner willing to act as his keyholder, or maybe any partner at all. No partner? No problem. There are professionals who will help and will hold you accountable for a nominal fee. And that can make all the difference in the world. I’ll offer two options here for professional help, people I can confidently recommend.

The first option is the Oxy-Shop Keyholder Service. I’ve used it and highly recommend it. A while back I posted a review for the service if you haven’t read it. Mistress Elena, who operates the service, is a consummate professional, and she makes it a fun experience. And best of all it’s so affordable, only $35 for the month. Do make sure you let Mistress Elena know you’re doing Locktober if you sign up so she knows not to offer you early releases.

The second option is pricier, but Goddess Summer knows her stuff and also offers more teasing than you will get with the first option. Tributes start at $75 (payable by gift card). She also offers two other more expensive options with more teasing and interaction. Check out for more details if you’re interested.

If you have no partner to support you and can’t afford or just don’t want to pay for professional keyholding, there is one free option where you can get both help, information, and support. No one will hold your key, but you will find other like-minded folks at Chastity Mansion who will offer their support and even answer questions you have as you navigate Locktober. You can sign up at and membership is absolutely free.

Concluding Thoughts

Overcoming your natural male biological urges and completing 31 days in chastity is never an easy road. However, it doesn’t need to be an unpleasant journey. It can actually be both a fun and challenging experience that forces you to dig deep inside yourself.

It challenges you to change how you are and can help you become a better version of yourself.

The strategies presented here within this post can certainly help you along that journey. But ultimately, your success depends on you and how willing you are to make the necessary changes to succeed.

A Helpful Chastity Primer Heading Into Your First Locktober

Badassworkroom HF001 Resin Chastity Device Review

I’ve long been an avid fan of Badassworkroom and the company’s custom made steel chastity devices. I couldn’t be more satisfied with the two custom devices I’ve ordered from them so far. So, when I discovered they now offer a line of colorful resin devices, obviously “inspired” by KINK3D’s Cobra chastity cages, I had to try one. These cages, dubbed the HF-001 model, are available in five sizes. I chose the D1 size for this review. As far as I know, these are molded resin devices, not 3D-printed, but these devices are of high quality, smooth without any seams, and I love all the colorful options.

The last time I reviewed a device “inspired” by KINK3D’s Cobra chastity cages, I heard from a few guys who disapproved. One said he felt I had done a disservice to KINK3D by reviewing a device, clearly copying their design. I understand that opinion, and it isn’t wrong. However, as I’ve explained before, I try to review a variety of devices at different price points as I can imagine some guys simply can’t invest $155 to $185 in the devices KINK3D offers, but would like to get a similar product. And at the time I published that review, the made in China “knock-off” devices sold for between $9.99 and $16.99 depending on what seller someone chose. That device was truly a “knock-off” in that the manufacturer not only copied the design and manufactured the devices with 3D-print technology, they also copied the KINK3D nomenclature, using “Cobra” in the device’s name. Sure, they added two additional words, calling it the Cobra Male Chastity Lock, but just like the fake Holy Trainers that even had “Holy Trainer” stamped on them, I’m guessing they hoped to convince potential buyers in the same way they were getting the real deal at bargain basement prices.

While you can look at Badassworkroom’s HF-001 and see the obvious similarities with the Cobra, the company isn’t engaging in unethical marketing by representing the device as a Cobra. They aren’t trying to fool anyone. And it isn’t 3D-printed. Is that enough for the HF-001 to fall more into the inspired than the copied category? That’s your call to make. My take is if you want to buy an original KINK3D, made in the USA high-quality 3D-printed device and you’re willing to spend the $155 to $185, I applaud you. And if you like the style but can’t justify the significant investment and a similar product at a lower price that performs the same function satisfies you, I see no shame in it. I find it hard to believe copied devices take much business from the original creators. Someone who wants an original Cobra and can afford the cost isn’t likely to buy a copied version. And those who buy copied versions I doubt would have ever bought an original anyway. Using me as an example, I prefer steel devices and while I don’t doubt that KINK3D products are terrific and worth every penny, I’m in the camp of those who wouldn’t consider paying $155 to $185 to get one. So, to each his own.

HF-001 Chastity Device Specifications

Compared to the KINK3D device, available in eight sizes, the Badassworkroom offers the HF-001 in five sizes. I chose the D1, which is comparable to the Cobra N+ in size. The D-1 is a size smaller than the first Cobra-like device I tried and reviewed. While that one fit the length of my flaccid peen, if you read the review, I had an annoying issue with it. When my penis shrunk, as they do with the male organ’s constant state of contracting and expanding, mine would get stuck at about the midpoint of the cage and absent an actual attempted erection, the tip would never return to the end of the cage. This made peeing even more problematic than usual with chastity devices. So, I hoped a shorter cage would solve the issue. More on that bit later.

I admit the thing that first attracted me to the HF-001 was the availability of the four additional vibrant color options for those of us who like something other than basic black. I chose the purple color and was very pleased with my choice when the device arrived. Now let’s look at the specifications.

Available sizes

Besides the cage and “MagicLocker” the HF-001 comes with four different base ring sizes from 43mm to 51mm. The 43mm fits me perfectly. I think it’s an unusually wonderful variety of sizes where one should fit most guys.

Not only do you get the set of four base rings, you can also choose between “arc” rings (ergonomic) or standard round rings. Unfortunately, you can’t mix and match. You must take all four using the same option. I chose the round rings which do the job for me. I had an unpleasant experience with an ergonomic ring once, so I choose to stay away from them. Not to say others don’t love them. Before leaving the base ring topic, you can also get a custom-sized stainless steel ring with this device at an extra charge if you’re so inclined.

Comfort and Feel of the HF-001

As with all plastic chastity devices, the HF-001 is pleasingly light-weight. The cage and the base rings are smooth as glass inside and out, so I haven’t had even the hint of any chafing. The color is spectactularly vibrant and they color the resin itself so it doesn’t rub off or stain your skin. I put mine on September 1 and haven’t removed it since. It’s that comfortable. But alas, going one size smaller on cage length didn’t cure the same annoying sticking problem I experienced with the first Cobra-like device. With the HF-001, when my peen retracts, the head sticks about three-quarters of an inch from the end of the cage and that makes the issue even worse while urinating than I had with the longer cage. It positions my urethral opening right behind a bar at the top of the cage and even sitting, pee sprays like crazy. So, I have to use a Q-Tip to poke and prod to set things right every time I visit the bathroom. This issue results from two things. Like all Cobra-style devices (including the original I’ve now learned), the cage is (by design) not perfectly round. Instead, it’s slightly oval-shaped, from side to side. The other problem is me. My flaccid penis is chubby and I have a good bit of excess skin below the glans left over from circumcision. These two aspects of my organ don’t play well with the oval shape and that causes the sticking problem at the choke point. Other than that, I have no other problems with the fit and feel. It’s a comfortable device to wear.

Safety Considerations While Wearing the HF-001

Like any Cobra-style device, the design of the HF-001 is simple. There is a cage, base ring, lock, and two tabs on the cage that slip into a pair of sockets on the base ring to add stability. That makes the two components fit tightly together so there is no wobble. You must exercise a little care to avoid pinching when mating the cage to the base ring. It’s a simple ball-trap device, so the usual cautions apply. Choosing the proper size base ring is important. Choosing a base ring size that is too small can cause significant issues, including the risks associated with compromising your circulation. As a rule of thumb, skin discoloration or skin temperature of the scrotum that feels noticeably cooler than normal body temperature are indications of reduced circulation.

Hygiene Considerations When Wearing the HF-001

Thanks to the cage-type open style, I give the HF-001 high marks in the ease of cleaning department. It’s simple to keep the contents clean with a handheld shower head. I’ve worn mine for sixteen days without having to remove it for cleaning. Expect to sit to pee to avoid making a mess, and especially if you have the “sticking problem” I do, don’t even think about trying to pee while standing.

Final Thoughts

First, a word about “security” which, if you’re a regular reader of this website, you know by now is a relative term when discussing ball-trap chastity devices. The HF-001 does what the manufacturer designed it to do. It doesn’t fall off accidentally, but if you want to remove it while it’s locked on, it isn’t hard to do. The same thing is true of any device made using this design. So, if you want to compare it to the original KINK3D version, the HF-001 is no better and no worse. But it may not be the best choice for those with little or no willpower because there are other devices available that require more effort to escape from. That said, for those of us ready and willing to stay locked when required without cheating, this is an acceptably secure device.

I’m impressed by the overall quality of this device and love the color options. The darn sticking problem is my only real complaint. But as they say, if at first you don’t succeed, try again. I like this device well enough that I’ve already ordered another, this time the E1, the model with the shortest cage. Hopefully, with no extra length in the cage at all, the tip of my unruly peen will stay put at the end of the cage where it belongs. One way or the other, the E1 is what I plan to wear while flying when I visit Europe later this year. Several months ago, I bought one of the plastic locking plugs for the trip that I’ve mentioned that slides into the MagicLocker receiver and you then secure it with a plastic numbered lock. That means all plastic, baby, and it should speed me through security with no risk of having an embarrassing show and tell discussion in a small, locked room with TSA.

At $50, I think Badassworkroom has fairly priced the HF-001 given the high quality. If this device interests you, it’s available directly from the Badassworkroom official website, and also from the Badassworkroom Etsy store. Pro tip. If you get one, order from their Etsy store and you’ll get free shipping. Orders at the website incur shipping costs and you might as well save a few bucks.

Disclaimer: This review represents my own honest opinions. I purchased this device at the full retail price using my own funds, and I have no affiliation with Badassworkroom other than being a satisfied customer.

The Stuff About Chastity Device Security You May Not Have Considered and Really Should

Weirdly, three different guys contacted me last week about chastity device security. They all wanted to know how to find a chastity device that was completely inescapable. They all posed their questions a little differently, but it was the same question. And they weren’t asking about incorporating a piercing. They were all talking about ball-trap devices, not chastity belts. All had the same impression. Somewhere out there in the ether was the genuine article. The real deal. The holy grail of chastity devices. Either a device so perfectly designed it was escape proof, or some enhancement they might incorporate that they just hadn’t yet found that could make it so. Spoiler alert. There is no magic inescapable ball-trap device (like the one you have now). None.

There was a device manufacturer I saw mentioned on various chastity forums a while back that advertised having an inescapable device. I forget the name. But the company claimed its chastity device, which used a spring-loaded cam and a uniquely shaped base ring, was totally secure. Strangely, the company’s website has long since disappeared, so it’s a safe assumption they went out of business. That should tell you all you need to know about its “inescapable device” claims.

I always mention “security” in my device reviews. But understand, I’m always talking “relative security” not factual security. To me, the security of a ball-trap device means it fits tight enough that it doesn’t fall off on its own when you don’t want it to and would take over two seconds for me to remove it while locked. And, yes, while I won’t embarrass any manufacturers by naming them, I have two such devices I can get off in about two seconds flat while locked. As a general rule, custom made devices manufactured to a guy’s specific measurements are the most secure. The relative security of any off-the-shelf device is pretty much judged by whether it can fall off on its own, or allows testicles to pop out of the base ring.

Why Are So Many Guys Obsessed with Chastity Device Security?

This is a simple question to answer and has to do with the fantasy aspect of chastity. Even those of us who approach chastity from more of a practical perspective still embrace this fantasy to some degree. The idea of being totally helpless and under control of a chastity device or the control of another person holding the key to the device is an insanely hot and arousing concept. Also, chastity devices play right into the very common “do me while I’m helpless” male fantasy. So, knowing you could get a device off without unlocking it if you truly wanted sort of ruins the whole fantasy deal. Instead of accepting they must balance the fantasy with the reality of chastity device security, some guys long for a chastity device that even Houdini couldn’t have wriggled out of.

What About Security Add-Ons?

Sure, there are add-ons available like anti-pullout pins. They may make escaping more painful, but not impossible. I imagine easily how someone could design something with anti-pullout pins or teeth that would serve as a real deterrent. But the pin points or teeth would need to be so sharp that they would do serious damage if a guy tried to pull his peen out of the cage or tube to inflict enough pain to dissuade him. By definition, that means enough physical damage to cause that level of pain. The problem is, because a penis is a state of near constant change, just wearing a device equipped with something like that means it would cause nicks, cuts, and bloody shorts just from wearing it. Who wants to risk bleeding to death or nerve damage to gain an inescapable chastity device? That’s what I thought.

It's Physiology

The reason no ball-trap device is unequivocally secure is a simple matter of physiology. Who knows? Someday there may be devices that doctors can surgically attach to prevent removal. But at the moment, there is only one way to attach a ball-trap chastity device to male genitals, and that method makes it possible for a motivated guy to withdraw his penis from the cage and out the back of the base ring. Once he gets his penis out, while maybe it won’t be completely pain free, it creates sufficient space so he can then work a testicle out of the base ring, and then it’s easy to pop the other one out. That’s harder to do with some devices than with others. But it’s possible with every device I’ve ever seen or tried. Sometimes, with a well-fitted device, it might require soaping up in the shower or using lubrication, but it is never impossible.

Realistic Improved Chastity Device Security

There are only two realistic ways to get enhanced chastity device security. With ball-trap devices, it requires getting your penis pierced and wearing a ring through the piercing that attaches inside the cage to prevent backing your penis out. The Price Albert (PA) is the most popular for guys who choose this route. But a frenum piercing can also work. I wrote this post about penis piercings recently if you’re interested in that.

Usually, the body jewelry ring slips over an “S-hook” attached to the inside of the cage or tube. So once they lock on a device, the wearer has no access to the ring through the piercing and no way to withdraw his penis. I don’t have a piercing, but from what I’ve read on other chastity blogs and forums, this makes a chastity device quite secure, especially with a PA. I see no reason to doubt that as a practical matter, especially with tube-type devices where the tip of the S-hook goes through a tiny hole at the tip of the tube and extends slightly outside it. That ensures there isn’t even the smallest gap a guy might use to manipulate the ring and get it free from the hook inside the device.

The second option for practical chastity device security is going the full chastity belt route instead of using a ball-trap device. Of course, this is a far more expensive option if you want a quality belt. But, besides the costs, belts present their own problems. As examples, they must be precisely fitted. So, if you buy one and then lose or gain significant weight, the belt may no longer fit. Good hygiene requires much more time and effort. And belts may feel less comfortable and are bulkier. Still, a well-fitted belt is practically inescapable when locked unless the wearer resorts to tools to destroy it by cutting it off.

While far more secure than any ball-trap device alone, incorporating penis piercings or opting for a full chastity belt offers greater security, but with sufficient motivation to escape and cutting tools, neither is definitively inescapable. My point is, security is relative and may be enhanced, but still absolute security is simply unattainable. So, when we think of chastity device security, maybe we aren’t asking the right questions.

Chastity in the Real World

Devices, locks, etcetera are all symbolic. A totally escape proof chastity device does not exist. So, whether you could wriggle out of your chastity or not shouldn’t be an issue. Why not suspend belief and embrace the illusion that your device is inescapable? That will make chastity hotter for you and for your key holder if you have one who gets to believe you can’t possibly get out of it without their consent. If you attempt and succeed in escaping, that only ruins the illusion for you and your key holder, if applicable. Accept the balance between fantasy and reality. Even a well designed and fabricated ball-trap chastity device is not totally escape proof. But that doesn’t make chastity, or the associated orgasm denial any less fun, beneficial, or fulfilling.

Like I read somewhere, the best chastity device is between your ears, not your legs. If a guy cheats by escaping from a chastity device, then enhancing security isn’t really the problem. It’s a lack of commitment and he is only cheating himself out of the positive benefits of learning to control his penis instead of letting his penis control him. If that’s not important to him, then he should just unlock himself whenever he feels like it, even if that means asking for the key back from a key holder.

I’ve read a lot of chastity forum and blog posts by guys claiming their partners have forced them to wear a chastity device. Probably ninety-nine percent of those claims are fiction. I doubt there are many guys kept in chastity against their will. When a guy’s cock gets locked, it’s almost always his idea and he may have worked hard to convince a partner to act as his key holder. It’s voluntary, not forced. But enforced chastity makes it seem way hotter, so I understand why some guys make those claims.

The bottom line is you can always escape if you really want. And if that’s the case, why do the whole chastity thing at all if you don’t really want it? Actual chastity isn’t easy. You’re battling powerful biological urges impressed upon you by tens of thousands of years of evolution. And the proliferation of free porn on the internet makes it even harder to resist. At one extreme are guys who want the benefits that come from chastity and reduced ejaculation frequency. At the other are those for whom chastity is only an erotic game. Regardless of where you fall between the extremes, just accept that a chastity device is only a tool to supplement good old-fashioned willpower and self-discipline. Then you can focus on developing a more mindful sense with the help of a device that allows you to get on top of your masturbation habit, conquer your biological urges, and, within your relationship with a partner, help you focus more on their pleasure than your own. And you can stop wasting time and energy worrying that your device is not escape proof.