male chastity

Five Chastity New Year’s Resolution Ideas And How To Achieve Them


With Locktober 2020 firmly in the rearview mirror and a new year looming, now is a great time to indulge in a little retrospection and to reevaluate your chastity goals for 2021. Making a chastity New Year’s resolution is a perfect opportunity to make some progress for all those who failed to advance as far in their chastity journey in 2020 as they had hoped.

Now, with less than two months left in the year, it’s a great time to think about what important chastity lifestyle goal you want to reach in 2021. Being the charitable and caring bunch that we are here at Cut to the Chaste, we’ve decided to give you a little help—a few New Year’s chastity resolution ideas along with tips on how to achieve to them since the majority of people often fail to stick to their New Year’s resolutions.

Hopefully, you will find one or more of these suggestions useful if you are looking for effective ways of making your chastity life better and more meaningful in 2021.

1. Resolve to Take the Chastity Plunge

If you’re still at the intrigued with the idea of chastity and finding it hot to think about stage, but you’ve never got untracked and actually tried locking up your cock, resolve now to take the chastity plunge in 2021. Ask yourself what is holding you back.

Maybe you have your eye on an expensive, custom-made chastity device and haven’t been able to come up with the cash needed to pull the trigger. If so, consider going with a less expensive device for the time being. You can always get that ideal device later.

Today there is a mind-boggling array of inexpensive, yet serviceable chastity devices available in almost every material imaginable from online retailers like eBay at prices between $10 and $25. You’re sure to find an inexpensive device to your liking you can use to get started. The chastity device reviews on this site include my experiences with several budget friendly cages I used when I first got started.

Perhaps not having anyone in mind to act as your keyholder is holding back. It’s hard to argue that having a keyholder doesn’t provide the most meaningful chastity experience. But, why not get started with self-locking and then focus on organizing a keyholder?

Personally, I think it is a good idea to find a cage that works for you and then to acclimate to wearing it 24/7 for a week or ten days at a time before thinking about finding a keyholder. It will save you and the keyholder from a lot of aggravation and disappointment. Then, once you find a keyholder, you will already have experience with staying locked for extended periods in a chastity cage that feels comfortable.

2. Resolve to Find a Keyholder in 2021

Maybe you’ve built up an impressive amount of self-locked experience in 2020, but doing chastity on your own has lost some of the luster. You’re ready for a keyholder but you’re not in a relationship at the moment or not in a relationship with someone interested in taking on the responsibility of being your keyholder. What’s a guy to do?

Perhaps it’s time to think outside the box a little. Sure, in a perfect world having a wife or other romantic partner as your keyholder would be the best situation. Unfortunately, for many of us that isn’t an option. But that needn’t keep you from finding a keyholder. You don’t need to get into a relationship first before finding a keyholder.

Think about the friends you already have. Is there someone you already know you might ask to take possession of the key to your chastity cage? All you need is someone you have a close enough friendship with that you would feel comfortable discussing something as personal as your interest in chastity with them. It doesn’t even matter whether the friend is male or female. In a real sense, a keyholder is someone who acts as your chastity accountability partner. So, even if you’re straight, that doesn’t mean one of your close guy friends couldn’t act as your keyholder. All you need is someone willing to hold your key so you won’t unlock whenever you feel tempted.

Here is another idea. You could get a friend to act as your keyholder without even discussing the whole chastity thing with them. You could simply put your key in an envelope and then ask a friend to hold on to the envelope for you until some date in the future. You could explain the envelope has something important inside you dont’t want to lose and you temporaily need someone reponsible to hold onto it for you.

3. Resolve to Use a Professional Keyholder for the First Time

When you don’t have a partner or friend to act as your keyholder, a professional keyholding service can be a great alternative. I’ve had great experiences with several different professionals. And, paying for keyholding services doesn’t have to break the bank.

Availability of professional keyholding services has grown right along with the explosion of interest among men in wearing chastity cages. The services available run the gamut from elite keyholding services with optional add-ons like the services offered by Mistress Sabine St. Jack to basic keyholding available from lifestyle Dommes. I’ve paid as little at $35 per month for basic keyholding. If you want teasing assignments to go along with someone taking possession of your key, expect to pay a little a more. I pay around $50 per month to my go-to keyholding services provider for keyholding and daily teasing assignments that help keep my arousal ramped up.


The sky is the limit when it comes to finding the exact kind of service that works for you. You can choose to pay month to month or for multiple months up to a full year at a time. Generally, the longer the period of chastity you sign up for, the cheaper the monthly cost.

At least for me, having a permanent professional keyholder isn’t a must. I mix self-locking with professional keyholding which saves money yet still gives me a burst of motivation when I need it.

It’s not difficult to find a professional keyholder. A quick web search for “chastity keyholding services” will give you a lot of service offerings to consider. Also, more and more, professional keyholders are advertising on Twitter.

4. Resolve to Finally Have the Conversation

There are a lot of guys out there who are in a relationship. They may have already bought a chastity cage and have been wearing it on the sly. They have wanted to broach the chastity topic with their wife or partner for a while, but haven’t mustered up the courage or figured out exactly how to start the discussion. Make 2021 the year you resolve to have the conversation with your wife or partner.

Not sure how to tell your wife or partner you want her to lock up your cock and keep the key? There is now a wealth of books on that very subject that can help. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity, you can find suggestions on how to bring up your chastity desires with your wife or partner. There is also a complete section devoted to women that explains why men desire chastity and what’s in it for women who agree to become keyholders for their men. Kindle Unlimited subscribers can even read the digital version free.

But that’s not the only great book on the topic. Male Chastity: How to Introduce Your Partner by Jules Scot is another excellent resource to give your wife or partner that explains male chastity and what being a chastity keyholder entails. It’s also free to read on Amazon for Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

5. Resolve to Purchase Your Dream Chastity Device

If you’ve been involved with chastity for long and know it’s something you want to keep as a part of your life, you probably have that special chastity cage you’re salivating over. That sweet, sexy looking, custom-made device you can’t wait to get your hands on. But it’s pricey and you just can’t justify the expense right now. Why not save for it? Why not put aside a few bucks a week or a month dedicated toward giving yourself a special gift you know you will like for Christmas 2021? Here is a savings trick I’ve been using for years for just such a purpose. It’s called “The 52-Week Savings Challenge.”

The idea is simple: You save just $1 the first week of the year, and then gradually increase your savings by a dollar a week throughout the year. So you save $2 in Week 2, then $3 in Week 3, and so on, until you’re stashing away upwards of $50 a week next December. By the end of the year, when you complete the challenge, you’ll have saved $1,378 plus any accrued interest. That would buy you just about any custom-made chastity device you could dream of. Here is a link to a page where you can see the challenge week by week and the amount you need to save.

I get the whole instant gratification thing, but I’ve learned to discipline myself to save for big ticket items instead of just whipping out the plastic when I see something I want. The 52-week savings challenge hack has served me well in that regard.

Well, there you have it—my suggestions for five chastity New Year’s resolution Ideas and how to achieve them—a list of advice, tips and tricks to help you see your New Year’s chastity resolution through and make some long-term changes in your life.

Why Do Men Desire Chastity So Much?


Male chastity is where your penis is locked in a specially designed device that prevents you from getting full erections or using your penis for sex. While locked up, you can’t masturbate or orgasm. Unless you self-lock, the cage can only be removed by your designated “keyholder.” Why do men desire chastity so much? Why would any guy voluntarily surrender control of the most intimate part of his body, let alone enthusiastically offer to do so? The short answer is pleasure. Chastity feels good, and that’s why we crave it. But that doesn’t mean we all desire chastity for the same reason. Here are six of the top reasons chastity feels good and why guys crave it.

1. The Desire to be Controlled by Another Person

Wearing a male chastity device is an inherently submissive act for a man. Some men are, by nature, sexually submissive. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re effeminate, wimpish cupcakes.

Learn More About Chastity and Submission

Lots of otherwise outwardly dominant men secretly desire the fill the submissive role sexually. Many men enjoy sexual fantasies in which the man is more of a passive player.

Almost every list of top male sexual fantasies you can find include fantasies about submitting sexually to a dominant partner—being tied up, teased, and tantalized. Chasity is a low-level but serious and very functional form of bondage. Some speculate the popularity of this fantasy is because it runs contrary to the way men experience their lives outside the bedroom.

Having your partner lock you in a chastity device is one of the most effective and far-reaching ways imaginable to surrender sexual control to a partner. Submitting to a partner with chastity may be part of a wider female-led or Dom/sub relationship. But it doesn’t have to be.

2. The Desire to Enjoy a Constant High Level of Sexual Arousal

The body is hard-wired to enjoy desire, the first phase of the sexual response cycle. We move into the equally desirable arousal phase from desire—that’s why it fundamentally feels good to feel horny.

Learn More About the Science of Male Chastity

But the period between feeling aroused and doing something about it is often short for guys. Men are driven by sexual desire. It’s a natural, fundamental urge that’s impossible for us to ignore. So, few of us experience heightened arousal over an extended period when left to our own devices.

When guys get horny, we’re eager to get to the last two phases of the sexual response cycle, orgasm, and resolution. If we don’t have a partner available, we tend to take matters in hand and rub out a quick one.

Having your cock locked in a chastity cage changes all that. Your desire and arousal get ample opportunity to build and build to the point where everything starts to feel sexy, and you get so horny you could burst.

3. The Desire to Reduce the Frequency of Wanking


While evolution has gifted men with a powerful sex drive, most of us are almost powerless to control it. Resisting such a powerful drive requires more willpower than most men can muster. So, sooner or later, we have to seek satisfaction. This often comes in the form of masturbation. In itself, masturbation can become addicting, and we find ourselves doing it more often than we may feel comfortable with. Also, frequent masturbation can lead to other addictions. Spending too much time watching porn

is one of them.

Many guys desire chastity as a way of reclaiming control and cutting back on the time they spend wanking and watching porn. It might be out of an interest in spending their time on more productive things or to have more energy for and interest in sex with their romantic partners.

Some men find themselves secretly racked by an inner conflict between the fleeting pleasure derived from frequent wanking and the sense of guilt that inevitably follows. Relinquishing control over such matters means the inner turmoil ceases. A chastity device helps men resist the temptation to masturbate far more effectively than willpower alone ever could.

4. The Desire to Increase the Quality of Orgasms

Most of us can agree that the more often we climax, the less intense and enjoyable orgasms feel. Some men desire chastity as a means of increasing the quality and intensity of their orgasms. Even postponing the next orgasm for a few days can make a big difference. Guys accustomed to spending weeks or months locked in a chastity cage often describe their orgasms as truly mind-blowing experiences.

Many men say that the orgasm denial that accompanies being kept in chastity increases their sex drive and improves their focus. Obviously, that can also heighten the stakes of a relationship.

5. The Desire to Feel Emasculated

Some guys find it sexually and/or emotionally pleasurable to feel emasculated. That’s why, for some, chastity may be part of a wider experience of things like forced feminization, cross-dressing, or cuckolding. Spending an extended time locked in a chastity cage can feel extremely emasculating, which can be just the ticket for guys who embrace the idea of female superiority.

There is certainly a feminization aspect to wearing a

chastity device that many guys like. With many of the devices, you can’t stand up and use a urinal. The whole hetero-patriarchy thing gets smashed a little when you have to pee sitting down because of a cock cage.

With chastity, there’s that all-encompassing feeling of enclosure. Every part of your cock is completely enclosed and off-limits to you. It can put you into the headspace that you’re inferior to women, that you don’t deserve to be allowed to get off, someone who needs to be put in his place. Chastity makes it impossible to engage in penetrative sex, which is tremendously exciting for some men because it produces a feeling of impotence in that regard.

6. The Desire to Show Maximum Commitment to a Partner


Chastity includes some profound psychological implications. This intimate form of submission to a partner can encourage a guy to do all manner of things he might not ordinarily voluntarily do for his partner without the need for her to ask or even nag him about it.

Male chastity provides a man with a subtle, unspoken motivation to do the right thing for his partner and the relationship. That runs the gamut of becoming more helpful around the house, showering his partner with

with affectionate attention, and being more aware and considerate of his partner’s needs.

Male chastity can literally restore the romance in a relationship. A chaste guy stops taking his partner for granted and becomes more attentive and considerate of her desires. He no longer feels tempted by pornography or other women. For many men, chastity is the way toward experiencing a stronger, deeper relationship with their partners, which they find very satisfying.

While the thought of having their penises locked in a chastity cage might make some men cringe, it makes others whimper with excitement. Being caged can be extremely exciting and fulfilling. Why do men desire chastity so much? We’ve looked at six of the reasons. Chances are you read one that resonated with you. But of course, some of us are motivated to desire chastity for more than only one single reason. It could be a combination of reasons that cause you to desire chastity.

New to male chastity but finding yourself intrigued? Grab a copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity, everything you need to know in one place about male chastity in the 21st century.

Closing in on Six Months Locked in a Chastity Cage

If you keep up with my current status, then you know I’m closing in on six months locked in a chastity cage. That’s 180 days, twice my previous record of 90 days, which I’ve achieved twice. That significant date is now only six days away. What to do?

six-months-locked-in-a-chastity cage

I’m Torn After Six Months Locked in a Chastity Cage

Less than a week away from six months locked in a chastity cage, as Natalie Imbruglia sang in her 1997 debut hit single, I’m torn. I still love that song, by the way.

A part of me would like to soldier on and see how far I can push my limits. But another part of me wants to unlock for a while.

I truly admire a guy like Thumper, who remains in perpetual chastity. For me, I think permanent chastity would be Nirvana, a place of perfect peace and happiness, the highest state a chaste man can attain, and a state of enlightenment where individual desires and suffering fade away. That’s my goal, but I’m not ready for it yet.

Unlike Thumper, I don’t have a permanent partner for a keyholder. At least as I understand all he has written on his excellent blog, that is the secret sauce that helps Thumper endure. It seems the guy has tons of motivation and willpower, sure, but still unlocking his penis is up to his wife, Belle, not up to him.

For much of the past six months, a keyholder has supervised me. But I’ve done stretches of self-locked, too, which is where I am now. That, I believe, makes committing to permanent chastity much harder.

Lessons Learned After Almost Six Months Locked in a Chastity Cage

I’m pretty sure the desire to wank and orgasm never completely goes away. I figure if you give a guy a choice, he will typically take it. But oddly, that isn’t what I miss the most after almost six months locked in a chastity cage. What I miss is much more simple and basic. I miss being able to touch my penis.

What is it with us guys and touching our penises? We do it all the time. At least unless we’re into chastity. We touch it and hold it often without even being conscious of it a lot of the time.

Before I started locking my penis in a cage, sometimes I’d be lying on the couch or sitting in my recliner watching television, and my hand would just find its way into my shorts. There was nothing necessarily sexual about it. I think it is more of a comfort thing than anything else. Maybe it’s because the male genitals are just sort of out there front and center that lends them to this behavior.

It’s hard to let go after six months, knowing you face starting all over again at ground zero. But, I’ve decided to unlock for a while. Maybe until the end of the year. Then on January 1, 2021, I plan to lock up again and push for a new record. Can I double my time in chastity once again? Can I remain locked for an entire year? That’s what I’m considering now. Maybe after one full year, I will be ready to commit to permanent. Guess we’ll find out.

How about you? What are your plans for chastity in 2021? In the next post, I’ll offer five chastity New Year’s resolution ideas along with tips on how to achieve each of them.

The Surrendering Control Part Of Male Chastity

While I’m still learning about all the reasons I feel such a strong attraction to it, I do know I like the inherent surrendering control part of male chastity. Not just yielding control, but the awareness of the power of the keyholder over me, the feel of her control over me, and the way she manipulates control itself.

Male chastity associations are control-sensitive relationships. I’ve always been intrigued by anything that has to do with the transfer of control to or from someone. In this post, I want to explore control within the framework of male chastity by looking at what transpires when you relinquish control of your sexual desire to a keyholder by submitting to her locking your penis inside a chastity device and taking possession of the keys.

Fantasies Fulfillment

Many men who desire a keyholder to lock them in a chastity device are consciously seeking out opportunities to enact pleasurable fantasies of being sexually controlled. It can be a temporary escape from the tensions and responsibilities of daily life. The period of submission is, in effect, a time when you can cast aside many worldly obligations, societal expectations, and gendered norms, a time of surrender and receptivity to the stimulus that a keyholder bestows. You don’t have to make decisions. There are no distractions to reduce the intensity of perception.

When a guy wears a chastity device for a keyholder, it permits him to explore absolute powerlessness in a safe context, knowing that no actual harm will occur and that he will not be condemned or ridiculed. For me, submission in chastity is not about being passive or giving in to the will of another because I’m weak. It’s about voluntarily turning over my power to someone else.

Erotic Coercion

Chastity is a form of erotic coercion, a term, that within the context of male chastity, refers to a keyholder forcing a chaste male to do something which he protests and which may be fundamentally humiliating. At the same time, this sense of coercion is precisely what makes the experience arousing.

Coercion scenarios depend on the chaste male’s ability to enter into the fantasy and to feel his keyholder is forcing him to accept something, even if that something is exactly what he craves. It might only mean being forced to surrender control over his sexual desire to a keyholder. For some, it might mean fully surrendering to his keyholder and doing things to make me her happy, more or less worshiping her like a goddess. Worship is a supreme romantic surrender and opportunity to display humility and devotion.

The surrendering control part is what does it for me. How about you? What is the draw of male chastity for you?

CB-6000 Review Coming Soon

Note from Chaste: The following post has been updated with a link to the CB-6000 review.

So, CB-X has this inventory clearance sale going. I ordered a device. In the next week or so, I’ll be sharing a CB-6000 review.

My very first chastity device was a CB-6000 knock-off that some foreign manufacturer had made from stainless steel. I bought it because I liked the look and wanted a steel device. But it never worked for me since it didn’t come with the multiple spacers and base rings CB-X provides with the genuine polycarbonate article.

The thing came with only one base ring and one spacer. One of the other of my balls would pop after I wore the thing for an hour or two, then it would fall off. Being totally new to chastity devices at the time, I didn’t realize it, but the problem was the gap between the base ring and tube was too wide for me. I’ve always thought it might have worked if I’d only had the extra ring and spacer options.

Having read Thumper’s CB-6000 review, I’m not expecting much. Though I’ve never met him, I have tremendous respect for Thumper. I’ve always found his insightful blog such a valuable resource. I think he did an excellent job with pointing out the CB-6000’s significant flaws—”a hard-edged A-ring that is uncomfortable, unnecessary side vents that lead to flesh bulging through, lack of an ergonomic shape.” In Thumper’s opinion, the CB-6000 is “a relic from another era.”

I don’t doubt the accuracy of anything Thumper wrote in his review of the device. But, for a couple of reasons, I wanted to try the CB-6000 and review it. First, despite its shortcomings, the CB devices were the first popular mass-produced chastity devices. And, a lot of guys still choose the CB-6000 as their first device, though it seems The Holy Trainer has since eclipsed it in popularity as a trainer. And, frankly, I’m a curious sort of fellow who will try anything once. Getting a CB-6000 at a time when I could save thirty bucks on the genuine device seemed as good a time as any to buy one and give it a test drive.

Hopefully, the device will show up sometime this upcoming week. I’ve already worked it out with my keyholder to switch over to it for a few days to review it. So, for anyone thinking about getting a CB-6000, soon you will have another review to consider.

Until now, all but one of my reviews have been on steel chastity devices, so it seems time to do a few on the plastic ones. I’ll probably review The Holy Trainer next. After that, I have my eye on another custom-made steel device I want to try.

Breaking Up With Your Keyholder Is Hard To Do

It’s been a while since it happened, but Lady Jayne and I parted company. I’ve thought of posting about it before but didn’t feel ready. Even thinking about it made me feel sad. Breaking up with your keyholder is hard to do.



I beg of you, Goddess, don’t say goodbye
Can’t we give our chastity contract another try?
Come on, Goddess, let’s start anew
‘Cause breaking up is hard to do.


Bluer Than Blue

But, I think I’m past it now. It seems a little weird that you can find yourself so attached to someone you really don’t even know. But it happens. At least, it did to me. I also felt that LJ and I had formed a friendship. She was definitely more to me than just a distant, online keyholder.

The problem was it became apparent we just weren’t on the same page. I hadn’t had any releases since our first month together. Well, that’s what chastity is about, some may say. Well, yes, it is. The thing is it became apparent to me from things LJ told me that her plan for me was permanent chastity. That’s something I aspire to someday, but I’m not ready for it yet.

Besides no orgasm opportunities, there were—no ruined orgasms, no instructions to do prostate milking, and few teasing assignments. I wasn’t even allowed any solo attempts at teasing without instructions. As a result, my arousal dipped lower and lower until it felt like it sort of flat-lined.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but that doesn’t work for me. Unless I can sustain heightened arousal, chastity just isn’t fun or meaningful. It starts to feel like a chore for which there is never any reward.

I hung on as long as I could, but one day, I knew it was time to throw in the towel. So, I asked to be released from our contract and fulfilled the cancellation obligation stipulated in the contract. We exchanged a couple more messages, and that was it.

It was clear she wasn’t happy about me quitting, even though I carried out all my responsibilities with the hope of ending things on a positive note. I suppose I understand that. Maybe she felt she had wasted her time on me. And, I think she may have taken my decision to quit as criticism of her as a keyholder, though it wasn’t like that all.

LJ, I believe, was the best keyholder I could have found for my first time in chastity. She was knowledgeable, experienced, and caring. In the beginning, I really thought we would be together for a very long time.

I don’t place any responsibility for my decision to quit on her. It was all me. I think I just needed more from her than she could give. LJ doesn’t make her living from keyholding. It’s only a side gig doing something she enjoys. And, she is very popular in online keyholding circles. She holds keys for a lot of guys. So, she simply doesn’t have enough hours in a day to give every guy as much personal attention as he might want or feel he needs.

Without regular teasing assignments and her prohibition against me doing anything on my own, I just couldn’t sustain the level of arousal to stay with the program. I became irritable all the time, and that just wasn’t fair to the people who must deal with me daily in the real world.

Though I was unhappy about quitting LJ, I never felt I was abandoning chastity. It is something I think benefits me. I took a few days to reset and re-calibrate, and then I started self-locking. That was okay for a while, but solo chastity is hard and not that much fun. It wasn’t long until I started searching for another keyholder, and found one. She locked me for the first time last week.

A New Keyholder

At the moment, we’re doing a two-week trial before discussing something more long-term. I must say, the difference so far for me has been like night and day. While I don’t have daily contact with my new keyholder as I did with LJ, she gave me teasing assignments at the start to do twice daily over the entire two-week period. That’s been the difference. The tasks keep my head bumping against the ceiling of heightened arousal, and I’m getting the steady drip of dopamine that most of us chaste guys crave. I couldn’t believe how quickly the first week has passed for me.

It’s not at all that I feel my current keyholder is better than LJ. She is just different and has a different way of going about things. It’s too early to say whether she will LJ’s permanent replacement, but I’ve been more than happy with the way things have gone so far. During my search for a new keyholder, I had found several potential keyholders who intrigued me. So, I still have options. But I’m leaning towards doing a full month with the woman holding my keys right now before I consider trying someone else. Only a little more time will tell if we’re a good long-term fit.

So, I’m back in the saddle for now, and I’m going to borrow an idea from pcguy, the blogger at Thrill Of The Chaste. He has a page on his site where you can see his current status—lock or unlocked. I love that idea, so I’m putting a similar page on my website. Just look for the tab in the menu, My Current Status, if you want to check mine.

LJ was great, and I’m sure I’ll continue missing her. I’ll miss the great chats we used to have and doing my best to please her. But life is about change. And usually, things happen the way they do because that’s the way they were supposed to happen.

Thanks for reading. I’ll keep you updated on the developments with my new keyholder.

Ladies Start A Lucrative Chastity Keyholder Side Gig

With the explosion in interest in male chastity among everyday guys, now is an excellent time for enterprising ladies to start a lucrative chastity keyholder side gig.

The Market

There are lots of single guys out there who want to start wearing chastity devices, but they don’t have partners to ask to be their keyholders. Many of them are forced to go it alone. But going solo is hard and not very enjoyable for most guys.

The male brain has only a limited ability to say “no” day after day to something as strong as sexual desire. When a guy must depend on willpower alone to battle the fires in his loins, there’s a good chance he won’t last very long before taking the device off and taking things in hand. This situation presents a massive opportunity for women looking for a profitable side hustle to earn extra income.

While I’ve seen more women offering keyholding for-fee services, frankly, I’m amazed far more women aren’t jumping on the opportunity. That’s why I decided to write this post. I have no idea how many women visit Cut To The Chaste, but I’m hopeful I might persuade those who do to consider starting an online keyholding for-fee service.

What Is A Keyholder, Anyway?

Concisely put, a keyholder is a person who consents to possess the key to someone else’s chastity device physically. With a keyholder, chastity is about a guy transferring ownership of his penis to another. Literally. Once you, as a keyholder has told your client to lock his penis inside a chastity device, his penis belongs to you. It becomes your toy and exists solely for your pleasure and amusement.

You can allow your client to access and take out your toy and use it whenever you like. You can also make him lock it safely and securely back into the cage whenever you deem fit. The keyholder decides when or if a client may orgasm or enjoy sexual pleasure. She controls and denies his orgasms. This is a powerful concept and shows how much chastity and chastity play has a psychological component to it.

Eww, Isn’t Chastity Keyholding Sex Work?

Sure, I get it. Not everyone wants to be a sex worker. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But, holding the keys to a guy’s chastity cage long-distance is not sex work. There are sex workers who do it, like professional Dominatrices and Pro Dommes, but they offer a lot of other sexual-related services to go with keyholding. And most only do chastity play face-to-face sessions with their clients.

Did you know there is a specialist security service business called keyholding where a contracted security firm holds a set of keys to your commercial premises in a secure, off-site location to be used in the event of a security breach? Chastity keyholding is actually quite like that.

Being a keyholder is not about sharing intimate photos or having sexy chats with your clients. No cybersex is required. At its essence, it just about taking possession of and holding the keys to a client’s chastity device.

Of course, if you wish, there are plenty of related services you can offer your clients for additional fees. But any way you slice it, being a fee-based chastity keyholder is not sex work. It doesn’t require complying with a bunch of burdensome laws and regulations, and it’s all perfectly legal.

Why Start A Chastity Keyholding Service Side Gig

Maybe you’ve already been wondering how to make money—more money, that is.
Whether you want to get more aggressive with paying off student loans, digging yourself out of credit card debt, or paying for your next vacation, making extra money on the side is a smart strategy for working toward your goals.

There was a time when you could simply get a part-time job. But, in this era of COVID-19, that’s a lot harder to do nowadays. Also, many Americans have lost their full-time jobs thanks to the pandemic. Sadly, some of the jobs are never coming back.

Consequently, more people are getting side gigs, which allow them to set their own hours and rates. With a work from home side hustle, you’re your own boss, can decide what you do, when you do it, and how much you make.

Those individuals who were already working from home when the virus hit seem to have weathered the storm a little better than people who commuted to work every day. Owning a small business and working from home may be the future for a lot of us in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Sure, there are plenty of other things you can choose from if you’re looking for a money-making side gig. But, I think you would have to look long and hard to find anything that comes even close to the small initial investment requirement and the upside growth potential of a chastity keyholder service.

How To Get Started

The good news is you probably already have the basics you need to start an online chastity keyholding service—a laptop, tablet computer, or smartphone. There are a few bells and whistles you can add to the basics, but it is possible to get started as a keyholder with no upfront investment.

Some enterprising ladies create a Twitter page and operate their keyholding service entirely on that platform. It doesn’t cost them a cent. That can work, but don’t expect to attain your full earning potential using only a dedicated Twitter account. I think it’s essential for a keyholder to establish a Twitter presence (separate from your private account), but the most successful services also have a webpage. The best practice is to use Twitter to point to your own website.

Let’s face it. Twitter was designed from the start as a minimalist social media platform. All the character limits Twitter imposes on users throughout the site makes it impossible for the owner of a keyholding service to provide enough information to potential clients to generate much interest. However, with your own website, you have unlimited space to make your service stand out, which will attract more clients.

For a website, you will need a domain name, hosting plan, and a website. Web hosts like Bluehost, the one I use, have hosting plans starting at as little as $3.95 per month. On average, the cost of a domain name is around $15.

You can use WordPress, the most popular and fully functional content management system available to build, launch, and manage a beautiful website, and WordPress is absolutely free. WordPress allows users of all levels of expertise to quickly get a website up and running using drag and drop features. If you would rather not spend money on a website, many keyholding service providers use the free website building and hosting plan offered by a company called Wix.

The Learning Curve

While wearing a male chastity device is a rather straightforward proposition, being a keyholder is a responsibility. A caged client is not only putting his pleasure but also his safety into your hands.

Unless you already know a lot about male chastity, you owe it to potential clients to learn as much as you can about male chastity devices and some of the problems that can arise when a guy wears one before offering the service. Luckily, there is a lot of information on how to be a responsible keyholder available on the Internet.

There are also many books available on the topic written by experienced female keyholders. One of them, Ladies Introduction To Male Chastity, by Jules Scot, is available as an eBook on Amazon. You can read the book free if you’re a Kindle Unlimited subscriber. Also, I have a book on the subject, The Hitchhiker’s Guide To Male Chastity, that should be available in paperback by the time you read this, and that will be released in July as an eBook which will also be free to read by Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

How Much Can You Earn

As a small business owner, you can set your own rates. But, as a rule of thumb, most ladies who provide online keyholding services for between $40 and $50 per week. So, with only ten clients, you could expect to make $400 to $500 per week.

A few women charge less, and some charge more. The longer you operate a service and the more well known you become among male chastity device wearers, the higher the prices you can command.

How You Get Paid

Some online keyholders require payment in cash. Transactions can be conducted using PayPal or smartphone apps like Square Cash. Others accept payment only via digital gift cards, like those available from Amazon. All anyone needs to send you an Amazon gift card from nearly anywhere in the world is your email address. Some women accept cash or gift cards. They leave it up to their clients to choose how they pay. Obviously, as a service provider, you must require payment before providing your services.

Keep It Private

To maintain your privacy, choose a nom de guerre, a pseudonym, for your public presence on websites and social media. Many women use “Goddess” or “Mistress” in front of their assumed business name, which helps potential clients recognize the service you are offering. Also, create an email account to use specifically for your keyholding service for interactions with prospective clients.

How To Find Clients

Clients will find you by Googling search terms like “chastity keyholders” or “chastity keyholder service” if you have a website. They will also find you on social media platforms like Twitter if you maintain a social media presence. If you start a keyholding service or already have one, if you fill in the form on my contact page and let me know, I’ll be happy to list your service and contact details free right here on this site.


Online chastity keyholder services address a growing niche market. If you’re looking for a side gig to earn extra money, you might want to consider starting your own service.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity

My labor of love, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chasity, is now in editing. It will be released on Amazon July 14, 2020. In the future I may make the book available on the sites of other online booksellers. But for at least the first six months it will be available exclusively on Amazon so that it can be offered free to those who subscribe to Kindle Unlimited. The book will also be published simultaneously in trade paperback.

I have attempted to put together a comprehensive guide with everything you need to know in one place about male chastity in the 21st century. When I first got involved with chastity, I couldn’t find a book like this. I still can’t. There are books for new keyholders, books for male chastity within the dynamics of full on female led relationships, books on chastity devices, and tons of male chastity erotica. So, I decided to write the kind of book I wish had been available when I was new to chastity.

I have divided The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Male Chastity into two parts. Part 1 is aimed at guys interested in learning more about male chastity who are considering trying it. I have devoted Part 2, to women whose male partners have asked their wives and partners to put them in chastity devices and to become their keyholders.

Want to know more? You can click on the “Chastity Guide” tab on the menu above to go to the book’s page on this website, or you can visit the Amazon product page.

Note: The free preview link below will not show a preview until July 14 since the title is currently on pre-order status.

First orgasm release in chastity

So, a week ago Lady Jayne gave me my first proper release. She controlled the whole thing as far as choosing the when, where, and how I’d have the orgasm. She also gave me a time limit, but it was a generous one. As usual, there was no advance notice. She texted me and told me to unlock for a release.

Once I understood it was to be a normal orgasm, not another ruined one, I admit I was excited by the prospect. On the other hand, I felt a little anxious since I’ve heard all about what happens after an orgasm for men who have been denied for a lengthy time. For me, my last orgasm, other than the ruined one, had been on December 23, one day short of three weeks. I’d never gone three weeks without an orgasm since I discovered masturbation as a kid. To tell the truth, pretty sure I’ve never gone three days without one before being locked.

She’s the boss, so despite the misgivings I followed her instructions. I wasn’t watching the clock, but I’m fairly sure it took no more than two minutes of stimulation to reach climax. As I anticipated it was a mind-blowing orgasm, the most intense I can recall having in a very long time. There was one rope of semen spurted after another. I had been standing as I’d been told to do. My knees felt shaky and pretty sure I saw a starburst or two when the orgasm hit. All good on that front.  But, along with the good came the bad.

By the time I’d showered, cleaned the cage, and locked back up, I was already feeling like I had a hangover. I also felt tired, emotionally drained, mildly depressed, a bit sad, and strangely enough, I felt a little guilty for having the orgasm.

Since this was my first release after a lengthy time in denial, it was my first experience with this neurochemical reaction. Even though I had expected it to happen, I wasn’t prepared for how strong the stew of emotions were that hit me. Even all I’d read about it hadn’t mitigated it. I understand why it happens, but that didn’t make it easier to experience it.

I suppose what men in chastity experience when having an orgasm after a lengthy time of denial is a form of what is called post-coital tristesse (PCT), or after sex sadness. It too is a neurochemical reaction that thoroughly confuses and dulls the mind.  What goes up, must come down. After the dopamine-flood accompanying orgasm, dopamine levels drop below baseline-that is, lower than they were before orgasm.

I’ve learned that being locked in chastity and denied continues to stoke arousal causing the brain to flood itself with dopamine and endorphins.  That means your baseline levels are much higher than normal, so it’s understandable why the hormone and dopamine drop is so precipitous when you come. Once the highly pleasurable orgasm ends, so does the dopamine flows until the arousal cycle starts all over again.

It actually took me the rest of the evening and part of the next day to process what I’d experienced. A part of me felt like I never wanted to have another orgasm while locked and denied since I felt so literally miserable after the orgasm. But, as the week since the release has progressed, my arousal has returned to a high level and I’m getting the dopamine fix again. Lady Jayne has helped with that.

Satisfied I have adjusted to the cage, she has added daily teasing to the mix. That probably has me feeling more aroused than anytime since my chastity exploration started on Christmas Eve. So, yes, I’m already craving another release. I just wonder if the next time the drop will be as hard as the last time. I find myself hoping it is something you learn to deal with better with practice.

I don’t really have another orgasm on the horizon to approach with the mixture of eager anticipation and dread since the 30-day introduction to chastity that Lady Jayne and I agreed to ends this coming Wednesday. While nothing has been decided about extending our agreement yet, we’ve talked about it some in recent days. It seems clear we’re both interested in continuing with each other and agreeing for her to take permanent ownership. But, at least right now I’m considering taking the rest of January off and restarting with her on the first of February. I think I could use the time to process what I learned over the 30 days and see how it feels to be unlocked again. That I think would help me to decide if a more permanent relationship with Lady Jayne is what I really want.

The thing is, I already have a strong feeling that getting started in the chastity lifestyle is a lot easier than walking away from it once you’ve had the experience of being locked. That’s one reason I feel like I should take a step back for a week or so to see what it feels like being unlocked again. Since Lady Jayne locked me for the first time, sometimes I feel like Neo sitting in a dark room with Morpheus when he holds out his hand and offers two options. The pill of knowledge or the pill of blissful ignorance. The red pill or the blue pill.

Do I to go forward living in the dopamine-fueled bliss I’ve experienced while in chastity under the complete control of Lady Jayne? Or, do I go back to the way things were before, blissfully ignorant of how my past penis-centrism affected about every aspect of my life and relationships with others? Like Neo, I feel I’m facing a very important decision. And, it’s not an easy one to make.

Chasity boy of little faith

As she has a way of doing, LJ completely destroyed my “I’m not getting any sexual teasing” complaint from the previous post. Funny thing is I didn’t even bring it up. Sometimes, I think the woman knows men so well she always knows what I’m thinking. Anyway, here is what happened.

After publishing yesterday’s post, LJ and I were chatting. I asked her a question about something that wasn’t even related to the disappointment I have felt over the absence of teasing, and there being nothing sexual as a part of the dynamic thus far. In answering the question I asked, she went on to answer the questions I didn’t.

LJ told me that many of the guys she is the key holder are allowed sexual playtime as rewards when she feels they have earned it. She then told me this. I wasn’t there yet. I was in training, my first introduction to chastity, so my circumstances were very different. Experiencing denial, and learning to cope with the building sexual need and frustration was what I needed first before I’d be ready for teasing and the other sexual stuff. She believes learning to master that first will make me appreciate it all the more when she does allow me orgasms. More importantly, I will then truly understand that she is the only one that allows me pleasure and it never comes easily.

Makes sense. It was reassuring to know I’m not just being locked and forgotten, and that th3 dynamic between us will continue to evolve as I gain experience. And she was right. I am completely new to all this and haven’t earned anything. I just need to be patient and have faith and trust in her judgment. There was one thing about it that wasn’t so comforting.

The reminder I was in training seemed to make one thing clear. I shouldn’t expect any dramatic changes in how things go until I complete the thirty-day training program I signed up for. Like for example, I’m probably not going to get any full-on satisfying orgasms during the next 18 days. I may be lucky to get even another health and welfare ruined one. The jury is still out on the teasing part. But, you know something. Now, I’m content to wait for it because this has only increased my trust in LJ. I have to hand it to her. The woman knows what she is doing.

The very best part of getting answers to unasked questions is that it has removed the doubts I had that LJ and I may not be compatible enough to continue long-term after the 30 days of chastity training are done. Now, more than ever, I believe we are.