male chastity

Thirty Days of Chastity: Day Three

Chaste answers the questions from the "Thirty Days of Chastity" Meme from

It’s Day Three of Thirty Days of Chastity where we talk about beginnings.

DAY 3: Beginnings…

How did you get into Chastity? Write about any experiences that, in retrospect, hinted at your kinks.

I came to the practice of chastity in a roundabout way. I read an article by Taylor Johnson, a sex educator and relationship coach, in which he shared his experiences while going thirty days without ejaculating. The claims he made were mind-blowing and sounded like something I needed. I say “claims” because it all sounded so good, I was a bit skeptical. For me, I have to experience most things I learn about on the internet before I believe them. So, I gave thirty-day semen retention a go. But there was a problem. 

What I attempted was basically honor chastity, although I wasn’t familiar with the term back then. Similar to resolving to fast, diet, or exercise more, with this method, I employed raw willpower to keep myself from falling into temptation. I found it incredibly hard to keep saying no to something my brain and body demanded, something both were accustomed to getting frequently. So, the experience was not enjoyable at all, soured by all the annoying self-discipline and holding back. 

After only four or five days, my willpower crumbled one evening, and I took matters into my own hands. I never got to the juicy later stages Johnson had promised. But then I made another exciting discovery, a Tumblr blog curated by a woman going by the name Agni (pseudonym of course), a self-styled male chastity expert. Agni introduced me to the exciting possibilities of male chastity and an easier path toward achieving the things Taylor Johnson had written about. 

The first thing I learned from Agni was physical device chastity, be it a chastity belt or a cock cage, was vastly superior to abstinence based on self-discipline and raw willpower. Because of my past involvement with the BDSM community, I was already aware of chastity tubes or cages since the first company to mass produce ball-trapping chastity devices marketed them to that community from the start. I’d seen them on retailer websites and they had looked cool. But I’d given no serious thought to buying one. But Agni made them sound so useful and wonderful, I began investigating. 

What I learned was chastity devices were even more widely available than ever before and the prices had dropped dramatically because more manufacturers were producing them. Agni’s passionate advocacy of the benefits of male chastity and chastity devices persuaded me to take my first baby steps into the world of male chastity. And I ordered my first chastity device. 

Remember, I knew very little chastity devices and was completely unaware of how important it was to measure before choosing and buying a chastity device. So, I just pored over retailer websites until I found one that I found aesthetically pleasing and ordered it. 

Another thing I learned from Agni was physical device chastity wasn’t much more effective than honor chastity unless you had a third party (keyholder) holding the keys to the device and controlling access to the contents of the device. So, I did one thing right. Since I didn’t have a partner or friend to ask to become my keyholder, I launched a web search for a remote keyholder. Through mostly blind luck, I quickly found a woman I still believe is the most perfect keyholder for a guy taking his first tentative steps on the chastity journey. She is as knowledgeable about male chastity as Agni and knows how to safely introduce a guy to safely adjusting to wearing a chastity device. I signed up for a thirty-day chastity “boot camp,” and as they say, the rest is history. 

The first few days under the tutelage of my experienced keyholder revealed the chastity device I’d bought would not work for me. The tube was too long for one thing, but the big problem was the gap was too wide, and this allowed my testicles to pop free of the base ring. With her help, I found and bought a second device, which worked much better. And she taught me about the importance of measuring before choosing and buying a chastity device. Before the end of the month that I’d committed to, she helped me choose and order my first custom fitted device from Mature Metal. 

I continued with my first keyholder for over three months and soon permanent chastity became my goal as I reaped the amazing benefits of sexual abstinence that I’d first learned about from Taylor Johnson’s article. I experienced the peacefulness, vibrancy, clarity, power, purpose, and presence he had described. The depression and stress evaporated. I slept better and my productivity increased to levels I’d never experienced. I felt alive in a new way, and it felt incredible. But I had a setback. 

As much as I desired to practice permanent chastity, I tried to attain it too fast and after over three months with my keyholder, we reached an impasse. That wasn’t her fault, as she only gave me what I’d asked her for, but I felt compelled to withdraw from our agreement when she insisted I do things I didn’t enjoy or find meaningful. One issue was we weren’t focused on the same thing. I was more focused on the benefits of semen retention than on the concept of male chastity, and male chastity with all the trappings of obedience and submission to the wishes of a keyholder was her focus. So, we parted ways, and I chose to self-lock. 

The good news is, under the supervision of my first keyholder and my adjustment to chastity, my self-discipline and willpower increased dramatically. So, when I committed to remaining locked and chaste for thirty days or more, I kept those commitments. And I’ve enjoyed splendid success with self-locking. But I missed the extra mental and emotional boost having a keyholder provides, so from time to time, I still engage with a remote keyholder whenever I feel my motivation is lagging or when I just get bored with self-locking.

The Kink Aspect

“Write about any experiences that, in retrospect, hinted at your kinks.” 

I mentioned previously that I don’t view male chastity as a kink as much as a life choice or preference. With more than a decade of involvement in BDSM, I think I have a good understanding of kink, and, while I have a few, I don’t view chastity through that lens. Generally, kink is defined as anything that falls outside the bounds of what society deems sexually “normal.” While the practice of chastity and wearing chastity devices may not yet be mainstream, I think it’s getting there. That said, I suppose one experience from my BDSM days hinted that I’d find male chastity appealing once I discovered it.

One of my favorite BDSM activities was always orgasm teasing and denial, which is, of course, a huge part of the chastity experience. But the funny thing about that is when I was involved with the BDSM community it was in the role of a Dominant and over about a decade I had four or five relationships with submissive women who were very much into orgasm teasing and denial. So, I had experience controlling orgasms, not having someone controlling mine. The tables have now turned and now I feel I understand so much better why those women found teasing and denial so appealing. 

I’ve shared how my focus remains on gaining the benefits of semen retention, an ancient practice believed to maximize male physical and spiritual energy. And chastity helps me do that. Much of the history of the practice is rooted in ancient Taoist philosophies of self-control, and semen retention is a foundational principle of that. Many Taoist practitioners link the loss of semen to the loss of vital life force. They believe excessive semen loss results in premature aging, disease, and general fatigue. While some Taoists contend that a man should never ejaculate, others provide a specific formula based on age to determine the maximum number of regular ejaculations in order to maintain health. I’m still studying and incorporating that as I learn more about Taoist philosophies. All I know for sure right now is that chastity will always be an integral part of my life, as I can’t imagine going back to the way I lived before discovering it.

I’ve shared my story, now over to you. How did you get into Chastity? I hope some of you will share your stories by posting comments here. Personally, I always find it fascinating to hear what drew others to male chastity.

If this was the first post you read in this series where I answer the questions from the “Thirty Days of Chastity” Meme from, you can click here to start at the beginning with the first question.

Thirty Days of Chastity: Day Two

Chaste answers the questions from the "Thirty Days of Chastity" Meme from

Here we go with Thirty Days of Chastity, Day Two and the second question.

DAY 2: Your Chastity…

What sort of device or belt do you (or your partner) wear? What are your likes and dislikes about it? If you don’t currently wear a chastity device or belt, what design would you like and why?

I don’t know how many chastity devices I currently own, and I didn’t bother counting. But I have many and in every material except silicone. And all are “beltless,” standard “ball-trapping” devices. 

Chastity belts intrigue me, the type that men supposedly made women wear in medieval times, but actually didn’t. The first chastity belts probably appeared during Victorian times when society sought to curb masturbation. But intriguing or not, chastity belts don’t seem practical to me for everyday use. 

Yes, I’m aware some men and women who practice chastity and orgasm denial do that, but I can imagine chastity belts are a nightmare to keep clean. And I’m just not fascinated enough with actual chastity belts to spend the money to buy something that’s reasonably expensive that I wouldn’t wear much. 

I am and have always been partial to steel chastity devices. The first device I purchased was stainless steel and although that one didn’t work well for me. I immediately liked the weight of steel. 

I’ve since purchased several more steel devices, including four custom made devices. But there are two devices I wear most often. My Mature Metal Jail Bird and Male Chastity Now Amicus are my go-to devices. I’d say I like both devices about the same. Both are well made, attractive, and comfortable devices. I’ve worn both for so long that, unless I feel the urge to go to the bathroom, I’m usually not even aware of them. 

What do I dislike about the two devices I wear most frequently? Not much. I’ll have to get picky to think of anything I don’t like about either.

Since I sometimes use remote keyholders, I sometimes must lock up using a plastic, numbered lock so that the keyholder can have confidence I’m not cheating. The problem is the Jail Bird doesn’t play nice with those plastic locks and rotates excessively. That’s because the design relies on the lock the manufacturer furnishes with the device to minimize rotation. But I’ve since come up with a solution after I found these nifty key safes available from several places on the web.

Instead of locking the Jail Bird with a plastic, numbered lock, I secure the keys in a safe with the plastic lock. That allows me to use the manufacturers’ lock to secure the device and still give remote keyholders the security they want.

Like the Jail Bird, I can’t say there is anything I dislike about the Amicus. But I regret I didn’t have Male Chastity Now make a small modification to the cage. 

The Amicus cage has only two vertical bars at the end, which allows for urination in the usual male fashion. But it also allows the glans of the penis to protrude through the gap. That allows the very tip to rub against your underwear and after a while causes irritation of the delicate skin. So, I wish I’d had the manufacturer add two horizontal bars across the vertical ones. That would solve the problem and I’ve since learned the company often makes this modification for customers who request it. One day I may send the cage back for the modification but it’s such a minor issue I haven’t done it yet. 

There are plenty of other devices in my drawer I like and find comfortable to wear. I especially like my two Holy Trainer devices. They fit well and are satisfyingly comfortable. But they are resin, not steel, so wearing them requires more maintenance for someone that wears a device every day as I do. 

As much as I like the devices I already own, I’m always on the lookout for another device. At present, I’m awaiting the delivery of two more custom made devices which I expect to receive in six to eight weeks. 

How about you? What is your go-to device and what do you like about it? Or, if you don’t have your first device, is there one that has captured your interest?

Thirty Days of Chastity: Day One

Chaste answers the questions from the "Thirty Days of Chastity" Meme from

I’ve thought about writing a series of posts answering the questions about chastity from “Thirty Days of Chastity” meme I found a long while ago on the Tickleberry website. Not sure why I waited so long to do it, but here at mid-May 2022, I’m going to do it.

One way we learn things is from the experiences of others and that is as true of male chastity as anything else. So, my reason for writing this series has more to do with you, the reader, than with me.

Whether you’ve practiced chastity for a long time or you’re only thinking about trying it on for size, I hope this series might offer you some focus or clarity. For that reason, I hope you won’t stop at reading my answers to the thirty questions, but that you will give careful thought to answering each question for yourself. I think it will be eye-opening. You could record your answers in a journal for future reference or even share them with me and the other readers of this blog by posting your answers as a comment here.

Now, on to the first question.

Day One: You

What does Chastity mean to you? Give us an idea of how it shapes you and your relationships. Are you in Chastity or is your partner?

Since I don’t have a partner at present, the relational aspects of chastity included in the question don’t apply to me. At least not beyond the temporary engagements I have with professional keyholders from time to time.

Most of the time I’ve worn chastity devices, I’ve been on my own. But even those experiences with professional keyholders have given me glimpses of the power of chastity to change and improve relationships. And even practicing chastity alone has given me such profound experiences that it is something I never intend to give up. Wearing a chastity device is a unique feeling, impossibly difficult to describe adequately to someone who has never tried it, but definitely one of the most powerful things I’ve ever felt.

For me, a chastity device has never been a fetish object. I don’t wear them because the devices themselves arouse me. And I’ve never considered chastity a mere kink. I’m sure many people think a chastity cage is a weird device that must be uncomfortable and can’t imagine there are men that genuinely like wearing them. But I am one of those men, and chastity for me is a lifestyle choice.

After nearly three years of wearing chastity devices, I feel uncomfortable when I’m not locked and so I wear a device every day, removing it only for periodic cleaning, doctor’s appointments, air travel, etc.

The physiological and psychological aspects of chastity are what I find most meaningful. Rather than feeling sexually repressed from the denial, chastity feels freeing and abstinence helps me concentrate more on work and helps me feel centered and more in touch with the world in general. Before I began practicing chastity, I had depression that I barely kept under control day to day and lived with far more stress than needed. I also indulged in far too much masturbation and generally felt I never had enough energy and didn’t know why. Chastity changed all that for me and that’s why it is so important to me to continue it. I don’t wish to return to the way things were before.

I’m also definitely into sensory play which is something I discovered years ago when I was heavily into the BDSM lifestyle. A chastity device gives me a special feeling of enclosure with my cock completely encased and enclosed. There is a serious and functional aspect of bondage involved, something else I like, and chastity fulfills that for me, too.

While I find self-locked chastity deeply satisfying and meaningful, each time I engage with a keyholder, it reminds me that having a partner is the missing piece. Having a keyholder profoundly enhances all the things I like most about chastity and adds things doing solo chastity can’t offer. So, I do hope in the future I’ll be able to add that piece to the mix.

Another badassworkroom Update

I reached out to Guan, the owner of the badassworkroom, again yesterday through the Etsy shop, and finally got a reply. I didn’t ask him specifically if a COVID lockdown had impacted him and he didn’t mention it. Given where he lives, that wasn’t a surprise and also why I didn’t bring it up. He told me he had little time to respond to inquires lately because he is so busy getting orders out. And he mentioned order fulfillment is now taking about six weeks. So, whether it’s a matter of lockdowns or increased popularity, the quick deliveries that past customers have enjoyed and perhaps also the attentive customer service we experienced are now things of the past. So, I placed the order for the new device I had my eye on. More about that later. The good news is seems safe to order, although you may not get speedy answers to your questions or fast delivery.

Cut to the Chaste Mail Call January 2022

Answers to recent chastity questions submitted by readers in this edition of Cut to the Chaste Mail Call for January 2022.

I always enjoy getting questions and comments from Cut to the Chaste readers. While I try my best to read and answer every question, I’m aware there is a glitch in the matrix. For a reason I’ve yet to figure out, my email provider doesn’t seem to like emails generated by my contact form. So, I have to check my spam folder regularly to rescue them. I also often wonder if all reader submissions even get through since I suspect my email provider may reject some instead of dumping them to the spam folder. On one level, I understand this because for every legit question or comment sent through the contact form are about nine actual spam submissions, mostly phishing schemes. If you want to improve the odds of getting a reply when sending me questions, you can send them directly to my email account. The address is available on the About me page. And now to this month’s questions.

Male Chastity and Running

Good Morning Chaste,

Great website, my wife and I have been practicing MC since June and sites like yours are very helpful, thank you. I was reading your about page and notice you enjoy long distance running. I am a marathoner. I was curious if you run locked? If so, do you have a recommendation for a device? It has been the hardest part of being locked for me, thanks for any feedback.

P.S. great article on side-gig, my wife is pondering this, but wants more time and experience keeping me locked first. Happy Holidays.


Hello JR,

Thanks for the question. Yes, I do enjoy long distance running, and was once a marathoner too. I completed several full marathons and a few half-marathons years ago, but am now a fitness runner. I still do weekend long runs besides my daily shorter runs, but don’t rack up the mileage I did when training for marathons.

First, please accept my congratulations to you and your wife. I always enjoy hearing about couples who are sharing the MC lifestyle. And now, to your question.

Yes, I always run locked and have for quite a while now. While training for a 10K, I purchased a Cherry Keeper chastity device specifically for running. I have run in all of my custom fitted metal chastity cages with no issues. But the lighter weight Cherry Keeper felt great.

The only problem is that it’s a 3-D printed device and has an eggshell-like finish instead of a smooth one. While I experienced no real chaffing, that became uncomfortable on longer runs. So, I sanded the inside of the base ring with high grit sandpaper and that helped, although the surface still wasn’t completely smooth. Then, I tried Holy Trainer devices and now the HT Nub V4 is my go-to device for running.

I don’t always take time to change to the Nub for shorter runs, but I always wear it for weekend long runs. I find that good support is also a key to running comfortably while locked. In the past, I never wore underwear beneath my running shorts, but now I do. I have tight-fitting, moisture wicking underwear for running that gives the support I need to keep things from bouncing around. Wearing biking shorts, either alone or beneath running shorts is another way to get the needed support. Thanks for writing, and I hope you and your wife had great holidays too, and that 2022 is treating you well.

Issues With Third-Party Holy Trainer Device


I have a holy trainer V4 nano that I purchased from a 3rd party and wonder if you have noticed from your holy trainer that the sections at the top of the cage ring that holds the lock in place to the cage seems to slowly over time spread itself apart leading to either the lock not being accessible and also then the lock springing out and the cage breaking.


Hi PS,

No, I haven’t had the problems you described. As noted in my reviews of the Nano V4 and Nub V4, I purchased both devices directly from Holy Trainer. From the manufacturer, the devices retail at $165, so I understand why some guys choose to buy “Holy Trainer” devices from third party retailers because you can find them all over the internet for anywhere between $20 to $40. The problem is, those are knock-offs, not authentic Holy Trainer manufactured devices. As one of the most popular plastic chastity devices, Holy Trainer devices are also some of the most widely copied. As a result, quality of workmanship and materials is often lacking in the counterfeit models. I suspect that is where your problems lie. I don’t think you would have the issues described with a device purchased from Holy Trainer. Many third party retailers who sell the knock-offs blatantly advertise their devices as authentic Holy Trainer cages, so it is easy to get taken in by the false claims. Thank you for the question.

Do you have a question about male chastity or chastity devices? If so, please send it to Cut to the Chaste. I’ll answer it, or if I can’t, I’ll find the answer and then we’ll both know.

The Four Stages of the Chastity Lifestyle

Understanding the four stages of the chastity lifestyle.

The way I see it, guys who wear male chastity devices are always in one of four stages of the chastity lifestyle. Let’s examine them.

Stage #1: Irrational Exuberance

Irrational exuberance is the honeymoon phase for the new chaste guy, the one where he is incredibly turned on by the sight, feel, and the physical act of being locked. He has toppled head-first down into the bottomless abyss of chastity bliss. If he has succeeded in persuading his significant other to act as his keyholder, his excitement at this stage is even more intense.

Guys in the stage relish the loss of control, one of the best aspects of wearing a cage. The feeling of knowing that there is nothing you can do to escape, the feeling of being conquered, the feeling of having no choice and no freedom. The inability to feel your cock or feel anything through your cock. You can grip that cage all day, and the sensation will never equal gripping your bare shaft. It’s almost like it’s not there. It’s simultaneously highly exciting but strangely reassuring.

They’re full of love for their new cage and the chaste lifestyle, believing they will love it more and more as time goes by—the adventure of a lifetime and a path to continuous sexual pleasure through denial. But the guy in this stage has yet to feel the angst, the frustration, the sheer helplessness, and desperation that come with actually losing access to his penis.

Male chastity for men at this stage is mostly the stuff of fantasies rather than reality actually lived. A guy in this stage has yet to see past his fantasies into the deepest corners of male chastity, where dark things lurk that he doesn’t yet fully comprehend. But, without warning, he awakens to the truth when he begins experiencing a healthy dose of extreme arousal without any ability to satisfy his unmet desires. And maybe his significant other isn’t going by the fantasy script he had in his imagination when he begged her to lock his cock. Caught unawares by his own weaknesses, instead of joy, chastity brings feelings of resentment, distrust, and even anger when reality becomes the opposite of what he expected when he asked his partner to lock him. Male chastity is often a huge mind fuck, and it’s capable of provoking some pretty intense emotions. For most guys new to chastity, this honeymoon phase typically lasts for about the first month.

Stage #2: Disillusion and Dread

Having begun coming to grips with the reality of denied access to his penis and the pleasures it has given him so often since puberty, the chaste male in this stage of his chastity journey feels deeply disillusioned and dismayed.

At first, everything played out just like the fantasy—his significant other caged him, she teased him, he whined, she teased him again, he whined more, she teased him more, he cried and begged for her to remove the cage. Rinse and repeat. The frustration that he first felt was so intense he actually got a euphoric high from all the frustration, desperation, and lack of control. That high made the game so much fun to play. That is how things were supposed to work. But as the weeks stretch into months and the months into more months, orgasm denial takes its toll.

A guy in this stage slips back into his former headspace. The reward and the goal of chastity aren’t any longer the highs that he felt from the continual teasing and denial. Instead, it’s the eventual release at the end of his lockup. He complains, tries to bargain with his significant order, and begs her to unlock him. He grows increasingly moody and passive-aggressive, disillusioned and anxious when she doesn’t. Chasity no longer focuses his attention on his significant other but himself and his miserable plight. At first, he believed she had given him a gift by agreeing to cage him, but now it feels like punishment. Suddenly he realizes that all along, he had viewed chastity and the denial only as a type of extended foreplay with the expectation of something leading to his sexual satisfaction. All his enthusiasm and desire had always been focused on that expectation. With those needs unmet, all he wants now is for her to unlock him and give him release.

Stage #3: Stubborn Determination

At this stage, guys decide that they’re tired of letting weakness and fear win and set out to kick male chastity’s ass through sheer grit and determination.

The phrase “I don’t love sexual release; I love denial and being controlled” becomes their mantra of choice as they take pride in pushing through doubts and fears to succeed—regardless of whether they find any joy in the process.

Stage #4: Joyful Acceptance

In this fourth stage, guys recognize that they can’t sustain the stubborn determination for long and set out to cultivate a healthier relationship with their chastity lifestyle. This requires accepting wearing a chastity device as their new reality.

Guys dig deep into their limiting beliefs, address their toxic conditioning, and learn how to harness chastity to honor their partners—all essential actions that pave the way for the reclamation of true joy and fulfillment in their chaste lives.

So tell me, do you see yourself in one of these four stages?

Bear in mind that these stages are by no means a linear path through the male chastity journey.

You may find yourself in one stage today and a different stage tomorrow while transitioning between stages or even devolving into old patterns of self-limiting thoughts and behavior. That can be true of all the stages except the first one I listed. The irrational exuberance or honeymoon stage is a one-and-done, sort of like losing your virginity. Guys rarely revisit that stage unless they go off chastity for an extended period and then take it up again later.

Regardless of the stage you’re currently in, make your mission in 2022, to be honest with yourself, to remove fantasy from practicality, and to think carefully about why you desire male chastity. Ask yourself questions like


  • What does chastity mean to me?
  • Why do I want to be locked?
  • Do I want my significant other to dominate me completely?
  • Am I, by nature, submissive?


Thinking carefully about questions like these, and allowing yourself time to fully and honestly answer them is a trustworthy guide on your journey toward joyful acceptance of the chaste life.

Another Reason for Male Chastity Ladies

A new study revealed that many women feel men are selfish when it comes to sex.

A new study revealed that many women feel men are selfish when it comes to sex, that their partners do not care about their sexual pleasure and satisfaction. Data showing two out of three women don’t climax every time they have sex seems to support this. But an overwhelming majority of men participating in the study claimed that ensuring an orgasm for their partners was a priority for them, and the claim that men are selfish when it comes to sex might only be a myth. So, what’s the truth? Are men selfish in bed, or do most guys prioritize making sure their partners get equal pleasure?

A look beneath the surface

A look beneath the surface might suggest that women are correct. Even guys who insist it is always important that their partner gets equal pleasure during sex may not be as selfless as they appear in deciding priorities. Many men I’ve known (including me) follow the practice of making sure their partners had an orgasm first before they climaxed. That proves we men are thoughtful and mindful of our partners getting equal pleasure, right? I once believed that was true until I took the time to unpack it.

I discovered that I (and probably true of most other guys with the same view) was more concerned about what my partner’s orgasms meant for me than them. When I asked myself who her orgasm was really pleasing, I had to admit it was me. I viewed her orgasm as a benchmark for success, an affirmation that I was great in the sack, almost like a trophy for success. And, on the odd occasion when I had sex with a woman, and she didn’t orgasm, I found it deflating.

While I like to believe I did care about the pleasure and satisfaction my partners received on some level, on reflection, I must accept I was more selfish than selfless when it came to sex. Giving a woman an orgasm made me feel properly masculine and gave me an ego boost, which proves that focusing on giving a partner an orgasm wasn’t all that selfless.

Women are at a disadvantage

I’m sharing this today because it is yet another reason I’m astonished that all women don’t lock their partners in chastity devices. After all, that would eliminate the problem of men behaving selfishly regarding sex. Sure, I understand most vanilla women, even open-minded ones, recoil in disgust when looking at the image of a locked cock and reject the very idea of male chastity. While male chastity is more mainstream than ever, I understand many people still view the use of cock cages as a perverted fetish. But suppose more women only knew how many relationship problems chastity devices would solve for them. In that case, I think most would insist on caging the penises of their partners with the same giddy exuberance with which so many women embraced kinkier sexual practices after reading 50 Shades of Grey or seeing the film based on the book.

Evolution, by default, causes an imbalance in relationships between a man and a woman. Women are at a disadvantage, and by design, our real-world sexual choices tend to reflect biological imperatives that have programmed men and women to approach sex very differently for millions of years. Pregnancy is always possible for women, which is a difficult, costly process, and raising children even more so, meaning they must take sex seriously. By and large, biology conditions women to avoid casual sex and to connect sex with love.

On the other hand, men have no such restraint on their libidos. Their approach to sex tends to reflect the biological imperative to spread their genes as widely as possible at no cost to themselves. Yes, men will settle down with a fertile woman whose fidelity is assured of having legitimate offspring. But many will still sleep around as much as they can, especially with women who possess the key “fertility cues” of youth and physical beauty. These biological truths explain why so many partnered men can’t keep it in thir pants when oppotunities arise and the male attraction to porn and masturbation.

For all its complexity, human sexual desire results from something quite simple—our struggle to survive as a species. Lust, infatuation, and even love are only adaptive techniques humans have developed over our species’ long history to maximize our genes’ chances for survival. The sooner we all come to terms with that, the sooner men won’t have to persuade or beg the women in their lives to lock them in chastity devices. Instead, it will be the women demanding it.

Ringing in the New Year

I finished 2021 wearing the Holy Trainer Nano V4 for a change of pace after wearing the Holy Trainer Nub V4 since December 1. I’d forgotten how much I liked this device. And as much as I love micro chastity devices, it felt good to let things stretch out a little. Sure, I prefer steel, but when you’re in the mood for plastic, Holy Trainer makes some darn great cock cages.

After ringing in 2022 with a traditional champagne toast, I switched from the Nano to my Mature Metal Watchful Mistress since I haven’t worn it for a while.

Simple Goals For your Best Male Chastity Life

The important thing to remember as you reflect on your chastity experiences last year, and look forward to what you want to accomplish in 2022, is there is no one "right way" to practice chastity.

Happy New Year from CutToTheChaste, and thanks so much for your support during 2021.

New Year’s Day often gets a lot of flack for being a largely arbitrary time to set new goals and resolutions for yourself. But what I like about the beginning of a new year is its reminder to approach life with an attitude of intention.

It's a great time to reflect on your goals

As 2021 comes to a close, it’s a great time to reflect on your goals, lessons learned, and what’s most important to you. It’s also a great time to start planning for 2022. Of course, this can apply to male chastity just as well as to anything else.

Maybe you’ve thought about getting your first male chastity device for a while now but haven’t. You’re curious and think you want to explore wearing one, but you’ve never pulled the trigger. Or, maybe you bought an off-the-shelf device this year and tried it, but you haven’t been able to wear it for more than a day or two without taking it off. Usually, that happens because the device you chose doesn’t fit well. Or, perhaps you’re eager for your partner to lock you, but you haven’t found a way to start the conversation with them.

Ask yourself a couple of questions

Start by asking yourself a couple of questions.

  • What do I envision the chastity life looking like for me in 2022?
  • What small shift in mindset, habit, or action can I take to achieve this vision in the new year?


These are great questions to ask yourself on this last day of December, and a new chapter in your chaste lifestyle begins. The point isn’t to put pressure on yourself to achieve but rather to embrace radical joy in your chastity.

Because if you’re not enjoying chastity, then what’s the point? Right?

Maybe 2021 was a great year for you, and you feel like you’re on a roll. Or maybe it was a really hard year, and you feel stuck and uninspired.

Wherever you are with male chastity right now, it’s never too late to set (or reset) your goals and create a plan to make the rest of your chaste life the best of your chaste life.

A simple goal-setting process

Here’s a simple goal-setting process that might help:

  1. Write down what you want


Do you want to spend more time locked this year? Finally approach your partner about caging your cock? Find and purchase that chastity device that fits you perfectly?

Imagine that you could have anything you wanted, and you just have to pick what you want off a menu.

  1. Write Down Your Next Steps


Once you’ve figured out what you want, write down what your next step could be to move toward that goal.

If you’re looking at choosing a better fitting, more comfortable device this year, maybe your next step is to get more accurate measurements. In my experience, knowing your measurements and finding a device that fits them as close as possible when you’re completely soft is the best starting point. Then, measure a few times during the day to get more accurate measurements that allow for body changes at different times of the day.

Keep it short and simple so your next step is something you know you can accomplish today or tomorrow in your spare time.

Once you’ve written down that first step, brainstorm and write down the next step and the step after that. The key to accomplishing big things is getting started and keeping going, so don’t over complicate it.

  1. Take Action


Now that you know what you want and have your next steps planned out, it’s time to get started.

Look at your list and pick one thing you can accomplish today.

If you follow this process every day or every week, you’ll be amazed how much progress you can make this year—one step at a time.

Remember what's most important

The important thing to remember as you reflect on your chastity experiences last year, and look forward to what you want to accomplish in 2022, is there is no one “right way” to practice chastity. Some guys will want to work up to a full-time 24×7 scenario and stay locked for weeks or even months at a time, rarely being “allowed” to have an orgasm. A few hours of denial a week is more than sufficient for others. It’s important to understand your individual motivation and goals for being locked rather than setting goals for some arbitrary length of time to stay locked. Figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. Keeping a small journal of your successes and failures can help greatly. That was one of the reasons I created this blog.

I’ve had some successes and a few failures this past year in my practice of chastity and what I hoped to achieve with this blog. But I’m starting 2022 with new goals and am excited to see how the new year unfolds. While I intend to practice full-time chastity again this year, which means wearing my chastity device every day, I plan to change up the way I practice chastity to keep things fresh, exciting, and fun. I also have my eye on getting a new custom-fitted device this year that I plan to order before the end of January. I’ll reveal more on both of those things during the coming days.

Reflecting on My First Full Year of Full Time Chastity

Rather than feeling sexually repressed, a full year of full-time male chastity has given me a new kind of freedom.

December 31, 2021, marks the date of my first full year in full-time chastity. Technically, it will have been thirteen months or 396 days since I’ve worn a chastity device continuously since December 1, 2020. So, I actually passed the one-year mark on November 30 of this year. Today, I’m reflecting the effects on my first full year of full-time chastity.

How I Got Here

I experimented with wearing a male chastity device, mostly out of curiosity after reading about the experiences of other men. Single and right out of a relationship, I lived alone and worked from home. So I thought, why not order a chastity device and see what it was like to wear one? And there were other reasons beyond curiosity that motivated me to try male chastity.

After my relationship ended, I came to realize that I had developed a sexual compulsion and an addiction to pornography. I also felt that I masturbated entirely too much, which wasted and consumed entirely too much of my time each day. Frankly, masturbation became boring. So, wearing a cock cage consistently seemed like a solution to the habits I’d fallen into that I wanted to change.

Although male chastity devices come in a variety of sizes, colors, and materials, they all perform the same function. By design, they prevent the wearer from getting a full erection, touching themselves, masturbating, fully ejaculating, or engaging in intercourse. The devices typically comprise three pieces—a ring that sits behind the testicles; a tube or cage that encloses the flaccid penis; and a lock of some type to secure the two other components together.


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My Salad Days in Chastity

I bought a device and began wearing it all day, and then while sleeping at night. The self-imposed orgasm denial and inability to get a full erection gave me room to focus on other things. But it was a fairly amateur approach; and usually after only a few days at most, my commitment to remain chaste would wane. When that happened, I’d unlock and return to my old habits.

It seemed having a keyholder to supplement my unreliable self-control was a good idea. So, after some searching on the internet, I met a professional who, to my delight, enjoyed locking men up. She was both knowledgeable and experienced. It was a long distance keyholder relationship, so she kept me honest using numbered plastic locks and frequent inspections where she required me to text photos, proving I was wearing the device and the assigned numbered lock was intact. Soon, my keyholder had me going from days of wearing my device to weeks and then months. While I developed a deep affection for my keyholder and enjoyed the interaction, after a while I felt I had gained sufficient self-control to go it alone and ended our agreement.

My Self-Enforced Full-Time Chastity

After ending the agreement with my first keyholder, I sometimes engaged other professional keyholders short-term whenever I felt I needed the extra support. But for more than a year now, I’ve been enforcing my own chastity. For the past thirteen months I’ve worn a chastity device continuously, removing in only once a week for less than a half-hour for cleaning and a thorough washing of my genitals in the shower. During that time, I’ve allowed myself one orgasm every ninety days, but only when caged. So they aren’t like the orgasms I once experienced. I never masturbate in the usual way, but achieve orgasm only with the use of a powerful vibrator against my cage. 

While I’ve gone from daily masturbation and multiple orgasms to having only four orgasms during the past thirteen months, instead of feeling sexually repressed, I feel a new kind of freedom. I can concentrate more on work and feel more in touch with myself and the world in general.

What's Next

Full-time chastity has changed me and my perspective on many things. I’m still sexually attracted to women, and sometimes miss the intimacy. But I’m not focused on finding a partner for a relationship or to have sex with any longer. I can’t see myself ever desiring another relationship. And since casual sex never interested me much, I suppose I’ll never have intercourse with a woman again. It seems that chapter in my life ended during the past year. But I have no regrets.

Chastity has cured me of habitual masturbation and I no longer need porn. I like being able to look at attractive women I meet now and see them as potential friends rather than possible sexual partners. I’ve always had a healthy respect for women, but chastity has certainly deepened that.

I can’t even imagine not wearing a chastity device full-time anymore. It even feels uncomfortable when I remove my cage for weekly maintenance. The more time you spend locked, the easier it gets as it becomes your new normal. So, I expect to remain permanently chaste for the rest of my life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Another Ninety-Day Stretch Wearing a Male Chastity Device

Is It Time to For the Road Less Traveled?


If you keep up with my current status on this site, you may have noticed that I’m less than a day away from completing another ninety-day stretch wearing a male chastity device. So far in my chastity journey, ninety-days is my personal best. This will be the third time I’m reached that mark. Now I’m debating where I want to go next. I’ve been locked for all of 2021 so far, but I’m not ready to unlock yet. It is only a matter of how much longer I want to commit to staying locked.

The Unmade Resolution

Before the first of the year, I thought about making a New Year’s chastity resolution. But when January 1 arrived, I was still undecided. Should I commit to six months? Or should I try wearing a cock cage for the entire year? Both seem worthy goals since I’ve yet to go beyond ninety consecutive days. Unable to decide, the resolution went unmade. So, I’m revisiting it now.

Usually, I do very well with self-enforced chastity and find that I’m less and less dependent on having a professional keyholder to motivate me. But it seems each time I hit the three-month mark, I start to think a little wistfully about how great it would be to have a permanent keyholder.

Knowing someone is enforcing your chasteness just feels so much more profound than doing it yourself. Under those circumstances, committing to six-months or even a year without a break would be much easier. But, I’m not ready to unlock after ninety-days this time. It’s only a matter of how much longer I’ll go.

Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood

My circumstances put me in mind of one of my favorite poems, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.

“I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.”

I’ve traveled the ninety-days road three times and it seems it is now time to take things longer, the road less traveled by. So, I’ll carry on when day ninety-one arrives. But you don’t have to get too complicated with chastity unless that’s what you want. So, instead of choosing a future date three-months or nine-months from now, I believe I’ll just take it a month at a time. I’ll commit to another month and see how I’m feeling about things then. Even completing 120-days would be a new personal best.

The Ultimate Goal Permanent Chastity

Since the beginning, my ultimate goal has been permanent chastity. I’ve already reached the point in my chastity journey where I feel more comfortable wearing a device than when I’m not. For that reason I suppose I might be able to continue indefinitely. Achieving permanent chastity may now be realistically within my grasp. But I don’t know.

For now I’m committed to another thirty days and reaching the 120-day mark. Then we’ll see. Maybe at that point, I’ll have gone far enough along the road less traveled by that it will make all the difference.

Next up for review is the Holy Trainer Nub V4. I’ve already ordered it and will get it in plenty of time for a proper wear test before publishing the Q2 review April 5. As much as I’ve enjoyed the Holy Trainer Nano V4, I can’t wait to try the Nub. I’m a real fan of micro-chastity devices and am eager to see how the Nub stacks up with some of the metal micro devices I’ve tried.

Back to Amicus

As much as I like the new Jail Bird, I’ll be starting day 91 back in my Amicus. Of all the devices I’ve tried, it remains my favorite.

Male Chastity—Only a Kink or Sexual Fetish?

male-chastity-a-kink-or-sexual fetish

One of the common obstacles a guy must often overcome when trying to persuade his wife or girlfriend to lock him in chastity is the prevalent notion that male chastity is only a kink or sexual fetish. Is it? Let’s talk about that and find the answer.

Defining Kink and a Sexual Fetish

While people often use the terms “kink” and “fetish” interchangeably, the terms refer to different things.

A kink is an activity or behavior that someone enjoys that exists outside the “norms” of “traditional” sex. For example, someone’s kink might be bondage. They may be incredibly excited when they’re tied up because they find restraint sexually stimulating. Bondage arouses them. It’s important to remember that what may be kinky to one person may be considered vanilla by another. We are all different and embrace different sexual “norms.”

What defines a fetish, though, isn’t an activity so much as its role in someone’s sexual response cycle. In psychology, a fetish is a term used to describe sexual excitement coupled with a typically non-sexual object. Sometimes they add a fetish object is something a person cannot get sexually aroused without. I can’t entirely agree with that point. Common fetish objects include things like shoes, feet, women’s panties.

Here is why I disagree with the idea that a fetish object is something a person cannot get sexually aroused without. I’ve always suspected that I have something of a panty fetish because seeing female panties is something I find arousing. I don’t mean wearing them, but looking at them.

Panties needn’t even be worn by an attractive model in, say, a lingerie catalog for me to find them arousing to look at. Looking at a display of panties in a store has the same effect. Yet, I find plenty of other things sexually arousing. I don’t have to have panties to experience sexual excitement. So, I think we can leave the definition of a sexual fetish as arousal coupled with some typically non-sexual object.

Is a Chastity Device a Fetish Object?

Like panties, I find chastity devices arousing to look at as many men do. Just window-shopping the various online retailer websites can stoke sexual excitement. Some guys find the devices so sexually arousing they have difficulty putting one on because they become erect while trying to do so.

I think it fair to say that chastity devices can be fetish objects, but that isn’t what defines them. After all, even though some people view shoes or attractive feet as fetish objects, they are still just shoes and feet in the greater scheme of things. I’m only guessing here, but I suspect it’s true that they are fetish objects for some men who wear chastity devices but for others, they aren’t. For some chaste guys, it seems likely it’s the bondage aspect, the orgasm denial, or the control a key holder exerts over them that they find arousing, not the device itself.

Chastity devices can be fetish objects, but they are not only fetish objects.

Where Did the Notion of Chastity as a Kink Come From?

It’s easy to understand why may vanilla people so often dismiss male chastity as a kink. The gay and BDSM communities have eroticized sexual denial and orgasm control for decades, and makers of the first modern male chastity devices aggressively marketed the devices to those communities first.

Male chastity devices are still hugely popular in BDSM play and D/s relationships as well as the gay community. Many younger gay men wear male chastity devices presumably because it fits with the whole boi vibe.

A London-based retailer, Tickleberry, which claims to be “at the very heart of all things fetish and BDSM,” says this about why men desire male chastity. “It’s a secret fetish that your man finds highly provocative, arousing, and very sexy, to the point that even just an image of a chastity device could cause the beginnings of an erection.”

While that may be the view of Tickleberry’s fetish and BDSM focused customer base, male chastity has long since gone mainstream and now transcends only a fetish or kink activity. Chastity devices are now the third most popular sex toy. Today, people buy only more dildos and vibrators than chastity devices. More and more men buy and wear chastity devices today for reasons like curbing masturbation or gaining the ability to focus more on their partner’s sexual pleasure than their own.

Also, there has been an explosion of manufacturers worldwide offering inexpensive devices of various materials from silicone to plastic to steel. It’s no longer necessary to spend two hundred dollars or more to purchase a decent chastity device. As a result, plenty of vanilla guys with no interest in BDSM are buying and wearing male chastity devices.

The Future of Male Chastity

I think for various reasons, male chastity will only continue to grow more mainstream. I think there is already enough widespread interest in wearing chastity devices among all types of men to consider it mainstream now. When it truly takes off, I believe, is when more vanilla women decouple chastity from the realm of kink, fetishes, and start to embrace it as the relationship enhancer chastity can be. I see the day coming when it will become just as common for women to ask to lock their male partners in chastity as for guys to request it.

There is plenty of room in the male chastity tent for all views. But male chastity has not been only a kink or sexual fetish in a good long while. It’s rapidly becoming a mainstream lifestyle option for anyone who embraces it. So, even if you’re not into BDSM or kink in general and don’t view a chastity device as a fetish object, you can still be a proud member of the chastity community.