Chastity 90

Chastity 90? Lately, I’ve been meditating on what chastity means to me and the progression I’ve undergone since incorporating it into my life. I pondered what seemed most responsible for moving me from mere curiosity to become passionate about practicing chastity to finally adopting chastity as a lifestyle. Reflecting on it, I realized what it was. It was the first time I experienced practicing chastity for 90 days. And that realization motivated me to write this post, because I think it could be something that others might find useful.

Reviewing the Benefits of Chastity

Those who follow this blog or others like it or who have perhaps read one of the many books available on chastity have read about it and the benefits that many claim it offers. As a quick review, the practice of chastity means abstaining from ejaculation or orgasm, either for a certain period or indefinitely.

Many people, from ancient times to the present, have held the basic idea that semen is a precious substance, rich in life force and vital energy. According to this perspective, they view ejaculation as a loss and waste of this energy, which can lead to physical and mental exhaustion, as well as a weakened immune system and decreased vitality. By definition then, chastity involves semen retention. And many claim semen retention offers some important benefits.

Among them:

(1) Increased energy and vitality

(2) Improved focus and concentration

(3) Increased confidence and self-esteem

(4) Enhanced creativity

(5) Improved sexual performance

(6) Improved mental health

Many who have practiced chastity and thus semen retention claim having experienced all these benefits and more. Yes, the reported benefits are based on anecdotal evidence, and it’s important to note that scientific research on the benefits of chastity and semen retention is limited. But the sheer number of people who have reported experiencing these benefits by practicing chastity lend the ring of authenticity to the claims.

I have experienced these benefits while practicing chastity, so I find it easy to believe the similar claims of others that track with my firsthand experiences. But I’ve learned you must spend a lengthy time in chastity to appropriate all the amazing benefits it offers. The first time I spent 90 days in chastity was the first time I experienced all the benefits I listed above significantly.

Why Short-Term Chastity is Not Sufficient

I believe there are benefits available from practicing shorter terms of chastity, but my experiences and the experiences of others I’ve heard about point to something important. While you might experience some benefits or in rare instances, even most of them during a week or a month spent in chastity, you really will have only scratched the surface.


To fully realize all the powerful benefits, I believe spending 90 days in chastity and abstaining from ejaculation is the minimum period necessary to fully experience the benefits. And from there, it only gets better the longer and deeper you go into living a chaste life.


Maybe you’ve only ever managed a few days or a week in chastity. Or perhaps you’ve struggled through a full month either on your own or while participating in Locktober or one of the other month-long chastity events many observe each year. Completing a month in chastity, especially while locked in a chastity device, is a significant accomplishment. And for those who have achieved it, I’m sure they got a taste of all the benefits I’ve mentioned. But I’m just as certain that a month is not nearly long enough to reap the richer, deeper aspects.


Instead of a month-long challenge, why not challenge yourself to spend 90 days in chastity? I’m convinced that those who do that will learn for themselves what chastity is all about and how beneficial it truly is. I’ve found it transformative and I think you can, too.

But Isn’t 90 Days Really Hard?

I found that spending thirty days locked in chastity for the first time was the most difficult thing I’d ever done. In fact, I found it so difficult that had I not been under the supervision of a keyholder, I would have probably given up after the first week.


Since then, I’ve found it gets much easier. The first time I spent 60 days in chastity was easier than the first 30 and then 90 days was easier than 60. And the longer I stayed locked after that, the easier it became. At some point you become so accustomed to it, you rarely think about what it feels like to not be in chastity or to ejaculate whenever you want. If you set your mind to do it, you can make the 90 days.

But Isn’t it Unhealthy to Retain Semen for 90 Days?

For most guys, semen retention in and of itself is not harmful, as it simply involves abstaining from ejaculation or orgasm. This is true, regardless of how long you abstain from ejaculation or orgasm. Semen doesn’t just continue building up. The body breaks the semen down and reabsorbs it, or sometimes, the body may expel semen either by leakage or through nocturnal emissions also called “wet dreams.”


It is important to note that semen retention may not be recommended for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as prostate problems or infections. In these cases, ejaculation can be an important part of maintaining prostate health. But for most of us, lengthy periods of semen retention are not harmful. It’s beneficial.

But I’ve Never Been Able to Wear a Chastity Device for More Than a Few Days

As you may already know, after I wrote and published The 7 Day Chastity Challenge, I conducted a survey to learn about the experiences of individuals who had taken on the challenge. A surprising number reported that they physically could not wear a chastity device for seven full days.

If I had to guess, I’d say for most of them that probably resulted from having a poorly fitted device. Instead of taking careful measurements to get the best fitting device they could afford, I’d bet many either bought a device they thought looked cool or else got something cheap and in either case didn’t fit them well. I made those same mistakes when I first began experimenting with chastity. Since I was only satisfying my curiosity, I wasn’t ready to spend several hundred bucks for a quality, custom fitted device, so I wasted money on three different ill-fitting devices before I found one that worked.

I’d also bet some of those unable to wear a device for a full week simply didn’t find the discomfort worth it and threw in the towel. Accepting even minor irritation and discomfort is more difficult for some than for others.

I still recall what it was like when I first engaged a professional keyholder for chastity training. I had sore spots after the first few days that lasted for almost two weeks, and I experienced some annoying testicular discomfort for at least the first week. Then my body adjusted to having the hunk of stainless steel attached to it, and the soreness and discomfort went away. I was committing to succeeding, mostly because I didn’t want to disappoint my keyholder. So I stuck it out. But some guys lack the commitment and once things get uncomfortable, they choose to quit instead of giving their bodies time to make the adjustment.

Personally, I think it would be rare to find someone without some physical anomaly who couldn’t acclimate to wearing a well-fitted chastity device within one to two weeks with sufficient motivation to succeed. But I could be wrong.

Yes, chastity devices can support the practice of chastity by preventing individuals from engaging in sexual activity or masturbation. Chastity devices prevent erection and orgasm. They represent a physical barrier to giving in to sexual impulses. I’ve found them an invaluable aid. But I also know ball-trap chastity devices are not magic.

Unless combined with a piercing for added security, with enough motivation, I know that all ball-trap devices are escapable while locked. And anyone holding their own keys can simply unlock and remove them whenever they wish.

For me, a chastity device is more a symbol of my commitment to chastity than a failsafe barrier to giving in to my sexual impulses. So, while it requires greater willpower, it’s definitely possible to practice chastity and to refrain from sexual activity and masturbation without wearing a chastity device. I believe I could remain chaste without wearing a device at this point in my journey. But I like the symbol, I like the reminder of my commitment, so I continue wearing a device every day.

Are You Up for a 90-Day Chastity Challenge?

I’m putting the finishing touches on Chastity 90, a challenging 90-day period of abstinence and self-discipline, supported by suggested activities to help you succeed. The 90-day benchmark is not arbitrary, but the minimum number of days I firmly believe is necessary for individuals to reap the full benefit of a time spent in chastity. If you’re interested, watch for the next post where I’ll outline the Chastity 90 Challenge.


  1. Bob

    Be interesting the effect of the micro ones that hides penis so cant even feel it anymore long term such as the nub

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