Locktober Strategies Revealed

The time draws nigh, looming, a cloud, a dread beyond. In twelve days, Locktober comes. So, it seemed a good time for Locktober strategies revealed, to help those readers who are standing at the precipice, gazing into the abyss, and screwing up their courage to accept the challenge of locking up their most prized possession for 31 long days. Whether this is your first Locktober attempt, or if you’ve tried it before but failed miserably, hopefully here you will find strategies that will help you succeed in 2022.

When it comes to self-improvement, two of the biggest stumbling blocks people encounter are a lack of motivation to get started and a fear that a goal will be too overwhelming. That stops many guys from trying or succeeding at chastity. That’s why a one-month challenge like Locktober can help tackle both issues. A thirty-one-day challenge feels doable—you can do almost anything for 31 days. And you can also use a 31-day challenge as an experiment. If chastity for a month enhances your life, you’ll create momentum that motivates you to use it to create more positive change. Here in this post, I’ll share with you my best strategies for making it to the finish line this Locktober.

Step 1: Decide to Succeed

It may sound obvious, but this is perhaps the most difficult part of succeeding.

During my chastity travels, I’ve had many conversations with guys who’ve told me they want to live the chaste life, but they never seem to make it happen. Why is that?

Because it’s tough to adjust to wearing a chastity device 24/7. Really tough.

In fact, wearing a chastity device for an entire month for the first time may be the most challenging and uncomfortable thing you ever do.

At first, this can be very scary.

Successfully completing Locktober means making some tough decisions. So, how badly do you want to succeed? What are you willing to do – and to give up – to make it happen?

Once you decide you will wear a chastity device for 31 straight days come hell or high water, suddenly, almost anything is possible.

Step 2. Learn to Embrace Discomfort

If you want to learn how to wear a chastity device 24/7 for an entire month, or longer, get prepared to say goodbye to your comfort zone. The very essence of growth in any difficult endeavor is to move beyond what you’ve experienced before.

You have to break new ground. And there will be discomfort, both physical and mental.

First, having a hunk of plastic or metal hanging from your junk doesn’t immediately feel normal. It takes some getting used to. If your brand new to it, you’ll probably have to deal with some chafing issues and some sore spots. Also, you will battle some very strong biological urges that all men have that evolution has programmed into us for thousands of years. Your body and brain will not be happy with your decision and will fight back. Expect the discomfort and then embrace it.

When I was a high school freshman, I went out for the football team, mostly because all my friends at the time intended to play football. I hadn’t played in junior high or in any Pop Warner leagues growing up. For me, football was a completely new experience, and after the first week of two a day practices, I hated it and decided to quit. Nervously, I went to my coach’s office after practice one afternoon and told him I wanted to quit. Frankly, I was scared to death because I saw him as a mean guy and feared he’d make fun of me. But I overcame my fear and went to talk to him anyway because I was that desperate. I wanted the discomfort to end. To my surprise, he was understanding and spoke to me with kindness. He convinced me he knew how I felt and why. Then he told me something I’ve never forgotten and never will. “If you want to quit, I won’t stop you. But you must understand something, son. If you quit football, any time for the rest of your life when you face a challenge, you will quit. You will be a quitter the rest of your life, and I don’t want to see that happen. You’re better than that.”

Long story short, he convinced me to stay on the team for one more week and if I still wanted to quit, he wouldn’t say another word. I agreed and something miraculous happened. During that week that I agreed to, even though I fully expected to quit at the end, I learned to embrace discomfort. I learned to embrace hitting other guys on the football practice field and getting hit. I embraced the soreness, the fatigue. And at the end of that week, I didn’t quit and went on to become a starter on my team for the next four years. I’m convinced that learning to embrace the discomfort made the difference. And, you know what? I’ve never quit a single thing in my life since.

Years later, I volunteered for an advanced military training course known for how few soldiers successfully complete it. On the first day, the instructor made us run five miles wearing our PT uniforms and running shoes. Nothing tough about that. At the time, I was running much further most days just for fun and fitness. But for this run, we also wore fully loaded seventy-pound rucksacks on our backs and carried rifles. At the end of the run, my feet were like hamburger and so were those of a lot of the other guys in my platoon. The next day, I could hardly walk wearing combat boots. But I never once thought about quitting the run that day or the course, even though things only got tougher after that run. That was because I’d already learned the secret back in high school football. I’d learned to embrace the discomfort.

Step 3. Get Help and Support

Guys who usually try Locktober and fail are those who try to do it on their own, self-locked, with no support. That makes it easier to get discouraged, give in to the discomfort, and quit. It makes it easier to rationalize and make excuses. That’s why you should consider getting help and support. But not every guy has a partner willing to act as his keyholder, or maybe any partner at all. No partner? No problem. There are professionals who will help and will hold you accountable for a nominal fee. And that can make all the difference in the world. I’ll offer two options here for professional help, people I can confidently recommend.

The first option is the Oxy-Shop Keyholder Service. I’ve used it and highly recommend it. A while back I posted a review for the service if you haven’t read it. Mistress Elena, who operates the service, is a consummate professional, and she makes it a fun experience. And best of all it’s so affordable, only $35 for the month. Do make sure you let Mistress Elena know you’re doing Locktober if you sign up so she knows not to offer you early releases.

The second option is pricier, but Goddess Summer knows her stuff and also offers more teasing than you will get with the first option. Tributes start at $75 (payable by Amazon.ca gift card). She also offers two other more expensive options with more teasing and interaction. Check out https://summerschoolforsissies.wordpress.com/2022/09/11/locktober-2022 for more details if you’re interested.

If you have no partner to support you and can’t afford or just don’t want to pay for professional keyholding, there is one free option where you can get both help, information, and support. No one will hold your key, but you will find other like-minded folks at Chastity Mansion who will offer their support and even answer questions you have as you navigate Locktober. You can sign up at https://www.chastitymansion.com/forums/index.php and membership is absolutely free.

Concluding Thoughts

Overcoming your natural male biological urges and completing 31 days in chastity is never an easy road. However, it doesn’t need to be an unpleasant journey. It can actually be both a fun and challenging experience that forces you to dig deep inside yourself.

It challenges you to change how you are and can help you become a better version of yourself.

The strategies presented here within this post can certainly help you along that journey. But ultimately, your success depends on you and how willing you are to make the necessary changes to succeed.

A Helpful Chastity Primer Heading Into Your First Locktober


  1. Lola

    What a lovely and well-written post! My husband is very interested in Locktober. As his Queen, I was searching for a contract of sorts – something to spell out the rules, rewards, consequences, etc… Do you know of any such thing?

    Thank you,

    1. Post

      Many thanks for your kind comments. I’m pleased you found the post useful. Actually, I don’t know of a Locktober specific chastity contract. Years ago, I signed such a contract with a professional keyholder, but no longer have a copy. However, I’m providing a Google documents link to a generic chastity agreement you might find helpful. It’s an agreement for long-term chastity, but it could be easily modified for the 31-day Locktober period. The template spells out the rules pretty well. But as far as rewards, consequences, etc., that I think depends on the partners involved. Consider things that might motivate your husband and you should find fertile ground for rewards and consequences of violating the rules. Let’s assume he is wildly enthusiastic about pleasuring you while locked. A consequence for breaching a rule might be withholding that from him and perhaps forcing him to watch you pleasure yourself without his participation. Additional chores, above what you might usually expect, could be used as correction of undesired behavior. The sky is truly the limit and no one knows what motivates your husband to behave as you wish better than you. Hope this helps. Take care.


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