31 Days of Chastity Meme Day 7: Your Toy Box

For those who have made it this far, congratulations! At midnight, you will have completed successfully the first week of Locktober 2023. Time to be honest, guys. Once you’ve worn a chastity device for a week and have adjusted to sleeping well enough while wearing it, you can wear it for any length of time. So, no excuses for quitting now. With the PSA out of the way, let’s turn our attention to 31 Days of Chastity Meme Day 7.

What’s your favorite toy or item of equipment (excluding your chastity device) that you use or your keyholder uses during chastity play?

This was the easiest question for me to answer thus far. My favorite toy or item I use during chastity play is my njoy Pure Wand. It is 8 inches of pure polished stainless steel goodness (no pun intended) with a tapered tip of 1.5 inches (38 mm) diameter at one end and 1 inch (25 mm) diameter at the other. The Pure Wand weighs in at a hefty 1.51 pounds (680 g) and the weight is part of what makes it so superior for P-spot stimulation.

I had tried at least a dozen P-spot stimulation toys before getting the Pure Wand. While they all felt pleasurable, I could never successfully milk myself. With the Pure Wand, it happened the very first time I used it. Since Lucie now keeps me locked for longer and longer periods, milking me at least once per month has become an important part of our chastity dynamic to sustain good prostate health. I can now reliably drain my prostate in twenty minutes or less. Not only that, the feel of the Pure Wand inside me against my prostate is pleasurable almost beyond description.

Expelling prostate fluids doesn’t reduce the heightened arousal factor, but it often offers some welcome temporary relief from sexual frustration. While my once modest toy box has exploded since meeting Lucie, and I have many favorite toys she uses to tease me, the njoy Pure Wand is my hands-down favorite.

That concludes today’s meme post. If you are enjoying the series, you won’t want to miss 31 Days of Chastity Meme Day 8: Look! tomorrow. Tomorrow’s prompt will be:

Post a Chastity image you find erotic. Briefly describe what arouses you most in the image or why it represents chastity to you.