What is Your Dream Male Chastity Device

What is your dream male chastity device? If money was no object, which cock cage would you buy?

Better judgment, financial responsibility, and a myriad other reasons keep many of us from making the purchase, but that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t love to find out what it’s like actually to lock up our cock in our dream chastity device.

Here are the two devices I dream of owning. Sadly, I’ll never own the first one. It’s fun to lust after, but the price is just too steep for me to ever justify buying it. The other, though not cheap, I plan to own before the end of 2021.

Steelwerks Full Metal Jacket

Image Source www.steelwerksextreme.com - Fair Use 17 USC Section 107

In my estimation, the Full Metal Jacket by Steelwerks is to handcrafted custom dream chastity devices what the Lamborghini is to dream automobiles. It represents the pinnacle of artistic, custom male chastity inspiration because the grand master of his craft, Chris Miers, has elevated the design and manufacturing of cock cages to an entirely new level of the imagination. This total containment male chastity

monolith is a monument to Steelwerks Extreme’s commitment to individually custom made perfection.

I return to the Steelwerks website again and again to savor the Full Metal Metal Jacket. I salivate and feel those familiar tremors in my loins. But each time, I take a deep breath, step back from the situation, and go through all the reasons, one-by-one for why I simply can’t justify paying that kind of money for a chastity device. If you aren’t familiar with Steelwerks products, they are to my knowledge the most expensive chastity devices on the market. We’re not talking premium quality here, but luxury quality. The Steelwerks line is so expensive, they don’t even list the prices on the website. Here is why, according to the FAQS page on their website.

Because Steelwerks exclusively makes custom devices, we are unable to list prices for items on our site. Our prices are based on the client’s design and individual specifications. While our chastity cages are on the higher end of the market, they can range in price between $1,200.00 to as high as $10,000.00, however many of the cages on the site are in the $1,400.00 to $2,500.00 range.

Like shopping for a Lamborghini, if you have to ask the price, you probably can’t afford a Steelwerks chastity device. The devices are truly works of art, and no doubt worth ever penny. The craftsmanship is amazing. But when it comes to chastity devices, I’m not looking for a sense of validation. Like owning an expensive car, owning an expensive chastity device doesn’t validate anything. It’s simply a symbol of your ability to buy something most people can’t. I’ve never asked for a quote on the Full Metal Jacket. I didn’t want to waste their time knowing I wasn’t a buyer. But I’d be surprised if it wasn’t somewhere in the $2,500 to $3,500 range.

What I love most about the Full Metal Jacket is the total containment factor. It not only encases your cock in stainless steel, but fully encloses your balls as well. For some reason I find that massively hot. Steelwerks does offer another total confinement model called the Alchemist with the radical full metal testicular containment feature they call the castanet. The Alchemist is manufactured from lighter-weight titanium instead of stainless steel and dubbed as Steelwerks “most exclusive model.” No doubt that means it is even more pricey than the Full Metal Jacket which is crafted from surgical grade stainless steel.

Not that I’d ever wish to see anyone copy Steelwerks beautiful, artistic, and innovative designs, but I suspect at some point, someone will come out with a less expensive chastity device that includes some type of testicular containment. I suppose I’ll just have to wait for that to experience it.

I don’t have permission to post the image here, but if you want to see an image on the Steelwerks website showing the the Full Metal Jacket doing its work click here.

The Sissy Cage From Red Chili

My other dream chastity device at the moment is a work of art in its own right, yet available at a more forgiving price point. It is the Red Chili custom-made Sissy Cage at www.malechastity-devices.com.

While feminization is not one of my kinks and I’m not looking to get more in touch with my feminine side, I really love the Sissy Cage for two reasons. I’m attracted by the extreme angle of the cage that forces the cock to follow the curvature of the scrotum.

I don’t have permission to post the image here, but to see an image on the Red Chili website showing the Sissy Cage in use you can click here.

Image Source www.malechastity-devices.com - Fair Use 17 USC Section 107

The other thing I like is because of the extreme curvature, the Sissy Cage is a very low profile device which won’t produce much of a chastity bump at all. That’s important to those of us who prefer to wear our cock cages in the stealth mode.

Red Chili chastity devices are manufactured in France and Spain, so the Sissy Cage comes in at 285€, including shipping, for those living outside Europe. At the current rate of exchange that’s about $338.00 USD, on par with most devices offered by other custom manufacturers. I’ll be adding this cage to my collection and reviewing it during 2021.

Chaste Life Monthly: November 2020

Chaste Life Monthly Newsletter Vol. 1, Issue 2


Welcome to the November 2020 issue of the Chaste Life Monthly Newsletter.

A Cautionary Chastity Tale

Imagine that your keyholder tells you to unlock for some teasing. Or that you want to remove your cock cage for a routine thorough cleaning. But to your horror, you discover the lock is seized up! Suddenly, like it or not, you’re stuck in permanent chastity! The other day I read a Twitter post by a guy who recently experienced just that.

The integral lock on his device had seized up and he couldn’t unlock and remove the cage. The culprit? One of the repurposed brass furniture locks Holy Trainer calls the “MagicLocker.”

Holy Trainer was the first to popularize use of the integral locks as a replacements for padlocks on chastity cages. The guy admitted he had recently noticed the lock was corroded and not working smoothly. But he had cleaned and lubricated it before locking up and used it anyway. Only a week later he discovered he couldn’t unlock it.

Holy Trainer provides a quality MagicLocker with their devices manufactured by the German company Burg Wachter. Like most German products, these locks are precision engineered from quality materials and reliable. But when the interest in chastity devices exploded, Chinese manufacturers developed a knock off version of the Burg Watcher lock that is furnished with the inexpensive chastity devices made in China. These locks are notoriously unreliable, often even when brand new.

The Twitter poster didn’t identify where the lock came from. But chances are, it was one of the cheap knock-off versions which are also sold as replacement locks on sites like eBay and Amazon for under ten dollars. In comparison, the Burg Wachter originals go for around twenty-five bucks.

Lessons learned? Never use an integrated lock with obvious corrosion or that you have already had problems with. Twenty-five bucks is cheap compared to the potential issues you will face from a failed cock cage lock. I’m pretty competent with power tools, but speaking as someone who once accidentally drove a screw through his finger when my trusty DeWalt slipped, I don’t want a power drill anywhere near my junk.

If you have problems with an integral lock, don’t be a shit sandwich. Throw the damn thing away and buy a new one. And only buy a Burg Wachter original. You can get the Burg Wachter ME/2 from the Holy Trainer Online Shop for $23 or from a Virginia company called Steinlock for $24. That’s way cheaper than a visit to the ER.


As planned, I unlocked this morning, November 21, after having my cock locked for 180 consecutive days. While I haven’t “celebrated” yet, I have spent time getting reacquainted with Mr. Happy.

I’ve been observing No Nut November as a follow-up to Locktober. There are only ten days left in the month, so I plan to carry on without an orgasm using willpower until the end of the month. I’ll content myself with edging until December 1.

One-hundred-eighty-days doubled my previous longest streak of consecutive days locked. So, now it is time for a new goal. But I won’t start that until January 1. I admit after six-months, it feels weird with my penis free of its cage. But I think it’s healthy to take a break. That’s not to say I won’t be locking up for some of the time before the end of the year. It just won’t be an unbroken streak.

After my junk has adjusted to its newfound freedom in a week or so, I’ll publish an after-action review post. I’ll discuss things there like any shrinkage observed, whether nocturnal erections have returned to normal, and whether everything else seems to be working properly after six-months of continuous chastity. These are all concerns for a lot of guys about long-term chastity. I’m pretty sure I already know the answers. But I’ll give things a week and then give you my honest observations.

Holy Trainer Review Coming Soon

Ever since my review of the CB-6000, I’ve wanted to do a head-to-head review with the Holy Trainer. I’ve heard from many people that the Holy Trainer is arguably the most secure and comfortable off-the-shelf male chastity device available on the market today. It’s time I judged that for the readers of Cut to the Chaste and myself. So, yesterday, I pulled the trigger and purchased a Holy Trainer V4 Nano for a wear-tested review. I expect it to hit my mailbox late next week. So, maybe I won’t have to depend on willpower alone to make it to the end of November. Look for the review around the first week of December.

Chastity Lessons From Basic Training

Most of what I need to know about life, I learned during basic training. If you’re new to wearing a chastity device, mastering these chastity lessons from basic training can help you acclimate faster to wearing a cock cage for extended periods with fewer problems.

Every recruit must make it through basic training before they earn the right to be called soldiers. During boot camp, recruits get a crash course in military lifestyle, learn the skills necessary to accomplish the mission, acquire discipline, and develop habits to meet proper dress and grooming standards.

In this post, we adapt a few lessons from basic training to help the guys new to the chaste lifestyle succeed.

1. Details Matter

In basic training recruits quickly learn that details matter. Attention is to detail is the only way to meet the expected standards of performance. The same is true when it comes to chastity devices.

Today, there may be a thousand different models of chastity devices. Who knows? By now there could be ten thousand. Not every cock cage will work for every guy. One of the biggest mistakes guys make is purchasing an incorrectly sized, ill-fitting cage. And making that mistake is totally avoidable. When choosing your first chastity device, details matter.

Key Measurements

There are three key measurements to take when in comes to chastity devices.


  • Length of your flaccid penis (for cage length).
  • Girth or circumference of your flaccid penis (for internal cage diameter).
  • Girth or circumference of the base of your penis and scrotum (for base ring diameter).


These key measurements determine the proper cage length, internal diameter of the cage, and diameter of the base ring.

Getting the Measurements Right

Mature Metal offers this handy measuring guide that can help you get accurate measurements. In addition to using their guide, I recommend you purchase Mature Metal’s set of plastic sizing rings ($25 at time of publication) to obtain the most accurate base ring size.

Believe me, it’s worth spending the money for the sizing rings. Incorrectly sized base rings cause new guys more problems than most anything else. If the ring is too small, it will never feel comfortable. If it’s too large, you will experience ball slippage or the device might even come off on its own.

Even if you’re going with an inexpensive off-the-shelf model instead of a pricier custom-made device, accurate measurements will help. Now, even the lower end cage manufactures are generally giving at least the basic measurements for their devices.

With a properly fitted cock cage, the skin of your penis should touch all around. It should touch all sides of the internal circumference of the cage and at the tip. A cage that is longer than your flaccid penis or that is significantly larger than the girth of your cock will cause you more problems when you have the normal nocturnal erections that occur during the night.

Avoid cages that are too long, but don’t worry about too short. There is really no such thing as too short a cage. Your soft penis can compress painlessly to a surprisingly short length. That’s why guys are able to wear the incredibly short micro-cage devices. If it needs to, your penis will “turtle” inside your body.

2. Walk-Crawl-Run Methodology

The crawl, walk, and run methodology of training is the foundation for how the military trains during basic to demanding, yet achievable standards. It’s a good idea to use the same methodolgy when learning to wear a cock cage. Few guys will be able to put on a chastity cage for the first time and wear it indefinitely.

Chastity devices are attached to some of the most sensitive skin areas on your body. Even with a properly-sized, well-fitting device, chances are you will develop skin irritation and sore spots until your skin toughens up and adjusts to the cage. That’s why in the walk phase, you should only wear the device for an hour or so at a time for the first day. Gradually increase the wear time during the next day or two. Then, once things feel comfortable, you can try the walk phase, wearing your cock cage for a full day.

Never wear a new cage to sleep in until you’ve worn it for a full day and haven’t experienced any significant problems like circulation impairment or real pain. Some mild discomfort is to be expected, but pain isn’t normal. If something hurts, remove the cage and figure out what it wrong.

Once you’ve slept comfortably overnight in your device, you’re ready for the run phase where you can try wearing the cage for an extended time.

3. Keep It Neat and Tidy

In basic training, everyone is clean-shaven, buildings are kept clean, and the equipment is kept clean. In the same way, good hygiene practices are a must when it comes to wearing chastity devices.

If you choose one of the open-type cage devices, generally you can keep things adequately clean with your usual shower or bath. But if you choose one of the solid, enclosed tube devices, it’s good practice to remove it every few days for proper cleaning. While I usually wear an open-type stainless steel cage, I still remove it once a week for a thorough cleaning.

After cleaning your body and inspecting your genitals for minor injuries like broken skin and excessive redness, clean the device thoroughly with soap and water. With metal cages, I prefer to sterilize mine by submerging it in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. After cleaning, let the cage dry thoroughly before putting it back on.

With regard to good grooming practices, keeping your pubes trimmed is a must. I use a small battery operated beard trimmer on mine to keep the hair trimmed to about one-quarter inch in length. Shaving your pubic area bare is fine if it is something you’re already accustomed to doing. But if that hasn’t been your habit, breaking in a new chastity device is no the time to start as it can contribute to more skin irritation.

4. Practice Makes Perfect

Expect and accept setbacks. One of the key things recruits learn how to do in basic training is to adapt and overcome setbacks.

I’ve had too many guys tell me they have tried wearing a chastity device but just couldn’t get beyond wearing it for an hour or two. Sometimes the problem is a poorly fitted cage. But often it is something minor like they developed skin irritation or sore spots that could be easily addressed with the application of a good quality personal lubricant and just weren’t prepared to deal with the minor discomfort.

In my experience, it takes about a week for your skin to toughen  and grow accustomed to the chastity device hanging off your junk. After that, it is usually smooth sailing.

Especially when you’re just getting started, it’s a good idea to apply a little lubricant—silicone-based, water based, baby oil—around the inside of the base ring and the inside of the cage. This can help prevent skin irritation before it happens. If you experience broken skin, don’t be afraid to remove the cage for a day or two. Apply a little antibiotic cream and wait until it heals. Then start over with a wearing schedule and proper lubrication.

5. There Is No "I" in Team

During basic training, recruits learn how to work as a member of a team. You don’t have to do chastity alone. Websites like Cut to the Chaste, where you can find tips, chastity device reviews, and more, exist for the sole purpose of helping you learn about and acclimate to the chaste lifestyle.

6. Drive on

Once, as a “boot” cock cage wearer, you can wear your chastity cage for several days at a time, drive on. You can then start to push your boundaries and wear it for longer and longer periods. In the immortal words of the infamous Drill Instructor, Major Payne, “You’re still a shit sandwich, you’re just not a soggy one.”

Advanced Individual Training

After basic training, comes advanced individual training. When you’re ready for it, grab your copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chasity, everything you need to know about male chastity in the twenty-first century.

Five Chastity New Year’s Resolution Ideas And How To Achieve Them


With Locktober 2020 firmly in the rearview mirror and a new year looming, now is a great time to indulge in a little retrospection and to reevaluate your chastity goals for 2021. Making a chastity New Year’s resolution is a perfect opportunity to make some progress for all those who failed to advance as far in their chastity journey in 2020 as they had hoped.

Now, with less than two months left in the year, it’s a great time to think about what important chastity lifestyle goal you want to reach in 2021. Being the charitable and caring bunch that we are here at Cut to the Chaste, we’ve decided to give you a little help—a few New Year’s chastity resolution ideas along with tips on how to achieve to them since the majority of people often fail to stick to their New Year’s resolutions.

Hopefully, you will find one or more of these suggestions useful if you are looking for effective ways of making your chastity life better and more meaningful in 2021.

1. Resolve to Take the Chastity Plunge

If you’re still at the intrigued with the idea of chastity and finding it hot to think about stage, but you’ve never got untracked and actually tried locking up your cock, resolve now to take the chastity plunge in 2021. Ask yourself what is holding you back.

Maybe you have your eye on an expensive, custom-made chastity device and haven’t been able to come up with the cash needed to pull the trigger. If so, consider going with a less expensive device for the time being. You can always get that ideal device later.

Today there is a mind-boggling array of inexpensive, yet serviceable chastity devices available in almost every material imaginable from online retailers like eBay at prices between $10 and $25. You’re sure to find an inexpensive device to your liking you can use to get started. The chastity device reviews on this site include my experiences with several budget friendly cages I used when I first got started.

Perhaps not having anyone in mind to act as your keyholder is holding back. It’s hard to argue that having a keyholder doesn’t provide the most meaningful chastity experience. But, why not get started with self-locking and then focus on organizing a keyholder?

Personally, I think it is a good idea to find a cage that works for you and then to acclimate to wearing it 24/7 for a week or ten days at a time before thinking about finding a keyholder. It will save you and the keyholder from a lot of aggravation and disappointment. Then, once you find a keyholder, you will already have experience with staying locked for extended periods in a chastity cage that feels comfortable.

2. Resolve to Find a Keyholder in 2021

Maybe you’ve built up an impressive amount of self-locked experience in 2020, but doing chastity on your own has lost some of the luster. You’re ready for a keyholder but you’re not in a relationship at the moment or not in a relationship with someone interested in taking on the responsibility of being your keyholder. What’s a guy to do?

Perhaps it’s time to think outside the box a little. Sure, in a perfect world having a wife or other romantic partner as your keyholder would be the best situation. Unfortunately, for many of us that isn’t an option. But that needn’t keep you from finding a keyholder. You don’t need to get into a relationship first before finding a keyholder.

Think about the friends you already have. Is there someone you already know you might ask to take possession of the key to your chastity cage? All you need is someone you have a close enough friendship with that you would feel comfortable discussing something as personal as your interest in chastity with them. It doesn’t even matter whether the friend is male or female. In a real sense, a keyholder is someone who acts as your chastity accountability partner. So, even if you’re straight, that doesn’t mean one of your close guy friends couldn’t act as your keyholder. All you need is someone willing to hold your key so you won’t unlock whenever you feel tempted.

Here is another idea. You could get a friend to act as your keyholder without even discussing the whole chastity thing with them. You could simply put your key in an envelope and then ask a friend to hold on to the envelope for you until some date in the future. You could explain the envelope has something important inside you dont’t want to lose and you temporaily need someone reponsible to hold onto it for you.

3. Resolve to Use a Professional Keyholder for the First Time

When you don’t have a partner or friend to act as your keyholder, a professional keyholding service can be a great alternative. I’ve had great experiences with several different professionals. And, paying for keyholding services doesn’t have to break the bank.

Availability of professional keyholding services has grown right along with the explosion of interest among men in wearing chastity cages. The services available run the gamut from elite keyholding services with optional add-ons like the services offered by Mistress Sabine St. Jack to basic keyholding available from lifestyle Dommes. I’ve paid as little at $35 per month for basic keyholding. If you want teasing assignments to go along with someone taking possession of your key, expect to pay a little a more. I pay around $50 per month to my go-to keyholding services provider for keyholding and daily teasing assignments that help keep my arousal ramped up.


The sky is the limit when it comes to finding the exact kind of service that works for you. You can choose to pay month to month or for multiple months up to a full year at a time. Generally, the longer the period of chastity you sign up for, the cheaper the monthly cost.

At least for me, having a permanent professional keyholder isn’t a must. I mix self-locking with professional keyholding which saves money yet still gives me a burst of motivation when I need it.

It’s not difficult to find a professional keyholder. A quick web search for “chastity keyholding services” will give you a lot of service offerings to consider. Also, more and more, professional keyholders are advertising on Twitter.

4. Resolve to Finally Have the Conversation

There are a lot of guys out there who are in a relationship. They may have already bought a chastity cage and have been wearing it on the sly. They have wanted to broach the chastity topic with their wife or partner for a while, but haven’t mustered up the courage or figured out exactly how to start the discussion. Make 2021 the year you resolve to have the conversation with your wife or partner.

Not sure how to tell your wife or partner you want her to lock up your cock and keep the key? There is now a wealth of books on that very subject that can help. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity, you can find suggestions on how to bring up your chastity desires with your wife or partner. There is also a complete section devoted to women that explains why men desire chastity and what’s in it for women who agree to become keyholders for their men. Kindle Unlimited subscribers can even read the digital version free.

But that’s not the only great book on the topic. Male Chastity: How to Introduce Your Partner by Jules Scot is another excellent resource to give your wife or partner that explains male chastity and what being a chastity keyholder entails. It’s also free to read on Amazon for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

5. Resolve to Purchase Your Dream Chastity Device

If you’ve been involved with chastity for long and know it’s something you want to keep as a part of your life, you probably have that special chastity cage you’re salivating over. That sweet, sexy looking, custom-made device you can’t wait to get your hands on. But it’s pricey and you just can’t justify the expense right now. Why not save for it? Why not put aside a few bucks a week or a month dedicated toward giving yourself a special gift you know you will like for Christmas 2021? Here is a savings trick I’ve been using for years for just such a purpose. It’s called “The 52-Week Savings Challenge.”

The idea is simple: You save just $1 the first week of the year, and then gradually increase your savings by a dollar a week throughout the year. So you save $2 in Week 2, then $3 in Week 3, and so on, until you’re stashing away upwards of $50 a week next December. By the end of the year, when you complete the challenge, you’ll have saved $1,378 plus any accrued interest. That would buy you just about any custom-made chastity device you could dream of. Here is a link to a page where you can see the challenge week by week and the amount you need to save.

I get the whole instant gratification thing, but I’ve learned to discipline myself to save for big ticket items instead of just whipping out the plastic when I see something I want. The 52-week savings challenge hack has served me well in that regard.

Well, there you have it—my suggestions for five chastity New Year’s resolution Ideas and how to achieve them—a list of advice, tips and tricks to help you see your New Year’s chastity resolution through and make some long-term changes in your life.

Why Do Men Desire Chastity So Much?


Male chastity is where your penis is locked in a specially designed device that prevents you from getting full erections or using your penis for sex. While locked up, you can’t masturbate or orgasm. Unless you self-lock, the cage can only be removed by your designated “keyholder.” Why do men desire chastity so much? Why would any guy voluntarily surrender control of the most intimate part of his body, let alone enthusiastically offer to do so? The short answer is pleasure. Chastity feels good, and that’s why we crave it. But that doesn’t mean we all desire chastity for the same reason. Here are six of the top reasons chastity feels good and why guys crave it.

1. The Desire to be Controlled by Another Person

Wearing a male chastity device is an inherently submissive act for a man. Some men are, by nature, sexually submissive. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re effeminate, wimpish cupcakes.

Learn More About Chastity and Submission

Lots of otherwise outwardly dominant men secretly desire the fill the submissive role sexually. Many men enjoy sexual fantasies in which the man is more of a passive player.

Almost every list of top male sexual fantasies you can find include fantasies about submitting sexually to a dominant partner—being tied up, teased, and tantalized. Chasity is a low-level but serious and very functional form of bondage. Some speculate the popularity of this fantasy is because it runs contrary to the way men experience their lives outside the bedroom.

Having your partner lock you in a chastity device is one of the most effective and far-reaching ways imaginable to surrender sexual control to a partner. Submitting to a partner with chastity may be part of a wider female-led or Dom/sub relationship. But it doesn’t have to be.

2. The Desire to Enjoy a Constant High Level of Sexual Arousal

The body is hard-wired to enjoy desire, the first phase of the sexual response cycle. We move into the equally desirable arousal phase from desire—that’s why it fundamentally feels good to feel horny.

Learn More About the Science of Male Chastity

But the period between feeling aroused and doing something about it is often short for guys. Men are driven by sexual desire. It’s a natural, fundamental urge that’s impossible for us to ignore. So, few of us experience heightened arousal over an extended period when left to our own devices.

When guys get horny, we’re eager to get to the last two phases of the sexual response cycle, orgasm, and resolution. If we don’t have a partner available, we tend to take matters in hand and rub out a quick one.

Having your cock locked in a chastity cage changes all that. Your desire and arousal get ample opportunity to build and build to the point where everything starts to feel sexy, and you get so horny you could burst.

3. The Desire to Reduce the Frequency of Wanking


While evolution has gifted men with a powerful sex drive, most of us are almost powerless to control it. Resisting such a powerful drive requires more willpower than most men can muster. So, sooner or later, we have to seek satisfaction. This often comes in the form of masturbation. In itself, masturbation can become addicting, and we find ourselves doing it more often than we may feel comfortable with. Also, frequent masturbation can lead to other addictions. Spending too much time watching porn

is one of them.

Many guys desire chastity as a way of reclaiming control and cutting back on the time they spend wanking and watching porn. It might be out of an interest in spending their time on more productive things or to have more energy for and interest in sex with their romantic partners.

Some men find themselves secretly racked by an inner conflict between the fleeting pleasure derived from frequent wanking and the sense of guilt that inevitably follows. Relinquishing control over such matters means the inner turmoil ceases. A chastity device helps men resist the temptation to masturbate far more effectively than willpower alone ever could.

4. The Desire to Increase the Quality of Orgasms

Most of us can agree that the more often we climax, the less intense and enjoyable orgasms feel. Some men desire chastity as a means of increasing the quality and intensity of their orgasms. Even postponing the next orgasm for a few days can make a big difference. Guys accustomed to spending weeks or months locked in a chastity cage often describe their orgasms as truly mind-blowing experiences.

Many men say that the orgasm denial that accompanies being kept in chastity increases their sex drive and improves their focus. Obviously, that can also heighten the stakes of a relationship.

5. The Desire to Feel Emasculated

Some guys find it sexually and/or emotionally pleasurable to feel emasculated. That’s why, for some, chastity may be part of a wider experience of things like forced feminization, cross-dressing, or cuckolding. Spending an extended time locked in a chastity cage can feel extremely emasculating, which can be just the ticket for guys who embrace the idea of female superiority.

There is certainly a feminization aspect to wearing a

chastity device that many guys like. With many of the devices, you can’t stand up and use a urinal. The whole hetero-patriarchy thing gets smashed a little when you have to pee sitting down because of a cock cage.

With chastity, there’s that all-encompassing feeling of enclosure. Every part of your cock is completely enclosed and off-limits to you. It can put you into the headspace that you’re inferior to women, that you don’t deserve to be allowed to get off, someone who needs to be put in his place. Chastity makes it impossible to engage in penetrative sex, which is tremendously exciting for some men because it produces a feeling of impotence in that regard.

6. The Desire to Show Maximum Commitment to a Partner


Chastity includes some profound psychological implications. This intimate form of submission to a partner can encourage a guy to do all manner of things he might not ordinarily voluntarily do for his partner without the need for her to ask or even nag him about it.

Male chastity provides a man with a subtle, unspoken motivation to do the right thing for his partner and the relationship. That runs the gamut of becoming more helpful around the house, showering his partner with

with affectionate attention, and being more aware and considerate of his partner’s needs.

Male chastity can literally restore the romance in a relationship. A chaste guy stops taking his partner for granted and becomes more attentive and considerate of her desires. He no longer feels tempted by pornography or other women. For many men, chastity is the way toward experiencing a stronger, deeper relationship with their partners, which they find very satisfying.

While the thought of having their penises locked in a chastity cage might make some men cringe, it makes others whimper with excitement. Being caged can be extremely exciting and fulfilling. Why do men desire chastity so much? We’ve looked at six of the reasons. Chances are you read one that resonated with you. But of course, some of us are motivated to desire chastity for more than only one single reason. It could be a combination of reasons that cause you to desire chastity.

New to male chastity but finding yourself intrigued? Grab a copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity, everything you need to know in one place about male chastity in the 21st century.

Closing in on Six Months Locked in a Chastity Cage

If you keep up with my current status, then you know I’m closing in on six months locked in a chastity cage. That’s 180 days, twice my previous record of 90 days, which I’ve achieved twice. That significant date is now only six days away. What to do?

six-months-locked-in-a-chastity cage

I’m Torn After Six Months Locked in a Chastity Cage

Less than a week away from six months locked in a chastity cage, as Natalie Imbruglia sang in her 1997 debut hit single, I’m torn. I still love that song, by the way.

A part of me would like to soldier on and see how far I can push my limits. But another part of me wants to unlock for a while.

I truly admire a guy like Thumper, who remains in perpetual chastity. For me, I think permanent chastity would be Nirvana, a place of perfect peace and happiness, the highest state a chaste man can attain, and a state of enlightenment where individual desires and suffering fade away. That’s my goal, but I’m not ready for it yet.

Unlike Thumper, I don’t have a permanent partner for a keyholder. At least as I understand all he has written on his excellent blog, that is the secret sauce that helps Thumper endure. It seems the guy has tons of motivation and willpower, sure, but still unlocking his penis is up to his wife, Belle, not up to him.

For much of the past six months, a keyholder has supervised me. But I’ve done stretches of self-locked, too, which is where I am now. That, I believe, makes committing to permanent chastity much harder.

Lessons Learned After Almost Six Months Locked in a Chastity Cage

I’m pretty sure the desire to wank and orgasm never completely goes away. I figure if you give a guy a choice, he will typically take it. But oddly, that isn’t what I miss the most after almost six months locked in a chastity cage. What I miss is much more simple and basic. I miss being able to touch my penis.

What is it with us guys and touching our penises? We do it all the time. At least unless we’re into chastity. We touch it and hold it often without even being conscious of it a lot of the time.

Before I started locking my penis in a cage, sometimes I’d be lying on the couch or sitting in my recliner watching television, and my hand would just find its way into my shorts. There was nothing necessarily sexual about it. I think it is more of a comfort thing than anything else. Maybe it’s because the male genitals are just sort of out there front and center that lends them to this behavior.

It’s hard to let go after six months, knowing you face starting all over again at ground zero. But, I’ve decided to unlock for a while. Maybe until the end of the year. Then on January 1, 2021, I plan to lock up again and push for a new record. Can I double my time in chastity once again? Can I remain locked for an entire year? That’s what I’m considering now. Maybe after one full year, I will be ready to commit to permanent. Guess we’ll find out.

How about you? What are your plans for chastity in 2021? In the next post, I’ll offer five chastity New Year’s resolution ideas along with tips on how to achieve each of them.

Krystine Kellogg FLR Podcast Review

Source: Screen shot Krystine's FLR Apple Podcast Preview - Fair Use

In this post, I’m reviewing the Krystine Kellogg FLR Podcast. Male chastity and the female led relationship (FLR) often go together like fish and chips for chaste guys in relationships who are chastity device wearing enthusiasts.

I have never been part of an FLR though I’ll admit the concept has always fascinated me. For that reason, I’ve read a good deal about them, and today I stumbled across an awesome podcast focused on female led relationships. As a bonus, the presenter, Krystine Kellogg, often discusses male chastity. Since I’ve been binge listening today, I thought I’d post about the podcast.

What to Expect from the Krystine Kellogg FLR Podcast

So far, there are nine episodes. Some of the episodes are as short as 7-9 minutes in length, but most run around twenty minutes. That makes it easy to find time to listen for those who don’t have a lot of time to spend listening to podcasts. Personally, I love podcasts and have several favorites I listen to daily. Krystine’s FLR Podcast is definitely now on my list.

The latest episode, Episode 9, “Tips on introducing chastity to your significant other,” has a lot of actionable tips from a dominant woman’s perspective on how a guy who wants to wear a chastity device might go about starting the conversation with his wife or romantic partner. Episode 7, “It’s Locktober boys. Let’s talk about male chastity,” is another good episode where Krystine candidly shares how she and her husband got started with enforced chastity.

So, if female led relationships is a topic you’re interested in, check out Krystine’s FLR Podcast on Apple Podcasts. I give it two thumbs up and gave it a five-star review on Apple. You can also find Krystine on Twitter and her blog at https://krystinekellogg.com.


Service: Podcast

Provider: Krystine’s FLR Podcast

Website: https://krystinekellogg.com

Apple Podcast Preview: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/krystines-flr-podcast/id1529833492

Available however you listen to Apple podcasts.

What's Coming Up Next

Generally, how I roll is, I self-lock most of the time, and when I need a little boost in motivation, I turn to a professional keyholder. Now at 157 days and counting, I need that lift again.

A few days ago, I happened to have a brief chat with a very enchanting professional dominatrix who, among other things, offers online keyholding. I’ll be trying out her service very soon, but the exciting part is she has agreed to allow me to feature her keyholding service here on Cut to the Chaste.

It’s the most organized, well thought out keyholding service I think I’ve seen to date. We’re working out time for an interview at the moment, and hopefully, the feature article will be the next post. So, if you have ever been curious about contracting with a professional dominatrix for keyholding, you won’t want to miss the next post.

After Locktober Ends

What happens for you after Locktober ends? The captioned image above is from one of the most memorable, iconic scenes from the 1979 American epic war film directed, produced, and co-written by Francis Ford Coppola, Apocalypse Now. With napalm canisters exploding behind them, Lieutenant Colonel William “Bill” Kilgore delivers in an uncharacteristic, matter-of-fact tone the absurd line to Captain Benjamin L. Willard about how much he loves the gasoline smell of napalm in the morning because it smells like victory. Then Kilgore looks into the distance and says wistfully, “Someday this war is going to end.” That line speaks to the idiosyncrasies of war. Yet, it adds to the uncanny and invulnerable quality of Kilgore’s character while signifying the far-reaching effect war has had on his mentality.

I wonder if there are chaste guys out there thinking to themselves somewhat wistfully, “Someday this Locktober is going to end.” Perhaps this is your first Locktober, or maybe you’re someone with years of experience wearing a cock cage who has participated in Locktober many times. My question to you, if you’re new to male chastity and participating in your first Locktober, is this. What happens for you after Locktober ends, this 2020 edition, in eleven days? Has the experience of having your penis confined in a chastity device had a far-reaching effect on your male mentality? Or, has Locktober been only a fun challenge to discover whether you have what it takes to stick it out for thirty-one days? Are you counting down the days to when you or, hopefully, someone else unlocks you and frees you from the cock cage? Or, will Locktober 2020 become the start of something bigger for you?

Reflecting on After Locktober Ends

It wasn’t Locktober when I had my first experience wearing a cock cage, but I had signed a contract with a dominant woman where I agreed to wear the chastity device for one full month. It was hard, maybe even harder than I’d expected for about the first seven days. But after the first week, it got easier.

Frankly, I’m not sure I would have lasted the entire month had I only self-locked. But very quickly, it became essential to me not to disappoint the woman who locked me. While I was determined not to give up, I admit about midway through; I was counting down the days to the end. I was eager to experience some relief from all the pent-up sexual energy. But, the experience of having my penis confined in a chastity device that first time did have a far-reaching effect on my male mentality.

It was almost surreal how wearing a chastity device started to affect me both mentally and emotionally, and how quickly it happened. It was literally like a night and day difference. Cock cages confine the growth of the penis during an erection, and that can become quite uncomfortable. As a result, the brain starts to tell the penis to become flaccid again. Eventually, this constant correction trains your mind to make your penis hard only when your keyholder authorizes it or once you have reached some goal you set in advance if you self-lock. When you reach that milestone, it’s easier to forget about your cock, on which too many of us guys have had the habit of lavishing too much attention, which frees you to channel the sexual energy into more productive pursuits.

New Goals After Locktober Ends

Perhaps the most recognized aspect of wearing a chastity device is it prevents masturbation and ejaculation, which can be a real benefit for a guy’s relationship since excessive masturbation can be a hidden relationship killer. Preservation of sexual energy can be an enormous part of a healthy relationship. And as mentioned, you can find more productive uses for it. As one example, as a writer, I find that chastity makes me far more productive than when I’m not wearing a chastity device.

If Locktober was just a one-off fun challenge to try, maybe you plan on tossing the cock cage in your sock drawer on the first of November with no plans ever to wear it again. But, as was the case with me, I suspect many first-time Locktober participants will discover they miss all the benefits of the chaste lifestyle when they unlock. They will miss the heft of the device, the feelings of contentment and security that can develop when you’ve worn a cock cage over an extended period. After Locktober ends might be a time to set a new goal for wearing your chastity device for sixty days, ninety days, or even longer.

After Locktober Ends is a Great Time to Try a New Device

Guys locking up for their first Locktober often choose to go with an inexpensive cage, usually one of the Chinese devices available from Amazon, eBay, or another online retailer. There is nothing wrong with that. That was my own approach. Why invest a lot of money in an expensive cock cage until you’ve had a chance to learn whether chastity is something you plan to continue long-term? But after thirty-one days, if the experience was meaningful enough that you feel you want to continue, then it can be an excellent time to start looking at a new device that will be more comfortable for long-term wear.

After growing in popularity and gaining mainstream visibility, there has been a sea change in cock cages. Today’s designs are less brutal, less intrusive, and far more discreet than the cages of yesteryear. After tons of experimentation, I finally found the Amicus from Male Chastity Now, which I believe will be my permanent cage. That is unless I find the Male Chastity Now’s Contender model even more to my liking when I try it on for size soon. But for now, I give Amicus credit for propelling me to my current record of over 148 days locked. It’s simply that lightweight, that comfortable, and that discreet.

Male chastity continues to grow in popularity. That is readily evident from the number of visitors to this site, and others like it and how well-received Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity has been. I expect the male chastity lifestyle will continue to grow more mainstream as both guys and women learn more about its transformative power.

Someday, and soon, this Locktober is going to end. The question is, what happens for you when it does?

Chastity And Submission

Chastity and submission. Do the two go hand in hand? If you’re a guy who wants to wear a chastity device, does that mean you’re submissive? Let’s talk about that.

So, maybe you’ve been thinking about trying chastity, or maybe the woman in your life wants to lock you up. Perhaps it is her idea. But the submissive part of it doesn’t really turn you on all that much. Also, small penis humiliation, sissification, and cuckolding don’t appeal to you at all. Maybe you think chastity only works for submissive guys.

Not So Fast My Friend

A quick chastity web search shows that there is a heck of a lot of people who assume that chastity and male submission go together like peanut butter and jelly. Actually, that kind of thinking is an example of what they call in logic a cum hoc fallacy—jumping to a conclusion about causation based on a correlation between two things, or types of things, which sometimes occur simultaneously.

Some people can’t seem to separate male chastity and male submission in their minds, so they insist no one else can either. Sure, there are plenty of submissive men for whom chastity is yet another path to deeper submission. But the truth is, chastity and male submission don’t necessarily go together like hamburgers and fries.


One Of The Top Male Fantasies

On almost every top male sexual fantasies list, one of the top five most popular sexual fantasies among all kinds of men is being sexually controlled by a powerful, dominant woman.

Guys fantasize about feeling sexually dominated when they’re tired of doing the dominating themselves, or when they have mixed feelings about what they’re doing in that domination where they’re on top.

Add to this that men sometimes get tired of always having to be in control in the bedroom. Traditional gender roles impressed on all of us by societal norms suggest that men are “supposed” to be the initiators of sex while women are the gatekeepers. Chastity presents a significant reversal of those roles. It’s relatively easy to see why many guys, all sorts of guys, find the idea relinquishing control tantalizing. It isn’t only submissive men who have these fantasies.

This is why I think we must avoid making hard-and-fast distinctions between dominance and submission. Guys seem capable of shifting from one role to the other. And even though many may prefer a single sexual stance, still each role seems to offer its own gratifications.

Wearing A Chastity Device Is An Inherently Submissive Act

It can’t be argued that wearing a chastity device isn’t an inherently submissive act. All we have to do to understand that is to look at the definition of sexual submission. Sexual submission is when one individual (the submissive) turns overall sexual control to another (the dominant). The chaste guy (submissive) gives his partner (the dominant) complete control over his access to sexual pleasure, not to mention his penis. There is no logical way to claim that isn’t submission. But submission, when it comes to chastity, can be motivated by two entirely different things.


Role Versus Nature


Submissive men are submissive by nature. They crave to submit because that is what feels right. It’s a need they keenly feel. For them, chastity does deepen that natural disposition. However, many guys want to wear a chastity device because of their own desires, not because a powerful, dominant partner dictates it.

For these men, submission is not their character or personality. They only assume a submissive role while in chastity. After a significant period locked in chastity, they may behave much like their submissive male counterparts. But once they take the device off, they revert to their usual disposition.

Submissive Men Are Misunderstood

Lots of men, otherwise attracted to the chastity lifestyle, are reluctant to be viewed as being submissive. That’s because popular culture assumes submission to be negative, associating it with meekness, weakness, and passivity. Sometimes submissive men are openly mocked by other men (and some women) who don’t regard them as “real men.”

Submissive guys sometimes get treated as intrinsically weak and effeminate. That’s because those who aren’t submissive feel they’re subverting heteronormative gender dynamics in the worst possible way. It’s not only that they’re failing to perform the role of an assertive, masculine male, but they’re also not even trying to perform it. So, it’s easy to see why men who aren’t submissive might be averse to being perceived as submissive.

The truth is, however, submissive guys are not weak, necessarily meek, and not all of them are effeminate. They aren’t violating any “bro code.” They are simply guys who prefer submission to dominance by nature. Here popular culture gets it all wrong.

Signs You May Be A Submissive

For those still worried the desire to wear a chastity device may mean you’re a submissive, and you don’t want it to be true, I have a little test that might help you.

  • You feel both excited and at peace when the opportunity to submit to your partner arises because it feels natural to you.
  • Taking control during sex and initiating things feels odd.
  • You are always in control in your day to day life, whether at work or home, but when it comes to sex, you just want to enjoy yourself and not have to make decisions. You basically want to be a passive sexual partner. Not boring but passive.
  • You get turned on when dominated or commanded during sexual play.
  • The idea of pleasing someone turns you on more than the idea of getting pleased.
  • The idea of disappointing someone greatly upsets you.


If you agree with all those statements, if that’s how you feel, despite your preference, you may be a submissive. If so, embrace it. There is nothing wrong with it.

The Bottom Line

The majority of us are either submissive or dominant by nature. It’s simply ingrained into our personalities and behaviors. Our bodies, our brains, and our sexuality respond to it.

Some people can take on either role just as naturally. We classify these individuals as switches, meaning they are capable of switching roles with ease. Regardless, wearing a chastity device is not going to change your nature. While you may submit to your partner while wearing a device, that isn’t going to transform you into a submissive if you’re not submissive.

I hope reading this post was beneficial to you. Understanding yourself and coming to terms with your sexual style and nature can make you feel more at ease. Sexuality is an essential aspect of a person’s overall well-being, yet many times it’s overlooked when people self reflect. But it’s an important piece of the puzzle we call “self,” and until we understand and come to grips with this piece, we will never feel as complete or content.


Chaste Life Monthly: July 2020

Chaste Life Monthly Newsletter


This month I’m starting a new feature, the “Chaste Life Monthly” newsletter. Each month I plan to cover chastity topics that don’t necessarily warrant a full post as well as some of my other non-chastity related interests.

If you’re a regular visitor to Cut To The Chaste, I’m sure you’ve noticed I haven’t posted much lately, although I did manage to publish my Male Chastity Now Amicus Review yesterday. I’ve been busy with some other writing projects associated with my fantasy author brand.

Since I don’t operate a mailing list, it seemed a monthly newsletter post would be a good way to push out updates to the readership between regular posts. I hope you find the newsletter useful.

My Brand New Author Website

Much of June, I spent building my new author website, Jkspenserbooks.com. My previous WordPress hosted site was more than a little clunky and limiting as far as features. So, I signed up with a new hosting service and built the new site from scratch. I’m pretty proud of the results and hope you will visit the site and take a look around. There you can find complete information on all my writing projects, both dark fantasy/science fiction and non-fiction.

New Keyholder Update

As revealed June 1, 2020, I have acquired keyholding services from a new pro-domme, Goddess Camille. We completed a full month together yesterday, July 12. That brings us to the six-week mark since previously we had a two-week trial. Thus far, she has been nothing short of amazing. She provides everything I was looking for in a keyholder and challenges me to give my best efforts, all at a very reasonable fee.

Since I was less than two-weeks away from 60-days in chastity when we completed the full month, I signed up for another month that started today. So, I’ve started the fiftieth day in chastity without a release, still locked in my MCN Amicus, under the capable supervision of Goddess Camille. Things definitely seem headed toward a permanent arrangement as we both have enjoyed our partnership and get on well.


New Dark Fantasy Series

The other thing I’ve been working on lately is a new short story series. After the successful launch of A Curious Contraption, I got an idea for a new dark fantasy series called Devilry Dark Fantasy Stories.

Unlike A Curious Contraption and the Vulvarian Saga series, this new one isn’t related to chastity. It’s a series of short stories, each of which you can read in one sitting, about an 18th century priest who battles unholy demons, vampires, and other assorted monsters and ghouls.

So far, I’ve published two stories and the third will be released July 23, 2020. The fourth story, Shadowed Menace, will be published in August. Right now, I expect to write and publish six stories in the series. Then, based on how well they are received, I may write more. So, if dark fantasy stories about demons, vampires, and monsters is in your reading wheelhouse, I hope you’ll take a look at Devilry Dark Fantasy stories. The stories are available exclusively on Amazon and free to read for Kindle Unlimited members.

All proceeds from sales of these stories will go towards the prizes I have planned for the Locktober Giveaway scheduled for November 2020, right here on this site! If you’re a Kindle Unlimited subscriber and you download and read the series, you will help all the readers of this site have a Locktober celebration to remember. For non-subscribers, the stories are only 0.99 each.

Hope Everyone Is Staying Safe

COVID-19 continues to rage it seems. How are you coping where you are? Are you still under restrictions? Are your local numbers holding steady?

As for me and my family, we’re doing okay. We’re staying healthy. We’re still doing the social distancing thing, and primarily doing our shopping online and getting deliveries instead of shopping in person. It is what it is. We all just have to do our best to get through this and hope for better days.

It is my hope that you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe. As always, thanks for reading.